After blinking, the Eye of Reality opened, and a faint white light rose from the chocolate. This is a normal phenomenon. After drinking the [Animal Wisdom Enlightenment Potion], the white light on its body becomes heavier and heavier. This is the instinctive process of animals accumulating spirit. When the potion is completely absorbed, the light will disappear.


The cat meowed softly, lying on the pillow as usual and unwilling to get up.

Jenkins took a breath and gently picked it up, but some strange speculations did not disappear.

On the way to Dad's antique store, Jenkins also tried to activate this new ability. Unlike [Twin Demons], an ability whose specific function cannot be determined based on its name alone, Cat's Elegance knows immediately that it will not cause huge damage.

This ability inherits the strengthening effect of [Leg and Foot Flexibility] on the legs, and at the same time increases flexibility and balance to an incredible level.

This time, Jenkins chose to walk in an alley with few residents. He tried to climb the low wall and stepped on a horizontal brick.

It's very simple. When the ability is activated, walking like this is simply instinctive.

(Eating chocolate)

"Here? Let me tell you something."

The cat stayed at home for one day. Jenkins, who was fully armed, just walked into his father's antique store. The bell hanging in front of the door rang softly, and he was stopped by his father.

"Come and look at this!"

He waved a piece of paper, and Jenkins walked over and tilted his head to look at it. It turned out to be a portrait of Pirate King Femixiu. This is a pencil sketch with excellent shading. The artist is a good artist. According to the angle of the picture, it is the painting on the paper airplane that Jenkins threw that night.

"Who is this? The painting is very good!"

He asked easily, it was impossible for the excellent scribe Jenkins to know such a wanted criminal.

"Femixiu is the pirate king who was seen in the dock area a few days ago."

The neatly dressed father stuffed the paper into Jenkins's hand, "Look carefully, this is the portrait of Femixiu that the [Ocean and Exploration] Church shared with the Nolan City Police Department and the Orthodox Church this morning. I didn't expect that after so many years, they I finally found an opportunity to record this person’s appearance. In the past, those things were drawn through the pursuer’s dictation, and the degree of distortion was too high.”

"Didn't Dad say he is a lunatic? How could he still stay in Nolan City? Even if he stayed in Nolan City, I don't think he would be seen that easily."

"Just because he is a lunatic, it is difficult for us normal people to guess his movements."

Dad nodded as he spoke, "Since his appearance is so clear, it shouldn't be difficult to find him. Let's not talk about this anymore. Are you ready? Let's go."

"Wait a minute."

Jenkins leaned his cane on the counter and subconsciously turned around to look behind him, only to realize that the chocolate had been left at home.

He asked softly:

"It's like this. When I woke up after sleeping this morning, one of my abilities evolved."

"Evolved again!"

Dad shouted loudly, then covered his mouth apologetically and looked at Jenkins with tangled eyes.

"I mean...well, you must be the most loved scribe by sages in this generation. Goddess, please rescue this young man who is unwilling to get married!"

The old man said, skillfully drawing the Holy Emblem on his chest.

"No, no, it's not that I don't want to get married. Ahem, that's not the point. The point is that the original white basic ability has evolved into [Cat's Elegance], and I happen to have chocolate. Do you think this is too much? Coincidence?"

Jenkins' tone was a bit awkward. He unbuttoned the button on the black collar and sighed. After all, he still doubted the chocolate.

"Of course it's not a coincidence."

Dad frowned.

PS: Please add an update, don’t say I’m dumb... I’ve saved more than 20,000 manuscripts now, and I’ll open the reward when I’ve saved 50,000.

Chapter 173 Chapter 169 Underground Mine Tunnel

"How many times have I told you that the spirit of the benefactor is not some kind of energy, but a combination of information, spirit, energy and other indescribable things. In addition to relying on special rituals to improve abilities, there is also a way to understand the world. Through Intimate interactions with animals, or living with animals for a long time, may promote the evolution of abilities. Animals and humans are both part of the world, which is normal, although most of the things that are improved in this way are [all things]. Believers of [Earth Goddess] or [Earth Mother Goddess], they have a somewhat special way of looking at the world... But since you can encounter the lucky thing of increasing ability bubbles in the first treacherous situation, you can raise cats to It’s not impossible to understand the true meaning of pet cats.”

After a pause, he added:

"By the way, you are too close to your cat, which is not good for normal interactions as an adult bachelor.

Also, after I came back today, I copied the third chapter of "Friends of Nature: Fantastic Beasts" twice as punishment for asking this question. "

After listening to his father's words carefully, Jenkins felt relieved and had a smile on his face.

"No problem, I'll copy it when I get back!"

