"You can't give me what I want."

The space around the short lady was almost completely filled with glowing blue vertical lines, and her momentum became more and more amazing as the light flashed. The blue cube in her hand was filled with spirit, almost breaking through the confinement of the cube, and Alexia's eyes seemed to be flashing beautiful blue light.

She stood in mid-air, the wind swept across her figure, pulling out a tassel-like blue phantom on her side. In this charming illusion, all the knowledge Alexia mastered was in it, and the moment she had been looking for for a long time had appeared.

"Before Jenkins invited me tonight, I didn't realize the problem I encountered when standing at the threshold of demigod. Now I understand that if I want to be promoted, I still lack a very important duel. I need to prove to the world that I can kill demigods, so I am indeed a demigod."

She didn't open her mouth, but she could vibrate the air with spirit alone.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Humans only need to clarify their own path to be promoted to demigods, and they don't need to prove anything at all."

Kamel couldn't help but retort, with a very ominous premonition in his heart.

"No, I am different from you, so I need to prove it. Alfonso Camel, I must kill you today. If I kill you, I will be a demigod!"

PS: Regarding Alexia, the author's purpose in creating such a character/the role she plays in the story, it seems that no one can see it now. You often complain that Hathaway upgrades too quickly. Now we know that she was originally one of the saviors of the world line where Jenkin does not exist, but why has no one ever questioned what role Alexia, who has been almost "omnipotent" and "all-victorious" since her appearance, played in the story?

Everything is requested at the end of the month.

Chapter 1559 Chapter 1535 Advantage

"What a lunatic."

Camel did not understand Alexia, nor did he want to understand. As he said that, he threw out a ball of black things. In an instant, black fog surged out and enveloped his entire body. But this was not a smoke bomb used to cover the vision, because when the black fog quickly dissipated, Camel, who originally looked extremely weak, had recovered his health.

But all this came at a price. With the power of the black mist, his body and soul returned to their peak. But if Jenkins was still here, he would be able to see at a glance that his whole body was stained with a thick black aura.

Although Alexia could not see the aura, she could also notice the tiny black lines on Kamal's skin. Those lines were like wriggling maggots, not static tattoos, but like worms hidden under the skin. According to the ancient runes, Alexia interpreted its meaning, which was roughly to accelerate the recovery process of the whole body by the irreversible collapse of the soul and body.

"Compared to me, you are more like a madman."

Alexia commented, and the cube held in her right hand radiated light under the night sky. This light gradually infected the surrounding space, causing blue lines to appear on the surface of the space centered on her, which looked like blue cracks.

She was using her own power to transform the large-scale space around her, so that she could get more help from the environment in the battle. This was actually inspired by Jenkins' [Stage of Destiny], trying to form a maze centered on herself. Such an attempt certainly could not succeed at once, but at least Alexia had found a way.

The two continued to fight in the air, and the surging spirits and the colliding energy tides caused abnormal optical distortions in the night sky. The strange abilities of the gifters were displayed one by one under the moonlight as the two top gifters fought, and various ritual bases representing different meanings appeared one after another under the feet of the two.

Compared with Jenkins' monotonous and boring fighting methods, this battle was much more fancy. Unfortunately, in the city under the night sky, no one could find the strange phenomenon under the night sky when they accidentally raised their heads. And the final result of the battle was that Alexia won as expected.

She still stood under the night sky, and the moonlight did not cover her with those two cold colors, because she herself was glowing, emitting the blue light that represented reason.

The previous battle did not seem to have much impact on Alexia. In the space centered on the short lady, the blue rune chain became more dense than when the battle just started. In the huge dynamic geometric pattern behind her, the shadowy runes intertwined and merged with each other, and there were some of Jenkins' "weird ideas" in them.

Opposite Alexia, Kamal could hardly maintain his flying posture. He lost one arm, and the remaining right arm was wrapped with a burning black chain. His own blood flowed down the chain, but was evaporated by the flames before it dripped.

"You rely too much on those alchemical products and numbered items. In my opinion, your power is only the lowest level among the eighth-level demigods."

Alexia taunted mercilessly.

"Even if you defeat me, what? I am immortal, and you can't kill me even if you defeat me."

Kamal responded with a grin, and then saw the woman standing opposite him holding her left hand in the air, raising her hand to throw the long spear condensed by the blue spirit into the higher night sky. Before he looked up, the energy gun dispersed into dozens of beams above his head, and then fell down and hit him accurately.

The aftermath of the spirit spread, and Kamal's body was reborn in a moment. He did not take advantage of the opportunity of rebirth to hide in the city under the feet of the two people, but appeared again almost at the same place where he had just died.

