Miss Yindi heard from Miss Windsor's servants that around eleven o'clock, Miss Windsor claimed to be feeling unwell and canceled all her outing plans for the day, so she did not go out in the afternoon, which did not arouse the servants' suspicion.

Miss Yindi did not find any signs of fighting in the study, so she decisively came to see Jenkins. She thought it was possible that Miss Windsor needed to deal with some secret matters, so she asked Miss Magic to help her go out and would be back during dinner. But this cannot be ruled out that the two of them were really in danger, so they took the risk to look for Jenkins outside the church of the [Church of Night and Secret] where the Twelve Churches were meeting.

"No clues?"

Jenkins thought to himself and tried to activate [Unknown Way Ahead], but unfortunately there was no response.

"Go back first and take a look at Miss Windsor's house."

The carriage sped down the street.

Miss Windsor now lives with her parents. The Windsor family has a pretty good house in Nolan. When Jenkins came to visit, the Duke of Windsor was in town hall for a meeting and her mother was out, thus saving herself some unnecessary embarrassment.

The servants all knew Jenkins, and they did not feel anything wrong when they heard that he wanted to talk to Miss Windsor alone.

He and Miss Yindi hurriedly entered the study room, and sure enough they saw the somewhat scary paper man. After a cursory check, he found no note left by the two before they left, so he directly used the Eye of Truth to look for clues.

As a result, I actually saw a faint trace of spiritual light by the window. After careful inspection, I found that it was actually some fine powder, extending from the window to the outside of the house until Jenkins could no longer observe it.

"It seems to be Miss Magic's eye shadow."

If Jenkins hadn't pointed it out, Miss Silver Flute would have thought it was dust. After twisting it and examining it carefully, she confirmed that it was the trace left by Miss Magic. Jenkins planned to follow the traces to find it. Since Miss Magic left a mark specifically, she must not have gone out to do errands.

"Is it just the two of us? Don't we need to find others?"

Only Miss Magic knew for sure that Mr. Candle was Jenkins Willamt. Miss Silver Flute meant to ask Jenkins to find her friends, or simply ask the church for help.

"Before they left, the two of them specially used paper figures to disguise themselves, just to prevent others from noticing that they were missing. They probably had their reasons for this, so our actions are not suitable for letting too many people know. As for Mr. Candle ...Okay, let's split up now. I'll go find Mr. Candle. You stay here and wait. In order to prevent the paper man from failing, you have to stay here to prevent anyone from knowing about Miss Windsor's disappearance."

Miss Silver Flute knew that this idea was the most reasonable, so since Williamte asked her to stay, she had no objection.

Just watching the man sneaking out of the window with the cat in his belt, I always felt that this action was extremely familiar.

"If that cat was a pure white cat."

She immediately thought of Miss Magic and the strange way she occasionally spoke of her employer's employer.


She covered her forehead and told herself that she actually didn't know anything.

Jenkins on the other side has followed the trace of the faint spiritual light to the street. Miss Magic's eye shadow is probably specially made, and it has not been blown away by the wind, nor has it disappeared due to being stepped on or crushed. Jenkins was able to keep searching along this trail, and finally stopped in front of a coat shop on another shopping street adjacent to Fifth Queen Avenue where Dad's Antique Shop was located.

He was worried that Miss Magic's eyeshadow box had limited powder, so he was relieved when he saw the traces and went straight into the store on the street. Even if the clues ended here, at least he knew where they last appeared.

This is an ordinary clothing store. Unlike the clothing store located on the outskirts of the city that actually serves as an intermediary for mercenary missions, this one is really just an ordinary store. The traces of Miss Magic's special eyeshadow disappeared after extending into the store.

Jenkins looked around and found to his embarrassment that the clothes and hats sold here were all women's clothes and hats. So I quickly came to the counter with my head slightly lowered:

"Have you seen these two people?"

He took out a black and white photo of Miss Windsor. Because it had just been "drawn", it was guaranteed to be absolutely clear.

The young clerk behind the counter with a lot of black pimples on his nose probably did not refuse to provide information because Jenkins looked good. She tilted her head slightly and looked at the photo, and was impressed by the two very elegant women:

"About eleven o'clock, before lunch, these two ladies came together."

"What did they do?"

"I didn't do anything. I walked around in a hurry after entering the door, looked at the hat hanging over there, and then left. Sir, is that your friend? Do you want to buy that hat and give it to them as a gift? Gift?"


The young clerk originally just wanted to test the relationship between the three, but unexpectedly the man agreed immediately. He turned around, took the hat, asked the price, paid the money, and hurried out of the store without even asking for change.

Jenkins frowned as he twisted the paper pinned into the lining from inside the hat.

This method of transmitting information was extremely dangerous; within an afternoon, anyone who touched the hat might find the note. This can only show that the environment the two faced at that time was so bad that they had to use this method.

