Jenkins also tried to touch the corner of the green stone tablet on the table. The spirit state really cannot touch matter, and the soul did not produce any abnormality when it touched it.

Dong Dong Dong~

It lasted for an unknown period of time, and the tightly closed door was suddenly knocked.

The father and son, who were originally sleeping, jumped up, and even did not open their eyes when they got up. This was their reaction. They did not pay attention to the stone still left on the table, but hurriedly found two bamboo baskets in the haystack and put them on their backs, and then ran out of the door one after another.

Jenkins remained where he was, looking at the dark world outside the door. This is not an exaggeration. The outside of the door is like it has been painted by a poor painter, and the background is full of black/color blocks of varying shades. If this color is ignored, then the outside of the door is just an ordinary narrow alley, and people like Peter and his son, carrying bamboo baskets, rush out from the small and low doors.

"Hurry up! The Shadowless Day may end at any time, everyone should act quickly!"

From where Jenkins stood, he could not hear a voice with a heavy accent, but he had no time to think.

And the moment the door was opened, Jenkins felt himself soaring into the air, being pulled into the sky by a huge force. In the deep darkness that was about to assimilate his soul, he returned to the familiar sea of ​​stars.

Stepping on the stars, surrounded by the surging tide of stars. Looking at the stone tightly held in his hand, Jenkins was stunned for a moment, then looked forward. In the sea of ​​stars, the illusory figures of two men and one woman were waiting for him.

"Star Spirit?"

He asked.

The three people in front of him had the same transparent body, wearing the same silver and blue robes, and the illusory bodies were shining stars. As the tide of the star world surged, their bodies were also flashing dazzling light at the same frequency.

PS: See the book review section for the plan to add more chapters until the 7th.

Another: Ask for everything.

Another: The weather is so cold.

Chapter 210 Chapter 206 Inexplicable

"Hello, young new god."

Jenkins turned his head and looked around. The voice did not seem to come from the stars, but rather from all directions. The three transparent stars in front of him all maintained human postures. The oldest one had a long beard, the young man was holding a book, and the young woman was wearing a pair of unique glasses.

"Hello, can I go back now?"

He shrugged and pointed at his feet. After ending the inexplicable journey just now, he could already feel the direction of his body. If they hadn't stopped him, he should have re-entered his body now.

"New God, this thing, you can't bring it into your world."

This is the voice of a young man.

"This stone? Do you want it?"

He raised the stone.

"No, it belongs to you. But it can't appear in the material world now, so please leave it here and keep it in the care of our species."

This is a gentle female voice.

"Can I disagree?"

Jenkins frowned, thinking that if the situation was not right, he would just leave the things and run away. He dared to say such provocative words because the Protoss was a very special species. If judged by the DND camp, it was an absolute neutral good camp. Unless someone was ignorant of the sky and earth and took the initiative to challenge them, or attempted to do something to the star world, the Protoss would generally not take the initiative to provoke other species.

"Of course, but you are responsible for the consequences."

This was an old voice, and the three voices just corresponded to the three images in front of him.

"So, can I know what this is like?"

He asked again. Based on his understanding of the Protoss, he had planned to hand over the stone. Moreover, the Protoss was very generous.


Jenkins nodded gently to show that he understood. He let go of his hand and watched the stone slowly float towards the old Protoss. He did not move, and the stone disappeared into the starry sky.

"Young New God, outside the material world, you can take back what belongs to you at any time. This item is kept here by the Star Spirit, which is also beneficial to us, so we can compensate you."

Three voices sounded at the same time.

The young man said: "Young New God, in the name of the light of the stars, I will give you new knowledge."

Jenkins felt that there was some more obscure and strange knowledge in his head.

The young woman said: "Young New God, in the name of the light of the stars, I will give you new abilities."

Jenkins' ability light spot automatically appeared in front of his eyes, and a brand new yellow light spot was born.

The old man's voice finally announced: "Young New God, in the name of the light of the stars, I will give you friendship."

The soul was descending and fell back into the material world.

"Wait, I still have questions to ask!"

He said loudly, but only heard the last answer of the Star Spirit: "Young New God, may the stars guide you!"

He opened his eyes and breathed deeply, and climbed up from the balcony floor. A circle of mosquito corpses fell around his body, forming an oval. It was already late autumn, and this was their last life time.

