Chapter 164 163. Substitute

When Chen Shibo watched the huge passage completely formed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the real world and the imaginary space are completely connected. This passage will be a passage that will never be closed. It represents the gaze of the imaginary space on the real world and officially informs the world of the imaginary space. exist.

Looking at the imaginary space that had become empty again, like an endless deep space, Chen Shibo gave the last order to the four evil gods, "Let your petitioners move freely. From now on, I no longer need the imaginary space." You don’t need to replenish your soul to act as a metaverse, everything is up to you. As long as you don’t completely kill the entire galaxy in reality, everything is up to you.”

Hearing Chen Shibo's words, the four evil gods' eyes lit up. As conceptual beings in the imaginary space, they themselves cannot leave the imaginary space, but those petitioners transformed from souls can. If they can be sent out If these petitioners stir up trouble in the real world, they can also harvest more souls and more benefits for themselves.

Therefore, as the magic caves of the four buildings opened, the petitioners who were blocking the sky and the sun began to rush towards the outside world in the next second. They had been restrained in the lair of the evil god, and the petitioners were not allowed to enter the place other than the gods. territory, and this restriction was finally broken.

Over the past 20,000 years, the four evil gods have also accumulated countless petitioners. In order to prevent too many petitioners, the four evil gods even held friendly competitions one after another, allowing petitioners from all over the world to kill each other. In the melee, even so, the petitioners who flew out of the evil god's building were still covered in darkness, even covering part of the continent.

At this time, the continent under our feet did not become larger with the expansion of imaginary space, but remained at the area of ​​several galaxies. However, this area was already enough. The four evil gods planned to turn this continent into a new competition. Every hundred years, a legion is sent to compete with each other as a break in the long life.

The psykers in reality are in dire straits. Although due to the enormity of the imaginary space, the consciousness projections of all living beings in reality have become extremely scattered, and even cannot be detected if they are too far away, but once the psykers begin to induce the imaginary space, The psychic energy in them will still cause their consciousness projections to become as dazzling as torches in the imaginary number space.

If there happens to be a petitioner near him, it will only lead to one result, that is, his consciousness projection will be completely targeted by this petitioner. Once he fails in the battle with the petitioner's consciousness, his body will be destroyed. It will be occupied by the petitioner and transformed into a door of flesh and blood, allowing the petitioner to enter the real world and harvest flesh, blood and soul.

Not only that, many petitioners will also form military formations, enter reality through the astronomical level hole, and invade planets one after another. In recent years, many warships that imitate the real world have been created in the imaginary space. They are fully capable of engaging in war with major civilizations in the real world.

Now that the former overlord of the galaxy has fallen, only second-tier civilizations such as humans can resist all this.

After doing all this, Chen Shibo suddenly wanted to take a good tour of the Milky Way. His figure appeared directly at the center of the Milky Way, silently looking at the twisted light at the center of the Milky Way. He knew that that was the Milky Way. The black hole of the heart Sagittarius A*.

This is a black hole with a diameter of 44 million kilometers. Its diameter is 30 times that of the sun, and its mass is 4.5 million times that of the sun. Looking from a distance, Chen Shibo can only see a huge halo, and inside the halo It's darkness.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo sighed with some comfort. Although there is no air in the universe, he doesn't need air much now. He only knows that he still needs fifty years of life. Time has arrived from Terra to the Shining Star Ring, and now, it is just a matter of a thought to go from one side of the galaxy to the other.

As a result, he kept traveling around every corner of the galaxy, observing countless unimaginable planets and unimaginable wonders in the deep space of the universe.

For example, a planet completely surrounded by oceans, a planet entirely made of diamonds, or a few planets very similar to Terra. There are too many of these planets to mention. After gaining unlimited speed, any planet or any wonder can , or even any life, there is no existence that he can't even imagine, there is nothing he can't see.

On one of the planets close to the center of the galaxy, Chen Shibo discovered a monkey-like primate, which was toddling on a grassland and even formed a tribe. Chen Shibo could see that the other's The progress of civilization has reached the point where tools have begun to be used. Perhaps in a few million years, another human-like civilization will quietly rise.

On another planet, Chen Shibo discovered a race that had evolved palms in the water. The upper body of the opponent was similar to a human and the lower body was a fish tail. Although they did not have the conditions to use fire, they still developed livestock farming and planting in the water. Culture, livestock is a kind of docile large fish in the sea, and what is planted is a kind of coral algae that can be used.

On other gas planets, Chen Shibo saw the existence of atmospheric life. This life was not carbon-based but silicon-based. Every life was like a balloon, with its body filled with hydrogen and helium, growing in clusters until it died. It has been floating in mid-air, forming a unique biological chain. The largest biological species can even grow to dozens of kilometers long.

After decades of observation, Chen Shibo suddenly wanted to go back to the human star region to see his former ethnic group.

Following his thoughts, the whole person suddenly appeared on the cantilever of Orion, but this was not Terra, but another immigrant world.

In 26,000 years, mankind has truly developed an engine that can exceed the speed of light by relying on the imaginary space - the subspace engine. The name subspace is exactly what mankind calls the imaginary space. With the help of the subspace engine, mankind has almost colonized Most of the Orion cantilever was covered, and the surrounding cantilevers were also involved, and hundreds of thousands of colonies were established in these sectors.

However, it is a pity that due to the emotional storm raised by the four evil gods, this channel was cut off again, causing the major colonies to completely cut off their contact with Terra. This cut off the entire five millennium.

