The chocolate on Jenkins' shoulder licked his paw, and it felt that Jenkins was angry.

"You only have one chance, I can tell lies. So, tell us, what is the matter with the cloud whale beast?"

"It... is the creature in the obsidian seal under the old temple."

The desert town where Mr. Bernoulli lives belongs to the territory of Cheslan, so he is not familiar with the Fiddic language, but he can barely use it, but the accent is a bit strange.

"How did it get out? The church has checked it many times, and there is no gap in the obsidian seal."

"There was a strange disappearance in the town. After investigation, I found that it was an unknown weird individual. I followed its actions and found that it was devouring souls and trying to break the seal. I didn't have time to stop it, but the seal was opened and the cloud whale beast swallowed it. The cloud whale beast also found me, and I didn't want to die, so..."

Mr. Gilbert heard Bernoulli really admit that the appearance of the cloud whale beast in Nolan was related to him, and he was furious. The fiery red airflow appeared near his two arms. This was the uncontrollable surge of the soul. Fortunately, he still had reason and knew that punishing the other party was not the most important thing now.

"Why did you bring it to Nolan? I don't believe it wants to follow you."

"It wanted to come to Nolan in the first place. The unknown weird individual who released the Cloud Whale Beast made a deal with a being called 'Great Wisdom', and the content of the deal was to release the Cloud Whale Beast. Although the Cloud Whale Beast killed that guy, it still wanted to meet 'Great Wisdom'."

"Why? Curious?"

"No, it's cooperation. Great Wisdom wants to cooperate with the Cloud Whale Beast that controls the clouds."

"What about now?"

Jenkins pointed out the window, and the signs of the Cloud Whale Beast's defeat were very obvious.

"Great Wisdom broke his promise. Before I met you today, the cloud whale beast that was attached to me left for a short time. It said that a terrible thing appeared near the town. After you left, it came back again and asked me to leave the town immediately, to see Great Wisdom immediately, and then leave Nolan forever.

I called out to 'Great Wisdom' outside the town, and it was...a terrible thing."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Jenkins slightly relaxed the strength of his right hand to give him a chance to catch his breath.

"Great Wisdom broke its promise. It doesn't want to cooperate at all. It wants to 'swallow' the Cloud Whale Beast. I have no value to it, so I have a chance to escape..."


Miss Bennett, the Holy Child of the Church of Nature, interrupted:

"The thing called 'Difference Machine' by the believers of lies is actually stronger than the ancient evil beast? What kind of enemy are we facing?"

Chapter 1942 Chapter 1913 Great Changes

"The Cloud Whale Beast is not in a complete state. It has just escaped from the seal. It attached itself to me and came to Nolan because it knew that it was not in a good state and was unwilling to take the risk of facing the human extraordinary of this era in advance."

Bernoulli explained in a low voice, and then begged Jenkins not to use so much force. His neck was almost broken by Jenkins.

Thinking of it this way, it would be a bit stupid for the Cloud Whale Beast to come to the Difference Machine rashly. But no matter what, it is a consensus that the Difference Machine cannot really "swallow" the Cloud Whale Beast.

Therefore, after the reinforcements sent by Nolan arrived, they taught Bernoulli to them and Jenkins and his team joined the battlefield.

This mission was a bit cumbersome. Not only did they have to stop the difference machine from taking away the cloud whale beast, but they also had to reseal the cloud whale beast as much as possible and inflict as much damage to the difference machine as possible.

It was still raining in the sky. Jenkins pointed to the sky, and a lightning bolt struck him directly. After the thunderbolt was thrown to the battlefield by him, the Son of the Orthodox Church finally joined the battlefield.

The cloud whale beast was not in a complete state, and the difference machine did not reveal its true body from beginning to end, but only attacked with a group of chains. Although this battle was not easy, everything was moving in a good direction after the large forces of the church joined.

The troops responsible for sealing the cloud whale beast have also arrived near the town. The demigods flying in the sky jointly suppressed the cloud whale beast and the chains, trying to find a balance between the two.

Jenkins, who could not fly, could only soar briefly in the Son of God state, but even if he received the second blessing from the Sage because he sacrificed the second drop of divinity, the Son of God state could not last too long.

