Chapter 17 017. Power system

Half an hour later, Chen Shibo had returned to his house in Wujiang City, a small villa in the city center.

This place is also the property of the Chen family. It is just for Chen Shibo to live here and have a place to live.

In this city, the Chen family runs a medium-sized enterprise called "Wujiang Bionic Electronics Co., Ltd.". Its main business is to deliver several types of prosthetic parts to the parent company. It can be regarded as one of the many small and medium-sized enterprises under the Chen family's name. one.

Moreover, Chen Shibo was not a legal person of the company and could only be counted as a shareholder. Chen's father only gave out a share so that his mentally retarded son would not starve to death.

At this time, Chen Shibo had just returned home and before his butt was warm, a message came from the optical brain chip on his wrist that 5 million Thai dollars had been credited into the account in his name.

"It seems that this cheap father is quite reliable."

Chen Zhongshan nodded. He was almost defrauded of all his money by Nalan Jingzi, and his pocket was cleaner than his face. But now that he has 5 million, he can make a good plan.

After three days of investigation, he could basically confirm that there was no extraordinary thing in this world. The only cyber martial arts that were somewhat close to extraordinary was just using bionic prosthetics to improve the power of fighting skills, which was no different from the martial arts in the previous life.

The entire world's force system has actually been laid out clearly, that is, the power of technology, and when it comes to improving the physical level, it is divided into two.

That is prosthetic technology and genetic technology.

For ordinary people, the most they can do is install some civilian prosthetics, such as electronic prosthetic eyes that allow them to handle work faster, or bionic prosthetics that allow them to run faster and jump higher.

Or the organs are damaged and have to be installed with bionic lungs, bionic kidneys, etc.

These prosthetics cost a lot of money. As far as he knows, the price of an electronic prosthetic eye is about 5,000 to 100,000 Thai dollars. The more luxurious the function, the more expensive it is. There is no cap on the price. Bionic arms or bionic legs. The price is actually lower.

These are the prices in Tiandao Network Technology, and most of their Chen family's business is only within the scope of Tianji Province. Outside of Tianji Province, it is the market of other prosthetic companies.

On top of civilian prosthetics, there are also military prostheses, which are not accessible to ordinary people. Even if they are accessible, the price is not within the reach of ordinary people.

After all, once a military-grade prosthetic body falls on the black market, the price will double, and without a special ordnance qualification certificate, it is illegal for any citizen to install a military-grade prosthetic body.

The reason is very simple. Who among the top executives of major companies and major chaebol families can tolerate the threat to their lives posed by ordinary people possessing military prosthetics?

On the contrary, there are many gangs in the slums of the outer city who possess military prosthetics, not only military prosthetics, but also thermal weapons, and these gangs often have the shadow of major companies behind them.

However, I heard that there are more powerful tactical prosthetics on top of military-grade prosthetics. Prosthetics of this level are usually cutting-edge products of a giant company, and even the Chen family has difficulty obtaining them. After all, the Chen family only has Qualifications for manufacturing civilian prostheses.

The qualifications to manufacture military prosthetics are in the hands of T0 and T1 level giants. These are traders who are qualified to enter the Federal Parliament and control the entire human civilization. The Chen family is still far behind the hundreds of billions level. .

Moreover, military prosthetics are still too far away for ordinary people. Even if they can be obtained, few people can bear the physical load.

According to the lingo of this world, controlling military prosthetics requires talent.

Even civilian prostheses can cause various mental illnesses if too many are implanted.

Depression and persecutory delusions are still mild, and society often has a special name for the mental illness caused by too many implants of prostheses——

Cyberbots interfere with psychosis syndrome.

However, most people prefer to call it cyberpsychosis.

The reason why it is called this is because the patient will have uncontrollable world-weariness and develop a destructive and self-destructive personality. He will either commit suicide on the spot or kill everyone around him before committing suicide.

This is a series of syndromes caused by interrelated changes in prostheses and organs. However, the actual cause and related physiological changes are unknown.

It is only speculated that it is due to immune rejection caused by the implantation of the prosthetic body and the body's chemical resistance to the injected immunosuppressant, resulting in some unknown physical and mental disease.

In addition to the road of prostheticization, there is another way, and that is genetic optimization and modification.

As the name suggests, genetic optimization is to decode the original genetic chain of the human body and then adjust and optimize the weak points to achieve stronger physical and mental strength.

Many companies are involved in this industry, such as Pantheon Pharmaceuticals, which is also a T0-level giant. Its main business includes genetic optimization engineering.

The genetic optimization solution produced by this company is considered to be the best on the market. It can simultaneously enhance the body's three abilities: strength, speed, and reaction. The injection limit can reach three, while other companies can generally only inject two. It won't work anymore.

However, other companies are also good at other aspects. For example, Umbrella's genetic medicine is better at increasing lifespan and potential, Gentech's genetic medicine is better at strength and endurance, etc.

If genetic optimization can still be considered a civilian field, then genetic modification is a complete military field.

Genetic modification can transform a person into another species, such as allowing the user to be more than two meters tall while possessing the strength of a bear and the speed of a cheetah. If coupled with a military prosthetic body, it will completely surpass human strength.

However, this kind of modification has always been a taboo. After genetic modification, the personality of the modified person will often produce various side effects like cyberpsychosis, and in severe cases, genetic collapse.

For ordinary people, genetic modification is also an extremely distant existence, and its price is not affordable by ordinary citizens.

Thinking back on the pros and cons of prosthetic technology and genetic technology, Chen Shibo couldn't help but feel a little headache. The existence of psychic powers would undoubtedly have an impact on the path of prosthetics, not to mention the existence of natural enemies like hackers.

In other words, I can only take the genetic path, and maybe add some cyber martial arts.

After secretly clarifying his own path, Chen Shibo did not hesitate too much. After all, no matter how strong an individual's power was, it could not compare with a real giant. It was impossible for one person to overthrow an army in this world.

He did it for no other reason than to have some ability to protect himself in this era.

After all, in this abnormal era, even though he is a famous plutocrat, he may be taken over by some street gangster when he goes out one day, so he urgently needs the power to protect himself.

Now that the future route has been determined, Chen Shibo continues to think about the role of imaginary number space.

The role of the imaginary number space is still unknown. The only thing he can rely on is to analyze other people's personalities based on the projection of consciousness in the imaginary number space.

In addition, the imaginary number space can also produce a by-product, which is a power called "psionic energy". According to current opinions, psionic energy can destroy all surrounding electronic products indiscriminately.

However, in Chen Shibo's view, this ability is just a side effect of psychic energy. The reason is that the imaginary space rejects the rules of the real universe.

And the most fundamental function of psychic energy has not been discovered by myself...

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