
He groaned and patted his forehead, and then gently patted the unicorn's back:

"Catch up."

Chapter 1935 Chapter 1906 Honeywood Town

The city is shrouded in thick fog, and the air in the countryside is not very good now. It is too close to Nolan.

On the mist-covered country road, Mr. Black Cat, Mr. Hood and Miss Lark Hathaway were walking forward together. Mr. Black Cat checked the notebook in his hand from time to time and muttered something while Mr. Hood was holding a compass, which was the one he used to find Pompeii, the holder of the Skeleton Sword. .

"I can only work with you until five o'clock in the afternoon, and then I will report to the cult. I hope I won't encounter the reflection of the greedy ones again. Those guys are really annoying."

Hathaway said to her two companions, then glanced at her pocket watch to determine the time.

"Is your cult really sure that the treasure is nearby this time?"

Mr. Hood asked. He and Mr. Black Cat went out to hunt for treasures and met Miss Lark on the way. Both parties disguised their faces, and after telling each other their identities, they realized they were friends at the party, so they acted together.

"It was said by the chief priest of the cult. I don't know the specific situation. She just said that it might be nearby and let me try my luck. It doesn't matter if I can't find it. Mr. Black Cat, are you sure your notebook is correct for this time? Was the incident helpful?”

Hathaway asked Mr. Black Cat again, and the latter nodded:

"Although this is not a numbered item, it is just a time-sensitive enchanted item that I occasionally get, but it really has the power equivalent to the [Treasure Detection] ability. When I was in the Shire, I saw a man using this on the street. Big money!”

"How much money did you pick up?"

Mr. Hood asked with interest, and Miss Bailing was also curious about the answer:

"1,000 pounds! This is the biggest sum of money I have ever picked up in my life!"

The other two people immediately showed expressions of surprise, but Mr. Black Cat sighed again:

"I was hit by the bag of money in the alley. Later I found out that it was an illegal tobacco transaction, yes, the one you know, it was the payment for the tobacco transaction. That group of people was blocked by the Orthodox Church , he threw the money and tobacco out of the window, which happened to hit me, and after that..."

His expression was a little frustrated:

"If it weren't for the fact that I accidentally met people from the Zhengshen Church when I was helping Mr. Candle, I might have been arrested as a bad guy. What a pity, 1,000 pounds... Oh, I'm not Greedy for money, will there be a second chance like this? I can’t just reach out and get it again..."

He reached out to the sky and actually caught something. Looking up with a surprised expression on his face, he realized that it was just a wrinkled tourist map, not the banknotes he had imagined.

Hearing a sound from above, the three of them soon saw the unicorn carrying the cat and the man appear from behind the darkening clouds.

Mr. Candle jumped down from the air with the white cat Vanilla, and the unicorn screamed and flew away.

"good afternoon!"

After landing, Jenkins happily greeted his friends:

"Sorry, Mr. Black Cat, this is mine."

He pointed at the map, and Mr. Black Cat handed back the paper in his hand.

The three friends also came here to hunt for treasure, and all three of them arrived early, including Hathaway, in the morning, but the three of them met during lunch in the town.

Mr. Black Cat and Mr. Hood just came to join in the fun. Mr. White Cat did not show up. He had to go to the city hall to apply for documents for the three people's new business. The two accidentally discovered a greedy man in the morning, and the clues they got were:

[The treasure is not buried underground].

And Hathaway has found nothing this day. She actually doesn't care about the treasure. She comes here purely because of the mission of the cult.

Jenkins originally wanted to go treasure hunting with three friends. His purpose was not to obtain the treasure, but to rest in his last free time.

But the next target of the three is not the town of Honeywood. In fact, they just came out of that town. Jenkins didn't want to change his goals, nor did he want to change the goals of his friends, so after talking to them about the matter, he separated again and headed to the town with the impatient cat.

Because Honeywood Town is close to the mountains, road transportation is not convenient, but as a transfer station into the mountains, the permanent population is not large but the town is large.

