"Your home court?"

Jenkins in the dream knew that the other party was right, but he was unwilling to lose to his opponent in words:

"Although I don't have the power of God, you can't completely influence the dream. Your body is now sealed. You are just a fragment of power now. What qualifications do you have to speak like this in front of me?"

Jenkins said while trying his best to get out of the dream, but found that he couldn't do it at all. So he stomped his right foot on the ground and flew into the air. From above, the scene of thousands of souls below was really spectacular and terrifying.

The real eye in the soul state saw more. He could see the surging tide of mental power rolling like sea water in this small dream world, and saw that the statue was quickly extracting mental power to add more power to the shell.

He could also see that the several gifters belonging to the [Scent Appreciation Clerk Association] had fallen into a coma because the [Sin Nightmare] projected their consciousness into the dream. At this moment, the souls of those people have joined the crowd kneeling again under the altar. The great power of their common whispers has injected new vitality into the faceless statue.

"I don't want to be your enemy, God, but if you don't want to give up, I don't mind letting you know what kind of power the ancient disaster has."

"In fact, I am more curious about why you are so rational, and not completely crazy like those disaster beasts I know."

Jenkins sneered, and then in front of the statue, he stuffed the crystal apple into his chest. He really "stuffed" it in. His soul is so powerful that it is not difficult to temporarily use it as a container to accommodate an object that is itself composed of illusory consciousness.

It's just that when the beautiful dream crystal is really wrapped by the soul, the world in Jenkins' eyes has changed again. From the perspective of the Eye of Truth, the surging spiritual power surge is no longer so strange, and the power emitted by the statue is no longer completely inexplicable.

He suddenly felt that he understood the dream more deeply and understood the existence form of spiritual power in the dream. With a dazed expression, he gently held his right hand, and the mixed mental power that was scattered in the space was easily absorbed by him and turned into power that he could use.

"Sure enough, with the help of the beautiful dream crystal, the priesthood of lies does have an influence on dreams. Both have false characteristics."

He thought so, and then saw that the statue took the initiative to split from the middle amid the prayers of thousands of people, revealing the boundless and invisible shadow of chaotic colors wrapped in it.

It was like the dark sky without stars seen at night when looking at the starry sky. Although no light can be seen, it can be confirmed that behind the darkness is an absolutely terrifying colorful truth. This is the essence of [Sin Nightmare], the most original power discovered from [Sin] and [Nightmare], and the worst thing that can be encountered in the dream world.

Actively abandoning the "shell" and using the essence that finally escaped from the seal to directly absorb mental power, that group of things that cannot be described in shape and color rapidly strengthened their own power.

At the same time, Jenkins, who had mastered a certain dream power by absorbing the beautiful dream crystal, also began to absorb the mental power of the dream world.

For a moment, the originally surging spiritual power wave seemed to encounter two pumps. Although one side was an incomplete god and the other side was an incomplete beast of disaster, the spiritual power of thousands of mortals was really just a trivial "dessert" in their eyes.

In the end, the power of both sides accumulated to the peak, but the sin nightmare gained more power because of the prayers of mortals. The mortals in their dreams continued to provide spiritual power, and the absorption of the two barely maintained a balanced level.

The amorphous thing moved, it stretched and extended, and transformed itself into a squirming round hole. The huge area almost covered the entire sky, and the dark galaxy hung upside down, making the fear of unknown source reach its peak.

But Jenkins himself had the alien ability of the nightmare clan [nightmare haunting], this fear not only did not affect him, but gave him more wonderful ideas.

[Fear Aura] superimposed [Nightmare Haunting], plus people in dreams are more susceptible to mental interference. Under the influence of lies, fear of the same form but completely different principles also spread from the glowing Jenkins.

The two different sources of fear auras from two high-dimensional creatures overlapped, and the already fragile joint dream was broken.

In the gaps of the dream, the mortals who were attracted by smoking tobacco cried and howled loudly. What they saw was the most terrifying illusion that could drive anyone crazy, which was the deepest fear of mankind.