"What could it be?"

He stood behind the mailbox on the street and opened the note. There was no complete sentence on it, only a hastily written letter and a few words:

【A】【Knowing increases strength】【Swallowing darkness】【Snake Tail Alley】

The first few words are obviously describing the characteristics of some kind of strange thing, which means that just as Jenkins thought, the two of them encountered a strange thing. "Knowing increases power", on the one hand, describes one of the properties of the monster's power, and on the other hand, it also shows that it was the right thing for Jenkins to not rashly notify the church to help with the search.

"But where is this Snake End Alley?"

Although the original owner was a native of Nolan, and now Jenkins has been hanging out in this city for nearly a year, there is no fragment related to "Snake Tail Alley" in his memory. This is normal. Nolan is one of the largest cities on the west coast. The urban area is crisscrossed with alleys. Even the old people who have lived in Nolan since childhood dare not say that they know the name of every alley here.

Fortunately, Jenkins knew an older man. Since this place was adjacent to Dad's antique store, he went directly to Dad to inquire.

Chapter 1903 Chapter 1874 Creativity

Dad had indeed heard of the place name Snake Tail Alley. After Jenkins asked, he casually pulled out a city map from the counter and circled the location with a pen. The name of the alley was not marked on the map, and even if Jenkins went to the post office to buy a tourist map, it would be useless.

"Tell me honestly, what are you going to do?"

Before Jenkins left, the father behind the counter asked without raising his head. He was wearing a monocle and examining a golden ring under the gas lamp.


Hearing the voice of Jenkins who didn't want to answer but didn't want to lie to himself, Dad knew that he must be doing something dangerous.

"you are always like this."

Dad sighed, but did not stop him from doing things. Although Jenkins only studied with him for less than a year, this apprentice was already qualified to teach. Dad knew that since Jenkins wanted to do it, he must have a reason:

"Be careful."

Although there are thousands of words to express my concern for him, in the end I can only say this.

Jenkins saw his father's thoughts, nodded solemnly to him, and touched the cat on his shoulder:

"Look, I'm bringing chocolates with me. I'm definitely not doing anything dangerous."

In fact, Chocolate's mental resistance is probably stronger than that of Jenkins. When facing strange things with Jenkins, this cat seems to only occasionally show weakness when Jenkins shows weakness.

But Dad didn't know about this, so he was a little relieved, thinking that Jenkins was just busy with something that was not convenient to talk about.

Snake Tail Alley is a very common alley in Nolan City, located between an antique collectors club and a private clinic. The alley is short, and it takes Jenkins three minutes to walk from one end to the other at normal speed. The two ends of the alley connect two main roads. There is nothing inside except garbage and things that appear to be excrement. It is basically in a state of unobstructed view.

Jenkins walked out of the fog into the alley, stood at the entrance of the alley and looked around, and suddenly frowned:

"It's like this again."

He whispered. Just as he was about to take off the cat on his shoulder, he suddenly looked up and saw two men suddenly jumping down from the roof of the clinic. The clinic is a two-story building, not very high. Before the men jumped down, they didn't expect that there was still someone standing in the alleyway.

The two sides looked at each other, and before the other could recognize him, Jenkins pulled his hand out of his pocket and flicked his seed to the ground in the distance.

"No, this is from the Sage Church..."

The other party really recognized Jenkins. The man who was taller than Jenkins turned around and ran away. His companion, a man who looked tired as if he had not woken up, rushed towards Jenkins.

The morning glory seeds touching the ground quickly grew into vines under the stimulation of vitality, and the escaping man was entangled within a few steps. The man who rushed towards Jenkins was not tied up by the vines because he did not escape.

Jenkins then took out his cane and rushed forward.

Neither party seemed willing to make too much noise. While Jenkins raised the cane and drew it downward, the man just raised his right arm and came forward:


It was obviously the sound of a cane hitting metal.

"It's you guys after all."

He complained quietly.

The man with a tired face was steaming out of his body. Especially when he got closer to Jenkins, the feeling of heat waves hitting his face became even more intense.

His cane was unable to break the opponent's modified mechanical arm, but with the second strike, Jenkins forced the opponent to take a step back just by relying on his strength.

"If you can tell you the reason why you are here, I think I can stop killing you."

Rather, it is left to the disposal of the church.

He said this without tapping the cane for a third time, because during the first two taps, he had already relied on the power of the [Machinist] to completely understand the mechanical structure of the opponent's arm. Just like the enemies encountered some time ago, this is not a pure mechanical arm, but a structure mixed with flesh and machinery.

Although Jenkins felt an instinctive feeling of discomfort and nausea when he relied on "mechanical hearing" to see those internal structures. This was the World Tree seedling's aversion to unnatural and blasphemous creations, but he still firmly remembered it. The structure of that arm.

