The kings, civil servants and nobles of the three kingdoms, as well as representatives from the affiliated principalities, had also partially known the truth about the end of the era. After hearing the Pope's speech, I still couldn't help but sigh. This is not something that ordinary people can accept. The end of the world... Queen Isabella, Salhi II and the young king of the southern country exchanged words with each other. The look in their eyes showed that each of them understood the other's mood.

The huge dome can clearly reflect the dark clouds above, and the fire balls floating under the dome together form a light curtain to provide light for people. The Pope's voice spread everywhere. People in formal attire, formal attire, and various religious attires, sitting at the long table under the dome and on the stepped seats under the dome, couldn't help but be excited for this moment. A mixture of sadness and joy.

The eighteenth century has finally reached this point, and the union of mankind has officially determined that the worst era is about to come. Being able to organize this large-scale negotiation before this era is a good thing in itself, but it also tells people who have never experienced a disaster how difficult the coming days will be.

The firelight flickered, and the thousands of participants were silent. The Pope's voice echoed everywhere. After his opening speech, he spoke without reservation of the dangers facing the material world at this moment. It was also the first time he publicly announced the name of the enemy - the Difference Engine.

From the difference engine to dense fog, from dense fog to black clouds, from black clouds to steam, and finally from steam to civilization. This is the last sword that stands in the sky of the eighteenth century, and it is also the most dangerous sword.

The road ahead is a one-way street. Whether civilization will disappear, the material world has accumulated thousands of years of glory, and whether it will return to its origin will be decided by the people present.

I said this in my opening remarks, not intentionally to scare people, but just to state the facts clearly so that people can know how bad the current situation is.

So after the speech, which lasted for nearly fifty minutes, the venue was completely silent. Ponteff IV looked at "Miss Fabry", hoping that she could also say a few words, but there was no improvised drama in the lines Princess Sophia got from Jenkins.

Chapter 2058 Chapter 2027 The Church of the True God and the False God’s Church

Princess Sophia pretended not to understand what the Sage Pope meant. She lowered her head and looked through the documents in front of her. She really hoped that things here would end as soon as possible. Anastasia made an appointment with her to go to the opera together in the evening - of course, the money was paid by Jenkins. Come and pay.

Seeing Miss Fabry lowering her head and pretending to be immersed in grief, Miss Bevanna, the resident demigod of the Sage Church in Nolan Parish, spoke, once again thanking and affirming the contributions of believers in lies.

She spoke for a long time, and it seemed like she was speaking impromptu rather than memorizing a speech. The compliments given to believers in lies, such as "brave and fearless", even made Jenkins blush.

After Miss Bevanna's speech ended, King Pontev IV finally announced the start of formal negotiations. Moreover, this negotiation must reach an agreement between the church and the believers of lies, the church of the true god and the church of the false god, and the religious and secular. Negotiations will continue until results are obtained, and the church will provide meals, accommodation and other needs.

Now, time is running out.

In these negotiations, there is not much content that actually involves believers of lies, but the relationship between the church and believers of lies is the key to determining the next direction of this negotiation.

So the first topic was related to believers in lies. This matter was in Jenkins' script, so after Pontev IV read out the relevant documents with glasses, Princess Sophia immediately stood up.

As he stood up, he looked up at the sky with a feeling, and happened to see the silver-haired girl lying on the edge of the transparent ceiling looking down.

Some complicated emotions flashed through the princess's heart, and she really wanted to hit the silver dragon on the head right now:

"As for the savior, I think everyone here has heard rumors more or less. In any case, the Difference Engine has launched its plan. I think while we are sitting here, there are rumors about disasters and disasters from all over the world. Reports of death flew to Nolan like snowflakes.

We need to select the final savior as soon as possible. Whether we enter the tower after the ninth floor tower appears, or go to find the difference machine for a decisive battle before the ninth floor tower appears, we need to determine the final candidate. "

She looked at Jenkins. With his superb acting skills, no one could see any flaws in his current performance:

"Now, the only candidates left are us."

"Yeah, we're the only ones left."

