He happily stretched out his hands to catch the flying cat, held it in his arms, and looked at the morning light outside the window with it.

"I'm glad you're back to normal. You'd better be more lively. It's time for dinner soon. You need to wait a little longer."

Jenkins said with a smile.

The cat didn't speak, closed his eyes and lay on Jenkins' chest at ease, rubbing his furry face against him. It was as if in the distant past, when it was the youngest, a man and a cat leaned against the tree and spent that "warm time" together. The long wait will eventually have a result. It knows that it will wait for this man, it will definitely.

"So who is the fool in "The Madman and the Fool"?"

Jenkins scratched his hair and was still puzzled. He muttered, but he didn't know that the stupidest thing about him was that he couldn't guess that cats could also be laid from eggs.


Chocolate called comfortably, squinting his eyes, rubbing his little face against Jenkins' chest. It likes this, staying with Jenkins like this. In the years to come, it will always stay with Jenkins. As for his own identity...


Chocolate playfully used his claws to fiddle with Jenkins's hand that was grabbing his hair, asking him not to forget to touch his head.

The cat will tell Jenkins sooner or later, at the end of the story, which will not be far away.

PS: It is recommended to review Chapter 70.

It should have been divided into two chapters, but I guess you will hate me to death, asking for everything.

Chapter 1503 Chapter 1480 Finally arrived in Beldiran

After breakfast, Jenkins claimed that he was a little unwell, greeted his colleagues in the church, returned to his room, and then came to Loen.

Alexia, who did not go out, listened carefully to his experience of the whole night, and was very considerate to massage his still sore shoulders and back.

"Now that I think about it, I actually read fairy tales all night, which is incredible."

He said with a yawn, feeling exhausted physically and mentally. Even though everything was over, the last story brought him too much pain and distress.

"I find it incredible too."

Although Jenkins was affected by chocolate and could not realize what the last story meant, Alexia understood it all. Now the cat was lying on her dressing table, being stroked by Jenkins. The more Alexia looked at it, the more she felt that this scene was a bit weird.

"You need to rest well. Even if you have part of the elf blood, staying up late all the time will accelerate aging."

The short lady advised, then put her head on Jenkins' shoulder and looked at the two through the mirror.

"Yes, I need to have a good sleep, and think about how to face Beldiran after waking up."

He said in annoyance, completely putting last night's story behind him and preparing to face new challenges.

Reading the story all night is not completely without any gains. In addition to the twelve sin coins and the new ability [Fear Aura], Jenkins once awakened a young man who was sharpening his knife to his parents in the story of "The Girl in the Lake" and promised him to solve the matter permanently.

In return, Jenkins made a demanding request, that is, to pass down a small batch of antiques of that era as heirlooms, waiting for someone to come and collect them.

There are great risks in doing so. In addition to considering whether the young family can continue to exist, we must also consider whether they can withstand the test of greed. Fortunately, the story happened at the beginning of this era and did not experience the fault of the era change. In addition, Jenkins was very lucky, so when the airship took off again, there was already an extra box of antiques worth at least 10,000 pounds in the warehouse of the airship.

This is the largest one-time income Jenkins has received in half a year.

The young man's family did not know what they were keeping. According to the requirements of the ancestors, no one dared to open those big boxes. And Jenkins did not fail to repay the young man's family. If he took all the antiques, there would be at least three boxes, but he only took a part of it, which made him feel very good.

As the airship took off again, the whole view of Black Town appeared in front of Jenkins. He was now standing on the deck of the airship, holding the railing to have a clear view of the scenery below.

In the vision of the Eye of Truth, the extremely thin black aura still existed here. His adventure for one night only helped him understand the town, but did not solve the problem here. In fact, as he learned from the story, as long as the disaster beast born in Black Town has not completely died, the affairs of Black Town will never end.

The flower girl said that at the end of the 18th century, the power of sin will erupt again in Black Town. A night of "reading stories" has greatly reduced the sin here in an unknown way. But the situation is still not optimistic. Jenkins believes that he needs to come back again in ten years to find a way to weaken the influence of this layer of black aura again.

"I don't know what the last egg hatched. Speaking of egg-born animals... Will it be a snake? No, the history of Ouroboros is definitely earlier than this."

Jenkins was thinking, not noticing that his cat was scratching the edge of the pocket with his front paws, standing in the pocket on his chest. Chocolate was also looking down. The ancient forest was evolved from the remaining life spirit after the towering tree disappeared, so it can be preserved from ancient times to the present.

Seeing the thin remnants of sin hanging over the town, the cat quietly opened its mouth. As Jenkins looked in other directions, admiring the view of the mountains, the cat swept away the black aura above Blacktown. This is of course a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, but after this "sweeping" of chocolate, if something terrible happens again in Black Town, I'm afraid it will have to wait until the next era.

