Jenkins asked his father loudly in the strong wind again.

"There's nothing we can do about it Jenkins."

Dad was very calm, with a decisive expression on his face:

"Be prepared. The church is ready to resist. Don't take action. Go to the tower immediately. There are still five minutes left. Once the entrance to the tower appears, you go in immediately and don't worry about us!"

Dad took out the key and was about to put his hand into his chest. He looked at Jenkins with firm eyes:

"You don't have to worry about things outside. Your mission is to go to the ninth floor of the tower and face the disaster of this era. Don't worry about us, but we need to worry about you. You have to face nine... ... Ten, we only have to face one."

The key was taken out of his spirit by the father. In the unsealed environment, people around him subconsciously stayed away from the two of them. The key's oppressive and mental pollution power was not small.

Dad was holding on to the keys, but before his palms touched the clothes, Jenkins caught his wrist.

"what are you up to?"

Dad was unable to open his eyes due to the strong wind, and the huge pressure in the hole above made him bend down subconsciously. But Dad noticed that at this moment, Jenkins actually stood up straight and looked at him. Jenkins didn't seem to be affected at all.

No, not at all. Jenkins was glowing, golden light appeared around his body, and the scattered golden light spots could even make Dad feel warm.

"This is......"

It’s not yet known what this means, but it certainly involves the “little secret” that Jenkins mentioned many times.

"Dad, please have a good rest. Your work has been completed. Please allow me to take over the next thing."

Jenkins' hand slipped from his father's wrist to his palm, and then he forcibly took away the key, which was not small. Dad wanted to stop him, but for the first time he felt how powerful his apprentice was.

"Jenkins, you..."

A somewhat dazzling but extraordinarily warm golden light appeared in Jenkins' clasped hand, and Dad instantly felt that he had lost any connection with the evolutionary key. The key that had been with him for hundreds of years, the source of the curse and power, was lost so simply and passively.

A huge feeling of emptiness filled Dad's heart, and Jenkins, in the golden light, looked at Dad, and then loosened his clenched palms. The key lay quietly in his lighted palm, and then "melted" into his body under his father's gaze.

Dad reached out and grabbed the clothes on his chest.

"Have you really decided now?"

Alexia asked softly, grabbing Jenkins' arm and looking at Jenkins at this moment with the cat above her. He looked like a god in the holy light. Although his appearance had not changed except for the glow, looking at him felt like looking up to him.

PS: I hope you haven’t misunderstood the meaning of the chapter name before reading this chapter.

I wish you all a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Ox. Next is the ten consecutive updates for the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox. Thank you all for your support, and I hope to support Jenkins in completing the final part of the story.

Chapter 2104 Chapter 2073 The Fall of God (Additional update 1/10)

"Have you really decided now?"

To Jenkins, Alexia’s voice also seemed to come from the horizon.

"Yes, if I enter the tower and win, but when I come out I find you are all dead, then what's the point of my victory?"

He replied, the first half of his voice being normal, but the second half echoing constantly, reverberating through the streets crowded with church patrons.

Jenkins closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had already taken out the metal block he was carrying with him in his right hand. Those golden brilliance resonated with the holy silver metal block. The father who was nearby could observe that the six sides of the metal block were engraved with six emblems belonging to the savior.

"Don't worry, I'll be back."

He whispered to Alexia for the last time, but at this moment Alexia could no longer see Jenkins' expression. The golden light completely covered him, and the majestic colors splashed towards the surroundings, adding an extremely dazzling touch to the dark night.

People on this street or in the Civic Square at the end of the street all noticed this color. People spontaneously made way for Jenkins to walk along the street to the square to face the coming monster.

"Jenkins, you..."

Dad was speechless. Jenkins nodded to him, and then strode forward along the road that people gave way to. The crowd continued to retreat toward the street, and as he walked, the road in front and behind became wider.

With every step he takes, the golden light leaves a mark on the ground, as if a golden carpet appears on the ground he walks on.

People heard singing and even the sound of bells. In the originally chaotic wind, a stronger wind appeared.

The holy silver metal gradually dissipated in the palm of his hand. Jenkins didn't observe people's expressions. He just walked forward.

The white beam of light broke through the dark clouds above his head, shrouding him in it. The golden light surged around like an ocean, instantly dispersing the gray mist and the inexplicable ashes.


Miss Strais next to Dad didn't even realize that she was opening her mouth. She was the Holy Son of God, and she knew what power this was better than ordinary people.

A more powerful oppressive force than the one above the square spread like a tide, and people lowered their heads. Even the demigods and sons of the church could not look directly at the savior they had chosen at this moment.