Jenkins echoed, and the two were silent for a while. Princess Sophia followed the script and said to Pontev IV:

"Actually, the leader among us has always been Mr. Candle. Although he was troubled by things...even though he has been sacrificed, I still have to conduct this negotiation according to his original decision-making. Regarding the savior Before we start the topic, we must first discuss the relationship between the False God Church and the True God Church.”


"Because this is Mr. Candle's request."

Since "Miss Fabry" entered this place, except for expressing some opinions on the "sacrifice" of her companions, this woman has been silent, as if to pretend that she was in shock and grief, and did not want to communicate with the outside world for the time being. Make a connection.

The first request she made made the church feel embarrassed. The selection of topics for negotiation and the order of topics are very particular. It is not impossible to change the order rashly, but that is before the negotiation begins.

It was only now that people realized that this woman was a genuine believer of lies. The two scams she planned had a profound impact on the world. The indifferent attitude just now was just a pretense, in order to win sympathy and let the church relax its vigilance.

After all, the late Mr. Candle had admitted more than once that the relationship between the believers of lies was actually very loose, and there was no deep affection between them. And now that the death of others has made Miss Fabri inherit all the inheritance of the "believers of lies", it is really hard to say whether she should be happy or sad in this situation.

"I declare again that we must first talk about the relationship between the believers of the true gods and the believers of the false gods, otherwise I refuse to participate in anything here."

As she said this, Princess Sophia stood up. She tried hard to control the desire to look up, but she knew that the silver dragon must still be smiling at her from above.

Jenkins also noticed the dragon above, which was pointed out by Chocolate. Anastasia was lying there peeping in a very inelegant posture, and she didn't even notice that Jenkins looked at her frequently.

"Ma'am, are you sure you want to talk about this first?"

"Of course, and my friends should also participate and express their opinions. Since the purpose of the negotiation is to unite, we should not let any party sit in the audience. This is unfair."

As he said, he pointed to the people in the Music Church on the high stands. Miss Stiver immediately stood up with the others.

The church understood that Miss Fabri was worried about being isolated in the negotiations, so she first raised the issue of "true god believers and false god believers" to allow those false god believers who did not have the right to speak to enter the venue, and then let those people express their opinions in the negotiations about the savior.

But this move is exactly what the church expects. After all, the church believes that it has long known the intentions of the believers of lies, and the "undercover" Miss Stiver has been prepared.

Of course, it is not to instigate those who support the believers of lies to turn against them in the end. Miss Stiver never thought that she could deceive those liars.

The preparations for her and the church were simple. Since the believers of lies gave her the task of contacting other cults, she could choose which cults to contact with the believers of lies. As long as the number of cults close to the church is greater than the number of cults cooperating with the believers of lies...

"So what if the believers of lies prepare more? Since they want to make themselves the majority of the votes, why not expand the voting base..."

Miss Stiver smiled.

Letting the false god believers enter the venue seems to be a conspiracy of the believers of lies, but in fact it is a trap set by the church after seeing through their conspiracy.

Because of this, in order to make the trap effective, Miss Fabri temporarily thought that she had the upper hand. After a brief discussion, the order of the topics was changed as required. At the same time, the church also followed the suggestions made by Miss Fabri and allowed the false god cults attending the meeting to truly participate in the negotiations.

However, due to limited space, each cult could only send one to three representatives to sit at the long table.

"Miss Fabry" had no opinion on this arrangement, and the script that Jenkins gave to Princess Sophia did not include any objections at this time.

The representatives of the secular kingdom did not express their opinions on this. From some aspects, the kingdom does not mind the expansion of the influence of the false god believers. Although this will lead to more incidents caused by conflicts of faith, it can indeed weaken the influence of the Twelve Orthodox Church on politics, allowing the church to focus more on dealing with pagans instead of interfering with secular power.

Therefore, whether it is Salhi II, Queen Isabella, or the young King Cheslan who has received great favor from the church, none of them expressed their opinions on this issue. In any case, this is a struggle between churches, and any concession from either side is actually good for the three kingdoms.

