She pointed to the location below her ribs:

"I know a very good female surgeon. After the operation, it is not difficult to find a way to heal the wound quickly by spending some money on the black market."

"That's it, it's really good."

Jenkins sighed, and then asked Miss Windsor:

"Why did you shoot me?"

Seeing that his expression was normal, he didn't want to deliberately make fun of himself. Miss Windsor suppressed her blush and turned away, refusing to answer the question.

Inside the copper tube is a letter that Miss Magic wrote to her friends in other places, those believers of the God of Ritual. The letter mentioned that she wanted her friends to help her get revenge.

[It was Queen Isabella who killed me, or at least she planned it. I don't know what tricks she used to get around the restrictions of the Tower Protocol, but anyway, she hired me as an occult consultant and put me to death after I discovered a secret. I cannot reveal that secret, but if you can, please avenge me. 】

“Our order is very united, and even though we don’t see each other once or twice a year, we trust and respect each other.”

Miss Magic explained to her employer and friend, and then held the letter in her hand:

"Let's go, now we have a clue."

"Wait, I don't understand, how can you be involved with Queen Isabella?"

"Since there is no Miss Windsor to hire me as an occult consultant, I can naturally find other clients."

Miss Magic said, Jenkins looked at Miss Windsor:

"I'm fine. No matter what His Majesty did, I will never be so rude again."

Although she said this, everyone could see that she was once again surprised by the murder committed by her respected elder.

Because this time I knew that Queen Isabella was involved with the power of the Giver, I had to be much more cautious when "visiting" her than when I visited Queen Windsor.

But at least the opponent was not a team of benefactors organized by the Orthodox Church, so although there was some risk, the three of them finally blocked her in the mansion where she stayed.

It's still the familiar study room, but the protagonist has changed.

Jenkins closed the door gently and saw the old Isabella wearing a crown sitting behind the desk, looking at the three people nervously. She looks older than in the real world, whether it's because of too much stress or other reasons.

Her hand was holding an uncapped pen, and her left hand was lowered, but Miss Windsor immediately pointed out that she wanted to take out the pistol in the drawer.

"It's useless, we are all gifters, it's useless even if you hide a steam cannon in the room."

Jenkins said and knocked on the desk. It was still a simple skill of controlling the spirit, which made the wooden desk active again, completely eliminating the possibility of the drawer being opened.

Queen Isabella did not speak, nor did she ask about the identities of the three people. She pursed her lips and looked at the three people. So Jenkins continued:

"I won't be polite. We are here to inquire about the cause of death of a friend. You should know this lady, right?"

He took out the black and white photo of Miss Magic from his pocket and put it on the table, pushing it in the direction of Queen Isabella. Miss Magic looked at him in surprise.

"I do not know her."

The old man said in a cold voice:

"If you are just asking this question, I..."

"We found the letters she left behind, so you don't have to tell any more lies. Did you find someone to kill her?"


It's still a lie, completely unexpected.

When dealing with Queen Windsor, considering that Miss Windsor was nearby and that the other party might be persuaded, Jenkins did not use force. However, when dealing with Queen Isabella, Jenkins knew very well that it would not work without some means.

"That's right."

He coughed and signaled the other party to pay attention to what he said:

"I am actually an orthodox descendant of the Middleton family, and I am the heir to the Kingdom of Fidictri that you chose. Think about it carefully, do you have a better choice than me now? So, you should trust me, I He is someone worthy of your trust. You can tell me all your secrets with peace of mind, yes, all your secrets.”

This passage is half true and half false, but it is actually mixed with the use of the lie priesthood. No matter where you are, the abilities attached to the priesthood are always the highest priority. Therefore, although in the eyes of Miss Magic and Miss Windsor, their companion just said something superfluous that should not be said, Queen Isabella immediately replied:

"Okay, I understand. I admit that I killed her."

Jenkins turned to the two women and gave a reserved smile to express his joy at how well things were going. But seeing Miss Windsor's face turn ugly again, she must have anticipated what she would hear next.

"Then why did you kill her?"

"She found out my secret."

"What secret?"

"I have an illegitimate daughter."

Jenkins was glad that no one was drinking tea at this time, otherwise someone would definitely spit the tea out of their mouths out of surprise.

"Sorry, illegitimate daughter?"

Jenkins looked at the other party. Queen Isabella's age did not look like she could continue to have children.

"Sir, I don't know what bad things you are thinking about. No, didn't you notice the tense of that sentence? My daughter Jessica is already in her 20s this year."

She said to Jenkins with raised eyebrows, looking a little angry.


Jenkins also raised his eyebrows, which was also Miss Windsor's name. In this world without Miss Windsor, there is still a Jessica appearing next to Queen Isabella, which may represent some kind of inevitability.

PS: In the possibility that there are no Jenkins and Miss Magic, will there be someone with the same name to take their place? No, Jessica Windsor with a different name appears because Queen Isabella needs such a young lady by her side, but Jenkins and Miss Magic do not have such a fate, so their "alien" will not appear ".

Chapter 1914 Chapter 1885 Jenkins and Kidnapping

Queen Isabella is too old, and her mental and soul power are particularly different from Jenkins. Therefore, the role played by the Lie Priesthood can definitely last until the three of them leave.

Afterwards, they asked and found out that the lady named Jessica was the giver, so they were able to unexpectedly curse Miss Magic to death. Seeing that there was still no sign of returning, the three decided to go see "Jessica" together.

Of course, in order to prevent unexpected situations from happening, Jenkins asked Queen Isabella to forget the conversation just now. Although the "lie" priesthood is not a "hypnosis" priesthood, for people whose mental state is much weaker than Jenkins, his words are actually similar to hypnosis.

"How do you feel now?"

