Chapter 68 068. Weird dream

Desolate, rugged, and jagged with rocks.

This is Yao Liuxing's only impression of this island.

At this time, she was wearing pajamas and walking barefoot on the island, and soon she showed a hint of bitterness.

"it hurts……"

There were no roads on the island, only endless rugged ground. These volcanic rocks were a torture to her feet every step she took, especially when she was not wearing shoes.

Gradually, Yao Liuxing could no longer hold on.

She sat down on the ground, hugged her white knees, and looked at the desolate island filled with green mist with some sadness.

"Why don't you just wake up?"

Yao Liuxing wanted to give up.


However, just when she had the idea of ​​giving up, the strange whispering sound came again, and this time, the sound seemed to be very close, as if it was ringing from her ears.


Yao Liuxing screamed, she stood up vigilantly, and looked behind her with some horror, but she found that there was nothing behind her.

"Are you hallucinating?"

Yao Liuxing looked around again in confusion, finally took a deep breath and continued towards the depths of the island.

She is a stubborn girl, otherwise she would not still be in school, because she knows that only after graduating from twelve years of compulsory education can she be considered to have a junior diploma and be qualified to continue her promotion.

This stubbornness and strength kept her from giving up. She walked again for about ten minutes, and finally, the scene that appeared in front of her made her eyes light up.

In the distance a hundred meters away, there was a dark group of people. The group of people were forming a circle, constantly kowtowing to something on a high platform in the center.

It was just because the island was filled with green mist that she couldn't see clearly.

"Have you finally seen anyone?"

Yao Liuxing's spirit perked up, and she couldn't help showing a trace of joy on her face. Although she knew that it was all just a dream, when she actually saw the person, she still relaxed a little.

"Hey, who are you and where are you?"

Yao Liuxing raised his hand high and called out from a distance.

However, no one paid attention to her.

Seeing this, Yao Liuxing no longer ignored the hard and rugged stones on the ground, and ran decisively to approach the group of people. However, as she got closer, she felt a strange feeling.

As she got closer to this group of people, she saw that these people were still kneeling on the ground as if they were possessed, paying no attention to the people around them, and at the same time they were still mumbling something.

It was a language she had never heard before.


Amidst the endless murmurs, a strange murmur came from the ears again. The murmurs in everyone's mouth piled up and turned into a disturbing discourse.

"Gudu, Gudu...Boom, my spiritual pressure is my intention..."

"Grrrrrrrr...boom! My spiritual pressure is my will!"

Hearing these words, Yao Liuxing's expression suddenly became a little dull. She walked forward step by step like a ghost, and finally walked behind this group of people.

At this moment, the endless green mist suddenly dispersed, and Yao Liuxing suddenly realized that the dark group of people in front of him were not human beings at all!

These are a group of big meat bugs that can stand upright with their upper bodies, have arms and a fat giant tail!


Yao Liuxing couldn't help but let out a scream, and he sat down to the ground in fright.

The next second, all the people who were prostrating suddenly turned their heads, and Yao Liuxing saw that the faces of these fat worms actually had human faces!

Countless furry roots grow on the face, and it is vaguely visible that the cheeks under the roots have a human-like nose and mouth, but in the eyes, there are deep black holes!

It's as if this fat face has sunken its eyes, leaving only disturbing holes!


At this moment, all the flesh bugs unexpectedly gathered around them, and the murmuring sound became even more intense...

"Wake up, wake up quickly!"

Yao Liuxing's pupils almost shrank to the size of a needle tip. She couldn't help covering her head, closing her eyes and screaming. But then she suddenly saw that there seemed to be an inexplicable thing on the central high platform surrounded by many terrifying flesh insects. .

It was a cocoon that was enshrined on a high platform and was half as tall as a man!

Half of the cocoon has long since rotted, exuding dark brown pus, while the other side is as smooth as new, squirming like an annelid.

And at the top of the cocoon, there is a mouth that opens up to the sky, revealing countless saw teeth and a drooping tongue!

The next second, a black shadow suddenly struck, and the extremely weird cocoon spurted a mouthful of rotten ichor towards him. Yao Liuxing only felt his eyes go dark!


Yao Meteor suddenly rolled down from the bay window!

She let out a scream and quickly got up, but then she froze in place again.

Her consciousness was still stuck on the moment when countless flesh bugs gathered together. In the cold night, the halo of neon lights intertwined, and a green light bloomed.

What a coincidence that this light was facing her in the window.


Yao Liuxing breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw this light, her consciousness finally returned to reality.

"It is indeed a dream..."

Yao Liuxing sat down on the bay window a little exhausted, showing an expression of relief.

Only then did she realize that her whole body was soaked with sweat, and her pajamas exuded a sour smell.

"Dong dong..."

At this moment, there was a sound of rapid footsteps, and the door of her compartment was suddenly knocked.

"Meteor, what's wrong with you?"

My father's hoarse voice came from outside the door, seeming to be concerned and urgent, "I heard your scream, are you okay?"

"I am fine."

Yao Liuxing showed a look of disgust and said impatiently towards the door, "I just had a dream."

"Oh well……"

The voice disappeared immediately.


Yao Liuxing exhaled a breath, as if facing her father outside the door was more terrifying than having a nightmare. After everything settled, she whispered, "I had a strange dream, and In the dream, I actually knew that I was dreaming..."

"But why would you have such a weird dream?"

Yao Liuxing looked at the light outside the window and murmured in a low voice, "Does this dream have any meaning?"

Thinking of this, she simply turned on the optical brain chip and started searching for the "Cyber ​​Dream Interpretation" software, trying to find a meaningful answer in this bizarre dream.

Cyberdream Interpretation is a divination software that is very popular among campus girls recently. Just like the previous cyberdivination, it divides all things in the world into five interpretations: earth, fire, wind, water, and ether.

According to a classmate, everything in the world can be answered by using earth, fire, feng shui and ether, but she used to be very disdainful of this feudal superstition.

The chip emitted a faint light, which reflected on Yao Liuxing's baby-fat face. She smoothed her black hair and carefully looked at the dream analysis coming from it.

However, as she watched, she suddenly felt strangely silent for some reason.

As if it was her body's instinct, she felt a chill coming over her, and the direction from which this chill came was...

It turned out to be the direction of the door.

Just now, I only heard my father's footsteps walking to the door of the room, but I didn't hear his footsteps when he left...

At this moment, an icy chill hit him, and Yao Liuxing only felt his scalp numb.


Yao Liuxing subconsciously turned his head, but only saw that the door to his room had opened at some point!

A tall black figure was standing at the door, breathing heavily like a wheezing sound...

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