"I sealed off the nearby space. Your body will be destroyed but your soul will not be able to escape."

This is somewhat similar to the mystery locked by the church yesterday, which prevents Kamel from escaping by taking advantage of the opportunity of rebirth. Yesterday, Kamel was able to summon a monster in the void to kill him and escape, but that was definitely not possible today. The church saw the giant claws of Kamel summoning the monster in the void yesterday, in order to prevent him from letting anything terrible come to Beldiran again. , the ritual centered on the Church of the Sage has re-strengthened the space wall in the Beldiran area.

"So what if I can't escape? You can't kill me after all. Even if you make me weak again and again, even if you kill me a thousand times, I will still be alive. After all, a piece of paper cannot be folded in half no matter how many times. disappear."

Kamel laughed and said:

"You are not the first such a difficult opponent I have encountered. Since I inherited the blood oath of revenge borne by my ancestors and vowed to avenge the descendants of the murderers who murdered my ancestors, I have encountered countless difficulties and experienced many things along the way. Countless deaths. But now I am still standing here, and I believe that I will still be able to say this when I meet a new opponent next time.”

"I heard Jenkins tell your story. After all these years, have the descendants of Black Town still not been killed?"

Alexia did not attack but asked, countless epochs have passed since the story of "Traveler's End". Although the goals of the revenge ritual are many, they should not be completed until now.

"Kill all the descendants of Blacktown, and the blood oath of revenge will end. When everything is over, the power of family inheritance will disappear, and the demigod Kamel will no longer exist, so... Why do you think my ancestors and I want to complete our revenge?”

Kamel asked rhetorically.

Alexia nodded clearly, fully understanding the logic:

"I originally admired and pitied you and your ancestors because you were trapped in ancient revenge and persisted in it, but now it seems that you are just a group of ordinary people blinded by greed. Tossing. Without the so-called revenge, you are just a mortal obsessed with power and greedy for the power in your hands. Even if you are a demigod now, you are almost no different from those selfish and disgusting small shop owners. "

"Whatever you say, you can't kill me anyway."

Kamel said, turning sideways to avoid Alexia's attack again, then laughing wildly and launching a counterattack with his hands in the air.

He was right. For this kind of monster that could be reborn regardless of physical or soul destruction, Alexia had no way to completely erase him. Even after killing him dozens of times, the resurrected Kamel can still fight back and wait to be killed next time.

After such consumption, Kamel will become weak due to multiple resurrections, and Alexia will also become weak due to continuous fighting, until finally the space can no longer be sealed, allowing Kamel to escape.

PS: It’s customary to ask for everything at the beginning of the month, and I wish you a happy Children’s Day.

Chapter 1560 Chapter 1536 The Flesh Factory

Everything changed after Kamel was killed for the thirteenth time and resurrected. He was just about to say something sarcastic when he suddenly heard the sound of wind behind his ears, and then his body was hit by a long, half-bone white weapon. The sword pierces.

The curse of the undead was transmitted into his body along the blade of the White Bone Holy Sword. At the same time, the spirit of life, which was completely opposite to its power, also entered his body along the blade, making him suffer but unable to die immediately.

Kamel turned to look behind him, and a man riding a unicorn appeared there at some point.


He mocked:

"Are you trying to torture me?"


Jenkins shook his head slightly, and his spirit slowly followed his arm into the sword, and the runes on the sword's body lit up one after another. This sword has many evil functions that he has never used. Although its power has dropped a lot compared to the original skeleton sword, it still has the function of imprisoning the soul.

With the physical body damaged, Kamel's soul left the body and attempted to be reborn. But at this moment, the holy sword was pulled out of the body and pierced into the soul. The fierce suction force caused half of Kamel's soul image to be sucked directly into the sword.

"It's useless. Sealing or confinement are useless to me."

The soul chose to destroy itself in front of Jenkins. Because of the double destruction of soul and body, Kamel was reborn in the air not far from Jenkins. After rebirth, he looked even weaker, but he did not continue to taunt Jenkins and Alexia, but looked in the direction of Jenkins doubtfully.

Jenkins had flown to Alexia on his unicorn. Seeing Kamel looking over, he asked:

"Aren't you surprised that I disappeared for so long? What did I do?"

As he spoke, he took out the bottle of [Gear Bacteria] culture fluid from his pocket:

"I picked this up quickly, and then I went to find another thing. Can you guess what it was? Oh, Alfonso Camel, you shouldn't have been reborn in front of me so many times. , this is the only mistake you made."