Jenkins and the cat first found a store that retailed honey. It was not a dessert shop. After all, there was no way a dessert shop could exist in such a country town. It was just a small shop opened by beekeepers downstairs to solicit goods.

Their main business is bulk trading, but they are not opposed to retail sales.

The kind proprietress also kindly told Jenkins that cats can drink honey water, but they must pay attention to the concentration of the mixture and the amount of feeding. She also raises cats, and they are small cats, so she has a different experience in raising cats. Jenkins nodded and wrote down the precautions she mentioned one by one, and then carefully put the three jars of thick yellow honey into paper bags.

I didn't plan to take such an inconvenient thing back by myself. After leaving the store, I found the post office in the town. After explaining the items I was sending, I paid for expedited delivery. One to the church, one to home, and one to Privet Drive.

The cat was a little dissatisfied with this. He didn't taste it at all. But Jenkins had already asked the proprietress in advance for some samples of honey used to attract customers. After dissolving it in a kettle, he heated it slightly with a flame, then poured the honey water into the palm of his hand, squatted down and let Vanilla lick it.

The cat looked very happy, which made Jenkins happy too. It didn't matter whether he could find the treasure or not, he was just here to relax.

Nothing was found in the town. Apart from seeing three strange gifters walking together, there was nothing worth stopping for. However, in the small town cemetery in the north of the town, Jenkins discovered two gravekeepers. One of them had a blue alien aura, which was the greedy person he was looking for.

In such a sparsely populated town, the cemetery is not very large. One tombkeeper is enough, but two are really a waste. For people other than Jenkins, the way to discover that something is wrong with the tombkeeper is to realize this and then through temptation to find the hidden greedy person in the two people.

After all, the greedy person's disguise is absolutely perfect, and everyone related to him will have memories related to him, and his name will be on written records. The only flaw is a small irrationality, which quite tests people's carefulness and wisdom.

While the two tombkeepers were separated, Jenkins blocked the greedy man who was holding an oil lamp and trying to enter the underground tomb in the northwest corner of the cemetery.

PS: Refers to Miss Stillwell.

Chapter 1936 Chapter 1907 The Decline of the Family

"what do you need?"

After finding the greedy man dressed as a tombkeeper, Jenkins still asked questions directly. He looked at the other party's attire. Without the Eye of Reality, he would not be able to tell that it was a fake.

"There is a special soul in the tomb, and I hope you can help me catch it."

The greedy person holding the oil lamp said that their request is not necessarily a physical object, but a very small probability of asking for something to be done.

Jenkins nodded and looked at the closed entrance to the tomb. After confirming that there was no black aura, he opened the door and walked in.

The underground tomb originally belonged to a prominent local family and was the destination of all members of the family after their death. But later the family fell into decline, and it became a paid tomb in the town. Squares were dug out on both sides of the long and narrow corridor to store urns. Occasionally there will be a fork in the road, and there are larger tombs on the left and right sides, but they are also used to store urns.

Cremating the dead seems to be a small town tradition, something Jenkins appreciates. He walked around with a blue-purple miner's lamp symbolizing [Mechanical Light], and at the end of the straight corridor, he saw a rusty iron gate standing locked in the darkness.

The tomb behind the door is the largest tomb in the town cemetery and is the storage place for the ashes of the ancestors of the prominent family. After the family declined, the last heir sold the tomb and left for a foreign land. The tombkeeper who took over here concentrated all the urns that were originally scattered in various corners of the underground tomb into the last large tomb for storage.

Because no one would come to express condolences, and no one from the family would use the tomb anymore, the tomb was locked forever.

But none of that meant anything to Jenkins, and he didn't care about the history. He reached out and pulled out the rusty iron door from the wall, walked around the deformed iron railings and walked into the cold tomb chamber.

The cat's eyes glowed strangely in the darkness, and it stretched out its little paws and pointed to the left:

"I saw."

