He wanted to find blood wine with similar effects to the containment potion, but after a long time, he couldn't tell which wine had similar effects. But since he encountered such a special building, he must not return empty-handed.

In order not to waste time, he didn't think too much, but just used 1 dice to exchange for the bottle closest to the wine cellar ladder. The effect marked on the cardboard was completely incomprehensible, so he didn't plan to drink it himself, but put it in the pocket on the side of the big backpack.

Fortunately, some of the items in the backpack had been used, otherwise this bottle of wine would not fit in.


Leaving the wine cellar and continuing on the road, this time the number 7 was rolled, and the blood-red slabs extended forward one by one, but it should have stopped at the seventh slab, but this time it stopped at the fifth slab because there was a roadblock on the fifth slab.

"What bad luck."

Even so, he didn't regret choosing this road, because the blood-red fog on the road on the left looked more weird than this side.

The wooden roadblocks did not look strong. Although the wood itself was damp and covered with mold, it seemed that a fire could burn it or it could fall to one side with a kick. After Jenkins walked over, he tried to push it a few times, but it didn't move. The roadblock didn't even have the tendency to move.

So he had to accept his fate and put the 10 dice into the wooden box next to the roadblock. As the blood-red dice fell one by one with a pleasant sound, the wooden box and the roadblock immediately turned into blood like melting ice and flowed all over the ground.

The blood did not flow randomly, but flowed in the direction of Jenkins's advance, and finally dyed the two large stone slabs red, allowing Jenkins to complete the action number of the number 7.

But before moving forward, Jenkins looked to his right. When he stopped because of the roadblock, he was facing a building:

"Can I knock on the door now?"

He tilted his head to look at the wooden door that was seriously infested with insects, but he didn't choose to try it in the end. After all, safety comes first. The bell ringer only said that he could knock on the door or enter the building area without a door when the dice indicated that he had stopped.


Carrying the small cloth bag with the dice, after moving forward two stone slabs, there were about 10 buildings not far away and then there was another intersection. The length of this street was indeed not very long compared to the street where he started.

Leaving the roadblock and moving forward two steps, the building on the right was still an ordinary building this time. Jenkins knocked on the door according to his previous experience, and the town resident dressed as an old woman opened the door. He picked up the syringe as required, but this time he didn't inject it immediately but asked:

"Do you have anything you can sell to me?"

The old woman was obviously impatient with Jenkins, but because Jenkins was holding her syringe, she couldn't slam the door. After glaring at him, she retracted her head into the door and handed over a wooden sign after a while. It was similar to the pharmacist's trading catalog. On the left was the number of dice and in the middle was an equal sign. Jenkins could tell the meaning, but he really couldn't understand the simple drawings on the right.

But fortunately, the old woman's trading catalog was far less complicated than the pharmacist and the wine cellar. There were only four lines in the trading catalog, and Jenkins recognized the potion in the last line. It was a satiety potion worth one dice. After drinking it, you will not be hungry for 24 hours, and it has no effect on Jenkins.

The first three lines were respectively painted with a bowl of rice worth 3 dice, a portable oil lamp worth 12 dice, and a square towel worth 20 dice.

After Jenkins asked repeatedly, he promised to take one less dice for this injection, and the old woman was willing to explain the meaning of these items. The bowl of rice is not valuable, but the bloody rice can lure monsters living in the town. When encountering monsters, spilling the rice can temporarily divert the attention of the monsters.

The portable oil lamp allows people who walk through the town to safely pass through some special areas. For example, the blood-red mist that Jenkins did not choose just now, if there is no oil lamp to illuminate the way ahead, then the price he has to pay is far more than 12 dice.

Chapter 2135 Blood Robe Man

The role of the most expensive handkerchief in the old woman's trading catalog is more complicated. A handkerchief has no effect, but if you can get a complete set of clothes, including a top, pants, shoes, handkerchief, gloves, sleeves, and leggings, then you can ignore the restrictions of throwing dice and walk around the town at will. Because this set of clothes is the dress of the townspeople, wearing it will temporarily stop being an outsider.

The value of the seven items added together is certainly not as valuable as the escape potion type IV worth 300 blood-red dice that directly let Jenkins leave. But a complete set of clothes requires gambling luck to collect, and you also need to walk out with your legs, while the potion can be drunk after buying it, so although the role is similar, it is understandable that a set of clothes is less valuable.