He only fought in the air for half an hour before he realized that the Son of God state was coming to an end.

Before exiting the Son of God state, he hurriedly landed and joined the support team on the ground. The cat stood on Jenkins' shoulder and squatted obediently, watching his side face facing the sweat beads sliding down from the rain, and gently wiped him with his tail.

"Chocolate, don't make trouble."

Jenkins, who did not see the intention of this move, pushed Chocolate's tail away, took the umbrella handed by the scribe, and looked up at the battlefield in the sky with them.

"Prepare a quiet room for me, I want to pray quietly for a while."

The power of the Son of God comes from God. Jenkins can't hold on to the Son of God state for too long, not because his body can't bear it, but because the power of the water without source is quickly consumed. That's why he wants to communicate with the Sage again, otherwise he can only recover slowly in daily life.

In his normal state, he could actually play a role in the battlefield, but this battle took place in the sky, and the ground troops could only do a drop in the bucket to encircle and suppress the chain tentacles that kept popping up. Although he could fly while sitting on the high stool, it was not convenient for him to fight after all. The state of the Son of God who could freely fly in the air was what Jenkins wanted most now.

He subconsciously touched the silver ring on his right wrist, which was his trump card now. But as long as the core of the differential machine was not revealed, he must not act rashly. He knew very well that this was not the time to act on impulse. The core of the differential machine was definitely underground in the eastern suburbs of Nolan.

It was not possible to subdue the cloud whale beast that was pulled under the ground with these chains, so Jenkins inferred that the differential machine might appear the moment the cloud whale beast touched the soil.

This was also the reason why Jenkins had not used more power except the Son of God form in this battle so far. He was waiting. Even if the probability was small, he had to confirm whether the differential machine would really make the core appear.

If he encountered that extremely small probability, then today would be his decisive battle with the difference machine.

The team escorted the "weak" Jenkins to evacuate the battlefield. The cat, who was drooping his face and looking unhappy because he was "wronged" by Jenkins, suddenly turned around on Jenkins' shoulder and looked behind everyone.


It called, and then patted Jenkins' ears with its two little paws alternately. Jenkins stopped and was about to see what happened to his cat, but suddenly he was stunned and turned to look in the direction Chocolate had just looked.

A bright golden light column that seemed to connect the sky and the earth appeared in the far hilly area. No matter who it was, they could feel a kind of extremely orderly, extremely harmonious, and extremely hard power from that light column.

At the same time, because he created the ability of [Mechanic] through his own perception, Jenkins, who was somewhat sensitive to mechanical power, even directly felt that it was a very remarkable special item related to machinery. That item would have great significance for any existence with mechanical power.

He opened his eyes wide and looked in that direction, and immediately understood where the pillar of light appeared:

"The mansion outside Honeywood Town? What treasure did Hathaway and the other three find from the statue?"

Because of the appearance of the golden pillar of light, the battlefield seemed to freeze for a moment. Including the dense metal tentacles, everyone involved in the battle stopped.

But as the pillar of light weakened and gradually disappeared in the rain, the tentacles moved again, and the cloud whale beast continued to struggle for survival in the three-way battle.

But one second or two seconds later, at that moment, Jenkins clearly felt a huge monster flashing under his feet. He didn't even have time to scan the ground with the Eye of Truth, and the thing had disappeared in the distance.

The direction where the huge monster went away was exactly the direction where the golden pillar of light appeared just now. Jenkins felt a chill in his heart, and he easily guessed that perhaps, the differential machine that was originally ambushed under the feet of everyone and was ready to "jump up" and "swallow" the cloud whale beast at the last moment, had given up its target at this moment.

An unknown numbered item is certainly not worth it for the Difference Machine to give up this evil beast that can manipulate clouds and mist. The Cloud Whale Beast has a very strong complementary effect on the Difference Machine that has changed its own energy. But the direction where the golden light column burst just now is also the location where the Difference Machine seals its own peeling core.

Now the positions of the two overlap, Jenkins knows at a glance that the Difference Machine must be worried that something has gone wrong. He would not believe such a coincidence.

"No, I want to go and see too."