As he spoke, he stretched his right hand to the right side, and then a dim, cold-toned green light appeared on the right side. It's not that Jenkins is glowing, it's that he's got a soul by the neck.

"This is it."

He thought in his heart that he would drag the soul away from here with a single step. But at the same time, in every corner of the tomb, dots of dim green light lit up, and souls appeared on the wall with dull eyes, surrounding Jenkins.

"What does it mean?"

he asked.

The soul in his chokehold cannot speak because Jenkins himself is suppressing it. The one who answered him was the oldest one among the souls surrounding the wall. He said intermittently in dialect:

"Don't take it away."


After the death of a mortal, the soul will split, representing a part of the essence that goes to the world that dominates the [ancient god of death] and "continues to go on." That is only a tiny part of the soul, and the larger part remains in the material world and completely dissipates in a longer or shorter period of time.

Some of the souls have wisdom themselves due to various reasons, and their consciousness is exactly the same as before death, and they can think and judge. These are commonly referred to as ghosts. The soul of the old man in front of me is obviously like this. There are about five or six such thinking souls in this tomb.

Of course, the one caught by Jenkins had no intelligence.

"The family left some property, which is in the tomb. You can take away the jewelry, but don't take away our members."

The old man continued.

Jenkins shook his head:

"I can see that the soul I captured is very special. I think he must have been involved in mystery during his lifetime, right? What did it do to cause the complete decline of your family?"

"How did you know... Alas, the family has completely declined."

Next, Jenkins and the cat heard a story that happened about three hundred years ago.

The family that was about to decline welcomed the frustrated family members who returned from other places. The young scholar was determined to revitalize the family. After accidentally discovering the abnormality under the town, he dug down step by step, and finally made himself and the entire family go crazy, and triggered some mysterious power to invade the ground from underground.

The Orthodox Church suppressed all this, but at that time, most of the members of the family involved in this matter were executed by the church because they were too deeply involved. The family began to decline completely from then on.

The young soul caught by Jenkins was the young scholar who returned from afar. He didn't know what he touched, and even his soul was distorted. This distortion lasted for three hundred years and did not disappear, but it also made his soul stronger and stronger, instead of being eroded in the long years.

If Jenkins doesn't deal with it today, it will sooner or later become a hidden danger to the town.

"Let me put it this way."

After listening to the story, Jenkins made his own choice:

"Either I make you all disappear completely, or you let me take it away. I'll count to three. If you don't make a choice, I'll assume you choose the former.


"Take him away."

The old man made a very wise choice. Jenkins had no reason to get angry, so he pinched the soul and walked out.

But before stepping out of the door of the tomb that he had damaged, he turned around and asked another question:

"Speaking of which, what did your family find under the town?"

Soon, he returned to the ground with the soul and made a deal with the "Greedy Man" holding a shovel. The latter took the soul away and told him the clue that the so-called "treasure" was hidden in a small plaster statue.

This is a very clear clue, but Jenkins did not continue to search in the next town, but temporarily stopped the "treasure hunt".

The souls underground told Jenkins that two or three hundred years ago, after the young scholar descendant of the family returned from afar, he unexpectedly heard a strange "click~click~" sound under the family mansion on the first night, which led to the subsequent digging and the disaster of the family's destruction.

If it was in an area outside Nolan, Jenkins would not think much, but this is Nolan, and he has sufficient reason to believe that there is more than a one-third chance that the declining family encountered a differential machine, or a part of a differential machine.

Now the family has completely disappeared, and the souls of the parties involved cannot answer any questions. But the church handled this matter that year. Although it was not the Sage Church, as long as it was a church in the Nolan area, it must have retained records of the events of that year.

For this reason, he temporarily gave up the treasure hunt and found the church of the night watchmen in Honeywood Town. This is also a small church, but because of today's accident, there are also two teams of gifters from Evergreen Forest stationed there.

