Chapter 31 031. Attack

In the evening, Chen Zhongshan took care of himself for the first time, combed his hair, put on a suit he had never worn before, and got on the float car with two bodyguards.

After setting the destination, the float car slowly takes off and connects to the urban ring rail.

As he merged into the dense traffic in the sky, Chen strobe subconsciously looked out the window.

There is a lot of traffic outside the car window, and the densely packed high-rise buildings on both sides of the ring track are gorgeous and exquisite, but they also have a towering and cold feeling of oppression.

As the float vehicle passed through huge high-altitude projections, the world in front of Chen Shibo became strange and bizarre.

This is a prosperous and orderly world. In terms of transportation, real separation of people and vehicles has been achieved. Vehicles can only sail in the air, while the ground is the territory of pedestrians, and the two sides do not interfere with each other.

Moreover, vehicles generally adopt self-driving technology and are uniformly deployed by the city's AI traffic center. When it should be faster or slower, passengers only need to input the destination they want to go to and enjoy the scenery outside the window. There will be no car accidents or traffic jams. Exist again.

Coupled with the maglev technology of high-altitude ring rails, the average speed of traffic is more than 300 kilometers, and it only takes 20 minutes to go from one end of the city to the other.

This is the reason why the cities in this world are much larger than those in the original world.

Take Wujiang City for example. This city alone has 30 million residents, which is comparable to the original Magic City. This is only a second-tier city. First-tier provincial cities and super-first-tier cities are even more huge than you can imagine.

Besides all the cities, there is also a circle of outer cities.

Generally speaking, the population of outer cities cannot be counted. After all, the movement is too frequent, and wanderers and gray professions often travel between cities.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the death rate. Gang wars, robberies, and murders occur every day in the outer cities without stopping.

Interestingly though, those gang members in the outer city often have thermal weapons and a small amount of military prosthetics.

Although they are all low-power light weapons and second-hand prosthetics that have been handled countless times, they are still deadly to the citizens in the city, so each city will set up entry and exit checkpoints.

The sources of these thermal weapons and military prosthetics are often major companies.

The outer city depends on the inner city for survival. Every day, countless people yearn for or hate the inner city. For them, the inner city is a high-pressure and corrupt world, but it is also a paradise away from chaos.

Chen Shibo was silently thinking about the chaotic pattern of this world, and suddenly found that the floating car was slowly slowing down and gradually stopped.

He looked towards the front window and saw several tall steel behemoths standing there at the end of the city ring track. At the same time, he could also see a large number of android soldiers stationed there.

It seems that we have reached the immigration checkpoint.

This was the second time he had seen entry and exit checkpoints. The entire city was surrounded by such checkpoints, which looked a bit like ancient city walls and gates.

I just didn't expect that the regime of this era would go back to being more and more alive.

However, for Chen Shibo's identity, this kind of level is of little use.

Although it is a government agency and is affiliated with the urban mobile force, the CEO of Tianji Province is jointly supported by the Chen family and other three chaebols. This urban force is actually no different from the three private armies.

In Tianji Province, the three major chaebols are the biggest masterminds.

After seeing the vehicle's license plate, the auditor immediately released the vehicle without thinking, and the aerial vehicle completely left the urban ring track and connected to the high-speed track outside the city.

Once here, the vehicle begins to accelerate, gradually increasing from the original three hundred kilometers. Eventually, the floating car will reach a speed of thousands of kilometers, quickly traveling between major cities.

But before they had driven very far, a rapid alarm suddenly sounded in the car. When they heard the sound, the expressions of Zheng Xiancun and Pi Baodan, who were doing nothing at first, changed!

"not good!"

Zheng Xiancun stood up suddenly and lost his voice, "Someone is intruding into the vehicle's firewall. Master, we are under attack!"

Chen Shibo's expression changed when he heard this. He quickly looked out the window, but the night was filled with darkness and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Is there any solution?"

Chen Shibo's expression condensed and he asked immediately.

"Yes! The vehicle has an anti-intrusion AI unit, so it should be fine."

Zheng Xiancun said immediately.

But the next second, the lights in the car suddenly went out, and even the sound of the vehicle slowly disappeared after a prolonged whine!

This time, Chen Shibo understood without the other party reminding him that this was a sign that the vehicle stalled.

Fortunately, while the AI ​​system was paralyzed, the vehicle activated its backup energy source automatically, and the lights in the car came on again.

But before everyone could relax, somewhere on the ground, a scarlet fire suddenly brightened, piercing Chen Shifang's peripheral vision like a sharp sword!

At the same time, a rapid alarm sounded in the car!

"Fire control radar alert, it's a surface-to-air missile!"

Zheng Xiancun also saw the light of fire, and his face became even more ugly. "Hold on, young master, and be prepared to resist the impact!"

Chen Shibo didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and took the initiative to sit down in his seat. At the same time, the stabilizer in the car was immediately lowered, and the seat belts automatically wrapped the three people. This was a reaction of the vehicle's safety system.

"Don't worry, young master, our car is specially customized, and it's not a problem with micro-missiles. As long as we..."

Zheng Xiancun was about to say some comforting words, but before he could finish his words, a violent burst of fire suddenly burst out from the rear of the car!


The huge sound of tearing metal penetrated the eardrums of the three people. Chen Shibo felt that the whole world was shaking, and at the same time, all the facilities and the engine stalled again!

At this moment, a large amount of foam burst out from the corner of the car and quickly condensed into blocks!

What followed was a whirlwind of chaos.

The float car... derailed!

Chen Shibo only had time to have this thought in his mind, and then there was a sudden feeling of weightlessness. The vehicle broke through the track and fell from a high altitude!



boom! ! !

After a brief feeling of weightlessness, there was a series of collisions. Chen Shibo in the car felt like the world was spinning, and his entire consciousness was also turned upside down at this moment!

Chen Shibo felt as if time was being stretched infinitely. Every time the car body hit the ground, he felt like he was dead. But in the continuous collisions, his thinking became clearer and clearer...

Someone wants to kill me?

It’s Chen Depleted Uranium!

At this moment, Chen Shibo instinctively locked on the murderer.

Fortunately, as the impact gradually became weaker, the vehicle rolled slower and slower, and finally stopped completely...


Chen Shibo's head was buzzing. He opened his eyes drowsily, but felt that his nose was filled with the smell of blood. Although he was wrapped in foam and a seat belt, he still seemed to be injured in the impact just now.

But should I mention it, first I was hit by a missile, and then fell from the sky at a speed of more than a thousand kilometers. The fact that I was still alive meant that the safety performance of this car was incredible.

Perhaps due to the injection of genetic optimization fluid, Chen Shibo was the only one among the three who was still awake. He looked around drowsily, but found that the car door had automatically popped up at some point, and he could only see the car door. A ray of setting sun in the indigo sky outside...

It's just that... the whole world is turned upside down.

No, it’s not that the world has turned upside down, but that it has turned itself upside down!

As the dizziness gradually subsided, Chen Shibo's brain recovered quickly. He opened the protective foam around him and unfastened his seat belt. He heard a clang and fell heavily on the roof of the floating car.

Chen Bianshan gritted his teeth, resisting the dizziness deep in his head and crawled out of the car, while looking in the direction of Zheng Xiancun and Pi Baodan.

But they saw that because they were not the first protection targets of the vehicle, they both lost their voices...

"Oh shit!"

Chen Shibo couldn't help but cursed loudly, and quickly climbed out of the carriage. At the same time, he felt an indescribable urgency gripping his heart——

He understood that since someone wanted to kill him, the method would definitely be more than that simple...

At this moment, everything in the dark night is full of crisis!

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