Now, although the destruction of the Ada civilization has caused the storm to completely subside, the once peaceful imaginary space can never return. After those petitioners wandered in the imaginary space, every spacecraft that enters the imaginary space must Think carefully, if one mistake is not made, everything will be ruined.

Therefore, if these colonies want to return to the embrace of mankind, it may not be that simple.

Of course, this is not only true for humans, but also for species throughout the galaxy.

At this time, Chen Shibo came to one of the colonies closer to Terra, but the moment he arrived above the planet, Chen Shibo saw a different scene.

The humans on this planet are at war with a race called Orks.

Chen Shibofang knew about this race. It was the vegetative race he had mentioned before.

The characteristics of this race are their green skin and rough and savage appearance. They often pluck out a handful of hair and throw it into the ground to grow a bunch of sons. It is a species that reproduces asexually.

As long as a few of these creatures appear on a certain planet, a large group of them will grow out soon, eating up all the grass and nutrients around them. They are no different from locusts, but the key is that even if there are no nutrients, They can also live off sunlight.

Yes, this kind of creature can rely on photosynthesis to maintain life, which leads to their inevitable flooding.

In fact, even the previous Ada civilization was very troubled by this kind of creature. Although the opponent's technology was ridiculously inferior, the opponent had some kind of magical power. Even if the aircraft was inferior, as long as the opponent thought it could fly, then it would It can travel across the stars. Although it travels very slowly, it can often take tens of thousands of years to fly from one star system to another.

This is a very patient race, and of course their patience comes from their low IQ.

It is with this vitality and patience that they have almost become the strongest force under the Ada people. The reason why they cannot surpass the Ada people is because they always fight on their own. Even if they occupy countless starry skies, they cannot unite.

At this time, the planet encountered an Ork race, which randomly drifted over from the center of the galaxy 50,000 years ago. There were not many Orks on the entire ship, only a few thousand, but in the spaceship After hitting the ground, they turned into millions within a few days, and the humans on this planet naturally suffered.

At this time, the humans on this planet have formed a powerful coalition, and countless high-tech weapons have taken turns to go into battle. However, they are still somewhat powerless in the face of more than 100 billion Orks.

After all, the number has reached this level. Even if humans use nano bombs to bomb, I am afraid that there will not be as many Orks dead as there are Orks born.

And because these Orks landed directly on the planet, humans cannot use star-killing weapons. Once used, it is almost equal to death. Not only 90% of the population will die completely, but the remaining population will also Enter the situation of temporarily unable to find a new home.

After all, today's imaginary number space is no longer the imaginary number space of the past. If one mistake is made, the whole army will be wiped out.

Chen Shibo silently glanced into the imaginary number space. He found that the projection of the consciousness of the Orks was very small, almost invisible to the naked eye. Not to mention compared with the Ada people, even compared with humans, it looked extremely dim. Obviously a low-quality civilized race.

However, this race still has units with psychic powers, which can be said to be unable to make ends meet. After all, the sentiment of contribution is not high, but the use of psychic powers is not a lot.

Chen Shibo did not have a good impression of this race, so he simply waved his hand and directly took away the souls of the Orks on the planet and turned them into nourishment in the imaginary number space.

Then, without waiting for the remaining humans on the planet to look confused, Chen Shibo took another step and returned to Terra, which he had not returned to for more than 20,000 years.

At this time, Terra had already changed.

The once urbanized planet was now full of ruins. Over the past thousands of years, the entire Terra had once again been divided into dozens of territories. Countless warlords fought, making the planet extremely dirty, and even its technological level had seriously deteriorated. It is so backward that even the moon is difficult to climb.

"The human beings in the past have finally become like this..."

Looking at Terra, which has a population of less than 100 billion, Chen Bishan sighed secretly. He still remembered the glory of mankind five thousand years ago, traveling from planet to planet, creating colonies after colonies, and even the entire Orion was included in human territory. , the prestige of mankind has even spread throughout the galaxy, and its intimidation power is only lower than that of the Eldar.

Although he was asleep at that time, he could still see these things.

But now, countless colonies have fallen, and even the home planet of mankind has been plunged into flames of war, and all life has been devastated. Although all of this is related to his own handiwork, it is also for the expansion of the imaginary space.

He has never targeted human civilization.

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo suddenly felt something in his heart, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"What if I lead humanity to rise again?"

Chen Shibo thought for a moment, then he suddenly stretched out his hand and separated a drop of blood from his body. Then with the infusion of spiritual energy, the drop of blood began to grow rapidly, and instantly turned into an embryo, and then into an embryo. The fetus then grows up in an instant and becomes a baby, a child...

By the end, the drop of blood quickly grew to the size of an adult.

The other party has the same appearance, the same genes, and the same powerful psychic abilities as Chen Strobo. It is almost a replica of Chen Strobo. The only difference is that the other party does not have Chen Stroke's authority over the imaginary number space.

"Wake up."

Following Chen Shibo's call, the identical man in front of him slowly opened his eyes.

"Who are you...who am I?"

As the person in front of him opened his eyes, he also asked his first question in this world.

"This question is not important."

Chen Zuoshan said calmly, "You don't need to know who I am, you only need to know your goal. You love mankind deeply, and your existence is to lead mankind out of despair and towards the eternal hope. Do you understand?"


The man in front of him had a look in his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Very well, let's get down."

Chen Zhongshan waved slightly, and the man in front of him suddenly turned into a stream of light and escaped into this world called Terra.

Although he didn't know whether the other party would succeed, Chen Shibo knew that since he had set a goal for the other party, the other party would definitely try his best to complete it, just like he had exhausted all means to expand the imaginary number space.

And the other party will also become the hero of the next era of mankind...

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