Hathaway and the other two don't know what happened here. If they don't leave in time, they are likely to hit the Difference Machine directly.

Quickly urging a team of people to escort him to the temporary quiet room in the town, after the door was closed to confirm that no one was there, Jenkins left a phantom of himself kneeling on one knee in a praying position in the middle of the room, and then jumped out of the window directly.

Of course, he didn't forget to close the window again. This time, he didn't leave the chocolate, because Jenkins didn't have so much time to convince the chocolate to be obedient.

He ran wildly in the rain, and as the unicorn appeared beside him while running with a soft cry, the little beast carried Jenkins and the cat into the sky.

It was almost evening at this time, but the days in summer were long, and the sunset only showed a little trace. Jenkins, who was extremely anxious, urged the unicorn to move forward as fast as possible, but when he saw Honeywood Town from afar, the change had already happened.

A crack appeared in the ground, and the mechanical birds made of metal and bones that he had seen last time flew out of the abyss under the crack and flew towards the town.

Jenkins rode on the back of the unicorn and summoned the iron-gray book. With a slight shake, the bronze metal bird flew out. Pointing to the sky:

"Call the wind and rain!"

The bright thunderbolt hit the bronze bird, and then the bird with thunder flashing its wings flew in the direction of the dense group of mechanical birds like locusts.

Jenkins did not stop here, but continued to fly forward to the hill where the mansion was located. From a distance, I could see the chains dancing around. When I got closer, I saw Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat, and Hathaway trapped on the roof of the house by the chains that kept emerging from the ground.

Fortunately, when the workshop was built underground in the mansion, the ground was specially treated to prevent the main differential machine from attacking from deeper underground. Otherwise, once the chains appeared directly from under their feet, the three people would not be able to wait for Jenkins to come to rescue them.

"Jenkins is still a believer in lies?"

Jenkins thought in his heart the moment he jumped off the unicorn's back.

The white bone holy sword appeared naturally in his hand, and the cat holding the clothes on his shoulder also turned white:

"Sword Dance·Spin!"

The three people on the roof did not see clearly what fell from the sky, and were forced to close their eyes by the dazzling sword light.

But even with their eyes closed, they could feel the goose bumps on their bodies due to instinctive fear when the sword blade spun around them. The wind pressure made the exposed skin sting, and the clanging sound was like the most brilliant musician playing a fast-paced music.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the man with the white cat standing beside them with a sword. Mr. Candle did not check on his friends, but looked up.

Even though the sword dance just now had destroyed all the chains on the surface, there were still a steady stream of chains emerging from the soil around the mansion from deep underground.

At the same time, the bronze mechanical bird that Jenkins released outside Honeywood Town, which had a stronger power due to the power of thunder and lightning, could not stop the skeleton mechanical bird that emerged from the cracks in the abyss.

At this moment, the rainy sky was mostly covered by a locust-like flock of birds. The dancing chain tentacles did not attack immediately, but gathered together, crawling like waves to the four people on the roof.

The clattering sound of the chains squeezing and colliding with each other really sounded a bit like the sound of waves. It's just that the few people on the roof would rather be drowned by the sea than face this situation now.

Chapter 1943 Chapter 1914 The enemy finally revealed (extra update)

"What did you get?"

Jenkins asked with his back to the three people, swinging the sword in his hand forward continuously, but the flashing sword light could only cut dozens of chains each time, which was just a drop in the bucket for the huge number of enemies.

The overwhelming black shadow had covered the sky, and the mechanical birds and chains seemed to be pouring down from the sky and crushing all the objects on the ground.


Hathaway's voice sounded behind her, thinking that the thing was with her.

"There is no time to explain the current situation now. Leave the things behind, and the three of you go first. I will deal with this."

After speaking, a bright green light attached to the blade, and the sword light that was cut out abruptly split the sea of ​​chains that covered the sky and the sun.

Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat and Hathaway did not say any more nonsense, and immediately fled in three directions. None of the three of them had the treasure they found, so although the chains and skeleton mechanical birds were also blocking them, the main force was still maintained on dealing with the man with a sword on the roof.

