In a certain sea area to the east of Dongxia Kingdom, a large aircraft carrier formation is heading east, and the entire fleet has entered a wartime state.

What is different from other aircraft carriers is that on the decks of this fleet's amphibious assault ships and aircraft carrier flagships, there are not fighter jets and early warning aircraft, but mechas!

The vast majority of them are second-generation mecha Optimus Prime.

There are more than 100 Optimus Primes on the deck alone.

Amphibious assault ships are also called helicopter carriers.

On the deck of the amphibious assault ship, there are not only Optimus Prime mechas, but also a large number of large-capacity transport helicopters.

Once they receive the order to join the battlefield, these armed transport helicopters will take off directly, hoist the Optimus Prime bracket, and drop it onto the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Aircraft carrier flagship joint command headquarters, Xiao Ziang is here

"Dr. Xiao, to be honest, your identity is too important. There is no need to come to this frontline battlefield with us to face danger!"

A general persuaded Xiao Ziang from the side.

There was no way, this was an order given to him by his superiors.

As a scientific researcher, and the most core one, Xiao Ziang must of course hide in the safest place in the rear.

It's so pointless. Go to the front line without hesitation...

If something happens, it will be over!

Now not only the fate of the entire Dongxia Kingdom hangs on Xiao Ziang, but the fate of all humans in Blue Star hangs on him.

It is important, everyone understands, so the major general must persuade Xiao Ziang to go back no matter what.

"Don't worry, there's no danger, everything is under control. Whether the space-time channel can accommodate the passage of fourth-level alien beasts is another matter."

Xiao Ziang had a calm expression on his face, not panicking at all.

The major general next to him felt very uncomfortable.

Dr. Xiao is more panda than a panda! A true unparalleled national scholar!

You attack him and force him to take him back?

This is unreasonable.

Besides, Xiao The doctor's personal combat power is very strong.

Ordinary soldiers can't get into him. If he puts on the new generation of steel armor, let alone the soldiers here, even if the alien beast comes over, it won't be able to hurt him.

Do you think Dr. Xiao is safe?

This major general almost got himself involved.

Xiao Ziang's eyes fell on the big screen in front of him.

He had received a call back from the Free Federation's frontline commander, and the Free Alliance Army rejected his offer. I still plan to keep trying.

The focus of the live broadcast room was on the third-generation Mecha Gundam. The third-generation Mecha Gundam rose into the air and began to accelerate instantly, breaking through the speed of sound in a blink of an eye. A sonic boom cloud exploded around the Gundam.

The food bird seemed to know that his opponent was coming.

He cried in the air and swooped down.

"Swish Swish Swish——"

Seven or eight sharp feathers were thrown out in unison.

The target is the third generation Mecha Gundam!

Major Chen calmly controlled the mecha steadily, slowly took out the giant sword in his hand, and swung it horizontally in front of him, hitting all the feathers.

"Boom boom boom——"

The violent explosion of fire bloomed in the air.

Before the smoke cleared, the third-generation Mecha Gundam had already rushed out of the explosion range and arrived in front of a predatory bird in an instant.

The third-generation Mecha Gundam did not suffer any damage in the explosion.

The giant sword in his hand was still shining coldly.

The giant sword stabbed the predatory bird in the head


The head of the predatory bird exploded instantly, and dark green blood mist splashed everywhere. The momentum of the giant sword had not yet stopped, splitting the predatory bird in half.

It was a complete one-sided crushing massacre.

The remaining four predatory birds panicked.

They threw out sharp feathers as fast as they could, hoping to use more feathers to destroy the third-generation Mecha Gundam... The accelerating Third-generation Mecha Gundam suddenly made a Z-shape shake in the air, and instantly appeared in The rear of a predatory bird.

The final result can be imagined!

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, the cheers were loud

"Dr. Xiao is awesome! The third generation mecha is so powerful!"

"Since some time ago, Qiqi drove a Mark 12 steel armor and killed a predatory bird with one sword! I expected this scene now!"

"Dr. Xiao is too fierce! How did he do that?"

"The Predator, which could destroy the Aegis-class destroyer and block so many missile attacks, died so easily!"

"Yes, getting rid of it is that simple!"

"The era of human weapons is about to change!"

"Thank you Dr. Xiao! The third generation mecha is so powerful!"

"Damn it! Why are the Free Alliance launching missiles? Don’t they know that anti-space wave missiles have a wide range of influence?"

"Mudd! This is a complete disregard for the life and death of the mecha pilot!"

"grass! It's not their driver, so they don't feel bad, right? Damn imperialism, the desire to destroy myself has not been cut off!"

"We helped you so much, but you did this!"

The third-generation Mecha Gundam was as devastating as destroying the five predatory birds. The free coalition forces on the ground and at sea immediately launched missiles.

Dozens of ordinary missiles were mixed with anti-space wave missiles.

They completely ignored the life and death of the third-generation Mecha Gundam. , this is to destroy the third generation Mecha Gundam together with the nearby space-time vortex.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ziang frowned and said with a sneer:"I originally planned to save your life, but if it is so shameless, then. Just fend for yourself!"

As for the safety of the third-generation Mecha Gundam...

Xiao Ziang is not worried at all.

Because he knows his mecha very well. With the speed of the third-generation Mecha Gundam, he can definitely avoid the scope of the explosion.

The other generals of the National Defense Forces nearby also

At this time, a call came from the frontline commander of the Free Federation on the communication channel.——"We do this to destroy the space-time tunnel as quickly as possible without giving the enemy time to react. Necessary sacrifices should also be made."

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