Silver Dragon has no weapons and no need for luggage. She is the most powerful weapon in her own right.

"It seems that it is too late to give the doomsday document to Jenkins. If you want to give it to Jenkins, you have to think of other ways. There is more than one way to break the law and enter the treacherous realm. Maybe the Zhengshen Church will have a good way."

She said to Hathaway and Dolores, and before they could answer, Chocolate spoke again. The black and white kitten lay on top of Hathaway's head, showing no intention of moving:

"Take this."

It was still that soft and soft voice, and a dark corner of the silver-haired girl's heart maliciously guessed that it was the cat's voice that was deliberately pretending to be young.

But while Chocolate was speaking, a handful of tail hair peeled off from its tail and floated towards Anastasia, who grabbed it but didn't know why:

"What do you mean? You want to use your power in advance?"

Yinlong said in surprise.

"No, I feel my power."

Chocolate's voice is very soft, that kind of lazy but energetic voice, which matches the cat's appearance very well. Of course, if the ladies in the room could see her in human form, they would feel that her voice matched her appearance better:

"I have also been active in the material world and the astral world in the past. I probably lost some power residue at that time and was obtained by that machine. Take my hair, and the fake products will not be able to defeat you no matter what. Can’t lose.”

"That way it's foolproof."

Princess Sophia felt relieved and said to the silver dragon with a smile. Of course Anastasia would not refuse such help just for the sake of so-called "face":

"That way it's foolproof."

She held the tuft of cat hair in her palm, and then kissed Princess Sophia on her forehead. Then she jumped up and turned into a ray of silver light and disappeared into the sudden crack in the black space.

The three ladies who witnessed this scene sighed. After the black crack recovered, Dolores said to Princess Sophia:

"I'm going back to my father to participate in the next negotiation. Do you want to go with me?"

Princess Sophia has nothing to do now, so she plans to go together. After the fact that "the God of Lies is by my side" was exposed, Miss Fabry's identity as a believer in lies received little attention. The church has not used its imagination for the time being to guess the fact that "the god of lies is equal to the believer of lies", so Miss Fabry can still reasonably operate in the church.

Dolores also invited Hathaway to go with them, but Hathaway said that she had other things to do and wanted to wait for the church to find the ninth stone and then find a way to send it to Jenkins.

She and Dolores left the same way, but turned the corner of the corridor and went in different directions. After a while, I returned to the room where I saw Jenkins' spirit body just now. Miss Bernreit and Miss Harms were still there:

"Is your matter done?"

"It's almost there, just have to wait for a while."

Hathaway sat down a little tiredly. Briney was with Jessica, handling the files that should have been handled by Jenkins, so she couldn't accompany her for the time being. She had never had the desire to have a reliable person by her side. family.


The chocolate above her head showed her presence in a timely manner. Hathaway smiled and raised her hand to pet the cat, but she was pushed away by the chocolate's little paws after just touching it.

"That little goblin came to see you just now. When he saw that you were not here, he left temporarily."

"Leprechaun? Wynette~ Oh, yes, I forgot to tell Jenkins that his friend came to help him."

Hathaway raised her hand and pressed her head:

"Really, there's no other way. I'll go see that Mr. Pisco."

After saying that, she stood up again, but before she could walk out, there was a knock on the door. Then Hathaway learned from the nun in the church that her friend was looking for her outside the church.

What I saw at the door of the church was indeed Miss Magic. This lady was standing on the dark street covered in ashes. Under the strange scenery, Miss Magic looked extremely excited.

"Aren't you with Miss Yindi and those three gentlemen?"

Hathaway joked:

"What, they abandoned you?"

"Of course not, Hathaway, you will definitely thank me when you know what I am doing. But now I need help. I am making an important attempt, but I found that there is still an important item missing. Don't worry, it's just Ordinary items, so I need your help."

The two are old friends, and their words are not polite.

"Okay, what do you need?"

Hathaway asked, but the cat above her looked at Miss Magic with squinted eyes. The other party's state was a bit wrong. She hadn't seen her for a long time and suddenly became stronger:

"Sure enough, at a time like the end of an era, on the stage where fate gathers, under the conflict of fate, all kinds of strange people will always appear."

"Huh? This cat isn't Jenkins'...can it talk?"

Miss Magic asked in surprise, but Chocolate didn't even bother to pay attention to her.

"Please don't tell Jenkins about the chocolate. Just treat it as a hallucination. Don't talk about it."

Hathaway repeatedly emphasized that after getting Miss Magic's promise, she asked again:

"Speaking of which, what do you need?"

"A steam train."

Miss Magic said very sincerely and added:

"This is no joke."

"Is it the kind of 'steam train' I understand?"