Jenkins paid no attention to these, but raised his right hand in front of him, clenched it hard, and regained the feeling of his physical body. He summoned the light point of power. It was not a dream just now. The new spell power did exist: [Lakul's Starlight Illumination].


He recited the spell based on the knowledge he had gained, and then two silver spots of light flew out from his heart, illuminating an area in front of him.

"What's the use of this...?"

Looking at his left hand, the Star Sea Badge had disappeared, leaving only a handful of dust. Looking up at the starry sky just now, he could only feel the increase of spirits, and no strange things happened anymore.

He walked back to the room with a dazed look on his face, only to see Chocolate curled up and asleep on the table holding the metal block that sealed the divinity.

Jenkins separated the cat from the metal, and it meowed without even opening its eyes, fiddling with Jenkins' hand, and then fell asleep again by clinging to his arm.

Lying on the bed, Jenkins still didn't understand what had just happened. Was the Star Sea Badge a signpost? What was that stone? What did the Star Spirit who appeared on its own initiative want to do?

The extra astrological knowledge and ability spots in his mind could not be faked.

"How could such a strange thing happen in the Church of the Sage?"

He looked at the ceiling and thought blankly.

"So, what happened just now?"

I couldn't fall asleep anymore, so I held a ceremony alone to call for the sage's attention. The righteous god is not a human, so he doesn't care about being called by Jenkins so late.

With a small piece of silver as a sacrifice, nothing unexpected happened. The sage's gentle gaze lasted for a while and then disappeared automatically. He hesitated for a moment and took out the conch again.

"If I can't figure this out, I guess I can't sleep."

He gritted his teeth, organized his words carefully, and then put his mouth to the conch and asked: "Excuse me, what was my location and specific time 15 minutes and 3 seconds ago?"

The reason for asking this is that the possibility of traveling through time just now cannot be ruled out. I was worried that this would be judged as two questions, but I didn't expect there would be a response.

Putting the conch to my ear, first there was the sound of the waves, followed by the sound of the horn from a distance. After the strange sea creatures’ cries ended, a soft female voice answered in a singing voice: “Location: Shadow Kingdom, Light Town. Time: July 20, 5213, 15th Era, 3:54:09.”

He sighed and watched the conch in his hand break into pieces. Jenkins lay back on the bed and fell into deep thought: “Although the history before the 17th Era is mostly vague, I also know that the 15th Era only lasted for more than two thousand years, right?”

He summoned the light of his ability, and with a thought, a red soul emblem appeared in his hands. This is the emblem of the [Twin Demons], just like the green and purple ones.

“And this, I only have two souls, what does this third emblem represent?”

That night, Jenkins lay in bed for a long time before he fell asleep vaguely. In his dream, he saw many strange things again.

After waking up, these dreams were already very vague. I only remember that at the end of the dream, a cat that looked like chocolate suddenly rushed out and swallowed all the horrible things. Even so, the fear from the bottom of my heart still remained in my heart.

Chapter 211 Chapter 207 Visiting the Fortune Teller

After being exposed to too many strange things, this kind of nightmare phenomenon does occur, so those rituals or medicines that can remove mental pollution are needed. Maybe it was because I didn't sleep well at night. When I opened my eyes facing the first ray of sunlight, my temples were throbbing with pain. The morning light shone into the room through the smog covering the city, making the cup on the bedside reflect a dazzling golden light. The decoration style of the whole room is full of religious meaning. Jenkins comforted the cat that he woke up, and then prayed softly.

In order not to be left in the church for further observation, Jenkins pretended to be fine and left after breakfast.

Dad took into account Jenkins' recent hard work and decided to give him a day off. Jenkins went home with chocolate and took a bath, and then decided to find Miss Audrey.

This is a believer of the [Fate Sage] who is proficient in divination. She may be able to give Jenkins some guidance.

The air quality is still very bad today, and even the coachman has to cover his mouth.

Miss Audrey lives in a villa with an exaggerated garden on the outskirts of the city. The iron fence outside the villa separates the wide road that can accommodate five carriages from the private territory inside.

Far away from the center of the city, in addition to the low housing prices, the quiet environment is also suitable for single ladies who pursue quality of life.

Get off the car at the corner, hand three silver coins and six banknotes to the coachman - this already includes the tip, and then walk towards the house with chocolate. The environment here is really good. Every household has a beautiful garden, and flowers peek out from the gaps in the fence, but it is a little deserted.