Of course, Jenkins does not want to gamble luck. He couldn't use any of the four items he could afford, so he didn't buy anything, but asked another question:

"Do you have a map of the town?"

The bell ringer had already said that the town's space and time were distorted. Even if Jenkins chose to go in roughly the same direction at every intersection, he might have to go around the town for a long time, so the map was the most important.

Hearing this question, the old woman was rarely silent for a while, instead of cursing "despicable outsider" before speaking.

"I don't have a map, but someone in the town has one."

"Who has it? As long as your information is detailed, I won't ask for any reward for this injection."

"Some people in special professions in the town have maps. The value and information content of the maps in the hands of different townspeople are different, but the lowest value is more than 50 dice."

With a map, you can not only know which direction to leave faster, but also know which street has the greatest "value". After all, this strange place can provide many benefits including weapons and potions. The danger is great and the value is also great, so the value of at least 50 dice is appropriate.

"In addition to those guys who sell maps, you can also get maps after experiencing a few special events, but I don't know the specific information. Some special places where no one lives, including the mayor's house, also have maps, but they are very dangerous."

After saying that, she looked at Jenkins with bulging eyes and said nothing more. Jenkins nodded, inserted the syringe in his hand, which had been heated by his palm, into his arm, and pushed the piston to let the still cool liquid enter the blood vessels.

He closed his eyes and groaned, and was forced to see the picture again.

The background of the picture is still modern, two boys selling newspapers are running on the street with newspapers in their arms. One of them found a buyer, and the other stood beside him. While looking at his companion with a strange look in his eyes, the blood-red light in his heart became brighter and brighter.

"If it weren't for the fact that the human pus had already appeared, and this town clearly hid the scarlet mayfly, I might have thought that this was the human pus."

He said in his heart, returned the syringe in his hand to the old woman, and then set off again.


In his heart, Jenkins didn't actually expect that he could reach the edge of the town after a long journey. He knew that maybe collecting enough dice and leaving here by escaping the magic potion IV or a whole set of special clothes might be the right way to leave this town.

So he thought in his heart that no matter what he encountered next, the goal was to get more dice. The dice thrown was 15, so he had to make a choice at the next intersection. He walked forward while thinking about things, and wanted to look up to see the situation in the three directions of the intersection, but suddenly saw a hooded man wearing a blood-red robe standing at the intersection.


Jenkins was stunned, but before he could react, the man ran directly into the street on the right. When Jenkins quickened his pace and came to the intersection, the man had completely lost his trace:

"Why is he running so fast? Doesn't he have to throw dice? It's not an outsider like me. Is this an incident in the town?"

Because the man disappeared too quickly, he didn't even have time to observe with his eyes. Is this a trap of the differential machine or a special incident in the town itself? So after struggling for a while at the intersection, he decided to follow the disappeared person and head towards the street on the right.

The wind in the town gradually stopped, but the temperature was still around zero degrees. The smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger, and the smell of rottenness became stronger and stronger. With the appearance of the intruder, the strange world is undergoing further changes.

This is to remind Jenkins that he must leave here as soon as possible. The bell ringer said that there are things in this strange world that are more terrible than the incomplete disaster beast, so he doesn't have much time to delay.

Now, Jenkins misses his cat more and more. Since he confirmed that he would adopt Chocolate, he had never been separated from Chocolate for such a long time. Although he hugged his cat briefly when he went out to the puppet theater, it was only a hug.

He missed the way Chocolate stood on his shoulder, missed the way Chocolate got angry because of greed or hunger, and missed the way the clever tail poked his head.

He even missed the soft meow of Chocolate. Thinking of this, a feeling of loneliness came to him. He was indeed lonely, lonely and helpless in this town, and he was the only one who walked slowly forward. In fact, this feeling should have appeared long ago, but the elf lady he met in the castle accompanied him for two strange realms, so the loneliness only appeared now.

"I stayed in the strange realm for too long, even I would inevitably be affected."

He attributed his feelings at the moment to this, and then turned his head slightly to look at his shoulder. Of course there was no chocolate there, but Jenkins seemed to see chocolate standing on his shoulders:

"For chocolate, I have to leave here and defeat all the enemies. Not to mention, the ladies at home promised me that once I successfully return home, they are willing to..."

