Chapter 56 056. Fusion successful

Next, several android auxiliary personnel emptied ten life incubators.

According to the relevant rules of the experiment, the experimental subjects should be destroyed in this kind of cloning experiment, but Chen Shibo thought about it and took the initiative to keep these cloned babies and freeze them.

In fact, if possible, Chen Shibo would like to observe these babies continue to grow, but this would extend the experiment time and cost indefinitely.

Moreover, these babies have no brains and are not considered real people. Now that they have been combined with the virus, they have become the incarnation of the virus. It is dangerous to release them, so freezing them is the best option before figuring out how to deal with them. Good choice.

After freezing, Chen Shibo took off his clothes and got into one of the incubators.

Genetic modification is not that simple. It is not just a matter of injecting a tube of virus, but anything can happen. Therefore, it is the best choice to carry out this process in the incubator. After all, the life-support equipment in the laboratory is very complete. .

Chen Shibo didn't worry about what other purposes these people had. In the imaginary number space, the consciousness projections of Wang Hexi and the other five people were not malicious, but only had strong curiosity and a touch of envy.

As Chen Shibo entered the life incubation chamber, the incubator had been disinfected and emptied. However, as Chen Shibo jumped in from the top, an intelligent robotic arm immediately came across from the ceiling rail and sealed it. Install the top cover of the incubator.

Pipes hung down from the openings in the top cover, including fist-thick respirators and huge nutrition input needles.

Chen Shibo skillfully fixed the respirator on his mouth, then took a few breaths and gave a thumbs up to everyone outside the incubator.

Then, he picked up several hanging needles next to him and inserted them one by one into the veins of his arms under the guidance of everyone.

After doing all this, a large amount of light yellow water immediately flowed slowly down the edge of the incubator. This is artificial amniotic fluid, which is synthesized from various minerals, urea, uric acid, creatinine, glucose, amylase, etc. And the temperature is heated to the most suitable 36.5 degrees for the human body.

As the artificial amniotic fluid gradually submerged into the top of his head, Chen Shibo gradually let go of his body, allowing himself to be in a suspended state.

"All life-support facilities have been activated."

Outside the incubation chamber, the sound of Wang Heli was heard. Because of the obstruction of the glass chamber and the amniotic fluid, the sound was a bit muffled, but it was still clearly audible.

"Vital signs are normal, ready to inject Ouroboros No. 13."


As the instructions were issued, Chen Shibo suddenly felt a chill spreading from his arms. He opened his eyes in the amniotic fluid, only to see traces of red liquid being injected into the needle inserted in his arm.


Seeing this, Chen Shibo took a deep breath and suppressed the tension in his heart.

After the injection was completed, everything fell into silence again.

Chen Shibo floated in the amniotic fluid and waited silently, and Wang Heli and others from the outside were also waiting.

Gradually, Chen Shibo felt his body temperature rising and his heartbeat speeding up.

It was like catching a bad cold, except that the cold struck very quickly. In just ten minutes, his head started to feel dizzy.

"The body temperature goes up, the heartbeat goes up, the blood pressure goes up."

Wang Heli used the chip to record every item of data, even the most detailed ones were not missed. "Mr. Chen, how do you feel now?"

"not so good."

Chen Shibo puffed out bubbles and felt that the whole world was spinning, followed by a dull pain.

It hurt, his whole body hurt, there was no place that didn't hurt.

It's as if the body's perception is hundreds of times more sensitive than usual, and even the slightest touch can cause a burst of severe pain.

At this moment, Chen Shibo was very grateful that he was soaked in amniotic fluid. If not, the pain would have been even more intense.

At the same time as this severe pain hit him, he only felt that the amniotic fluid was getting colder and colder.

It was just warm and cool at first, but as time passed, the amniotic fluid around him became colder and colder, even so cold that it made him tremble all over.

Now, Chen Shibo finally understood why those clones were shaking violently before.

"His body temperature is rising, and it has now reached the critical point of 42 degrees."

The voice of a scientist came from the outside.

"Continue to observe."

Because of their previous experience, no one panicked.

Chen Shibo felt his head was dizzy, and at the same time something seemed to be squirming in his body. At first it was just a gurgling stream, but as time passed, the squirming feeling became stronger and stronger, and even gradually a trace of skin was torn. a feeling of.

