She also called out her soul emblem to identify herself, but soon thought of another question:

"How do you know who I am?"

The vigilance is obviously a higher level.

Jenkins couldn't answer this question. He thought for a while and said, "This is my personal secret, but please don't worry. I came here unexpectedly tonight and happened to meet you talking."

"So, can I leave?"

the woman asked. The dark clouds that came from nowhere happened to cover the blue moon, and the whole sky turned into an astonishing red.

"You can always do that if you want. But I'd like to be able to ask you a few questions, for a price of course, just like our party."

The cat nuzzled Jenkins' face impatiently, and Jenkins brushed away its tail because it kept swaying from side to side, blocking the view from one side.

“One message for another.”

After all, he was a stranger who had conducted transactions before. Although he did not lower his guard, he did not leave immediately.

"No problem, I want to know what that tree is."

First of all, you have to satisfy your curiosity.

"A-01-2-2221, the unfortunate wishing tree. Make a wish by smearing your own blood on the trunk. The wish will come true to a certain extent, but never completely. According to the wish-fulfillment method Depending on the degree of difficulty, and the degree to which the wish is fulfilled, the wish-maker will encounter a series of misfortunes over the course of the next year. This misfortune can, of course, be offset by the existing rituals of the Hermit Church. It will be moved to another location, but generally speaking, you can only encounter it in the deserted wilderness... I want to know what the Starry Sky and the Church of Equilibrium did outside the city last night, and why there were twenty The bodies of eight condemned prisoners were transported there."

Chapter 187 Chapter 183 Steam Bomb

"If you can't fully realize your wish, you still have to pay a price. As expected, all weird things are such deceptive things."

He thought and shook his head:

"I have no idea."

Answer honestly.

"Well, the true portrait of Pirate King Femixiu has been obtained by the Orthodox Church. I want to know where to get it."

"I have one right here, which is the answer to this question. If you can answer my other question, I can give it to you now."

Jenkins said as he put his left hand behind his back. First, use the Creation Pencil to create the most common piece of paper, and then use [Reading and Writing] and [Book of Memories] to draw the sketched portrait obtained from Dad on it.

"You have to tell me first, what do you want to know?"

She was indeed cautious.

Under the red and blue moonlight, the two stood on the roof of someone else's house, talking quietly and cautiously. This is a common gathering or talking place for illicit benefactors, as long as care is taken not to disturb the owner of the house.

"I accidentally heard you talking to your companions just now, I mean, I accidentally, passively, definitely not intentionally. I want to know, what do you mean by the devil? I don't think so. Is it outdated news that the devil is dead?”

The woman stretched out her hand and held the pendant on her chest. The blue halo beneath her feet spread outwards and soon surrounded Jenkins. Jenkins frowned and did not dodge.

"Sure enough, we should have blocked the sound like this from the beginning... Well, when I was reading the newspaper, I learned that the Good Luck Steam Pipe Company dug out some bones from the ground when they renovated the old steam pipes. I Marking the positions of these bones on the map, I found that these positions seemed to have some patterns. Even so, I couldn't tell what they were, but later, using death and sacrifice as clues, I found out the names of the people who died in the evil spirit incident. The location, as well as the places where the possessed evil spirits have never been, are also marked on the map. This is an incomplete and huge array of ancient sacrificial rituals. This ritual is very ancient and requires at least three victims. digits.

I tried to restore the entire appearance of the formation, and excavated bones that had not yet been discovered in some locations. Various signs showed that this was a ritual that had been launched to sacrifice living beings and to summon alien creatures. The people killed by evil spirits are a symbol that the ritual has been restarted, which is to replenish the materials lost in the last ritual. But fortunately, some kind gentleman has dealt with the evil spirit, and we don't have to worry about the ritual being restarted. "

"Is it such a coincidence that you 'happen' to know about this ritual?"

"Of course, I am a believer in Ms. [Mystery and Ritual]! Relying on divine magic, even if it is a ritual I have never seen before, I can also rely on perception and feedback to know the effect. Bring it~"

Jenkins nodded and handed over the paper in his hand. The woman took a look, and a blue flame rose from her hand, burning the paper completely with a roar.

"Goodbye, Mr. Candle. If you are interested in this matter, I believe it has something to do with the Asyash family. Yes, it is that ancient family. I have seen it in a foreign country. The remaining pages of the Asyash Summoning Text, this and that part of the record are similar to Goodbye~"

As she spoke, she once again held the six-pointed star pendant on her chest. After a few seconds, she jumped off the roof and walked into the alley.