The red-haired lady opened her arms and gestured:

"Or just a model?"

"No, that's it, a real train, but with a locomotive and a carriage."

Miss Magic emphasized, and Hathaway blinked to confirm that the other party was not joking:

“What do you want a steam train for?”

“It was for research, of course, and I had my big breakthrough.”

Miss Magic said neatly, while Hathaway nodded hesitantly:

"I can ask the church to allocate one to you in the name of Jenkins. After all, in this situation, most trains are out of service. But how do I give the train to you? That's not something I can pick up and deliver to you with one hand. in hand."

"Mr. Hood and I are all at Miss Silver Flute's house. In addition, there are also my church members. You should know the address, right? It's at Jenkins' house, right next to your house. You asked the church Just find a way to get the train to St. George Street, preferably with the front door facing the Jenkins house or Miss Silver Flute's house."

After saying that, he turned around and left:

"You must do it as soon as possible, time waits for no one."

"Wait a minute, what on earth are you doing?"

"While working on a big thing, I found something that Jenkins didn't find last time, and then suddenly I had a new idea, and the idea was unexpectedly successful, so there is a very important thing that will become a reality soon."

(Fini is praying...)

The sound of the dragon summoning flute resounded through the fifth floor of the castle. As the silver light group flashed, the silver dragon appeared on the fifth floor in the form of a giant dragon.

Because of her huge body, her appearance directly destroyed the ceiling of the castle.

For a moment, it was like an earthquake. The giant dragon spit out silver dragon breath directly towards the bright yellow moon above. At the same time, the cat-shaped black shadow in the strange moon also became active. The power of shadows was mobilized by the moon, and black light connected to the moon from the ground, as if there were many more paths to the moon out of thin air.

While the ground was shaking and debris from the building above continued to fall, Jenkins and Miss Elf had already rushed forward to try to catch the old housekeeper.

After waking up the moon, the old butler also knew that the situation was not good. He dropped the sword and wanted to jump back out of the castle through the window of the hall. For Jenkins and the elves, the darkness outside the castle is an absolutely forbidden area, an area that should not be set foot in the treacherous realm, but for "natives" of the treacherous realm like the old housekeeper, it is the best hiding place.

"Do you think you can get away?"

The old butler had fled without the sword, so Jenkins stooped to pick it up and hurled it forward. The sword blade penetrated the left side of the butler's metal body, passed through his chest and pinned him to the wall. Although it was just a puncture, the sword itself seemed to have extraordinary damage capabilities to the old butler. The butler did not struggle, but he was about to die.

"Leave quickly, this place is going to collapse!"

Miss Siruff said to Jenkins, and they both fled toward the window. When passing there, Jenkins picked up the sword and the old butler, and then jumped out of the window from the fifth floor with the elf.

Behind them, the breath of the silver dragon connected with the black light pillar erupting from the moon. The unstable spiritual fluctuations were like shock waves, sweeping away all items higher than the fifth floor of the castle.

Because the towers on both sides are slightly taller, the tops of the towers are cut off from the tower body and fall to the bottom. The impact of the huge masonry structure on the ground did not stir up any dust, but it made the already dim light of the dirt road bonfire even fainter.

But it doesn't matter, the silver dragon's entire body is glowing, and the bright yellow moon also shines with a brightness that the moon should not have. The two looked as if they were about to explode. This scene of the giant dragon fighting the full moon had never happened before, even in the distant mythological era.

Therefore, although the treacherous environment has become more dangerous now, at least there is no shortage of light for lighting.

Chapter 2113 The Shadow of the Human Heart

Although the battle between Silver Dragon and Huang Yue was very exciting, Jenkins and Miss Siluf didn't even bother to look back after landing, and fled towards the road facing the castle gate:

"Where's the door?"

The violent explosions and noises behind him made Jenkins unconsciously raise his voice, and the vibrations on the ground forced him to speed up his pace again. He said viciously to the old butler who was being pulled by him. The sword was still pierced through the butler's chest, and it was about to die:

"Don't even think about leaving here."

As he said that, he was still resisting. The clothes on the left side of the metal body exploded, and silver chains protruded from the metal, forcibly tying Jenkins to him.

"You can't leave anywhere! I can't leave, and you can't leave either!"

"You are just the host of the rules of the treacherous realm, not the maker of the rules. Do you think you have the final say in everything? Miss Siluf, you go first!"

The elf did not hesitate and immediately gave up on the bound Jenkins and ran along the road in the dark direction where Jenkins appeared in the strange world.

He tried to break free from the butler's restraint, but the activated metal was as hard to break free as the tarsal maggots. Jenkins even pulled out the sword from the butler's body and tried to chop the normal side of the butler's body, but it still didn't work.

