"Okay, that's fair."

Jenkins replied, and immediately, the ghost became as happy as if he had received a gift.

Although the ghost nurse seemed a little out of her mind, at least she was friendly and willing to answer Jenkins' questions.

Her request to Jenkins was to defeat the monster hiding on the third floor of the hospital. Jenkins doesn't have to worry about admitting mistake. Although there are many monsters hiding in the hospital, there is only one on the third floor.

"Because it's so powerful, nothing else dares to go to the third floor."

The ghost explained it this way.

As for the reason why the hospital was abandoned, the nurse did not know too many details. She only knew that the hospital was truly abandoned on the day it was abandoned. But during the conversation, even if Jenkins didn't take the initiative to ask, the ghost inadvertently revealed the most terrifying truth about the town:

"The most terrifying thing in this town is of course the townspeople. Except for outsiders like me who stay in the town to hold certain positions, the aborigines of this town are the ones this town wants to seal."

Talking about this matter, the ghost was as casual as talking about the content of dinner:

"Each of the townspeople has quite terrifying power. Although they look like humans, in fact, they are part of an ancient evil creature whose name I don't know, and together they form a whole. They are controlled by a very powerful person. The existence is sealed at the intersection of chaotic time and space. At the same time, in order to suppress their power, the town will regularly draw "blood" from the material world to satisfy their desires, and the town's hospital provides so-called "blood". Blood therapy, constantly weakening their power."

"But now the hospital is abandoned."

"Yes, but so what? After so many years, the townspeople and the town have long been integrated. They can't leave, and they don't want to leave, so blood therapy has lost its meaning. Unless a madman directly crushes it town, otherwise this place will be peaceful forever until everything dies..."

After hearing this, Jenkins had some bad thoughts in his mind. The Difference Engine must be considered a lunatic, and if the other party knew the truth here, there would be a high probability that they would use the power of this place to find a way to defeat him.

Chapter 2141 Blood Therapy Hospital

Learning the truth about the town so easily was something Jenkins didn't expect. But he didn't want to know what was going on here, so he just briefly chatted with the ghost for a few more words without going into the depth of the truth about the town, and set off with the uneasiness in his heart.

Different from the maze-like shadow castle not long ago, the hospital in the town is only built in the shape of an ordinary hospital, so as long as you find the stairs, you can directly reach the third floor.

But the journey was not smooth. The ghost nurse hadn't left that hall for a long time, so she didn't know whether there were other monsters occupying the corridors and stairs. Before Jenkins set off, she worriedly reminded him that if he died accidentally, he must ensure the integrity of his soul:

"You can also live here. I have been here alone for a long time. If you are willing to live on the first floor of the hospital, I can help you find a good place to live."

She has probably been lonely for a long time.

The corridor on the first floor was covered with dry dust, and there was a horrible smell of corpses in the air. Jenkins held his own candle and moved forward carefully. Every time he passed a doorway, he had to carefully observe before he dared to pass. But fortunately, there is no need to throw dice when traveling in the hospital, so the speed of progress is much faster than from the outside.

The first trouble they encountered was a mummy standing in the middle of the crooked corridor blocking the way shortly after setting off. It should be classified as an undead creature, jumping up and down in place without any reason.

Jenkins wanted to stick to the wall and go around it, but he didn't expect that as soon as he got close, the mummy stopped jumping and instead looked at Jenkins:

"Do you know what the meaning of life is?"

Jenkins hesitated for a moment. Putting aside the fact that the mummy had the sanity to speak, it was very abnormal for a corpse to ask him about the meaning of life as a living person.

"I will tell Alexia later."

He thought in his mind and answered:

"The meaning of life is warm blood."

When encountering this problem elsewhere, Jenkins would talk a few words of philosophy, but in this strange situation, the answer is obviously the only one.

"So it's like this, it's warm blood, that's why I can't find the meaning of life..."

The mummy lowered his head and said, while Jenkins nervously prepared to fight. He thought the other party would say something like "I want your blood", but the mummy did not. Instead, he lowered his head and remained still.

So he kept an eye on the opponent to prevent a sudden fight, while walking close to the dirty wall. When the two were level in the corridor, the mummy finally spoke again:

"Can I still find the meaning of life?"

"It's hard to say, but why not go and look outside the hospital? Just staying here will have no results. You can go to the nearby blacksmith shop and ask. The blacksmith seems to be a very wise man."