"A gift?"

The six-pointed star pendant gave Jenkins a very different feeling. It was the first time he truly saw a gift that did not belong to him. The spiritual light through which the gift appears is white.

The impact of the demon incident will continue for a long time, and the demon summoners hidden in the city will probably not wait quietly for the believers of the Orthodox Church to find them.

Jenkins can only pray to the sage that these things must not destroy his temporarily peaceful life.

Miss Magic and Chocolate can jump from the roof to the ground, but Jenkins can't. When he tried his best to find a way down, Miss Magic and the tree had long disappeared.

Some leaves fell on the street, the shape and size were the same as ordinary leaves, but Jenkins could see very faint spirits attached to the leaves.

"The leaves of the weird plant just now?"

He thought in his heart, and saw that the spirit on the leaves was green instead of black, so he bent down and planned to pick them all up. This is the first time I have seen an item with a green spirit. Maybe Mr. Old Jack knows the use of this material.

There are not many fallen leaves. Jenkins took some effort to pick up the last leaf in the moonlight. When he looked up, he had actually walked to the corner of this street.

He looked around and thought about which direction to go home. Unexpectedly, a man suddenly rushed out from the corner and collided with Jenkins.


Chocolate, with white fur on Jenkins' shoulder, barked threateningly at the stranger. The man with one ear missing and a scar on his left face looked panicked:

"Damn dog of the Orthodox Church!"

Jenkins wanted to remind him that Chocolate was a cat and he was a human, but the small ball that the man hurriedly threw to the ground immediately attracted his attention.

"What is this?"

This was the first thought.

"No spirit, ha~ ordinary items."

The second thought.

"Wait, the original owner seems to have this thing in his memory, and I have seen it in the newspaper. This is... a steam bomb!"

The black ball fell to the ground and immediately began to spin rapidly. Hissing steam came out from the small holes on the surface of the ball. As the steam pressure rose rapidly, the metal ball made of brass and black rotated faster and faster.

Jenkins immediately turned to another street with the chocolate in his arms and stuck to the wall. Then, in the muffled explosion, iron beads, glass shards, iron scraps and other messy things scattered. Crackling sounds continued to ring, and even the windows of nearby businesses were broken.

A commotion came from a distance, followed by flickering lights. Jenkins stuck his head out with a talisman in his right hand, only to see the man who threw the bomb just now lying on the ground in embarrassment. When he looked up and saw that Jenkins was still alive, he immediately rushed towards him again.

"I am innocent."

He wanted to say this, but the man did not give him a chance to open his mouth.


The one-eared man shouted in a low voice, and Jenkins immediately felt that he could not make a sound. He frowned and stepped back, and then he noticed that this was a level 1 gifter.

"Weaker than me?"

Chapter 188 Chapter 184 Coincidence or fate

This was the first time Jenkins saw a gifter of a lower level than himself, and he no longer hesitated in his heart. He stopped retreating and punched him.

The man raised his arm to block the fist and took two steps back. A layer of white frost immediately covered his arm.

Pulling out a dagger from his waist, the man groaned in pain and cut off the other ear. Jenkins was startled and reached forward to grab the bloody ear, but his aim was not good enough and it was dodged.

The man with bloodshot eyes looked up at Jenkins and whispered something. He threw the ear to the ground and then multiplied rapidly. In just a moment, it turned into a disgusting white flesh wall with bloodshot, blocking Jenkins and the man.

"Twin demons!"

A figure with black smoke appeared behind Jenkins, sticking to his back, and then rushed to the wall with a residual image. After a more deafening explosion, the flesh wall collapsed into a pool of blood, and the man had long disappeared.

"What's going on?"

Jenkins turned around and was about to leave, because someone was running towards this side on the other side of the street. There seemed to be something on the ground. He picked it up and saw that it was a newspaper.

There was no time to check carefully, Jenkins took Chocolate and quickly left this place full of surprises.

On the way home, he finally did not encounter any strange people. He returned home with the newspaper, cleaned Chocolate's four legs before putting it to bed, and Jenkins finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are there so many people wandering around in the middle of the night?"

He complained softly and sat down at the desk, turned on the desk lamp, and let the stable firelight illuminate the table.

This is a newspaper called "Iron Power Supporters". Although the name gives people a serious feeling, it is actually a tabloid. It mainly talks about the love affairs of small nobles, or fabricates some shocking downward legends.