Last night when Kamel was reborn for the last time, Jenkins, who had a wide field of vision, noticed a black aura flying from the other side of the city. That's why he took the initiative to "disappear" in this battle. In fact, he was hiding in the dark waiting for Alexia to kill Kamel, and then kept following the direction of the aura to find the strange object.

Kamel looked at Jenkins in surprise and saw that his right hand was put back into the big bag hanging next to the unicorn, and he immediately understood everything.

He turned around and tried to fly away, but as soon as he started, he hit the light blue barrier in the air. Where he hit, the barrier rippled, completely exposing the light blue cubic wall surrounding the entire area.

Ancient runes and modern mathematical formulas are harmoniously inlaid on it, and the rune chain they form together represents the basic rules of this world. Alexia's power completely affects this area in the sky. From a certain perspective, this is enough to be called a "mysterious lock".

"Your rebirth relies on a strange object, so your only weakness lies in that strange object. This sounds a bit like an ancient lich's phylactery. I also suspected that you had something like B-04-3-7292 [Soul Box] and the like, not the [Flesh Factory] you told me about, but following the thread at the moment of your resurrection, I found that you actually told the truth... From this point of view, I was the one who really played tricks on the contract signed last night.”

He shook his head and said, taking his right hand out of the big bag. What was held in his hand was a metal building model toy. This is a model factory. While Jenkins was holding it in his hands, red blood was still flowing out of the factory. You can vaguely see flesh-colored tissue bonding two different parts in the metal seams of the model toy. Jenkins is certain that it is human flesh.

This model toy was hidden in a slaughterhouse on the outskirts of Nolan, but the person next to the toy was not a pig but a human:

"A-12-1-2909 [Flesh Factory], this is a forbidden thing among forbidden things. It creates some weird derivative flesh and blood items by devouring the flesh and blood of living people. I don't know what means you used to let other people's flesh and blood help you." Bear the cost of rebirth, but you did it wrong anyway.”

The cat on his shoulder bared its teeth and barked at Kamel, cooperating with Jenkins' accusation.

"Now the [Flesh Factory] cannot function without the supply of living people, so this life now is your last life."

As he spoke, he lifted the sword with his left hand. Although it was not his dominant hand, the majestic spirit was involved in it, and the sword still exuded a terrifying power.

"No, Jenkins, please let me."

The short lady on the side suddenly said. Jenkins nodded slightly when he heard the words and let the pure white beast carry him back half a body.

Kamel turned around in despair and knocked on the light blue barrier. After confirming that he could not break through in a short time, the despair on his face turned into determination. He flicked his right hand, and the burning black iron rope wrapped around his right arm was like a It wrapped around his whole body like a snake, and in a short time a chain armor was added to him:

"Since I became a demigod, I haven't been forced so hard for a long time. You said that you will kill me as a proof of breaking through to demigods? Woman, I feel it too. The reason why I stopped at level 8 demigods is Because I have been avoiding frontal combat, even when I encounter an evenly matched opponent, I have been taking the initiative to show weakness and then take advantage of the opportunity to attack. I think now is the time. If I kill you, I will definitely find a way to the ninth level. This is destiny. Guide me."

A strange blush appeared on his pale face, and his whole aura was different from before. Jenkins squinted at Kamel, and he could clearly see that the black aura in Kamel's body, which represented the component of the strange thing, was increasing rapidly. The words just now may have come from his true intentions, but it may also be that the power of the strange thing has made him crazy.

Kamel, who was ready, stretched out his hand and pointed towards Alexia, and the dark light shot towards Alexia, who was bathed in blue light like a goddess. She raised her hand, and the transparent energy shield directly blocked the black light. Then she whispered a spell in her mouth, and the runes appeared on the surface of the blue cubic barrier that imprisoned the three people.

The huge cube surrounding them quickly transformed into a sphere, and on the inner surface of the sphere, thousands of phantom Alexias condensed by light blue phantoms appeared together.

Thousands of voices of her reciting mantras filled her ears like the crazy prayers of fanatics. The blue light turned from weak to bright. In the end, even Jenkins had to close his eyes.

At that moment, he felt extremely majestic power impacting from all directions, but the target of that power was not him, so it flowed past him like water. After opening his eyes, Kamel, who was designated as the target of the attack, had evaporated on the spot, leaving nothing in the air. The circular barrier dissipated little by little, leaving only millions of blue light particles floating around the two of them.

Chapter 1561 Chapter 1537 Celebration

Alexia looked a little weak under the night sky. Jenkins took her with his left hand and lifted her onto the unicorn. The short girl sat sideways on the unicorn's back, leaning on Jenkins' chest. Together with him, surrounded by flying blue light spots, she looked at the particularly beautiful moon tonight.