"Don't even think about leaving, savior, I am the shadow of the human heart. The shadow of the human heart, the most real phantom, you can't get rid of."

The old housekeeper with only half of his body left said, his voice became strange due to the broken body, and black shadows flowed from the broken flesh, binding Jenkins together with the metal. The metal and shadow were rooted in the ground together, and Jenkins could not break free no matter what using his strength alone.

In the background of their fight, the battle between the silver dragon and the huge metal black cat that came out of the cracked yellow moon officially began.

Jenkins could see them out of the corner of his eye, and could see that the metallic black cat looked so familiar. Although not exactly the same, it seemed to be somewhat similar to the one that had appeared in his dream.

But at this moment, he didn't pay attention at all.

“The true phantom of the human heart, right?”

For some inexplicable reason, Jenkins' tone became a little irritable. Flames flowed out of the body again, trying to burn the metal and the black shadow like running water, but this time it didn't work.

"This metal is the metal peeled off from the core of the body by great wisdom. It is the strongest alloy forged by time and years, mystery and steam; this shadow is the shadow of the human heart. Your era has given these shadows a steady stream of arrogance. , jealousy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and the power of lust, fire cannot burn these.”

The activated metal and shadow gradually wanted to wrap around Jenkins' head, but Jenkins was not afraid. He first threw the sword in the direction of Miss Elf and let her hold it, and then said:

"The shadow of the human heart may be very powerful, but I have deceived many people's hearts. Do you want to talk to me about the real phantom?"

His body disappeared and appeared next to Miss Elf in an instant. When he first entered the treacherous realm, he left a shadow here out of caution, which was just in use at this time.

The mixture of shadow and liquid metal lost its target. After a brief hesitation, it immediately pounced on Jenkins again like a soft slime pounced on its prey, and was shot through by Miss Elf with an arrow.

Because the distance was too far and he was delayed by the elf's arrows, this period was enough for Jenkins to prepare.

He closed his eyes, covered the eyes of the elf who wanted to draw the bow again with one hand, held his cane in one hand, and pointed the orb at the top of the cane forward.

The sudden white light even made the fighting silver dragon and metal black cat subconsciously close their eyes. This world has not been illuminated by such a powerful light for tens of thousands of years. The light even briefly dispersed the shadows at the edge of the mysterious space, allowing those who dared to open their eyes at this moment to see the real edge of the mysterious space.

Of course, no creature with eyes dared to open their eyes at this time. Most gifts have unique powers, and the characteristic of luminous orbs is just to emit light, so they are more pure.

After the light disappeared, the black liquid shadow connected to the metal temporarily disappeared, and the metal also fell to the ground. But just like what the old housekeeper said just now, this shadow can be temporarily dispelled, but it can never be completely eliminated. Sooner or later it will resurrect in this strange place, but this has nothing to do with Jenkins.

"We're leaving."

He said to the elf, and then while holding her hand and walking along the road towards the dark direction, he turned and said to the silver dragon in the sky:

"We're leaving first, Anastasia, you must be careful!"

"Don't worry, Jenkins. I wish you a smooth journey, and when it's over, don't forget to treat me to dinner!"

The bright yellow moon completely shattered and turned into yellow armor to protect the metal black cat.

But this did not bring any advantage to the metal black cat. After all, although the silver dragon fought with the black cat in the sky, the black cat unexpectedly had no intention of violent attack, but only passive defense.

It seemed to be frightened and deliberately avoided a direct confrontation with the silver dragon. And if Jenkins turns around and observes Anastasia carefully at this time, he will find a black halo wrapped around her right front paw, which is the real power of the Moon-Swallowing Civet.

But even if one of the two didn't use all his strength, the aftermath of their battle would have brought the castle to the point of complete collapse. The collapsed castle left no construction waste behind, but instead blended into the world as a shadow.

In fact, even the castle is part of the shadow. After all, the so-called lord is the master of the shadow.

"There is only one road outside the castle, and the door is of course at the end of the road, but it will only appear after completing the task. Does that butler think this is the first strange situation I have experienced? I still follow this basic rule got it."

Jenkins said, and in the darkness at the end of the road, the door that emitted white light but was somewhat unstable appeared.

"Do you want to take this sword with you?"

In front of the door, the elf, who finally understood the current situation, asked Jenkins.

"I can only take you away. Even if the housekeeper dies, we'd better not violate the rules."

As he spoke, he handed the sword to Miss Siluf, then collected some of the liquid metal left behind after the butler disappeared and put it into his backpack. Since the butler claims that this is a fragment of the core of the Difference Engine, it is certainly of great value:

"But since the butler is dead, some minor violations should be fine."

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