"Is it that kind of tentacle?"

Chen Shibo squinted his eyes. He could imagine that as the virus merged with his own flesh and blood, his body would probably be filled with those black and red tentacles.

Genetic modification is indeed scary...

This was Chen Shibo's last thought before he passed out.


Dong Dong...

I don't know how much time passed, but Chen Shibo was woken up by a burst of noise.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was still in the life incubator. The amniotic fluid filling the chamber caused a dull rumbling noise to be heard from the outside world.

Outside, Wang Heli was holding a glass of wine and celebrating with a group of scientists with smiles on their faces.

However, while discarding these sounds, Chen Shibo also heard a strong heartbeat.

This heartbeat sound came from his body, calm and powerful, but the heartbeat speed was not fast, beating once every three seconds, which meant that his heartbeat speed had slowed down to about 20 beats per minute.

"you're awake?"

Seeing Chen Shibo open his eyes again, Wang Hydroi immediately stepped forward and knocked on the glass jar, "Mr. Chen, you have slept for five hours, how do you feel now?"

Chen Zhongxian frowned. He felt his body slightly, but found that his body was limp, as if he was recovering from a serious illness and could not use much strength.

"Fortunately, I feel like the fever is gone."

Chen Shibo spit out a few bubbles and said.

"More than just the fever is gone."

Wang Heli showed an excited expression. He pulled out the experimental records and placed them in front of the incubator. "Your body has stabilized an hour ago and your body temperature has dropped to 25 degrees. Not only that, what really surprised us is you." The fusion with the virus is extremely perfect, and the fusion rate reaches 100%. This is an unprecedented perfect fusion so far!"

"The degree of integration is so high?"

Chen Shibo was also shocked.

"In other words, from today on, Ouroboros is you, but you are not Ouroboros."

Wang Heli said seriously, "The Ouroboros virus has been completely integrated into your genes, and your physical fitness and life span will increase explosively."

Following his words, the other scientists began to release the amniotic fluid. As the water level lowered little by little, Chen Shibo was also fished out by the robotic arm.

As he returned to the outside world, several bionic assistants immediately surrounded him and supported Chen Shibo.

"There will be a recovery period for a few days, during which you need to eat more nutritious things."

Wang Heli warned, then thought about it and took a few nutrition bars from a scientist, "You may find that you can't get enough no matter how much you eat. In fact, this is normal. After all, your physical fitness is different from before. Eryu, so you must eat more nutritious things, such as this."

Chen Shibo took the nutrition bar and looked at it carefully.

This nutrition bar is about three centimeters thick and fifteen centimeters long. It contains starch, salt, glucose, vitamins, trace elements and a series of necessary substances to maintain human physiological functions, which can be fully absorbed by the body and eliminate the trouble of excretion. .

He had heard of this kind of thing many times, but this was the first time he saw it. He heard that it was made of carbon dioxide. Because it was cheap and had enough calories, it was the food of many people in the outer city.

"This is not produced by those small workshops in the outer city."

Wang Hydroxy dispelled his doubts. He pointed to the sign above, "This is the product of Omni Company. The source is much cleaner."

Seeing this, Chen Shibo tore open a package and gently squeezed the ointment inside into his mouth.

Chen Shibo found that the taste of this thing was similar to the jelly in the previous life. The red nutrition bar he ate at this time was similar to a combination of strawberry and tomato. He even tasted watermelon in the mixed taste. Fresh fragrance.

Well, the ingredients are complex…

After eating, Chen Shibo nodded and said with the support of two androids, "Now that it's done, I'll leave first."

"So about the test..."

One scientist said hesitantly.

"I will test it myself, so I don't need to trouble you."

Chen Shibo said that he did not want to expose the test results to Umbrella, although the other party had already obtained approximate data through quantum supercomputing.


Wang Heli thought for a while and did not force it. "Now the virus has been perfectly integrated. According to supercomputer prediction, there will be no hidden dangers. But if you feel uncomfortable in any way, please remember to contact me immediately."

Chen Shibo nodded, made an appointment with everyone for the celebration banquet, and left the laboratory. Then he found Zheng Xiancun, who had been waiting in the villa for a long time, and returned to his residence.

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