The earth was shaking, and the largest earthquake in the Nolan area so far suddenly occurred at this moment. Jenkins didn't bother to confirm whether his friends had gone away. He turned around and picked up the bronze box behind him, called the unicorn, and rode it into the sky.


He urged, and the little beast almost turned into a ray of light and flew towards the crack just split by Jenkins. But the chains that emerged continuously reached the sky faster than them, and closed in front of the unicorn, Jenkins and the cat, completely trapping them in the prison composed of chains and skeleton mechanical birds.

Below them, the ground tremors did not stop. The foundation of the mansion was solid and did not collapse due to the earthquake, but a small mound of earth rose up little by little next to the hill.

A rumbling sound came from just below the earthen mound. As the first hole appeared at the top of the earthen mound, the hot white steam flow shot into the sky like a fountain.

The earthen mound grew larger and larger, and the rumbling sound and the unique clicking sound of the gears became louder and louder. Jenkins did not make any more attempts to escape, but told the unicorn not to panic and look down with it.

The black aura infected the land like a black hole, and like ink dripping into a clear spring, it dyed the land below black little by little.

In the gushing steam flow, Jenkins felt an unusual power. At the same time, he also saw the thing trying to move upwards in the depths of the earth.

"It's finally here!"

The rotating brass metal column pierced the earthen mound, and then, with an astonishing loud noise, a huge monster broke through the earth at a very fast speed and came to the ground from the abyss.

It seemed to have an infinite height. Even if the upper end rose to a position higher than Jenkins and the unicorn, the lower part was still connected to the stretched abyss.

This is not a humanoid metal machine, but a door, a metal double door with considerable thickness. The brass-colored old metal reveals a golden color because of the thick patina.

The two doors use both intaglio and relief engraving methods, one engraved with the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, and plants, and the other engraved with a mechanical city and steel furnace. The position where the two doors are closed is a ritual pattern like a star array, with a round bead as the core, spreading out in a 360-degree plane.

The golden old door cannot shine on a rainy day, but the patterns on the two doors are spontaneously emitting a cold and evil golden luster.

The strong mental pressure almost made Jenkins unable to breathe. The power of order in chaos caused the surrounding environment to change. To be precise, it was the transformation of organic matter into inorganic metal.

He smelled the strong smell of rust and oil in the air, he heard the regular rotation of gears like a pulse, he saw that everything in the world was metallized, and he felt:

"This is... the main body. Miss Windsor said that the spherical main body is behind that door!"

The Eye of Truth will not lie. Behind the door in front of him is the core main body of the differential machine. But Jenkins understood that it did not reveal its power. Only after the door was opened could he see the essence of the differential machine with his own eyes.

"Believer of lies, hand over the box."

In the wind, a lonely chain floated from the crack of the door to Jenkins. In front of the sky full of chains and skeleton mechanical birds, it seemed particularly powerless.

The sound came from inside the door, as if someone was sitting behind the door. But with the thickness of the door, the space inside was not even enough for a fat adult to exist.

This time the differential machine spoke very coherently, not intermittently like the previous two times. But there was still a clear difference from human pronunciation, and anyone could tell the strangeness of the voice.

Jenkins didn't speak, but swung his sword to cut off the chain that floated in front of him.

The severed front end spun and fell to the ground below. Even though the ground was covered with a layer of metal, the silver-white tip of the chain still pierced into the ground. The gear pattern imprinted on the tip gradually dimmed, and the chain part was floating in the wind.

The door was opened a crack, and there was no extra nonsense. A huge iron pipe covered with wandering runes stretched out, pointing to Jenkins and the unicorn, who were as small as white dots compared to it.


The energy cannon composed purely of spirits burned the air and rain, leaving colorful colors, and blasted Jenkins and the unicorn into the soil below with one shot.

This was the purest power, and the scorching energy didn't even give Jenkins any chance to react. When the front end of the destructive energy wave and Jenkins hit the mansion on the ground, the mushroom cloud of the explosion almost broke the chain group in the sky.

The ground was shaking, the mountains were trembling, and everything seemed to be still at this moment.

The mansion disappeared completely, and the ground on the hill was abruptly turned to be flush with the ground because of this shot, and a large pit concave like a crater was formed.

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