There was joy in his tone. This time he wronged Chocolate again, so let’s give it more food for dinner tonight.

"Why do you always doubt your own cat? Sure enough, you still don't feel safe."

He thought in his heart.

Now that we’re talking about chocolate, it’s natural to ask about a few other things.

"It's like this. Chocolate accidentally drank something strange last night. I'm a little worried."

This time his tone was even more tangled because he thought about the 5,000 pounds again.

"What did you drink?"

"Dragon, dragon blood."

Dad stopped talking, but put down the pistol he was inspecting and placed the newly disassembled parts on the table.

"I know you have become rich recently, but gold pounds are not wasted like this. How much chocolate did you drink?"

"About one-fifth of a fluid ounce, the red dragon blood concentration is 52.3%."

Jenkins endured the heartache and said, constantly telling himself that his cat is more important than a gold pound.

"It's okay. Such a small amount of dragon blood won't do anything. Don't believe the plot in knight novels about turning into a dragon after being stained with dragon blood. That's a lie."

Even though Dad claimed that he wasn't worried about going out with Jenkins, he still brought a lot of charms, weapons, and bullets with him before he dared to go out.

The two of them did not take a carriage, but strolled to the dock area. Even though today is Sunday, workers are still working.

Stopping in place, watching a group of sailors carrying boxes crossing in front of them, the two of them turned a corner, bypassed the steam-spewing sewer manhole cover, and walked into a familiar street.

Jenkins comes here often.

"Mr. Ink Club?"

Jenkins guessed.


Dad nodded cautiously. Today he was wearing a high-collared brown leather coat and a long-brimmed black hat. Although it looks suspicious in the daytime, it is not impossible to see people dressed like this on the road.

After all, it is already autumn.

Mr. Ink's club is where Jenkins practices shooting. It's not a pay-per-view, but a membership system. Jenkins was recommended by his father to join. By paying 3 pounds 12 shillings a month, he could practice firearms here for a limited number of times. There are a wide variety of firearms available here, and if you are willing to spend money, you can also find retired soldiers from the Kingdom of Fidicli as coaches.

In this era, the annual income of farm workers, soldiers, and typists was 25 pounds, and the annual income of the lowest clerks, servants, and embroidery workers was 12-20 pounds. But here alone, Jenkins' annual expenses exceeded 30 pounds. .

But it's worth it. A poor boy who has never touched a gun can fight with a pistol in three months. The money is well spent...probably.

The great writer with 8,000 pounds in cash still feels heartbroken when he thinks of this.

"Mr. Oliver, Mr. Willamette, good morning."

The gatekeeper knew the two people, and he asked politely: "Would you like a quiet private room, a hearty breakfast, or go underground now? Oh, the club also invited a famous writer to come today. As a guest, do you need to go to Hall 3 to sit down?”

"Go underground."

Dad replied.

The corridor inside the club is so narrow that it can barely accommodate two men of normal size walking side by side. The walls were painted a metallic brass color, and candles were used for lighting instead of the now common gas lamps. But in this completely enclosed corridor, the warm bright yellow flames illuminate the narrow brass-colored walls and the floor reflects the light, which also has a unique flavor.

The entrance to the underground is in Hall 7, and the so-called underground is the firearms training ground.

Although Jenkins had doubts in his heart, he didn't say a word out of trust in his father.

Jenkins has been to this place many times, but it was not until today that he discovered that the hidden area here was far beyond his imagination.

The fit waiter took the initiative to come over to chat. The father made a gesture. The man raised his eyebrows and asked the two to wait. He turned and walked into the small room with iron walls that was closed to guests. He quickly walked out again and handed over Give daddy a whistle.

This is a brass whistle with a common style. It is an ordinary item. There is also a series of numbers engraved on one side of the brass whistle.

Even early in the morning, there were some customers at the gun shop. But the two of them walked in opposite directions, and the waiter opened the trap door on the ground. The father waved to Jenkins and got in first.

"How big is the underground here?"

Climbing down the ladder, there is a tunnel like a mine tunnel. The track extends from the darkness in the distance, and then extends into the darkness even further.

An old kerosene lamp hung next to the ladder. There was a layer of burnt yellow marks on the transparent lampshade, making the already weak light even dimmer.

"It's bigger than you think. In fact, this is also one of the entrances to the black market, but it's too troublesome and few people will use it."

Dad reached out and took off the lamp on the wall and let Jenkins carry it. He walked forward and Jenkins quickly followed.

