Soon the sea of ​​trees broke through the sea level and reached the height under Jenkins' feet, and the palace that absorbed the huge metal had expanded into the shape of a giant.

The core of the metal giant is the originally collapsed palace, the core of the palace is the robot on the top, and the core of the robot is the fake mechanical heart.

The current situation is very simple. As long as Jenkins seizes or destroys the heart, he will win the battle.

The giant raised his palm high and slapped the white-robed Jenkins in the air like slapping a fly. The sea of ​​trees under his feet immediately grew upwards and supported the palm. Branches and vines, along the gaps in the metal palm, kept growing and entwining the giant's arm.

The giant's body emitted hot steam outward, and under the joint thrust of the steam engines all over his body, he pulled his arm out of the sea of ​​trees.

The sea of ​​trees continued to grow above the ocean, but only the tree in the center was able to grow into a "giant tree" and lift Jenkins to the same level as the giant's heart.

"Jenkins Williamette? Who are you?"

In the simple fight just now, even though Jenkins used all the abilities he should use, the differential machine still noticed something wrong. In front of this kind of intelligent machine, any slight flaw can be magnified and scrutinized, not to mention that the information he revealed in that dream was not ordinary.

Fortunately, Jenkins didn't expect that he could keep it secret forever.

He kept silent and chose another question:

"I am just one of the candidates for the savior. There is almost no difference in strength between me and you at this moment. Do you really think you can win?"

"How long can you maintain this posture at this moment?"

The voice from the chest of the mechanical giant asked, and then said:

"Jenkins Williamette, maybe I know who you are. I think you should have seen the road of machinery a long time ago, which will extend civilization to a farther place, so why..."

"Because you took the wrong road."

The giant opened his right seal towards Jenkins, and the gun barrel in his palm shot directly at Jenkins. The blazing white light was once again bounced up into the sky at an almost 90-degree angle, but at this moment, the giant's huge metal plate armor opened, and two black fish-like things were ejected by the steam flow.


Even the first shot did not give Jenkins such a dangerous feeling. The black spiritual light climbed on the surface of the two unknown dangerous bombs. This was probably the creation of the differential machine again, but I didn't know what it was this time.

The power accumulated in the dark once again pulled a thunderbolt down, but this time the thunderbolt did not cause the flying mechanical shells to fall into the ocean.

Waving forward, the sea of ​​trees under his feet automatically stretched out branches, but they were also directly passed through by the flying object with a steam tail.

If Jenkins had the ability of [Blessing of Books] at this moment, he could easily block the UFO. Unfortunately, he didn't.

But it didn't matter. He stretched forward again, and dense black lines appeared in the void in the air, and then a huge outline like the mouth of a giant beast was faintly outlined.

After the creation pencil merged with the gift it received not long ago, the speed of creation was so fast that it was impossible to observe the process. The process revealed at this moment is caused by the huge size of the object to be created this time.

The gaps between the dense lines are filled with ice formed by falling rain, and the teeth of the giant beast are composed of steel components created by Jenkins.

When the flying object enters the mouth of the giant beast, the fully configured giant mouth suddenly closes. In the sky, the upper and lower jaws of the giant beast's head collide fiercely, and the steel teeth clamp the flying object.

This somewhat scary giant beast's mouth only has the head, so under the influence of gravity, it falls into the sea below with the flying object. Then an explosion occurred under the sea. The power of the explosion was not great, but in the waves stirred up, in addition to the scattered ice, the vast black ashes also floated into the air.

The sense of danger just now was because of these black ashes. Jenkins couldn't recognize what they were, so he called the wind to blow them towards the metal giant.

Chapter 2044 Chapter 2014 The Exploding Gate

The black ash was blown towards the giant above the waves, but the giant actually opened his mouth and sucked the ash into his mouth completely. The black light flashed on the metal surface for a moment, and then the mouth sprayed a foul-smelling black flame towards Jenkins.

The fire of grace flowed out of the body and rushed towards the sky. The two flames intertwined together. Although neither of them was extremely hot, their power was not weaker than any other flame.