The two fears were fighting each other, but because the two had the same form of action, while fighting, the power of fear penetrated from the dream to the reality.

Above the city of Beldiran, the ocean of chaotic colors surged and produced strange optical colors. For various reasons, the gifters of the Orthodox Church who gathered near Beldiran almost simultaneously felt the twisted spiritual power ocean that suddenly appeared in the sky.

This is somewhat similar to the aurora phenomenon that only appears in the sky of the far north, but this is Beldiran in the central part of the continent. Since historical records, there has never been a natural aurora phenomenon here.

Dad, who had not gone to bed yet because of some things, stood at the window of the hotel, squinting his eyes and looking at the ambiguous light in the night sky. He thought of the strange phenomena that had appeared in the sky of Nolan several times in the past six months, and earlier tonight he vaguely felt the abnormal spiritual fluctuations above the city.

But the phenomenon that appeared at this time was not energy or spirit, but simply mental power that distorted the space. This is very abnormal, because as long as an individual with such mental power appears in the city, it will definitely turn the entire city into a city of madmen.

In the dream world, although Jenkins and the amorphous chaotic shadow had no contact, the confrontation between the two had been carried out countless times. The mixed dream has been completely shattered by the confrontation between the two. The concept of dream gap does not exist, but it is temporarily visible due to the impact of mental power and illusion.

Above the boundless dream ocean, tens of thousands of praying people who smoked tobacco floated. They were affected by the beast of disaster, howling wildly because of two fears, and providing the nightmare beast with the purest mental power in hysterical screams.

It was right, this was the home of dreams, and Jenkins was gradually falling into disadvantage.

Section 1566 Chapter 1542 Divine Sublimation

It was difficult to describe what the situation was now. Jenkins did not study dreams deeply, and did not understand why the dream was broken into such a scene. He guessed that the environment at this time was probably the space condensed by the so-called common subconscious spirit of mankind.

But no matter where this was, it didn't matter. In this pure mental power confrontation, he was at a disadvantage. The other party, as a disaster born in the dream, had the advantage of home field. In addition, there were thousands of mortal spirits praying for it. Even if Jenkins temporarily had the ability to absorb the dream spirit because of the [Dream Crystal], there was absolutely no possibility of defeating the other party.

On the one hand, the confrontation of mental power was invisible, but because of the characteristics of dreams, the invisible mental attack had a form. In the sea of ​​spirit, nightmares and illusions of lies appeared one after another, and this reflection in the night sky of Beldiran made the scene under the night sky even more chaotic. Occasionally, huge monsters would appear with roars, and then dissipate like clouds and smoke.

It happened that the Twelve Orthodox Churches all had personnel in Beldiran, and a series of investigations and studies were gradually carried out in response to such phenomena. People easily discovered that these illusions were reflections from the dream world, and thus linked them to the clues found when checking the tobacco club a few days ago.

Without any evidence, the church successfully deduced that this was the believers of lies who had once again confronted the [Scent Appreciation Committee], and even speculated that the terrible monster in the depths of the dream had awakened.

Dad had rushed from the hotel to the Holy See to assist the keepers in finding confidential information about the beast of disaster [Sin Nightmare]. The information about the beast of disaster is top secret and is prohibited from being opened to anyone. Only a few keepers in the church are qualified to query it because they need to update and maintain the information regularly.

Daddy was very familiar with this generation of secret keeper elders, Mr. Wood Brohill, and others entering the database of the Hall Library. He was once a secret keeper and even almost became the new generation of secret keeper elders, but everything changed because of the unexpected journey with old Jack.

"Although I don't know which believer of lies is fighting the disaster in the dream now, it is obvious that he is definitely not the opponent of the monster."

Mr. Brohill said very worriedly, and he and a group of people looked through the documents that might not be opened once in hundreds of years under the moonlight. All the books and notebooks they opened were bound with seals with the holy emblem of the sage, which represented the taboo of these materials.

