"It indeed has nothing to do with the Queen. It was Duke Robery of Chesland who planned this conspiracy."

This man is a well-known militant within Chesland, and he is the powerful duke of the Southern Kingdom and has his own territory.

"He got in touch with some people in his country. One side wanted to continue the war, and the other side wanted to kill me. That's why what happened today."

Although it is a boring fact, it is also reasonable. As for some people in the country, naturally other heirs to the throne, they don't have to dirty their hands and can kill Jenkins by providing some information. This is a pretty good deal.

Of course, Jenkins did not mention that the original first heir to the royal family, the foreigner Mr. Horace Luther, was the cousin of Duke Robery of Chesland. But there was no evidence that Mr. Luther was involved, even if he was present, so Jenkins did not mention him.

"This is the result I asked my divination class teacher to predict. It is very reliable."

He added that Miss Windsor was stunned for a moment, and then realized that some things cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

"Then let's..."

She hesitated, wanting to arrange a revenge plan, so she looked at Dolores. Her Royal Highness the Princess naturally had the same thought. She smiled at Jenkins:

"Would you rather see a steam bomb explode? Or a bullet through the heart?"

The two women weren't going to let Jenkins get his hands dirty, they would arrange it.

"You don't need to do anything. How could I let you do something like killing someone? Girls, you are ladies of noble birth. Don't do those unclean things because of me."

PS: It’s 3K again.

Chapter 1672 Chapter 1645 Miss Windsor’s Commission

After stopping the two ladies' attempts to take action, Jenkins shook his head and continued without waiting for the two to object:

"My identity is very sensitive now. If I really die, the church, I mean the Church of the Twelve Orthodox Gods, will be in big trouble."

He is the only savior candidate in the Orthodox Church. Even if the interests of the Twelve Orthodox Churches are not unified, Jenkins' death cannot be accepted - this means that the Orthodox Church is completely controlled by the lie believers.

"Don't do anything, someone will naturally do it."

He was quite sure of this. As he spoke, he petted his cat and leaned slightly back against the backrest of the carriage seat, which could be regarded as a small sofa.

He let out a long sigh and unconsciously hid his face in the shadows:

"I am not a simple person..."

Even though both women were familiar with Jenkins, there was still some pressure when he made such a move. It's hard to describe this feeling. It's not the so-called pressure brought by temperament or power. It's just his presence itself that makes people feel breathless.

But it is extraordinarily attractive, just like a candlelight attracting self-destructive moths...

Miss Windsor, Dolores and Julia blushed together. Miss Windsor recalled the night when Jenkins held hands and ran in the alley. Dolores thought of the first time they met a long time ago, Julie. Yaze recalled the warm conversation in the tavern.

After being promoted to level 7, the body is more easily affected by the soul, and the fluctuations of the soul also affect the world more violently. Whether intentional or not, the very nature of God drives mortals crazy. Mortals cannot look directly at God, but they can't help but want to pry into the indescribable power. This is instinct.

Although there was a slight error in the welcome ceremony in the morning, the welcome ceremony that resumed in the afternoon went very smoothly. Jenkins had seen the arrogant Tarquin before in newspapers, but today was the first time he actually saw him.

He looks younger than Dolores's father, and is the youngest among the kings of the three kingdoms. He was very energetic and handled the conversation with Queen Isabella and the limited questions from reporters very well.

If he hadn't known that the political conflicts in Chesland were greater than in other countries, Jenkins might have thought that Chesland was the most promising country.

Of course, he is not interested in foreign middle-aged men, but he really wants to meet the writer who wrote the most popular popular novel of this era, "The Legend of the Detective Knight". That lady is a well-deserved genius and the leading figure in the popular literature of this era. top figure.

Jenkins did not know her but had seen her picture from Miss Windsor. It’s just that it’s not necessary for everyone to attend the welcome ceremony at the city hall, so the writer lady who came to Nolan as an unimportant entourage did not show up. Although Jenkins was a little disappointed, it was not an important matter, so he quickly Put the matter behind me.