The other party did not listen to Jenkins's advice, and had no intention of surrendering or speaking. Seeing that Jenkins did not strike for the third time, he immediately opened the front of his shirt and aimed at Jenkins.

It was not that he suddenly went crazy, but there was an eyeball embedded in the man's chest.

"Magic Eye?"

Since the man from the Magic Eye Collection Club left Nolan, Jenkins has rarely seen the magic eye on the enemy. It was an eyeball with a blood-red pupil. At first glance, there was nothing unusual, but when Jenkins's sight left the eyeball itself, he actually saw a red blood wave behind the man rushing towards this side along the alley.

This did not seem to be an illusion. Whether it was the sound, the vibration of the ground, or even the damp smell before the tide hit his face, it was extremely real. Jenkins' eyes blinked, and under the real eye, he actually saw the man with the magic eye embedded in his chest turned and ran towards his companions, and there was no blood wave in the alley at all.

"It's really an illusion."

Thinking in his heart, he waved his right hand, and the iron-gray book that symbolized the ability of [Mechanic] immediately appeared in his hand. As the pages unfolded, two bronze classical mechanical birds flew out of the book and landed on the shoulders of two people.

Immediately, both the man struggling in the vines and the man with the magic eye who wanted to rescue his companion froze in place. The two men's bodies trembled rapidly, as if they had suddenly fallen ill, and as if they were fighting with their own bodies.

This time, the luck was not bad. Both enemies had undergone a certain degree of mechanical transformation on their vital hearts, so Jenkins was able to subdue them so smoothly.

He threw out another seed and trapped the man with the magic eye. Only then did he relax his control over the [mechanic] a little, allowing the enemies to regain the ability to speak:

"Well, I still have the same question, what are you doing here? The first person who speaks out can live, and the other will die."

"William, what is this?"

The enemy said the first sentence, looking at the mechanical bird on his shoulder in fear. It is made of all brass and only uses mechanical parts such as gears to move. There are arcs jumping between the flapping of wings.

"It doesn't matter what this is, do any of you want to answer my question?"

"This is impossible! This kind of power, how can you have such power?"

The man with the magic eye asked again, looking like he was about to collapse, but Jenkins didn't remember that his ability had the effect of mental interference. His companion frowned and said nothing, as if he was also troubled by the problem.

"You are a member of the Orthodox Church, you are the seedling of the world tree, how can you have mechanical power?"

The differential engine already knew that Jenkins William was the seedling of the world tree, so it was not surprising that the cultists who cooperated with him knew this.

"Is this power rare?"

Jenkins asked.

"You fools will never understand what kind of wisdom we have seen! The future of mankind and the future of the world lies in comprehensive mechanization and mechanical immortality! Viscount, since you also have a talent for machinery, why not..."

Jenkins controlled the vines to wrap around his mouth, and then looked at his companion:

"What do you want to say?"

"It's strange, I originally thought that machinery and nature are incompatible. Viscount, do you have any secrets?"

The man who spoke looked older than his companions and spoke more maturely, which may be why he chose to escape at the first time, while his companions rushed towards Jenkins.

"Answer my question, what are you doing here."

"I can answer, but you must also answer one of my questions. After this, I don't care how you deal with us."

The companion whose mouth was blocked immediately struggled in the vines, trying to stop doing so, but the metal bird on his shoulder shook its wings, and he could no longer control his body.

"Okay, I agree, but you have to answer my question first. Did you appear here by chance or for some other purpose?"

"The high priest conveyed the instructions of the Great Wisdom and asked us to wait nearby for the two women who escaped from the strange world. It's not just the two of us who came here. We were just assigned to the nearby area. The range given by the Great Wisdom is too large."

This is similar to what Jenkins thought. He can interrogate the enemy without panic and time because he saw the entrance to the strange world as soon as he came to the alley. As expected, Miss Windsor and Miss Magic, who were chased by the strange creatures, should have entered the strange world. But Jenkins did not see the black aura nearby, and did not know where the strange creatures chasing them went.

"It's my turn to ask, William of the Sage Church, the selected seedling of the world tree, please answer me, what is the name of your mechanical ability?"

This was not the question Jenkins expected. He did not intend to answer the other party's question, but since it was this kind of question, he didn't mind. After all, he didn't intend to let the two of them meet other people alive:


He said.

The tall man nodded:

"I see."

"What do you mean?"

"An ability I've never heard of before. Most likely, this is an ability you created yourself, right?"

Jenkins didn't know if this was his original ability, but judging by the way it was expressed, it didn't seem like an ability that existed in this world. Most newly created abilities are unique and can only be born in accordance with the rules of the times, so most of them are slightly stronger than existing abilities. And because of their rarity and the fact that most of them are unlikely to be learned by others, it's not something worth making a fuss about.

"I don't know if this is an original ability. Is there any problem with that?"

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