With the sound of "clang clang clang~", holes continued to appear on the surface of the mechanical giant, and then more bombs were shot out of the holes with steam tails, but these small bombs were easily blocked by the sea of ​​trees.

The potion has a time limit, and Jenkins can't delay for too long. Seeing that both sides couldn't do anything to each other, he didn't want to play anymore.

A dazzling white light appeared in front of Jenkins, and the church people behind him didn't see clearly what it was. People only saw that the white light turned into a huge sword blade in the air and chopped straight forward.

Compared with everything that had happened in this battle so far, this itself did not look outstanding. But this sword actually split the huge metal giant in half, and even cut off a corner of the brass door behind the giant.

"It's you!"

The demigods of the church behind him could not see that this was actually the holy sword transformed from the skull sword, but the robot who felt the blow directly understood what it was.

"I see, you know people won't believe me, so you are unscrupulous. Should I praise you? You really use the power of lies to the extreme."

The background of the sound that kept echoing was the mechanical giant split into two and fell to the sea below, and the mechanical metal man at the heart turned into a black light, trying to escape into the brass door that was closing and shrinking to the bottom of the sea.

"At this point, it's just up to you."

Jenkins said, and then took out a red ball from his pocket very carefully. This was something left by the red-nosed clown, one of the weird knockers, when Miss Bronion first visited the Jenkins family on St. George Street with Miss Audrey a few months ago (Chapter 969).

This [Clown's Red Nose Bomb] will explode after it is completely wet, and the explosion effect can destroy most of the city. Jenkins had carefully stored it before. Before he went out this morning, he thought that since there was such an important thing as negotiation today, there was a high probability that a war would break out, so he put it on him in advance, and now was the time to use it.

The brass door was closing, and the metal man with the fake [Mechanical Heart] had already escaped. Jenkins had no intention of stopping him, but when he confirmed that there was only a last line of distance left in the gap, he suddenly threw the red ball in his hand.

He used his greatest strength, which was the peak moment of his strength. Even though his feet did not touch the ground and the [Titan Power] could not be fully exerted, it was enough for the ball to enter the gate at a speed that broke the speed of sound.

It was of course contaminated by rain during the flight, and flew into the gate after making a sonic boom in the air, and then the gate was completely closed and quickly shrank downwards.

Jenkins called on the sea of ​​trees to grow in front of him, then hugged the cat on his shoulder who had always been very well behaved and turned to look behind.

He counted down three times in his heart, and when the countdown ended, he could feel the world shaking even in the air. The flames shot up into the sky behind him, and the debris of the gate splashed everywhere and hit the barrier of the sea of ​​trees, protecting the city behind from being hit by these UFOs.

The sea of ​​trees shrank and turned back into a cane held by Jenkins. He looked up and saw a black figure fleeing into the distance in the rainy sky. Although the strange metal brass door was blown up, the gear robot with the fake [Mechanical Heart] was still alive.

Jenkins also flew high into the sky and followed. Without the door, there would be no surprises in the subsequent battle, so he did not wait for the demigods of the church to act with him.

Most of the people in the church stayed at the dock to deal with the debris left after the battle. A few wanted to catch up with the fleeing metal man and Jenkins, but their flying speed was too fast, and they lost their traces after a few seconds of hesitation.

The battle in the dock area did not actually last long, so there were only a dozen minutes left before two o'clock. Alexia, standing at the window of the church, looked at the direction of the pier in the distance, and suddenly turned to Dolores and Britney behind her and said:

"It's over, Jenkins should be back soon."

"What should we do next?"

Dolores asked.

"The negotiations are about to begin. If you don't want to fix your makeup at the end, then let's go now."

Britain did not participate in the negotiations, but stayed with Julia, waiting anxiously with the little fairy hidden in her hair.

Dolores and Alexia met up with the North Country delegation that had just arrived at the church, briefly explained the current situation, and followed the priests to the back courtyard of the church.

"I heard from Jenkins that the Gate of All Things is actually underground. Do we have to go underground too?"