"The believer of lies is still a mortal after all. It is already amazing that he can do this. I am very curious about what he has experienced to show such an illusion in his dream... Did you notice the terrible illusions that appeared in the night sky? Part of it was obviously created by the believers of lies. They are indeed the most dangerous lunatics."

Dad said seriously.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the night sky tonight just suddenly appeared colorful lights similar to the aurora. Although it was a bit strange, it was acceptable. After all, the spectacle of snowing all over the world appeared some time ago.

But the gifters can clearly observe the illusions transformed by mental power. While the old man and the keeper were communicating, a monster with three lion heads appeared in the night sky of Beldiran, and was then torn into two pieces by a monster with wings, a slender face and tentacles on its chin.

These are the products of the mental battle between [Sin Nightmare] and Jenkins. The former extracted images from the nightmares of intelligent life, and the latter simply searched for monsters that could be formed from memory.

But no matter what, Jenkins gradually couldn't suppress his opponent. If he wanted to win, there were only two ways in front of him. One was to find a large number of believers who provided devout faith for himself like the Sin Nightmare, and increase the mental power he obtained; or to find a more effective way to use mental power to overwhelm the opponent's huge amount with qualitative change.


Thinking of this, he immediately called softly in his heart, Nolan City Sage Church, and the sleeping girl gave her divine response in her dream. At the same time, the little angel Louise, who was one with Fini, also realized that something was wrong with Jenkins. Through the fragile connection between Fini and Jenkins in the dream, she sent part of her power to Jenkins.

So the shield formed by the angel wings stood in front of Jenkins, blocking him from some of the attacks from the nightmare. At the same time, the monster images unconsciously outlined by his mental power also added elements related to [angels].

The chaotic monster shapes and sacred angelic elements are mixed together, making the bizarre illusions that appear under the night sky of Beldiland even more bizarre and terrifying. This also makes the church more convinced that the believers in lies are definitely a group of lunatics.

But this help is far from enough for Jenkins. Even if Feeney can be called a [fanatic believer], there are too many people who are confused by nightmares.

Not only those who smoke tobacco, but also those who are in dreams at this moment are adding power to the "Nightmare of Sin Karma". This is the opponent's talent. If Jenkins wants to defeat the opponent in his dream, he is simply asking for death.

"It's too late to develop a group of believers temporarily. I simply can't get people to believe in me, let alone suddenly believe in me in such a short period of time..."

His consciousness focused on the fragile mortal souls in the dream world, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind. At this moment, he exists completely in the form of a spirit body. Without the restraints of the physical body, he is closer to the form of the [God of Lies]. People in sleep have only very little self-awareness, so it will be easier to perform mental interference in this state. .

After careful consideration, he used part of the mental power he absorbed to maintain the confrontation with the monster on the opposite side, and turned part of it into the power of his own lies. The purely accumulated mental power cannot compare with divinity in terms of quality or quantity, but it is enough for him to drive lies with power beyond that of the mortal Jenkins.

He knew it was wrong and immoral, but there was no better way at the moment:

"Mortals, believe in me~"

The incomplete [God of Lies] in the dream world said that the priesthood spread to all dream worlds driven by huge spiritual power. The power of lies touched those sleeping souls and did not fundamentally change people's beliefs, but it also It was enough to drive them to pray to the gods unconsciously.

Jenkins' essence is revealed in his spiritual state, demonstrating the power of the God of Lies to those who pray:

"Praise the God of lies! You are the protector of the flower girls. You are life and you are death. Praise you and sing your praises! The almighty God of lies protects us. May lies be with the world!" (Note 1)

Complex whispers and murmurs appeared in Jenkins' ears. While they were praising and praying, the mixed thoughts of mortals also appeared in his ears. This is a bit like the aftereffects of absorbing that mass of mental power for a whole period of time. Now Jenkins probably understands that these are the thoughts that drifted unconsciously after the connection between mortals and gods.