He kindly suggested.

"this is a good idea."

The mummy was about to walk as he spoke, but as soon as he shook, his left arm actually fell to the ground. Both the corpse and the person stared at the withered arm, and no one said anything. It took a long time for the mummy to ask:

"Am I already dead?"

Generally speaking, the answer to this kind of question will lead to whether to start a fight next. Jenkins didn't know how to choose, so he nodded in accordance with the principle of not lying.

The mummy who got the answer sighed, and fell to the floor after a few seconds of stillness, stirring up a cloud of dust. It was motionless, completely lost its activity, and completely turned into a real corpse. In a sense, the mummy who just spoke was dead.

"What does it mean? It's crazy."

Jenkins said in his heart, and then he tiptoed past the corpse carefully, without even looking for any valuable relics left by the other party.

The hospital is indeed full of dangers. In addition to the mummy that blocked the road, occasionally some creatures that are difficult to name based on their images will rush out from the rooms on both sides of the corridor. A few of them are not interested in Jenkins, but most of them charge at Jenkins.

Their power is not particularly strong, and ordinary gifters above level 5 can deal with it. But each monster has unique abilities, and they are all related to blood. Their blood-colored bodies are seriously mutated, and when they manipulate blood, they can even affect Jenkins himself.

The sequelae of Jenkins injecting too much blood in the town have already appeared. In this case, if he encounters the metal scarlet mayfly directly, his body may be directly alienated.

The first floor is blocked by monsters, and the stairs leading to the upper floor are directly broken. With Jenkins' physical fitness, it is no problem to climb up directly, but the problem is that the broken part of the stairs between the first and second floors is connected to a layer of reddish-brown fungal blanket. This fungal blanket is not afraid of fire and can digest any flesh and blood that touches it.

Jenkins did not dare to take risks, so he could only continue walking along the corridor on the first floor before finding the stairs on the other side of the hospital to go up. As soon as he came to the second floor from the stairs, he felt the cold wind coming from the depths of the corridor. Jenkins had been exposed to the power of ice and snow, and at this moment he could feel that there was definitely a creature on the second floor that was extremely good at manipulating the power of ice.

Fortunately, his goal was not the second floor, so he continued to climb up along the stairs and finally came to the darker third floor.

The first floor of the hospital is the area of ​​blood monsters, the second floor is cold and frozen, and the third floor is completely dark. Even the gift candles that combined a large number of special items were suppressed by the darkness, and the dark vision was completely useless here.

The ghost nurse said that the monster that occupied the entire third floor was also part of the town's own suppression of creatures. It originally lived in an empty house on the edge of the town. After the town hospital was abandoned, it fled to the hospital and occupied this place.

The ghost nurse did not have much information about it. This thing did not cause damage after arriving at the hospital. But occupying the third floor of the hospital itself hindered many functions of the hospital. Originally, even if the hospital was abandoned, it could occasionally perform blood therapy once or twice, or provide certain conveniences for outsiders. But now the third floor is completely unusable, and the ghost nurse can't take out any of the conveniences that are beneficial to Jenkins. She didn't even take out the trading cardboard when Jenkins entered the hospital.

"What could it be?"

Thinking in his heart, he walked forward step by step with a candle against the wall, and his spirit was extremely tense.

Suddenly, a huge eyeball appeared on the ceiling in front of him, and the pupil reflected the light of the candle, allowing Jenkins to clearly see himself in the other's eyes.

Chapter 2142 Bloody Cocoon

When the eyeball saw Jenkins, Jenkins also saw him. Without thinking, he immediately bent his knees and jumped, punching the eye on the ceiling, but the eye disappeared before Jenkins hit it, only for Jenkins to hit the ceiling, making a dull sound and dropping dust on his head.

After landing, he ignored the dust and immediately used the candle to shine around, but there was nothing in the narrow area that could be illuminated. His ears moved slightly, and he heard a rustling sound, and then he turned around and looked at the wall behind him.

Under the suppressed light of the candle, the wall was normal, except that it was a little dirty, and there was no enemy as Jenkins imagined. But his nose moved, even if his sense of smell was not as sensitive as Chocolate, Jenkins' sense of smell was better than most dogs.

"Why does the wall smell like fresh blood?"