Dolores asked quietly, and Alexia shook her head:

"This time the situation is special, and the Sage Church intends to make the scene bigger."

The priests did not guide the group into the building, but asked them to wait for a while in the corridor at the edge of the courtyard. Soon someone brought an umbrella. After everyone held up their umbrellas, the priest who led the way carefully took out a handful of colored powder from a cloth bag and sprinkled the powder on the rainy courtyard.

As the powder spread in the wind, a transparent escalator connected to the sky appeared in front of us. Because it was too transparent, it was impossible to confirm whether it was an illusion. But Dolores thought it was most likely an illusion, because the rain went straight through the escalator, which meant that it was not real.

"It's real."

Alexia saw through her student's thoughts at once, and she prompted:

"Look up."

Her Royal Highness tilted her umbrella slightly, then looked up at the higher part of the escalator:

"Oh, my God."

She said very reservedly and ladylike.

What I saw in front of me was a huge round transparent building floating above the Sage Church, like an ancient Colosseum. The building is connected to escalators in eight directions. These escalators are not straight, but turn arbitrarily in the air, and finally intertwine right above the courtyard, and then from that point, eight passages extend to the courtyard corridor.

The circular building is almost the same as the total area of ​​the Sage Church. Although it is transparent, there will be no shadow cast on the ground, but it is still very shocking to see from below.

PS: Consumable supplies (the clown's red nose bomb) -1

Chapter 2045 Chapter 2015 Everyone entering the venue

"Is this the Gate of All Things? Why is it different from what Jenkins said?"

Dolores looked up for a while before asking in a low voice. During this period, the church's priests and nuns were sharing common sense with the Northland group to prevent conflicts with people from the False God Church later.

"The All-Seeing Door that Jenkins saw was only a part of the door, or in other words, he only saw the outer shell of the door. I think the church should have a way to project the space behind the door to other locations. Jenkins has guessed that the All-Seeing Door underground Behind the door, there is actually a rock wall, and the real space and material world do not exist.”

Alexia replied.

“It’s amazing that the Diocese of Nolan is able to use numbered items in this way.”

Dolores praised again. The priest on the side heard the conversation between the two, and because he knew their identities, he revealed some things that should not be said:

"Actually, the original purpose of establishing the Sage Church in Nolan is to contain the [Gate of All Things]."

"Before I met Jenkins, I had never heard any news about this door. Moreover, although it is such an important numbered item, no one within the Sage Church has ever seriously talked about it... Look Come to Nolan Parish to really pay attention to it... Is the Gate of All Things related to the Impermanence Card?”

Alexia suddenly asked, but the priest just shook his head:

"I'm afraid only the secret-keepers know about this kind of thing."

The delegation from the North quickly walked along the transparent escalator, holding umbrellas, towards the huge circular building at the top. Although the rainwater passes directly through the transparent material, everyone can come into contact with the stairs. Just looking down from a high place, it seems like there is nothing underfoot, which still makes some people feel a little uncomfortable.

When looking at the top from below, the huge building that looked like an arena was empty. However, when we climbed the winding escalator to the highest level, we saw that it was already filled with people. As the steps move from the last step to the platform in front of them, the transparent building materials gradually take on color.

The colors of rock, wood, and paint spread from the feet down, but the top of the head is still transparent, allowing people to see the dark sky high above.

The entrance to the building is on the side edge of the circular building. The building is high on the outside and low on the inside. In the center of the building is a circular flat ground, with dozens of long tables placed in parallel.

Outside the flat ground, stairs go up layer by layer, and seats are placed. This is somewhat like a classical gladiatorial arena, with the audience seats above and the fighting arena below.

"Actually, it is a gladiatorial arena in itself, but this time it is used as a negotiation venue."

The nun next to Dolores reminded her in a low voice.

Although the ceiling is transparent, the light is very dark due to the bad weather. The church placed some fixed silver candlesticks on the aisles between the seats, supported by golden pillars that looked like pure gold. The top of the candlestick looks like a little angel holding it up, and the candle is firmly fixed in the angel's closed palms.