Jenkins has never subscribed to this kind of newspaper, but he still found today's date at the top.

Flipping back and forth, it was all some strange reports, some of which were quite large in scale and involved several famous gentlemen in the city hall.

At the bottom of the page marked "3", this line of words was written crookedly in blue ink:

Go, you've been discovered!

Because before encountering the man, Jenkins, who was picking up leaves, had confirmed that there was no garbage on the ground nearby, so the newspaper could only have been dropped by the man. And the fact that it was accidentally left behind just proves that the newspaper was not kept close to the person, but was put casually into the pocket or even held in the hand.

Jenkins reconstructed the possible situation. The man with one ear—no, no ears now—got the newspaper at night, discovered the news, fled in a hurry, and met Jenkins at the corner.


He thought to himself, raised the newspaper and looked at it under the light, rubbed it gently with his hand a few times to make sure there was no sandwich, and then picked up a pencil.

Lying on the bed, Chocolate watched curiously as Jenkins held the pencil horizontally and carefully scribbled on the top blank space of the newspaper. A few minutes later, a few scattered words appeared in the pencil mark:

【·Collected by Mr. M. Greenland

No. 13, Green Avenue, Elderlon City]

Apparently, someone pressed the newspaper underneath when writing the envelope, so some of the information remained here.

Jenkins didn't know how funny fate was, but he knew very well that he knew this address during the day. This is one of the possible addresses of the followers of [Prince of Lies] provided by Mr. Topaz at the Gem Party.

But this is too much of a coincidence. In one day, I went from not knowing about Eldron at all to now knowing the specific address. Jenkins, who was overly cautious, not only doubted whether there was any conspiracy.

He had no plans to tell the church about the address now, at least not until he had determined whether there was something wrong with the address. And he couldn't explain where the address came from. After all, he was out in disguise just now, so it would be bad if he was divined as a man in black robe.

"Try this address?"

An idea came to mind.

"But it's impossible for me to go abroad now."

This is a fact.

"Then pretend again and write a letter to try to get a reaction."

This is a good note, at least safety will not be threatened. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, it is best that the letter does not involve any sensitive information, can be sent with reasonable reasons, and is likely to receive a reply.

In order to prevent reverse divination from suggesting that the letter came from his home, the letter paper was "drawn" by Jenkins. In this way, even if there is something wrong with the source of the stationery, you will not be implicated.

He filled his pen with ink, then buckled the pen cap on the back of the pen, thought about it in his mind, and wrote from the first line:

[Dear, kind stranger:

Hello. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a sociology student at the College of San Pascatini in Nolan, Kingdom of Fidictri. Our research team is conducting a very important social survey, which is part of our graduation project.

We sent a total of 50 letters to the city of Elderland. If you receive it, this is the guidance of fate for us.

The school's graduation thesis requires us to investigate the living habits of different classes of people in the Kingdom of Chesland. I hope you can understand the term class. This is a huge topic, so we chose the beautiful city of Elderland as the location for our investigation. I swear to the hermit, this is just an ordinary survey, a survey on the living habits of different countries, and we will never leak your information.

We have attached a questionnaire and a banknote after the letter as a reward for your help to us, as well as the postage for returning this letter.

Of course, after the project is over, we will express more gratitude to those who helped us. 】

Looking at what he had written with satisfaction, Jenkins tapped his head again:

"The handwriting should be changed, and it would be better if it was written in a woman's handwriting."

While he was thinking, he opened the drawer, took out the letters from Miss Mary, imitated her handwriting, and projected the words on the paper in a more feminine tone.

In order not to cause trouble to my pen pal, some details of the handwriting were appropriately changed, retaining only the feminine characteristics. Anyway, this is all written using [Reading and Writing], so it doesn’t take too much time.

The social survey table is even easier. Jenkins was working on these things before traveling through time. Although I don’t quite understand why an engineering student should do social research, it seems reasonable.

Chapter 189 Chapter 185 The Story of Moving On

Jenkins mailed so many letters and specifically named St. Pascatini College, where Hathaway and Britney attended, to add credibility.

If the letter does not come back, then Jenkins has no choice but to fly the address to the church door like he delivered the portrait of Pirate King-Destroyer Fermitio. If you come back, no matter what content is filled in, Jenkins can analyze some details.

In order to facilitate daily expenses, Jenkins keeps some scattered banknotes at home. He rummaged around and found 50 two-shilling notes.

"This is what fate has told me."

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