"I want to talk to her alone."


Miss Windsor raised her eyebrows. She looked at Jenkins' cat eating with its head down and said:

"You shouldn't be..."

In the view of the gifters, it is not difficult to change a person's mind, especially the mind of ordinary people. Even if Jenkins doesn't have the priesthood of lies, he still has a variety of means to get Queen Isabella to "change her mind."


He admitted quite frankly.

Julia, Sigrid and Dolores had no reaction. Queen Isabella had nothing to do with them. Hathaway and Briony were a little surprised, but only surprised. If Jenkins succeeded, they would immediately be The king's fiancée, no one would object to this kind of thing; Alexia, Miss J and Miss Windsor nodded in agreement. In their opinion, this is the right thing to do, and hesitation is not a good habit.

Only Jessica suddenly stopped holding the wine glass in her hand, but quickly resumed.

"Don't you want to say something?"

Miss J jokingly nudged her with her elbow.

"I support all of Jenkins' decisions. Although I don't know why he is so impatient, when things have reached this point, it is the right thing for him to do. Otherwise, all the preparations we have made will be in vain. It's just... I hope you don't kill her."

Although she witnessed everything in the world of possibilities, Jessica still softened her heart.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill someone."

Jenkins defended himself and then suggested:

"After dinner, go to see Queen Isabella. The three of you will go with me. Try to finish this matter before dinner, so that the evening paper can print the news in time."

Miss J, Miss Windsor and Jessica all looked at him doubtfully. Seeing that he looked confident, they all nodded:

"Willing to serve you."

Chapter 1984 Chapter 1955 Looking for someone at the racecourse

There were too many things that happened in the speech that took place at the city hall in the morning. The important people involved in the speech should have been interviewed by reporters after the speech, or at least expressed their public views.

But except for the young heir of Chesland, neither Queen Isabella nor Salshi II appeared in public. So much so that after having lunch, Jenkins and his family didn't know where to look for Queen Isabella.

Later, Jessica got the information that Queen Isabella was not going to participate in the afternoon meeting. After leaving the city hall at noon, she did not return to the mansion where she lived, but went to the Martel Racecourse.

Jenkins went to a place called Martel Racecourse, both in Nolan and Shire. Among them, Nolan's Martel Racecourse is the residence of the circus that gained great power through the mirror world in winter.

After the circus fled to the Mirror Realm, Martel Racecourse became the only stable channel to the Mirror Realm in the material world for a short period of time. Later, Jenkins and three friends experienced an adventure in the mirror world. Together with Sigrid, they defeated the nameless terrifying thing that awakened from the depths of the mirror world and obtained a black stone of disaster. The original God of Lies came to remind him that the black stone must be kept properly, but Jenkins still lost it in the past Black Town, which led to the awakening of the beast of disaster that had been sealed by the savior.

But these are not important. What is important is that after Jenkins' adventure in the mirror world, the church realized the danger of the mirror world and permanently closed the passage.

After the incident, Martel Racecourse returned to calm. In the spring when the ice and snow melt, the grass grows as usual. In the summer, daily horse racing and riding venues for nobles were open as every year in the past.

It is impossible for Queen Isabella to ride a horse at her age. Even if she is ten years younger, she is already past the age of riding. As for horse racing, whether it is Jessica, Miss J or Miss Windsor, it is very clear that Queen Isabella has no habit of watching horse racing.

So when she went to the racecourse, she was most likely just looking for a place to relax or meet someone important. And whatever she was going to do, Jenkins would have to go to find out.

In order to prevent accidents, for example, Queen Isabella actually made an appointment with people from the Gear Craftsmen Guild or even the Tree House. Jenkins also specifically notified the church and went to great lengths to set up defenses near the Martel Racecourse to ensure that even if the Difference Engine itself appeared , Nolan can also immediately launch the most powerful combat power.

At the same time, before leaving the city, he specifically found Marquis Michael and Count Hesha and explained what he wanted to do.

The two navy officials expressed great support for his choice. The original purpose of today was to obtain the throne, but what he actually got now was the inheritance right. Inheritance does not take effect immediately, and anything can happen before it takes effect.

Therefore, in order to prevent today's arrangement from going to waste, the two Navy Ministers also really hope that Jenkins can continue to act and not be blinded by the false promises.

As for explaining things at the city hall to other nobles and officials who support Jenkins, just let Jessica arrange it, and he doesn't have to show up in person. The three Jessica Windsors were very good helpers. He simply could not imagine how he would have to gain power and take responsibility without such helpers.

The only area suitable for horse racing near Nolan is the plain area south of the city. Not only is the terrain here flat, but the abundant rainfall brought by the ocean monsoon also greatly benefits the growth of grassland.