"You should be able to tell that this is a passage transformed from a mine tunnel. More than 20 years ago, a group of archaeological team members from Beldiran accidentally discovered a blocked mine tunnel entrance during a field investigation. It The ground was probably re-exposed due to the earthquake. The municipal government and police sent people to conduct an investigation, and the results showed that the history of this mine tunnel should be traced back to the previous era, and this is the farthest end of the mine tunnel extending underground in the city. ”

PS: If you look at the title of this volume, you will know that the devil's affairs are not over yet. There is still a small climax before this volume ends. Gear Germs, Prince of Lies, and the Heart of the Sea of ​​the Pirate King are the main contents of the next volume. The title of the next volume is – Act II, Mortal Mortals.

That's it. By the way, there is an interlude before the opening of the second act. Jenkins will leave the stage and go on a short adventure.

I just want to prove that I am not stuck, I have ideas, and the outline is sufficient.

Please vote.

Section 174 Chapter 170 Immortals

"But this is the underground of the city. How did the mining outside the city end here?"

Jenkins asked in confusion.

"Nolan City prospered after the establishment of the kingdom. In the ancient Hikari Empire, it was just a small fishing village, and in the 17th era, it might be uninhabited... That's it."

After walking forward for less than five minutes, the mine tunnel came to the end. Dad asked Jenkins to cover his ears and then blow hard with a whistle in his mouth.

The shrill and piercing whistle broke the silence of the mine tunnel. Jenkins shook and shuddered violently. He suspected that the whistle could be heard deeper in the mine tunnel behind him. Although Dad said that this ancient mining area had been fully explored and there was no danger, in such a quiet environment, he always had wild thoughts.

After the whistle stopped, the old man picked his ears helplessly, and then looked at the stone wall in front of him with Jenkins. As if drawn by chalk, a door appeared one by one.

It was an ordinary wooden door, with a strange-shaped human ear painted on it, and the ear hair protruded from the ear hole. Above the human ear, there was a string of unknown words in gold.

"B-11-5-4004, the greedy voice-activated door, records a specific sound every month, and only when this sound appears will it reveal itself and the space behind it. The disadvantage is that this is a very rare special item that requires energy supply to operate, and it requires silver, and it is very pure silver. This is why the Orthodox Church has heard of it but has never thought of using it for storage."

"Isn't the church very rich?"

"The church's money is not thrown from the sky by the sage. We can find a better way to store it with the same gold pounds. This door is not a good thing either. Some specific tones can open the door to a terrible world. There are even extremely terrible creatures behind the door corresponding to some tones, with a number of more than 300."

Dad is obviously very familiar with this item.

"Obviously, there are some permanent spaces behind it, but no one in this era knows how to use them. What's more important is that this door can only be opened from the outside, so let's not close it."

As the two talked, they stepped into the door. Behind the door was a space smaller than Jenkins' bathroom, without any extra decorations.

In the middle of a flat ground, seven lit blood-red candles formed a circle, surrounding a chair and the bald old man on the chair.

This was the oldest person Jenkins had ever seen in this world. His entire face was sagging, and his skinny body was covered with a white robe without any decorative patterns, which looked more like a bed sheet. The wrists and hands exposed by the cuffs were almost visible.

A rancid smell filled the air, not the feeling of rotting corpses or food, but more like expired mechanical oil.

"Look at those seven candles, this is the [Undying Dead Seal] numbered B-12-2-4118."

The old man's tone was mocking: "Any creature will not die of old age as long as it is in the seven lit candles. But if it has entered the seal, then no matter how much life is left, if any candle is extinguished or leaves this range, it will die immediately. It can be regarded as the worst way to prolong life."

"Can we say this in front of him?"

Jenkins asked in a low voice standing behind him. Because it is too quiet here, lowering the voice actually has no effect.

"It doesn't matter. You can call him Mr. Bids. He is 187 years old this year. Mortals will eventually die, and even extraordinary items cannot completely solve this problem. He is still alive now, but his body functions have declined to the extreme. The owner of the [Mr. Ink Club] protects his safety, but he has to contribute to the club, that is, answer some visitors' questions. There are less than 40 people in Nolan City who are qualified. He seemed to be a great figure when he was young, so he knew some confidential things from a hundred years ago. Living longer, there is only this role."

While the old man explained, Jenkins kept staring at the old man sitting in the chair with a shriveled body and lowered head. For a few seconds, Jenkins even thought he was dead, but since the candle was still burning, he couldn't be dead.

This is a gifter, but only two levels, like Jenkins.

"Do you know [Gear Germs]?"

Clearing his throat, the old man asked.

"I know, but not much. This is the first question."

Mr. Biddes's old voice was unexpectedly clear, echoing in the small empty space. Jenkins thought that his weakness was not enough to support such a voice. Because he did not look up, Jenkins could not see the expression under his bald head.

"How to make the infection source of [Gear Bacteria]?"

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