After the welcome ceremony, there was a small cocktail party, and Jenkins was forced to participate. He held specially brewed pear water disguised as champagne and accepted the enthusiastic toast from the southern nobles.

They seemed to regard Jenkins as a key figure who could influence the development of this war. After all, he was now the first heir to the throne of Fidicli (elder brother Newman and father Robert were not counted). In fact, he is indeed a key figure, but he has nothing to do with the royal family.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when the reception ended. Dolores had something to do, so she left with Julia first, but Julia would show up at the Jenkins house in the evening. Miss Windsor stopped Jenkins. She had something important to say to him.

"I know I'm going to meet those old dukes tomorrow afternoon. Even if I drank a lot just now, I can't forget it."

He said as he followed Miss Windsor to the carriage parked at the entrance of the alley.

"That's not the case, and what did you drink just now?"

Miss Windsor asked strangely. Seeing that Jenkins did not want to answer, she did not bother:

"You told me this morning that you were a Gifter, so I want you to meet with my hired occult consultants and at least tell me if they are indeed Gifters. You know, ordinary people don't have many ways to identify this. . Although I have seen their power, I have always suspected that I was deceived by the circus."

Jenkins nodded, looked up at the carriage in front of him, and saw the person he guessed.

"I know that bestowers generally don't like to reveal their identity, let alone a decent and noble ordinary person like you. So I will think of a way to get them out of the carriage in a while, and you can just take a look from a distance. I heard from the princess in the North that you are very powerful and helped her solve a lot of troubles for the grantors in the North. "

Miss Windsor suggested that this arrangement is very appropriate. But Jenkins shook his head:

"I'll go see them both myself."

"But...eh? How do you know they are two people? How do you know they are both women?"

Miss Windsor noticed Jenkins' choice of words.

"He's an acquaintance."

Jenkins explained, straightening his collar as he spoke:

"They are all friends I have known before, and they are trustworthy. But if you have the chance, I suggest you apologize to the magic lady for what happened at the dock some time ago. That lady is a little stingy, although she is indeed very kind. ”

He reminded her kindly, and then gave Miss Windsor a reassuring look. He knocked on the carriage door, and without waiting for any response from inside, he bent down and got into the carriage.

"I'm Jenkins Willamette."

Sitting side by side in the carriage were, of course, Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute, who had disguised their faces. Both of them had heard of the name "Jenkins Willamt" from the newspaper. Miss Silver Flute was Jenkins' neighbor, but they had not. Thinking that he would suddenly appear.

"You must also know about my cooperation with Miss Windsor."

He said straight to the point. The two women who had disguised their true faces looked at each other. They did not expect this conversation to happen. They also did not expect that Williamte was such a direct person and did not even say hello:

"So, Miss Windsor now wants us to protect your safety temporarily?"

They also all know the whole story of the assassination incident in the morning, so they have such speculation.

"No, she wanted me to check whether you are really the Giver or a liar."

Miss Magic frowned when she heard this. Although she had already known that Jenkins William was the benefactor in Miss Lark's "Dice Game", the sudden appearance of a heavyweight like William at this moment still shocked the two people in the carriage. Caught off guard.

At the same time, Miss Magic also knew that she had to show that she had heard the implication of this sentence at this moment:

"So, you too... This is really unexpected. It seems that our employer really made a right decision this time."

Her acting skills were good and she showed her surprise appropriately. This made Miss Silver Flute on the side look slightly sideways. Although she knew not to show that she already knew about this matter, she didn't expect that Miss Magic could perform so well.

Both of them knew that Jenkins Willamt had a very good relationship with the church. If only from an ordinary person's perspective, the term "bishop candidate" was acceptable. And if he is a gifter, then it means that Jenkins William's status in the Church of the Sage is extremely special, so special that the entire church is hiding his identity for him.

One of the common senses of gifters is that gifters of the Orthodox Church cannot serve as secular leaders of the church.