Returning to the street shrouded in gray fog, Jenkins asked Miss Magic:

"When I see your murderer later, do you want to take revenge on him?"

"It depends."

Miss Magic raised her neck and said. She was in a good mood and was not in chaos because of "her" inexplicable death.

"Miss Windsor, how are you feeling now?"

he asked another companion.

"It feels like she is becoming more and more unfamiliar to me."

"Does your chest still hurt?"

"One more thing, it's okay, don't pay too much attention to me, I'm fine."

Generally speaking, the more people say this, the more likely it is that something will go wrong. Therefore, for safety reasons, Jenkins warned again:

"Although the other party's name is also Jessica Windsor, we already know that she is not you and has no blood relationship with you, so no matter what we discover next, please don't pay attention."

"I see."

I don’t know what kind of coincidence it is, because the identity cannot be exposed, so the illegitimate daughter of Queen Isabella was fostered by the Grand Duke of Windsor since she was a child, so her name is also Jessica Windsor.

But because she is no longer the biological daughter of the Grand Duke of Windsor this time, she will not be trained to become the Grand Duke's heir like the real Miss Windsor.

Although Miss Windsor here is also taken care of by the Grand Duke of Windsor, the Windsor family only treats her as a distant relative and provides her with all the necessary and best education and living conditions, but does not interfere much with her growth.

Therefore, this Jessica Windsor has the opportunity to become a non-registered gifter, unlike the real Windsor who has been living as an ordinary person.

The three of them found Jessica Windsor following the clues provided by Queen Isabella. While waiting for her to go out, the three of them controlled the coachman and got into the carriage to talk to each other head-on. The carriage was still moving, and no one could tell that something was wrong here.

Queen Isabella's illegitimate daughter Jessica looks very different from the real Miss Windsor. But she is also very beautiful. After all, Queen Isabella was also a very beautiful lady when she was young.

"So who are you?"

Jessica, who looked resolute, did not show any panic about being abducted by a stranger. She looked at the three of them in turn and determined that the male among them was the leader.

"It doesn't matter who we are, you answer some questions and we'll leave."

"Then please ask."

The other party's indifference was a bit too much, and Jenkins doubted that she had anything else to rely on.

"Do you know this person?"

Still a picture of Miss Magic.


"Did you kill her?"

"It can be said like this."


"She found out about my relationship with my mother."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, isn't this reason enough?"

Although the other party answered fluently, it was still a lie.

"Since you are also a gifter, you naturally know that the gifter's ability can detect lies. I'll give you a chance. If you don't tell the truth again, madam, I will use some very rude methods."


A faint smile appeared on the face of the unfamiliar-looking Jessica Windsor. She leaned back on the soft backrest of the carriage seat and looked at Jenkins with a very calm gaze:

"So what are you going to do with me?"

"I come."

Miss Magic said. Jenkins was about to nod when he suddenly froze for a moment, then suddenly raised his right palm and slapped his head.


As if a ferocious hound fell from the sky, the man in black broke the roof of the carriage, and his palms slapping downwards collided with Jenkins. The powerful force of the two directly caused the carriage board under Jenkins' feet to fall apart, and the carriage board under his feet to crack directly, causing the carriage to disintegrate out of thin air.

On the empty avenue, Jenkins withdrew his right hand and saw the man standing next to Jessica Windsor, who was none other than "Jenkins Willamt."

"It's really unexpected. It turns out this is your trump card."

Jenkins said, glancing to the side to confirm that Miss Magic and Miss Windsor were not injured.

"Kill them, and the reward mentioned last time will be tripled."

Jessica Windsor said directly, and the wanted criminal Jenkins directly raised his pistol. It was a very familiar pistol, no matter in color, size or style, it was the same as the one owned by the wanted criminal Jenkins not long ago. The bullets fired from this pistol only have a small-scale explosion effect, but they can blast cracks in the space barrier.

Jenkins didn't care to think about what would happen in the world without him as a foreign visitor. Just like last time, he directly grabbed the opponent's gun body and turned the muzzle of the gun to the sky.

"I won."

He said, while the vines spreading from his right hand bound the opponent's pistol and right hand, they gradually climbed towards his whole body.

This is a battle that is completely different from the previous possible world. After all, the ability in the treacherous world can only be used once. This time the [Machinist] cannot be used, but the result is naturally that Jenkins killed Jenkins.

Although both parties are descendants of the World Tree priests, compared to Jenkins who fused the World Tree seeds and truly became the World Tree seedlings, it was possible that Jenkins had not discovered the true meaning of the power of life at all.

The world tree that formed into a sapling had a crushing advantage over the successors that had not yet evolved, so Jenkins won easily.

Because they had already seen the scene of "killing themselves", Miss Windsor and Miss Magic were not as surprised as before, but Jessica Windsor never thought that her invincible mercenary would be almost completely defeated by the other party. cost settlement.

"Okay, lady, come with us."

Jenkins and Miss Magic held her almost one on the left and one on the right, like kidnapping, and lifted her feet off the ground into the alley. Before leaving, Jenkins did not forget to throw a ball of fire to burn Jenkins' body, and at the same time crushed the weird pistol with his foot.

The four people moved quickly and did not stop until they broke into the apartment facing the street and made sure that no one was in the house for the time being.

"You coming or me?"

Jenkins asked Miss Magic and threw the flowers on the window sill of the apartment to the floor. Stimulated by the vitality, the petals of the unknown light yellow flower fell off, and the flower branches grew into something like a vine, holding the frightened Jessica Windsor tightly. to prevent her from escaping.

"Let me do it."

Miss Magic said.

"Do I need to avoid it?"

Miss Windsor asked. Although the woman in front of her had the same name as her, her face and figure were different, so she had no feelings for Jessica who had been tied up by vines.

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