After Jenkins returned to his original identity, he asked about the whereabouts of the files related to the incident in the church, trying to find out whether the files were handed over here or to Nolan's church of the [Church of Darkness and Secrets].

Luckily, there were files in both places, but the ones left in the town were handwritten copies of the files, but it made no difference to Jenkins.

There was no photography technology in that era, at least not in the town, so when Jenkins got a moldy file bag in the narrow data room, he only saw a large stack of text materials in it, and no more intuitive black and white photos.

When the church in the town found out that there was a problem, it immediately sent people to Nolan for help. The problem was not very serious, but there was a foul smell of black smoke rising near the old house of the declining family, and at the same time, the strange noise of metal friction made all the townspeople who were active near the mansion area faint.

After Nolan's night watchmen came urgently, they went deep into the old house to investigate. Finally, a gap that seemed to lead to the abyss was found in the basement. After venturing in and killing a metal monster that had never been recorded, the unconscious people woke up, but everyone in the old house was dead.

Some family members were not in the house at the time. Through interrogation, they learned about the family's past exploration of the underground. All the people involved were arrested by the Orthodox Church after the incident, and the gap leading to the underground was permanently blocked after inspection.

Judging from the description of the incident alone, the processing process and the final result were quite normal, there was no illegal operation, and the investigation of the facts was not concealed.

But from Jenkins' point of view, there are quite a lot of doubts about the matter. If according to his idea, perhaps as early as three hundred years ago, the difference machine had tried to contact and cooperate with humans living on the ground in Nolan, and then I don't know what went wrong, the cooperation was terminated, one of the cooperators was killed, and the difference machine casually threw out a mechanical monster to take the blame, and retreated back to the depths of the ground to weave a conspiracy.

This idea is very bold, or it may really be that Jenkins is just too suspicious. But he has always been a very cautious person. After obtaining the information from three hundred years ago, he planned to go to the old house to take a look.

The mansion stands on the western hill outside the town of Honeywood, and the whole town can be seen directly from the mansion. Three hundred years ago, when the last generation of distant heirs of the family dealt with the property, they sold the house to the nobles of Nolan as a vacation residence.

Later, the owner of the mansion changed several times. With the help of the mayor, Jenkins found the notarized documents left in the town and confirmed that the last owner of the mansion was a businessman who lived 30 years ago.

The merchant was in the honey business, but he had never returned since he took his family to Cheslan 30 years ago. There was definite news that the merchant's family had all died in the plague of the undead 30 years ago.

In short, when Jenkins climbed the hill along the path that had long been covered with weeds, he saw a mansion that had been completely ruined.

The mansion was surrounded by iron fences. Although the gate of the fence was still locked with rusty chains, they jointly fulfilled the responsibility of guarding the place, but there were several holes in the fence. I think thieves and robbers have visited it many times.

Chapter 1937 Chapter 1908 Underground Blacksmith Workshop

Walked around the outside of the mansion to observe the yard and the building. After confirming that there was no problem, he took his cat into the interior through the hole in the fence. The courtyard had long lost its former splendor, and at this time, only traces of the existence of several flower beds could be vaguely distinguished.

Jenkins took the cat to the back of the house first, and after pushing all the fallen leaves on the ground to one side with his shoes, he vaguely saw the remaining traces of the ceremony on the flat ground.

The traces were not very old, and should have been used within a year. Because the remaining traces were very faint, it was difficult to distinguish the original purpose.

The main door of the mansion was blocked from the inside by the crooked cabinet and the upright long table, and Jenkins could only enter from the side window. All the curtains were gone, and almost all the furniture in the room disappeared. I don’t know which year the thief who broke in was lucky.

There was a layer of dust on the ground, and every step Jenkins took would cause the dust to rise, causing him and Chocolate to cough quietly.

Without going upstairs to check the situation, he directly found the entrance to the basement behind the stairs according to the architectural diagram of the mansion found in the town hall.

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