He stretched out his finger and wiped the wall, but he didn't touch anything wrong. So he continued to walk forward, looking at the walls around him as he walked. There was always a smell of fresh blood on the walls, as if before Jenkins illuminated a certain area around him, this area was originally covered with thick blood.

"If that's the case, that's too bad."

He had a guess in his mind. On the surface, he looked at the wall beside him, but suddenly controlled the flame in the candle to splash in all directions.

The fire of grace could not illuminate too many areas like the outside world, but at least it expanded the light around. This also allowed Jenkins to see clearly that in the area that was originally not illuminated by the light, the ceiling, walls and floor were all wrapped in blood-red meat, and as the light arrived, those meat pieces quickly withdrew from the area illuminated by the light, revealing the dirty walls and floors.

In other words, in fact, the entire third floor of the hospital was surrounded by blood-red meat pieces. When Jenkins entered, the meat pieces just returned to normal in the illuminated area as Jenkins moved, and in fact, the darkness around him was still full of those meat pieces.

The eyes just now were clearly organs formed from pieces of flesh, trying to lure Jenkins deeper into the third level, completely leaving him with no way out.

"What exactly is this?"

The flames enveloped Jenkins' whole body, making him no longer afraid of being attacked by those bloody pieces of flesh. Afterwards, Jenkins temporarily dropped his backpack, took out the Star Demon Sword from the metal cocoon, held the sword in one hand, and rushed deep into the corridor while maintaining a posture with flames all over his body.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel the depth of darkness and the rich smell of blood. Some kind of twisted power is entrenched here. Even before he can make contact with the opponent's core, Jenkins has already felt the twisted and chaotic power.

At the same time, because Jenkins' speed was much faster than the retreat speed of those pieces of meat, he finally saw the truth of the bloody corridor in a true sense, and saw the strange human organs differentiated from countless squirming pieces of meat, hanging in the corridor, Squirming.

Not just the eyes, but the pairs of arms that even dared to touch Jenkins were instantly burned into black charcoal. After falling to the ground, they were absorbed by the flesh on the floor.

Relying on his own feelings and sensitivity to the spirit, he finally stopped outside the room marked with the door number of [Third Treatment Department]. The door number was originally wrapped in a piece of meat like the door, but it was revealed after Jenkins stopped, as if it was deliberately shown to Jenkins.

The flames jumped forward, burning a large hole in the door in front of them. With his feet on the ground, the pieces of flesh on the floor spontaneously made way for Jenkins to safely walk into the room.

The room was not dark. On the contrary, the interconnected blood-red flesh and the dense blood vessels all over the walls like steam pipes were all emitting an unsettling dark red light.

In the center of the room is a large blood-red cocoon like a heart. The blood vessels on the entire third floor converge into the room, and the blood vessels in the entire room converge on the ceiling. The heart is hanging from the blood vessels.

It was vibrating slowly. The frequency of vibration was originally very slow, only once every tens of seconds. But after Jenkins entered here, the beating frequency of the heart-shaped cocoon gradually became consistent with the beating frequency of Jenkins' heart.

The thumping sound made Jenkins inevitably feel chest tightness, but fortunately it did not affect his health.

The smell of blood here was even stronger, giving Jenkins the feeling as if he had stuffed his head into the belly of a freshly disemboweled wild boar.

The rich smell of blood even gave him a strange feeling of being tipsy. The flesh and blood in his body trembled slightly when he saw this big heart-shaped cocoon. If it weren't for the nature of his body, which was more and more inclined to plants rather than animals under the influence of the soul, Jenkins believed that blood-red flesh buds would even grow on the surface of his body at this time, transforming him into a terrifying monster.

This is no joke, the thing in front of me definitely has such ability.

He held the sword and looked at the behemoth in front of him, but before taking action, his white hands took the lead in tearing the cocoon open from the inside. As the outer skin of the heart-shaped cocoon was opened, Jenkins saw the girl standing in the cocoon.

She is slightly shorter than Jenkins, has fair skin and black hair. She has a beautiful face, but her bare feet cannot be seen because the blood cocoon has not been completely broken open. Except for the long hair that obscured some key parts of the girl, Jenkins could almost see her whole body.

The blood-red light inside the cocoon was even stronger, and Jenkins could even see the texture of the muscles clearly. Blood vessels crisscrossed inside the cocoon, but none of them wrapped around the girl.