The heat of midsummer has not yet passed. It is the 21st day of July. In August, according to the climate of Norland in previous years, it is already the end of summer.

Now the whole world is in an era shrouded in thick fog. Even if the fog does not completely cover the sky, the reduced amount of sunlight has already brought some subtle effects.

Jenkins came to the vicinity of the horse farm in a four-wheeled carriage. The horse farm is adjacent to the manor of its owner, the Martel family, and the entrance of the carriage is the entrance of the manor.

The servants at the door stopped the carriage, and after seeing Jenkins' face, they immediately let it go. Jenkins did not ask them about the whereabouts of Queen Isabella, but asked the coachman to take him directly to the manor house, where he saw Earl Martel waiting.

The Martel family is a long-standing family in Norland, and its history can almost be traced back to the establishment of Fidictelli. But unlike the political inclinations of most nobles and officials in Norland, Earl Martel is an extremely loyal faction of the queen.

According to Jenkins' investigation, this seems to be related to the relationship between the previous generation of earls and Queen Isabella. Miss J clearly pointed out that the actual situation is that the earl of this generation is the lover of Queen Isabella, at least in her world.

Count Martel is a 49-year-old, very strong middle-aged man. Of course, according to the standards of this world, this can actually be considered an old man. In his short hair, white hair has occupied a considerable degree, but at least it seems that there are not many wrinkles on his face. Overall, he is quite capable and energetic.

"Viscount William, welcome."

He enthusiastically took Jenkins' hand, but his eyes looked at the carriage behind Jenkins inquiringly.

"I'm the only one in the carriage."

With that, the coachman drove and prepared to leave. The gravel road in front of the mansion is quite flat and spacious, but you can't turn around here. The servant behind the earl guided the coachman to go around the side road and leave the manor half a circle.

"Viscount, I just heard about what happened in the town hall this morning. Your speech was quite good. Of course, on behalf of the Martel family, I sincerely congratulate you on becoming the successor of His Majesty. I think this is the best result."

As he said this, he wanted to lead Jenkins to the house.

"No need."

He lifted the cat in his arms up, and Chocolate rubbed Jenkins' clothes twice quickly, then jumped onto his shoulder. He stood there without moving. The Count took two steps and realized that the guest did not move, so he turned his head and asked:

"So you are here to watch the horse racing? Oh, you are really lucky, today is..."

"I am here to see His Majesty."

"Your Majesty?"

"No need, if I was not sure about this, I would not come here."

"Yes, yes, you know."

Count Martel took out a handkerchief from the chest pocket of his jacket and wiped the sweat on his face:

"So you want to see His Majesty now?"

"If you try to waste my time here, then please forgive me for walking around here casually."

"Well, please follow me, this way."

Although it was the Queen's faction, there was no strong resistance to stop Jenkins. After all, Marquis Martel did not understand what was going on between Jenkins and Queen Isabella.

The Count and the servants led Jenkins to walk along the road on the left side of the mansion. Soon, they heard a bustling sound, which came from the racecourse. The key to horse racing is not to watch, but to bet, in other words, to bet on horses.

Queen Isabella was not at the racecourse. After passing the racecourse, the servants brought several horses. The Earl motioned for Jenkins to choose one. It seemed that the road ahead was a bit far.

Jenkins' mouth moved. He didn't know how to ride a horse at all. Whether it was the skeleton horse in the past or his own unicorn, in essence, they carried Jenkins to walk or run, not Jenkins riding his own mount.

Hathaway said last winter that she would teach Jenkins the skills of riding in the spring. But Jenkins was in Loon for the whole spring, and Loon was still covered with heavy snow at that time, and there was no place suitable for practicing riding. Therefore, in the one year since he came to this world, Jenkins had never received horse riding training.

It might be too embarrassing to ask to ride a carriage now, so Jenkins used another method.

He slightly opened his eyes and looked at the bay horse closest to him. Under the effect of synaesthesia, the latter walked in front of Jenkins very docilely, and even lowered his body slightly to facilitate Jenkins to get on.

"You have a good eye. This horse is the famous 'Red Rose Cantarella' in the horse farm. If you like it, you can..."

"No need, just show your kindness. I don't usually ride horses."

Jenkins said while stroking the bay horse to make sure it would not lose control and throw him off.

The Earl and the two servants were quite good at horsemanship. Although Jenkins was a little nervous, he was not very fast and did not need to gallop like a racehorse, so it was not seen that he did not know how to ride a horse.

When I met Queen Isabella, she was in the eastern part of the horse farm, which was specially set aside for local nobles to have fun. Under the parasol, she sat at a low white round table, and there were three barons including Duke Madeline at the table. The combined age of these four people was almost 300 years old, and it looked like a normal gathering of elderly ladies.