He took a deep breath, his face flushed and energetic, sweeping away the dullness and discomfort in his heart just now.

"I must go out, I must defeat the differential engine."

He whispered to himself, his eyes more determined, the new goal and the beautiful vision of the future were enough to support him to move forward without any stop.

Choose to turn right at the intersection, when you stop, there is a black brick and stone building similar to a church on the left. This place is of course in a dilapidated state, whether it is only three steps or the etched patterns used for decoration on the wall, at this moment, they are covered with the luminous moss and filth unique to this strange place.

Chapter 2136 The Nun's Transaction

There is no gate at the entrance of the old church, which means that outsiders can enter and exit at will. Jenkins looked up and didn't see any decorations or carvings symbolizing a god, so he couldn't tell who was enshrined in this church-like building.

"It's even impossible to tell whether it's a god, a master, or some other messy thing... But it's normal to have a church in the town. I wonder if there's a map in the church."

He walked out, stepped onto the slippery steps covered with green moss and entered the church.

Unlike the wine cellar just now, there was light in the church. Along the wall, unevenly distributed white candles of different heights provided a faint illumination here, and the flames on the candles were only the size of soybeans.

The long rows of seats that should have existed in the church were all piled up against the wall near the door, and on the wall facing the door, there was a stone altar. Next to the altar was a wooden chair, on which sat a nun wearing a black veil and black and white nun's clothes, or a monk. At least Jenkins looked like a slender woman.

There was also a circle of candles around the altar, which finally gave this decaying church, which had no religious atmosphere at all, some sacred flavor.

"Not the one wearing red clothes, that's not the one I saw just now."

The nun sitting on the chair was not the one he saw at the intersection just now. Seeing that she was not going to speak, Jenkins coughed to indicate that he had entered here, and then asked:

"I am... a despicable outsider. Do you have anything to trade with me?"

The nun's face was covered behind a black veil. She originally held her hands together and placed them on the legs of the black and white nun's clothes that looked soft. Hearing Jenkins' words, one hand reached behind her, then took out the wooden board, and then held it in front of her chest with both hands.

Jenkins hesitated for a moment and walked completely into the shadow of the building. He stopped only after approaching the nun to check the stick figure on the wooden sign.

But more importantly, this distance was enough for him to see clearly what was enshrined on the altar.

He thought it might be a holy emblem, a statue of a god, or even a book or a roll of parchment. But he didn't expect that there was a blood-red baby's body on the altar.

The small body was curled up, but it was definitely not a human being. The ominousness and curse on the body were almost condensed into a solid body.

The body of the baby was also on the trading list, worth a full 1,000 blood-red dice, which was even more than three times more valuable than the escape potion IV that was enough to allow Jenkins to leave the town directly.

Of course, it was impossible to draw 1,000 dice on the cardboard at the same time, so numbers were used here.

"What is this?"

Jenkins pointed at the cardboard and asked. He couldn't understand the trading list in the wine cellar because there was no one on duty in the wine cellar, but someone explained it in the church.

The nun's voice was very cold, making people tremble:

"The larva of the blood demon, eating it can permanently change your race, and master the way to make blood-red dice, and even further currency."

"Further currency?"

Jenkins didn't expect that there was a higher-value currency system here:

"What other currency is there?"

The other party's face was hidden behind the veil, but Jenkins clearly felt that the other party was staring at him at the moment:

"Sin currency-blood currency."

Even though he knew that this strange place was weird, Jenkins couldn't help but take a breath, and then coughed because of the filth of the air.

So far, apart from the [Profane Production] given by the conductor, he has never even heard of any clues that can make sin coins. And now, the opportunity is right in front of him. Although Jenkins certainly does not have so many dice to buy, it does not prevent him from sighing.

"Really... the danger level of this strange place has increased again in my heart. It is better to leave as soon as possible and not think about extra things."

He forced himself to forget the body of the blood demon larvae worth 1,000 dice and look at other transactions. The church is probably a special building of a relatively high-end type, and the transaction content here is also very valuable.

Moreover, there are not only transactions with the number of dice on the left and the items on the right that require Jenkins to pay dice, but also transactions with the number of dice on the right, the stick figure on the left, and the nun paying dice.

"What does this mean?"

Jenkins pointed to the fifth row of the cardboard. On the left was an image of a monster with bared fangs and claws, and on the right was a dice, followed by the number 50, representing 50 dice.