The girl's fair skin was reflected in red by those red lights, which also made her blood-red eyes even more alluring. She was not completely out of contact with the cocoon. Although Jenkins could not see her back from the angle, judging from the distribution of blood vessels in the cocoon, the girl's charming shoulder blades had at least six blood vessels connected to the cocoon.

"What's this?"

Jenkins was slightly surprised and subconsciously took a step back. He wanted to open his mouth to test, but the other party raised his head and looked at him.

As soon as the blood-red eyes looked into Jenkins' eyes, the purple light in Jenkins' eyes suddenly flashed.

At that moment, Jenkins saw a sea of ​​blood in the other person's eyes. Due to the influence of the previously injected blood, his whole body was shaking unconsciously, so he immediately looked away; the girl in the blood cocoon looked away. For a moment, Jenkins seemed to see all the past and future in her eyes. Those pictures that she could not understand made her brain tremble. One-third of the blood vessels in the cocoon burst at the moment of looking at each other, so she also He looked away unconsciously:


She said to Jenkins, who stood motionless and did not answer her words.

"Outlander, do you know what I am that you see? I know you want to leave here, are you willing to accept my help?"

Although she looks human, the girl in the cocoon is not human by any stretch of the imagination. In Jenkins' perception, she is more similar to the life essence of the blood demon larvae he just saw in the church altar than to a human being.

"I don't want your help. I want you to leave the third floor of the hospital, otherwise you can try to see which of us is stronger."

He lowered his head and said, listening to the sound of blood flowing in the surrounding blood vessels. He felt that the sound was resonating with himself.

"Don't you want to defeat that machine?"

Sure enough, she also knew about the difference machine that had invaded this strange place.

"Although I only saw it from a distance, I can feel the essence of its power and know that it wants to transform everything in the world into pure metal machinery. But we all know that is wrong, absolutely wrong..."

Although she did not dare to look at Jenkins again, it did not prevent the girl in the cocoon from looking at Jenkins' body:

"Mechanical eternity is just a foolish idea. Flesh and blood are the most solid foundation of life. Let the blood-red blood flow to the whole world, let everything become a whole, and build an immortal thing. This is the correct evolutionary path. Flesh and blood are bitter? No, that is only a part. The spreading flesh and blood and the integrated consciousness are much stronger than mechanical steel."

Jenkins tried hard to restrain himself from showing a mocking expression. Of course, he did not agree with the girl in the cocoon.

In his opinion, the other party was probably the same kind of person as the difference machine, one pursuing mechanical eternity and the other pursuing flesh and blood eternity. However, the girl in the cocoon is not very strong, and she has not encountered an era suitable for the power of "blood", so she can only talk about her great ambitions with the "foreigner" who accidentally broke in in this dilapidated hospital, and cannot stand at the threshold of the last step like the difference machine.

"I will tell you how to leave here, you do me a favor. Outsider, I can give you power, the power of blood. I smell the power of blood in you, you know that this road is far more than what you see."

Jenkins has the ability of green life [blood source], which he rarely uses, so he reacted for a while to understand what the other party meant.

"How about it? Will you accept my help?"

The girl in the cocoon stretched out her hand to Jenkins, and the white hands were indeed very tempting. Even Jenkins, who thought he was determined, stared at the hand for several seconds before moving away, and decided to play some games with the girls at home after leaving the strange world:

"The help I need now is for you to leave the third floor of the hospital."

Jenkins replied, his tone was firm and normal, and no one could see what he was thinking at the last moment.

Hearing him say this, the girl's face immediately darkened. Her real body was on the third floor of the hospital. She did not step out of the blood cocoon to attack Jenkins directly at this moment, and because the gestation process was not actually completed, she could not leave here anyway.

Chapter 2143 Nurturing of Blood

"Do you have to go against me?"

The girl's clear voice finally darkened.

"It's not that I have to go against you, but I don't agree with the view of the difference machine's 'mechanical eternity', and I don't agree with your extreme idea of ​​'eternity of flesh and blood'. At such a close distance, can't you tell the essence of my life?"

Jenkins' abundant vitality is almost impossible to hide, so the girl in the cocoon did not suspect that he was a strange thing when he first appeared.

Hearing him say this at this moment, the girl in the cocoon finally felt more deeply what was standing in front of her. Jenkins did not hide anything, and the essence that penetrated the soul was too prominent, so she quickly came to a conclusion:

"Are you a tree?"

"You can think so."

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