So, although expected, Miss Magic delivers a performance that is both a combination of acting and a genuine expression of surprise that Jenkins’ “secular” “church” takes over.

"I am not responsible for arresting those who are not registered gifters, so you two can rest assured."

Jenkins does not intend to reveal his identity as Mr. Candle, because this identity is bound to the "believer of lies."

"Then, what's the matter with a person of such noble status like you, looking for a secret person like us who hides in a dark corner?"

Miss Yindi also asked. She looked at Jenkins uneasily, unable to think of the meaning of today's conversation. Worrying that his identity as a neighbor would be exposed, his right hand naturally rested on his lap, ready to pull out the pen from his sleeve at any time. It was a useful weapon for confronting the Giver at close range.

Jenkins did not answer immediately, but reached out and pressed the brass button on the side wall of the carriage. With a snap, a thin steel plate fell from the closed window. This was the protective measure that Miss Windsor had set up for her carriage. , handguns in this era cannot easily penetrate such a defense.

"Mr. Candle asked me to send you a message..."

"Is Mr. Candle's deputy in the Zhengshen Church really you?"

Miss Yindi was so surprised that she even took the initiative to interrupt Jenkins' words without paying attention to her inappropriate wording. But she immediately realized that the young man in front of her was the top noble of the kingdom, and a benefactor like herself. She should respect him:

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, but I'm not a spy."

He smiled and said:

"I just have some cooperation with Mr. Candle, he is a very interesting person."

Miss Magic squinted her eyes and said nothing, her eyes falling on Chocolate lying on Jenkins' lap. The cat noticed someone looking at it and meowed lazily in response. Now that the weather is hot, it has become more and more lazy.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Candle and I met at the pet hospital. Although he is a believer in lies, he is very reliable. Don't worry, you two. Mr. Candle and I are friends. Since you are now working for Miss Windsor, That can be regarded as working for me. Mr. Candle asked me to tell you that the city is not peaceful recently, so you must not get involved in anything related to fog, steam or machinery."

"Of course, the most important things recently are the joint talks of the Twelve Orthodox Churches and the meeting of the Three Kings. We will not make any other moves before finishing Miss Windsor's work here."

Miss Magic said, deciding that the story about the "pet hospital" acquaintance was a lie. Except for Jenkins, everyone at Mr. Hood's party has seen "Mr. Vanilla Yuto Corpse". It is impossible for such a cat to go to the pet hospital.

"It's good that you know the danger. That guy treats you as a friend. If something happens to you, he will probably be very sad."

Jenkins said pretending not to care, but if any of his friends unfortunately encountered an accident, he would be sad for a long time.

PS: If you want to get a py mutual recommendation from a big boss, he is really a big boss, and the book is quite good. It is one of the best among the original works of Hedgehog Cat. It won the first prize in the original fantasy essay competition some time ago.

Recommended book: "I'm Really Not the Follower of the Evil God", author: Wan Jie Huo

Introduction: The time traveler Lin Jie runs a bookstore.

He is kind and enthusiastic. He always recommends soul-healing books to frustrated guests, and occasionally makes amends with his own humble works.

Over time, these customers became very respectful to him. They would repay him by bringing some simple souvenirs every day, ask him for advice and recommended books, and also tell the people around him about the deeds of this ordinary bookstore owner.

They respectfully and affectionately called him—

"Hyena of the evil god", "Preacher of the gospel of flesh and blood", "Writer of corpse-eating rituals", "Shepherd of the stars".


Chapter 1673 Chapter 1646 Miss Magic’s Temptation and Mr. Hood’s Little Trouble

"In addition, as a preferential treatment for your work for me, I can tell you a piece of information directly. I think this is the first step for you to trust me - a god came last night."