Those light golden and thick candles were obviously mixed with a certain amount of spices to suppress the moisture and the strange smell of gray fog that would inevitably arise due to heavy rain.

In addition, at the height of the building, white candles are arranged neatly and suspended in the air, providing light and warmth to the people below.

When those pagans came to the church, they wanted to show off themselves. Of course, the Sage Church itself also wanted to show off its strength and financial resources. Alexia was not surprised by this scene, she just looked at it for a few times and then lost interest.

Dolores was very excited and kept pulling the teacher's arm to ask various questions.

They were participants in the negotiation, so they did not stay at the high seats, but came to the central circular space. The delegation from the previous queens, Isabella and Fidictry, had not yet arrived, but Chesland's delegation had.

Unlike the Chesland delegation that went to City Hall last weekend to watch Jenkins speak, this time the delegation has grown significantly in size. Many of the faces had never been seen in Nolan before, including members of the House of Commons and clerks from the Record Office who had recently arrived from Chesland.

"Was the trip going well?"

Salshi II naturally extended his hand to the young king of the Southern Kingdom. The late second prince of Tarquin the Arrogant and now the king of Chesland also extended his hand with a tired but excited expression:

"Nolan just came back from that passage at midnight yesterday. We were really exhausted. Fortunately, there is a passage. Otherwise, even the fastest steam airship would have taken at least three days to carry us back. "

This final negotiation is of great importance. Not only Jenkins, but the church also hopes that the representatives of the human kingdom present will be representatives who can truly represent the country. However, due to the sudden death of the king and the changes in Turin, the royal capital, Cheslan's situation was very complicated.

Under normal circumstances, even if everyone notices that the "Tower Agreement" is invalid, the church needs a suitable excuse if it wants to intervene in secular politics. Fortunately, this time, asking the church to help deal with the political situation in Chesland was the request of the believers of lies, so the church was able to coordinate the kingdoms of Hampavo and Fidictry openly, and then wiped out the southern kingdom in one fell swoop.

This sounds complicated, but considering that nearly a quarter of Cheslan’s territory has been covered by fire, the domestic political situation is also in chaos, and the biggest obstacle was the cultists who helped the Cheslan rebels. But when the church suddenly appeared in Turin in the form of a surprise attack, the cultists who were supposed to protect the "king" Redi Alessio around the palace suddenly disappeared.

Therefore, the real heir, Brill Alessio, was barely able to rush to Turin before the meeting on Friday to hold a ceremony to become the real King of Cheslan. But this does not mean that Cheslan’s problems have been completely solved. Now it is really a headache.

Salshi II knew about this series of actions in advance, so he greeted the young king as an equal. The latter understood that he was recognized by the old king of the North Country, and was very happy to return the greeting.

The two chatted for a few words, during which time the priests of the church helped the civil servants and nobles find seats.

The representatives of the Twelve Orthodox Churches had arrived in advance, and the representatives of the False God Cult arrived one after another after Salshi II. In name, these people had no right to speak, they were just here to listen, so the believers of the false god sat on the high seats.

Alexia saw Hathaway and the music cult members sitting down from a distance, and also saw the believers of the God of Dreams who had suffered a lot today because of Jenkins, and also saw many old friends she had met when she traveled around the world before.

"Why don't you see Jenkins?"

Salhi II asked Bishop Palod who had just walked in.

The bishop was the nominal leader of the Sage Church in the Nolan Diocese, but in this negotiation, he was just one of the ordinary representatives of the Sage Church. After all, even Pope Pontef IV had come, so the bishop didn't need to be the last to appear.

"I heard that he went to deal with some troublesome things and will be back soon. Did you hear the explosion from the coast just now? That was probably caused by Jenkins."

Bishop Palod said happily, not worried about Jenkins at all.

"So where are the other protagonists of this negotiation?"

Salhi II asked again, looking around in the light above his head:

"Where are Miss Fabry and her companions?"

Because Miss Fabry is so famous, people sometimes use this way to refer to the believers of lies.

"It seems that they haven't come yet."

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