Suddenly stunned for a moment, Jenkins looked down at the [Flesh Factory] held in his right hand. As the purple light that only cats could see flashed in his eyes, he saw Kamel's ghostly soul pressing his hand on it. The model laughed loudly:

"Williamt, who said I don't have another living person to help me resurrect? Isn't it you who is in contact with the [Blood and Flesh Factory]?"

Flesh-colored tentacles crawled out from the gaps in the factory model, and then plunged into Jenkins' palm. It devoured flesh and soul. The moment those tentacles touched Jenkins' soul, a crack appeared on the surface of the model factory, and then disintegrated into a pile of garbage mixed with flesh and wood under Alexia's surprised gaze.

"You shouldn't disturb us at this time."

The sword was inserted into the chest of Kamel's soul before it was pulled out of the air. He pointed at Jenkins in surprise, and then was completely crushed by the holy sword.

Throwing the sword away, the holy sword returned to Jenkins' spirit the moment it was released according to the characteristics of the gift. Jenkins stuffed all the factory fragments in his hands into the pocket of his coat, then hugged Alexia who was leaning against his chest, and quietly watched the vast starry sky and charming scenery with her, surrounded by the dancing light spots. of bimonthly.

After a while, he whispered:


Alexia lowered her head with a slightly red face.

"Hathaway and Britney both invited me to their place, what should I do?"

The short lady hit Jenkins hard, and Jenkins laughed and scratched his hair.

There were three girls who wanted to chat with Jenkins tonight, which caused a time conflict. But considering that the night is very long, if Jenkins is proficient in "time management" skills and reasonably plans the time from now to dawn, then he doesn't actually need to worry, he just needs to face a hard night.

But he wouldn't do it, and Jenkins thought it was very disrespectful to the ladies. That's why he told Alexia frankly and honestly the troubles he was facing in a joking tone. Alexia, who had just been promoted to the eighth-level demigod, certainly understood what he meant, but she was unwilling to let go easily. he is gone.

"It's okay, it's only nine o'clock now. If you want to see them, you can go later."

Although he couldn't see Alexia's expression, Jenkins felt his sleeve being pulled by her.

"That's fine..."

I do feel that I have been neglecting Alexia recently, and tonight is so important to her, so it would really be inappropriate for me to turn around and leave.

"Then let me go to my house. I also have a house in Beldiran."

In fact, for a moment he wanted to propose that he be here, on the back of the unicorn, under the moonlight, but he immediately realized that he was not that kind of person, and that doing so would most likely cost him his beloved mount.

"Okay then, let me take a good tour of your...new house."

Her right index finger drew a circle on Jenkins' chest. Jenkins smiled shyly, and then directed the unicorn to fly to the city below with two people and a cat.

It was already 10:30 in the evening when they arrived at the Rosalia Hotel where Hathaway, Bryony and the others were temporarily staying. Holding a bottle of red wine in his right hand, Jenkins stood at the door of the hotel and looked up for a while, then yawned before walking in.

Hathaway and Britney's rooms are adjacent to each other, both on the second floor. After climbing up the stairs, Jenkins didn't knock on anyone's door, but gently touched the cat squatting on his shoulder. The cat was already sulking because of the one-and-a-half-hour "movie experience" just now. When Jenkins touched him, he didn't respond as usual.

"Chocolate, it's up to you now."

He signaled his cat to meow, and the small black and white cat wagged its tail without making any sound.

Jenkins knew that his cat was intelligent enough to understand what he meant, so he must be having a tantrum for reasons unknown to him. Considering that the situation was urgent, he stroked Chocolate's little head repeatedly, hoping that Chocolate would be more obedient, but Chocolate just didn't make a sound.

Seeing that time was running out, the angry cat softened its heart when it saw Jenkins's depressed face. It rubbed the side of his face with its little head, and then shouted softly:


In the quiet hotel corridor, this sound is very obvious. As long as you are not asleep, you can hear it even in the room. Hathaway and Britney both noticed the meow and linked it to Jenkins.

The girls in the adjoining rooms immediately got up, straightened their clothes and waited for Jenkins to knock on the door. But after waiting for a long time, only the second meow came, and then I understood:

"I live too close to Hedwig/Boonie. If I knock on the door, she will definitely notice it, so Jenkins will try to make me hear him by making Chocolate bark."

They were both very smart and wanted to understand this. They reached out to open their door almost at the same time and let Jenkins in. At this time, Jenkins was not standing at the door of anyone's room, but standing at the stairs with red wine.

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