"Are you buying a sword? I'll give you a sword, and you'll give me 50 dice?"

"No, there's a monster trapped here. If you can defeat it, I can give you 50 dice."

The nun offered Jenkins six trades to get dice. In addition to defeating the monster trapped in the church, two of the remaining five were to hand in specific items, a decorative sword and a candlestick, but unfortunately Jenkins didn't get them in his previous journey. The last three were to fight the nun in front of him and defeat her within a limited time, to enter the back of the church to find the lost items in the abandoned church, and to inject blood once.

Injecting blood from the old woman can get very few dice, but from the nun, you can get 30 dice. I think the blood from the nun is also different.

Of these six special deals, the most valuable one is to fight with the nun herself, which is worth a full 100 dice, equivalent to one-third of the escape potion type IV and one-tenth of the corpse. In addition to the unfinished items, the other four deals are worth a total of 237 dice. Jenkins wants all of them, but after a little thought, he gave up the one that went deep into the church to find the lost items.

On the one hand, the reward for this task is very low and it is a waste of time. On the other hand, this church gave Jenkins a very strange feeling, and he didn't want to explore it further. The bell ringer was right. This town was not something Jenkins should explore carefully. He just focused on being able to leave.

"Then I want to defeat the monster trapped in the church."

Jenkins said first, but did not take out the bone holy sword. Instead, he neatly removed the metal cocoon wrapped around the magic sword and held the magic sword in his hand. The infusion of spirit made the sword body appear with traces like the starry sky, and the fluctuation of emotions made the sword absorb more power.

The nun nodded, flicked her fingertips, and a ray of blood-red light fell into the center of the church lobby, which was empty because the tables and chairs were moved to the wall.

The ground appeared to be undulating, and then a huge blood-red ape slowly emerged from the ground with a dull roar.

It is called an ape, but in addition to its monkey-like appearance, its eight arms, four eyes, and the blood-red light that seemed to corrode its body made this monster completely different from a monkey.

It is very intelligent. After it appeared completely, although it immediately noticed the stranger standing in front of the nun, it did not attack directly, but carefully observed Jenkins. Jenkins saw the look of wisdom in the opponent's four eyes. This is not a crazy monster, so this battle may be a bit tricky.

Holding the sword and stepping forward, the huge blood-red ape immediately retreated, and at the same time, the red light condensed in the four eyes shot straight ahead. Jenkins did not hide, but swung the long sword in his hand forward, and the four beams of light were forcibly deflected to the wall.

The light hit the wall, but it left no trace. Although the church looked dilapidated, it was surprisingly solid.

"This sword is not bad."

Jenkins thought to himself.

The Star Demon Sword in his hand is certainly not more powerful than the Bone Holy Sword, and it is not as suitable for Jenkins as the Bone Holy Sword. But this sword is also a rare treasure. Apart from the Thunder God's Wrath and the Bone Holy Sword, this is probably the most powerful weapon Jenkins has ever touched.

Then he stepped forward, not very fast but very steady. The bloody giant ape also subconsciously continued to retreat, but immediately roared at Jenkins as if angry, and then rushed towards Jenkins.

"This guy is too loud, I'd better get rid of it quickly."

He thought to himself, bent down and then jumped up suddenly, holding the sword with both hands and slashing down. The giant ape swung two of its arms upwards, and after a loud bang, Jenkins was hit directly into the ceiling because he had no place to borrow in the air, and the two arms of the giant ape fell to the ground like paralysis.

This is the curse of the magic sword itself. The sword originally did not have such power. After being tempered by the unknown meteorite, the transformed magic sword has such an effect.

Jenkins fell from the sky, landed safely, and jumped up again like before. But this time the giant ape did not swing his fist, but suddenly stretched out the remaining two arms, and then clamped Jenkins in the air.

"Huh? How can you be so agile with such a big body?"

He was caught by the other party's arm, but he was not worried. As soon as his hand loosened, the magic sword fell down. But with the traction of mental power, the sword seemed to be controlled by an invisible person, piercing through the blood around the giant ape and stabbing directly into its eyes.

The drooping hands were barely raised, blocking the attack of the magic sword again. But when the giant ape put down the two not-so-flexible hands, the purple light on the chest of Jenkins, whose arms were caught by it, had already lit up the six-pointed star pattern.

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