Out of courtesy, the four horsemen dismounted from a distance and walked here on foot. In the horse farm, Jenkins saw the Duke of Rochester wearing a bright red formal dress, riding on the grass with three nobles whose names Jenkins did not remember.

The four ladies who were chatting noticed Jenkins who came with the earl, and three of them stood up, only Queen Isabella was still sitting there.

The earl did not want to get involved in this matter, so after bringing Jenkins here, he asked the servants to serve the guests carefully, and then turned and left. After getting the permission of Queen Isabella, the three barons also found excuses to go to the small western-style building not far away for rest.

Jenkins then came under the parasol and sat next to the white round table. The chocolate on his shoulder glanced at the snacks on the table but was indifferent, as if he was not interested at all. It would not eat what others left, of course, if it was what Jenkins left, it would not matter.

Chapter 1985 Chapter 1956 Stories from the Past

"I thought you were at a banquet. Now there should be many people inviting you, right?"

Queen Isabella asked, looking at the people galloping on the horse field.

"Many people invited me before, but I have never been interested in such things."

"You have to get used to such social occasions, especially after today. I think Jessica will teach you."

Jenkins is not the kind of person who does not accept other people's opinions, but these words at present have no meaning for today's scene. He chose to skip it directly. Since the purpose of this time is to force the other party to change his mind and does not care about the means, he can be a little more impolite.

But before using the priesthood of lies, he decided to talk to Queen Isabella for the last time. It was not because he expected that the other party would be persuaded suddenly, but because he wanted to have a deep talk with the other party before the old man in front of him lost any meaning to him.

"This morning, no, at noon, I was actually very surprised that you would directly announce that I would be the heir."

So he chose to change the subject and not talk about those meaningless things.

"So you're here to thank me?"

"No, of course not."

The well-dressed maid replaced the tea and snacks on the table and brought new cookies and teacups. Chocolate's eyes lit up immediately. Jenkins took a small piece of something that looked like a rose cake and put it in front of his shoulder. The little cat poked its head out to sniff it, then squinted its eyes and opened its furry mouth to happily take a bite.

Even if he didn't turn his head to look at his cat, Jenkins could guess its mood at the moment from the touch of its tail rubbing against his neck.

"So you're here to ask why I did this?"

"...You can say that."

Queen Isabella nodded, and after at least half a minute, she said again:

"If I say that I really figured it out and understood that Jessica could not succeed to the throne, so I chose you to be my successor, so I announced your succession rights in public, do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it."

Jenkins shook his head almost without hesitation.

"Very good, you are not the kind of fool who will be overwhelmed by joy, that's good."

She also admitted that she was not telling the truth:

"Young people nowadays are really amazing. I knew your plan in advance. I wanted to find loopholes in your speech and force you to lose face in public, so that the speech would not be able to continue. I didn't expect your speech to be so successful. And that Miss Fabry seemed to be cooperating with you and pushed you to a high position."

She glanced at Jenkins at this point, but did not see the flaw:

"That's why I took the initiative to step back and let your fierce punch fall. This is not a trick. For the king, this is just an ordinary drama in political life."

"Since you know my plan, do you know what I want?"

"You want the crown on my head, not just a promise."

She stood up and said:

"Walk with me."

In addition to Jenkins and Queen Isabella, there were also the hurriedly arrived old Duke Douglas Gerold, two maids and three royal guards. They just followed behind and did not participate in the conversation. They probably also had the responsibility to ensure that Jenkins would not take action.

The group of people walked along the artificial boundary line of the horse farm. It was a line that might be drawn with lime, almost overlapping with the wooden fence. The surrounding scenery was an endless grassland. Because of the bad weather and the gray fog, the mountains in the north could only be vaguely seen.

Looking up, you can see the wind and rain coming, maybe it will rain soon.

"I'm actually very curious. You have never shown your enthusiasm for power. It's probably not your intention to get the throne. But this time you are so eager, you can even describe it as impatient. I admit that your plan with Jessica is very good, but it can't cover up that you suddenly changed your slow action plan. Can you tell me, what is this for?"

The conversation continued, and the topic still revolved around what happened in the morning. Jenkins was sure that the six people behind him could hear the conversation between the two without missing a word, but since Queen Isabella was assured, he would not have any objection.

"This is to save the world."

He expressed it very directly.

"Is that so."

The old man did not say whether he believed it or not, nor did he continue to ask about the relationship between the throne and saving the world.

"Jenkins, I am too old to be compared with young people like you. Even when I took over the crown, I was much older than you are now. I can hardly remember what I was thinking when I was the same age as you."

"At what age were you when you married the late king?"

Jenkins asked.

"19 years old, I remember this very clearly."

The standard half a century ago was similar to that of today, and 19 years old was probably just right. Commoners generally married at a younger age, but the first marriage of great nobles was generally around 20 years old or even later.

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