There are more people sitting at the table, documents are stacked on the table, and pens of various shapes are either held in hands or placed on the table. The gentlemen and ladies expressed their opinions, and the words were connected by the collision of tables and chairs.

Princess Sophia lowered her head and looked through the documents in her hand. She was actually quite interested in this matter.

The "Tower Agreement" of the last century was very complicated, and in order to form complete terms in this century, of course, it could not be discussed on the spot, otherwise there would be no results in a month.

Therefore, before the negotiation began, the church had already drafted the general terms for the topic, and each church also had a bottom line. Most of the false god groups knew that they would discuss the "relationship between the Orthodox Church and the False God Church" before coming to the church, so they basically had their own ideas and did not have to think about it on the spot.

Therefore, after the discussion began, when the documents given by the church were debated one by one, things went quite well.

The Orthodox Church intended to compromise here and temporarily paralyze the believers of lies, so they did not get entangled in those subtle words; while the false god believers shared the same hatred and fought for common demands in a very united manner, and there was no chaos inside; the believers of lies remained silent, at least, Princess Sophia did not intend to speak before receiving Jenkins' instructions.

It lasted from three o'clock to five o'clock in the afternoon. Although the negotiation progress was slow, it was strangely and extremely efficient. But even so, it seems that this negotiation will definitely not end before midnight today. Sage Church is organizing dinner, and the meeting is temporarily taking a break to give tired people a chance to breathe a sigh of relief or go to the bathroom.

Jenkins wanted to find out what kind of news was coming from all over the world at this moment. He quite understood that during the two hours he sat on the chair, the material world had definitely entered the era of cataclysm. But he still wanted to know the details, at least to know how urgent the matter was.

Just like what he said, if it is very urgent, then after the negotiation is over, he will break into the black tower with hundreds or even thousands of gifts, and play with it in the home of the Difference Engine. "If you are a man, climb to the ninth level." "layer" game; if the disaster is still within the range that can be dealt with, then he will wait for the church to finally determine the location of the difference engine, and then follow the church's team to fight a decisive battle in the material world, using the last drop of divinity to give the difference engine A big surprise.

Chapter 2059 Chapter 2028 Silver Dragon’s Doomsday Talk

Before learning the details about the disasters around the world, Jenkins was "politely" pulled aside by Princess Sophia:

"Can't you leave today?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought the meeting would be held soon..."

He wanted to apologize, but Princess Sophia stopped him politely:

"It's okay, I know this is important. I actually feel very honored to be able to participate in such a major event that has affected the material world for thousands of years. In fact, I am very happy that I can participate, although Anastasia and I have been away from the material world for so many years, but I was once a human being after all, and this is also my hometown.”

Princess Sophia has the strongest and most obvious image of a princess among the princesses that Jenkins knows. Compared with her, Dolores is still a little too immature.

"I don't mind staying here at night, but you have to think about how to tell Anastasia that we were going to the theater to watch a play."

"I understand, what Anastasia and I you mind if she comes in to keep you company?"

Princess Sophia showed a somewhat tangled expression on her face:

"Well, it's actually safer to let her stay with me. If we really leave her outside, it will be a bit dangerous."


Chocolate screamed softly. It also had the same troubles as Princess Sophia. The Jenkins around him was really immature, so it had to be by his side all the time.

It was not convenient for Jenkins to go out physically now, so he took advantage of the temporary adjournment to leave the negotiation field in the air and found Julia and Blainey who were talking to Feeney in the church:

"Watch my body, I'll be right back... take care of the chocolate for me by the way."

"What do you mean by taking care of your body?"

As soon as Bryony finished asking, she watched in surprise as Jenkins fell down while standing there. Julia, who was well prepared, immediately supported her, while Feeney pushed over a chair.

"He can make his consciousness appear in another location in the form of projection."

The maid gave a brief introduction.

"Oh, I've heard of this."

Brienne said that she had indeed seen similar plots in the novels about legendary knights.

Nodding, he and Julia looked at Jenkins' cat again. Chocolate was a little dissatisfied that Jenkins wouldn't let him follow, so he jumped on Jenkins' drooping head. When he saw someone looking at him, he "meowed" impatiently.