[Dream Crystal] completely melted into Jenkins' soul, and the power of lies infected those sleeping souls with the fluctuations of the dream world. This bold behavior can be regarded as the biggest lie in this era. Using the power of gods to change the beliefs of mortals is taboo in itself, and is an act that can arouse the disgust and hostility of all gods. But these all happen in the world of dreams. The belief composed of lies is itself a lie. After everything is over, the lies disappear and people's beliefs will not change in any way.

As the calls to his prayers grew louder, a realization dawned on Jenkins. What he is doing now is using lies to gain faith, but those beliefs themselves are also lies. There is nothing more suitable for the [Lie] priesthood than this. It has taken so long to obtain this priesthood. At this moment, it is the first time for him to exercise the power of God as a god, instead of simply using it as a tool.

"I am......"

In the night sky of Beldiran, a ray of golden light suddenly flashed, breaking through the ocean of chaotic colors. At the same time, the purple star of destiny in the sky is also flashing, and destiny has once again reached a turning point.

"I knew that simple believers in lies were no match for the beast of disaster. Look, the great one really took action."

The father and the secret keeper in the Holy See were talking in a low voice. At this moment, the power of the gods came to the material world again. Even if they had nothing to do with the God of Lies, they still had to show appropriate respect.

"I am the god of lies..."

Thousands of prayers gathered together, and the invisible and colorless spiritual power that originally surrounded Jenkins' soul was suddenly dyed golden.

"I am the god of lies, wielding the power of lies..."

Tonight is probably a magical night, because in a few hours after the sun rises, one-third of the people in the physical world will remember that they prayed to a strange man, but no one will remember the words of the prayer.

"I am the god of lies, and I wield the power of lies. Believe in me, mortal."

In Beldiran in the real world, Hathaway was holding on to the window sill and observing the night sky outside. His ears swayed and he actually heard a prayer from an unknown source. She is a believer in the God of Music. Because the God of Music also has the priesthood related to [hearing], Hathaway can occasionally detect sounds that do not belong to this world.

She looked at the sky and saw the golden light representing the power of God dispelling the chaotic colors. She also saw the purple star of destiny next to the double moons. Her heart, which was originally a little sad because of Jenkins, suddenly calmed down for some reason.

At the same time, Jenkins in the dream world had a dry spring in his eyes. He closed his eyes, listened to the prayers of mortals, and pondered the meaning of lies.

The golden light that emerged from himself was more dazzling than the golden color of the spiritual power gathered by prayer. Although the [Priesthood of Lies] was not condensed by him, it must be admitted that he was indeed suitable for this priesthood.

The momentary thinking seemed to ignite the first spark of the world. The God of Lies, who used lies to seek false beliefs, finally touched the deepest power by himself on the 143rd day (Note 2) of obtaining the priesthood.


He seemed to hear the liquid falling into his heart, and seemed to see the thunder across the sky illuminating the world, the wind whistling on the field, and all running things shouting in unison.

A relieved smile appeared on his face, and the golden light around him reached its peak at this moment, making him seem like the golden sun in the dream world.

God opened his eyes, raised his right hand slightly and raised his index finger, and a drop of active golden liquid jumped on His fingertips.

Note 1: You can compare it with the last prayer of Chapter 985 to see which part is missing now.

Note 2: The priesthood of lies was obtained on the night of December 31, 1865 in the Universal Calendar. The current date is the night of May 23, 1866 in the Universal Calendar, 31+28+31+30+23=143.

In addition: Jenkins' behavior cannot be replicated. This time, he easily leveraged the power of the dream world with the help of the nightmare of sin. In the future, he will not be able to get divinity for free through this behavior.

Chapter 1567 Chapter 1543 The fierce battle between dreams and reality

This is not the first drop of divinity Jenkins has obtained, but it is the first drop of divinity Jenkins has condensed himself, which represents a very important meaning.