Hymns, unmistakable hymns ring in the ears. Few have heard the hymn that accompanied the appearance of the God of Lies, but now, there is no doubt that this is the hymn of God.


Miss Bevanna had to stay at the church, so it was Mr. Gilbert who came to see Jenkins off. He had just been helping deal with the demon at the edge of the square, so he couldn't run to Jenkins with his father.

And as the saint shrouded in pure white light approached, he finally confirmed something he had never imagined. The middle-aged man felt dizzy like never before. This is not because of the power from a higher dimension, but because he cannot accept the facts and suspects that he has gone crazy:

"But how is that possible?"

Like most people, Mr. Gilbert believed that he was most likely dreaming at this moment. But when the song came to his ears, and the person who could not look directly passed by in front of him, the vast power and the pressure of the gods finally made him sure that this moment was reality. God comes to determine reality, and God’s appearance means that this moment is reality:

"Jenkins is the support of the God of Lies?"

The thoughts of countless people.

"No, of course not."

His voice rang in their ears, and Mr. Gilbert held back the fear in his heart and raised his head, but only saw the back in the light fading away. He couldn't understand why, but he understood that what he was looking at was Jenkins, the God.

White fly ash fell above his head, but it automatically slid in another direction in the sky. The drop of divinity condensed by the Lie Priesthood was completely absorbed into the soul.

The soul ignites the divinity, and the divinity complements the soul. With the God of Lies sighing like he was talking in his sleep, people understood everything.

He raised his head and stared at the god who stepped on the earth. Under his gaze, he came to the center of the square step by step. At this moment, nine emblems appeared at his feet at the same time. The colors that flashed in sequence were superimposed on each other. The colorful light beams rushed towards the hole in the air. From the depths of the hole, a frightening cry was also heard. Voice.

He spread his arms and rose high into the sky as people watched. Soft white light sprinkled downwards, and the nine emblems under the feet overlapped. As the god pointed his hand towards the sky, the colorful light pillars collided with the long black tongue shooting out of the hole.

"I said!"

He said.

"According to the rules of the world, there is no place for you and others to stay here!"

The hole opened by the sacrifice gradually closed under the command of the god, but before that, a smooth black thick arm, like elastic plasticine, stretched out from the relatively "small" hole.

The god raised his fist to fight with it. After the collision of black light and golden light, it seemed as if the world itself trembled. Then deep rays of light scattered under the sky, and the god, shrouded in pure white light pillars, stood under the sky with his hands clasped behind his back. The black clouds above his head dispersed due to the confrontation at that moment, and the two-color moonlight broke through the obstacles and enveloped him.

The ground was shaking, but people didn't care. However, the smoke column that shrouded the metal tower dissipated in the earthquake that happened for an unknown number of times this year.

Amidst the rumbling sounds coming from the underground, the ninth-floor tower rose as promised at midnight and early in the morning, standing beside the gods in the sky. This tower also rang the bell for the first time after the ninth floor tower appeared.

The clock struck twelve, and it was already midnight.

The bells appeared accompanied by the roar of the steam engine. At the same time, from the seams of each floor of the nine-story tower, hot white steam spurted out, as if the cylinders of a steam train that was about to stop were working.

The god pointed his hand at the tower, and golden light shot out, but it only left a black hole surrounded by golden light on the outside of the third floor.

Then, the pure white light around God dissipated, and the strange but particularly attractive hymn gradually subsided. As the strength recedes, the feeling of oppression also disappears little by little.

God exhausted his power, and the young writer landed in front of the ninth-floor tower door under the sky that was once again shrouded in black clouds. As he landed, the dark clouds above his head became thicker and thicker, so the moonlight was gradually weakened.

When he set foot on the earth again, the light completely disappeared.

He became mortal again, falling from godhood to the same position as everyone else present. Without saying a word, he grabbed the handle of the iron door with his hand, and finally looked back at the stunned people.

He nodded slightly but said nothing.


Open the door.

He went inside.

PS: Before the final battle, if there are still secrets, wouldn’t it be equivalent to Jinyi’s Night Walk? Therefore, this scene had to be arranged before the final battle, so that Jenkins would not have the strongest support, and the subsequent story would be more exciting.

Chapter 2105 Chapter 2074: Human-Faced Snake (Additional Update 2/10)

All the previous visions disappeared with the heavy closing of the door. The deep light disappeared, the terrifying black hole disappeared, and the god walking in the world disappeared.

It was as if time had gone back ten minutes, except that Jenkins had disappeared.