After talking about Mr. Candle, Jenkins told the information regardless of the surprise of the two women opposite him, and then continued:

"Nolan will become more and more chaotic in recent months, and this is just the beginning. What happened in the suburbs of Nolan last night will soon spread, and what you will hear by then may be even more sensational things. God It has nothing to do with us mortals, but this incident has made the Twelve Righteous Gods Church determined to convene a meeting of the alliance as soon as possible, probably after the meeting of the three kings, more and more church combat teams and demigods will enter. There are even a group of holy sons of God coming to this diocese, so you must be careful... Of course, at this time, the church will not pay too much attention to unregistered giftees, as long as you do not expose your identity easily. good."

He pointed.

"Thank you for your message, I think you have earned our trust."

But Miss Yindi hesitated and said:

"But is it really okay to just tell us about it?"

She thought of Mr. Hood's party, where getting information wasn't free.

"When you work for Miss Windsor, you work for me. Don't worry about these unimportant information. The most important thing is to pay attention to safety. I mean, pay attention to Miss Windsor's safety. If you need help, you can bypass Miss Windsor and ask me directly for help. My address is not a secret, or you can ask Mr. Candle.”

He said it very freely, but in fact he was still worried that his friends would die because they were involved in the conspiracy. Perhaps feeling the concern in Jenkins' words, Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute also expressed their willingness to continue helping Miss Windsor.

But Miss Magic thought of something more. She knew the true identity of Miss Lark Hathaway, and it was not difficult to find out the tidbits about Jenkins Willamt and Hathaway Hertha in front of her.

In addition, in the last dice game, the character card held by Mr. Candle was the other protagonist of that intricate "love triangle", so Miss Magic made a bold guess.

The two said goodbye to Jenkins, and Miss Magic watched as the chocolate crawled up Jenkins' legs and onto his shoulders. The corner of the woman's mouth moved. Although the size and color of the cats were different, the movement was very familiar.

"No matter what is going on, I can never tell my guess. But..."

As a believer in the [God of Mystery and Ritual], Miss Magic's inspiration far exceeds that of other gifters. There is no reason, but she was almost certain of her guess in an instant. Although she couldn't ask directly, she still wanted to test it a little. After all, both parties were friends. Even if Mr. Candle saw the test, there would be no problem:

"Also, please help us convey something to Mr. Candle."

She called Jenkins who wanted to leave. Jenkins frowned and thought for a while before guessing that this was a test:

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Hood's party cannot be held in a short time. Mr. Hood's right hand has some problems. He went to find someone to help deal with it (the end of Chapter 1138)."

"Okay, I'll tell him."

Jenkins did not say "You can tell him yourself" to try to cover up the fact that he and Mr. Candle might be the same person. But his straightforward statement made Miss Magic doubt her judgment, so she thought about the possibility that Jenkins and Mr. Candle had a very good relationship.

After helping Miss Windsor solve this small matter, seeing that it was getting late, Jenkins went to Dad's antique shop first and reported to Dad about today's welcome ceremony. After saying goodbye to Dad, he had dinner with Hathaway, Britney and Julia at home, and then went to the church to ask about the arrangements of other girls who escaped from the Night Manor last night.

Hathaway and Britney were with Jenkins. They should have been strictly supervised by the church because of the confidentiality regulations, but they left with Jenkins last night.

When they went to the church today, Jenkins helped the two to complete the formalities, and then swore in the name of the sage that he would supervise the red-haired and blonde girls not to tell any details of the Night Manor.

Since the Son of God made such a promise, although it was against the rules, no one bothered Jenkins. Hathaway knew that Jenkins was the Son of the Sage, so she was not surprised. Britney did not understand the operating rules of the church, so she did not see that there was anything wrong with this matter.

The three of them walked through the courtyard behind the main hall of the church and entered the three-story white building. At the entrance on the first floor, they happened to meet the children of the choir. Finnie was of course among them. Seeing that Jenkins was accompanied by someone, she just smiled sweetly at him and left with her friends.

Miss Lawrence and other ladies now live underground in this building. The Sage Church has a very strange habit. Those important rooms are usually located underground.

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