There is a small bell on the fence gate painted milky white. Jenkins put down his cat, adjusted his collar, touched his chin, and then confirmed that the sitting posture just now did not cause wrinkles on his clothes, and then gently rang the bell.

Soon, two young women dressed as maids walked along the trail and walked out of the house at the end of the garden. Without asking anything, he politely said "Hello, Mr. William" before leading him in.

Miss Audrey, dressed in home clothes, sat in the living room to greet Jenkins. The area of ​​this house is at least twice that of Jenkins's house, and even the living room seems particularly spacious.

A bronze incense burner was placed on the wooden coffee table, and a faint cloud of mist was sprayed from the pointed mouth with patterns on the side. The whole room looked wet, but Miss Audrey seemed to enjoy this environment.

Next to the incense burner, there were several stacked cards in a messy manner. Jenkins was not interested in card games, but he could barely tell that this was a very popular one on the market.

He raised his eyebrows and happened to see a brass nut on the upper right corner of the stack of cards, which was used to officially identify the infected.

"Excuse me."

Jenkins realized that this was the first time he had taken the initiative to visit a lady's residence in this life. He wanted to start the conversation with the topic of weather, but inexplicably felt that it was stupid to do so. So he sat down with chocolate in his arms, watched the maid prepare tea and snacks, and then smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Williamette came at the right time. I was not at home a few days ago and just came back this morning."

The woman elegantly picked up the black tea and also motioned Jenkins to taste it.

It was very sweet, and there was a faint bitter taste. He was not good at drinking this kind of thing, but he thought it should be very expensive, probably a few tea leaves worth 1% of chocolate.

The cat rolled on Jenkins' legs in dissatisfaction, probably dissatisfied with Jenkins' restriction of its freedom.

"Why, didn't you predict that I would come to visit today, so you waited at home?"

"Of course not."

The woman adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses that were more decorative than practical: "Divination is not omnipotent, and fortune tellers can't do divination at any time. We hope to peek into fate, but we also respect fate."

This kind of mysterious words again, probably those who can peek into fate have the habit of talking like this.

Before Jenkins could ask anything, Miss Audrey actually asked first:

"Mr. William, I heard that you were also at the scene on the night of God's grace. Can you tell me what happened?"

"Of course, we met the descendants of the Ash Yash family. He tried to summon a powerful existence here, and then I fainted."

As he spoke, he nodded, not feeling shy about his words at all.

The woman covered her mouth and chuckled, "Are all writers so humorous? I heard that Mr. William was the most helpful in this matter. He was not only the first to find him, but also took the initiative to lure him to a secluded place, which made it possible to end this matter."

"In fact, I just ran into him by accident and was almost killed."

Jenkins did not object, but still felt that this matter was not lucky but unlucky.

"I heard that the man in black robe appeared again?"

The woman continued the topic.

"No, he is just a reason, a reason for the outside world. Yes, although this is not a secret, please don't tell it... That square almost became the place where the aliens from the outside world descended, and now no one dares to divine there."

"The man named Beryl mentioned the twin demons?"

"It seems so. I fainted at that time."

He scratched his hair embarrassedly, secretly admiring his superb acting skills, which did not regress at all.

"Is that so?"

Miss Audrey had a look of regret on her face, then she reached out her hand, gathered the cards on the table, and said softly, "That's a pity. May I ask why Mr. William's visit was for?"

Jenkins blinked and decided to start with simple questions. He would not easily reveal his secrets, and he came here just to get answers to some things that were inconvenient to ask his father.

"Do you know the Star Spirit?"

"Of course, astrology is also a means of divination."

"Do you know the name Lakul?"

He leaned forward slightly, making a serious questioning expression.

Miss Audrey nodded, "This is the name of the Star Spirit, of course, it is not the real name. This special creature in the star world is a high-level existence second only to the gods. They can incarnate as humans and come to our world, and may even be next to us. But usually they just observe and learn, and will not change the course of the world.

The Star Spirits have their own unique abilities, and the spells they create are usually named after themselves. Could it be that..."

Jenkins pretended to be surprised and nodded, "Yes, I was stargazing last night and unexpectedly gained an ability prefixed with [Lakul]. So that's it..."

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