Dad, like everyone else, could not accept the truth he had just learned. It took him a long time to turn his head and look at Alexia, who was stroking the chocolate on her head. Normally, Chocolate is not allowed to be touched by others, but now it is in a bad mood, and Alexia is considered an accepted "family member", so she does not stop the short lady from touching herself.

"I just found out about this."

Alexia said to her father. Her words finally woke him up from his blank mind:

"You mean, everything we just saw is true?"

"Maybe it's true."

She shrugged her shoulders, then looked up at the black hole imprisoned by golden light that the God of Lies used his last strength to leave on the outside of the third-story tower before disappearing:

"But what if he is a god? He can only use that power under certain circumstances. Dad, don't think of him as a god walking in the world. He is actually a mortal who only goes to heaven occasionally. That power can only be used once. He originally planned to use it on the Difference Engine, but now for us..."

"Why is Jenkins so stupid? Does he understand what is most important?"

At this moment, Dad no longer cares about understanding the truth:

"If he has this power, it is not easy to defeat the Difference Machine. Why does he want to protect us? That is his trump card, so what is he going to do now?"

"I don't know about this either. Dad, the key now is not to let this news spread. At the same time, we have to prepare..."

"I think it would be very difficult to keep this news from spreading."

He and Alexia looked at the people who were gradually waking up from the surprise of the god's arrival:

"Also, what should we prepare? Does Jenkins have other methods?"

"See that?"

Alexia pointed to the golden ring outside the third floor tower:

"The battle with the unknown beast of disaster consumed most of his strength, but at least he left a 'door' at the last moment."

Alexia narrowed her eyes:

"That is not a complete door out of the treacherous realm. It probably only allows a certain part of him, such as his soul, to temporarily return to our world. But this is the best result. Dad, you need to inform the church. , be prepared for Jenkins to show up at any time, and we will meet all his requirements.”

(Fini is praying...)

The smell of sulfur. When the dizzy Jenkins climbed up on the rough ground, his sense of smell reminded him that the surroundings were filled with the smell of sulfur.

The hand holding the ground felt a stinging pain. This was the feeling given to him by the rough and extremely hot rocks. Looking around, the whole world was dark red. He was sitting on a large rock protruding from the edge of the cliff, but the way out of the cliff was blocked by rocks.

This place looks like a cave, and the so-called "cliff edge" is actually above a flowing sea of ​​magma. The rocks extending out of the blocked cave were suspended above the magma sea. The scorching air and the acidic air currents constantly rising from the magma sea could make Jenkins fall with the big rocks under him at any time.

There is no doubt that this place is a mysterious place. The black aura around it and the restricted area of ​​activity are all obvious representatives of the mysterious situation.

"Is this a volcano crater or deep underground?"

After the divine burning ended, it would bring about a short period of weakness. Coupled with the sense of spatial chaos caused by rashly entering a strange situation, he rested for a long time before he could barely sit up.

The high concentration of sulfur smell in the surroundings and the increasingly dry and hot air are enough to kill ordinary people within a few minutes. It's just that this time the brightness of the strange environment is very high, which is very different from the previous places where you can't see anything.

He looked around, trying to find the announcer of the rules of the treacherous realm, and was curious about whether the other party was voluntarily cooperating with the Difference Engine, or was simply being coerced by the Difference Engine.

But the stone was in full view, and no one but Jenkins was there.

"Is it down there?"

I was about to lie down on the edge of the stone and look down, but at this moment I heard the unique "squeaking" sound of old machinery in action.

A mechanical snake as thick as Jenkins' waist climbed up from below by climbing up the cliff next to the stone that was connected to the abyssal magma sea. In front of the mechanical snake is a human face, not a human head, but a human face appearing on the face of the mechanical snake, which makes this thing even weirder.

The body of the mechanical snake is composed of several interconnected metal sections. On top of the metal of the snake's body, there are some transparent scale-like things attached. Judging from the sound of its body rubbing against stones, it can be inferred that those transparent scales should also be made of metal.

"It seems that there is no power of the beast of disaster."

Jenkins still remembered the arrangement of the difference engine, so he was extra vigilant.

"Savior, you finally appeared."

The human-faced snake also climbed up the big rock. It coiled its body, with only the front half of its body standing up toward Jenkins. Snake uses the common language of mankind. When he speaks, his eyes narrow like crescent moons, and his voice is extremely soft, soft and even a little scary.

"Want to hear the rules here?"

The human face is smiling, a strange smile. This expression appears on a snake, which is more unsettling than when it appears on a human face.

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