"Actually, I have always felt that Jenkins' cat was abnormal, but Hathaway would not allow me to ask in front of him."

Brienne said, and Julia nodded. Although she didn't know the truth, she had also heard Alexia warn Dolores.

"Finnie, do you know what?"

The blond girl asked Fini again. Although Fini didn't know what chocolate was, the little angel next to her knew how scary this cat was:

"Louise said, I don't want to ask more about the kitten."

"Who is Louise?"

Brienne asked again, and Feini immediately covered her mouth and shook her head quickly:

"Sir, you are not allowed to say it."

Jenkins on the other side walked out of the closet in his bedroom again, arranged his clothes, and climbed out of the window with ease. Of course, I didn't forget to lock the windows again.

Riding the unicorn and flying in the direction of the church, I saw the terrifying powerful aura belonging to the silver dragon in the distance.

She did not continue to lie on the dome to spy on Princess Sophia, but stood on the opaque edge of the transparent roof of the suspended building, looking at the sky shrouded in black clouds with her hands behind her back.

The rain had stopped, and the moisture mixed with the burnt smell in the air was really unbearable.

The silver-haired girl stood there barefoot, and the wind caused the shining waist-length hair and the simple white dress to fly back. She saw Jenkins flying over, and reached out to brush the long hair around her ears. Her face no longer had the careless look on her face, she was very serious.

Jenkins also came to the edge of the top floor of the building. It was a bit cold here, but the view was extremely wide. In front of him, he could see the silent city under the smog, the police and church benefactors who maintained order, and the black lightning rolling in the sky through the clouds. There was a fire rising to the sky in the distance, which was the burning mining area. There was a black smoke column at the edge of the field of vision that seemed to connect the sky and the earth. This was the metal black tower:

"Is this the disaster?"

He couldn't help asking.

"I have seen the disaster and doomsday at the end of the era. Although I haven't experienced it myself, Sophia and I have seen it. Compared with that, now is just an appetizer."

The silver dragon stretched out his right hand and slid slowly in the air. Some black flying ashes were gathered together, and Jenkins saw the black aura of those black ashes. This was something more troublesome than the gray fog. Their existence made the power of machinery more suitable for the material world.

"Jenkins, you don't have much time left. I saw your performance today. I admit that you are very powerful, but in the mortal state, you are not the strongest savior in the history of the material world."

"There are stronger than me... Then how strong is the strongest savior?"

"In that era, there was no current system of gifters. They called the users of extraordinary mysterious power "mystics". If converted, that savior probably had the power of the current level 9 demigod, and the limit was close to level 10."

Silver Dragon said, looking into the distance.

"Oh, so powerful... So did he win?"

He couldn't help asking.

"No, he just won the seat of the savior, but because he was delayed with other candidates for too long, when he became the only savior, things were completely irreversible... So, although you are not the strongest, the situation you face is definitely the best."

"Can this be called the best?"

Jenkins pointed to the distance, black clouds completely isolated the sun from the material world, and gray fog entangled every corner of the world. Then, instead of putting his hands behind his back like Silver Dragon, he held his hands across his chest:

"The sun in the material world has been completely blocked by dark clouds, and the environment suitable for the disaster of the mechanical frenzy has also been created. The fog breeds a steady stream of monsters, the gray fog erodes the health of the world and people, the flames spread and devour everything, and the underground is lurking with monsters that we can do nothing about. Can this be considered good?"

"At least, you still have a chance to save yourself."

Hearing Silver Dragon say this, Jenkins inexplicably thought of the savior in the last story of Black Town who had successfully sealed the beast of disaster but still had to face failure - at least, Jenkins did have a chance, whether it was the beast of disaster or the end of the world, there was still a chance to stop it.

Chapter 2060 Chapter 2029 The Process of History

"Can you tell me what the real disaster and the real end of the world will be like?"

Jenkins asked again.

"The end of the world in different eras has different manifestations. As for the common points... unless you find a blessing, mortals will never survive the end of the world. There is no probability, only 0 and 1."

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