Although this process relied on the nightmare of sin to pry open the power of the dream world, and therefore was not repetitive at all, Jenkins did fully experience the process of the creation of divinity and the feeling at that moment. He once again took a crucial step on the road to becoming a god. The God of Lies of Lies was not far from completely ascending to the throne of God.

Even if he did not use the drop of divinity on his fingertips immediately, just experiencing the power brought by the priesthood and false beliefs had already made Jenkins qualified to compete with the incomplete beast of disaster in the dream world.

He thought carefully and let the divinity appear in front of him. Then he stretched out his hand in the golden light, and the cube seal that appeared out of thin air temporarily sealed the divinity. With a gentle push, the silver metal block fell on the hospital bed in the real world. The cat's eyes widened, but he did nothing.

The afterglow of divinity shone on him, and his understanding of lies made him stronger in the dream. The false believers were still providing him with power. At this moment, he was the God of Lies of Lies in the dream.

The shadow of amorphous chaos noticed Jenkins's change. Although it didn't know why the god on the other side didn't suppress it again with thunder, it knew that if it didn't fight hard, the essence that had finally escaped from the seal would be sealed again.

The beast of disaster [Sin Nightmare] was expanding, and all the mental power absorbed since the start of the battle was mobilized. Above Beldiran, the terrifying black shadow like the abyss dispelled the golden light, and the power of sin was infecting reality from the dream.

Among the two solutions that Jenkins just thought of, he had already achieved more believers. And in terms of efficient use of mental power, he also had an idea, so he saved that drop of divinity and didn't use it.

With the current strength alone, he was confident that he could defeat the opponent.

"In the dream world, you naturally have to use the power of dreams."

Jenkins raised his right hand high, and the afterglow of divinity and huge mental power were constructing an illusion in front of him that was enough to rival [Sin Nightmare].

"And speaking of my deepest feelings about the world of dreams, and also the most powerful power, then it must be... Come out, my servant~"

He called.


The huge cat's cry was transmitted to every dream, and even penetrated the world of dreams and affected reality. In Jenkins' mind, the most powerful power in the dream, the huge black cat, was truly revealed under the influence of mental power and divine afterglow.

In countless battles with the black cat, he knew it so well that the constructed black cat itself was almost like a real one.

In the night sky of Beldiran, the abyss-like black shadow occupied half of the sky, while in the other half of the sky, the golden light gradually shrank, and finally constructed the image of a huge cat.

The cat was so realistic and so huge. Although its image was not as intimidating as the shadow on the opposite side, when it was observed by the gifters, all the brave people who dared to look up at it had blood in their eyes.

Both are beasts of disaster, one is broken and the other is false, but the false one is blessed by the power of lies, and...


The cat beside the pillow meowed, chased its tail in a circle, and then turned into a black shadow and drilled into the dream world, merging into the black cat constructed by Jenkins.

The wind started to blow. It was the beginning of summer, but it was a bit cold tonight. The twin moons in the real night sky had a gap at this moment, and then the gap expanded rapidly. The lunar eclipse occurred without any astrologer's prediction. Above Beldiran, under the lightless night sky, the amorphous abyss shadow and the huge weird black cat, representing the sins of two different eras, stood together across countless time and space.


The old man held the table and did not fall down. He accidentally saw the cat in the sky just now. Blood was oozing out of the corners of his eyes, but he was unaware:

"How is it possible? Swallowing Moon Spirit Cat? How is this possible?"

His voice kept echoing in the palace library, but no one could answer him. Because the loud cat cry covered all the sounds at this moment.


This cry echoed throughout the material world. Although the sky above Beldiran was an illusion, the cry was real. Ordinary people cannot hear this sound, but all kinds of strange creatures wandering in the material world and evil creatures sleeping in the subspace around the material world all heard this cat cry at this moment.

After countless years and a long wait, the Moon-Swallowing Cat finally found the person it was looking for. According to the contract with the gods, it re-entered the material world and announced its arrival to the whole world.

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