There were no major problems in the journey after that. Except for the airship landing once as scheduled to replenish fresh water and conduct brief maintenance, the group remained in the sky until Wednesday, the evening of the 15th of May, under the setting sun. Under the afterglow, they finally landed slowly on the outskirts of Beldiran.

This trip lasted half a week and covered thousands of miles before reaching the final destination. Knowing that everyone was working hard, the Holy See did not hold a welcome ceremony that day. Instead, it took Jenkins directly to the room where he last came to Belduran and told him that he could have a good rest tonight and that the Pope would meet with him tomorrow.

After dinner, Jenkins returned to his room, a bedroom that was larger than his home. In addition to returning to Beldiland tonight, there is another very important thing, that is, Mr. Hood finally remembered that their party has not been held for a long time.

"I don't know if you noticed that almost all of the things you raised last time caused big problems in the end. For example, Mr. Lark's dice game, Mr. White Cat's alien attack plan, and Mr. Silver Flute's strange situation. "

The night party was held in a dilapidated house in the western suburbs of Nolan. Jenkins and Mr. Hood were still the first ones to arrive. They stood in the shadows and looked at the moon while chatting.

"What's wrong with the mystery?"

Mr. Hood was not very clear about the Doomsday Vision, so Jenkins gave a brief introduction. He nodded after listening, and then retorted:

"But the tobacco thing I mentioned last time has not caused any problems so far."

"That's just so far. I think you should have heard a lot of news. The east coast of Chesland has organized many large-scale manhunts to find the [Scent Smell Appreciation Committee]. At the same time, [Circling] The believers of Fog are also disowning the organization, claiming that the committee is not completely influenced by their sect. If this incident breaks out, it will definitely cause a greater sensation than anything in the past month."

"That's something that will happen in the future. I think the Zhengshen Church has the ability to deal with that group of people."

Mr. Hood said absently. He kept looking up, as if he was worried that a meteorite would suddenly fall.

Chapter 1504 Chapter 1481 Long-lost chat

"What are you looking at? I noticed that you have been looking at it since just now. Are you studying astrology recently? Maybe I can give you some help."

Jenkins asked, Mr. Hood was acting strangely.

"Astrology? No, that's too complicated. I don't think it's suitable for me. Only when I saw the stars above my head did I realize that it was already May. Half of 1866 passed in the blink of an eye, but I didn't seem to have done anything. So it feels like a waste of life.”

Mr. Hood sighed.

"According to the current situation, being able to live successfully and healthily is an amazing achievement in itself. Speaking of which, what have you been doing recently? I noticed that our gathering was held again after two months. This was not the case before. "

Jenkins asked a more sensitive question, which might involve Mr. Hood's true identity, but Mr. Hood didn't pay attention:

"I am actually a businessman, a relatively successful businessman. You also know that starting from March, Nolan Harbor gradually thaws, which is the busiest time of the year. This year's situation is special, and supplies are banned during the war. Transportation, the increase in cross-border transaction taxes, and the destruction of the dock area are all problems. Business is really not good this year. Sometimes I can have a headache for an entire afternoon just looking at those account books.”

"Actually, for things like gold pounds, it's enough to spend enough. There's no need to ask for a lot."

said Rich Jenkins.

"I also know this truth, but it is not only an income issue, but also a career issue. Not to mention, I finally put those things aside for the time being. Mr. Candle, what are you doing recently? I heard that Femi repaired You and Mr. Magic are deeply involved in this matter.”

Mr. Hood also asked.

"You also know Mr. Magic's obsession with the Heart of the Ocean, but this matter belongs to her privacy, and I am not comfortable revealing much. As for my recent... In fact, after the riot on the beach that day, I left Nolan."

"Avoid the limelight? That's smart."

Mr. Hood commented, but Jenkins did not refute. He lowered his head and kicked the pebbles aside and continued:

"After that, I experienced a very exciting adventure abroad. Not only did I experience the style of a remote town, I also discovered an unknown past event in history and legends."

"It sounds so exciting. Maybe you explored an unknown remote cemetery? Or read an obscure madman's diary in the ruins of an old collapsed house? After living in the city for too long, I sometimes want to go to the countryside. Take a walk.”

Mr. Hood sighed.

"Well...that's pretty much it."

Although there was some gap between Mr. Hood's imagination and the facts, Jenkins did not contradict him.

"You just came back recently, right?"

"Yes, I came back by steam airship."

"Steam airship?"

A woman's voice came from the back door. It was Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute who arrived together. I don't know whether they made an appointment to come together, or they just happened to meet halfway.

"Are you kidding? It's not easy to get on a steam airship. Whose identity are you taking on? The cleaner who wipes the deck? Or the clown who entertains people? The one who can do the splits in the air?"

Miss Magic said teasingly.

"No, I actually stay in the cabin most of the time and only come out when people are eating."

"It's hard to imagine how long you have been hiding. It must be very hard, right? I wish you good health."

The woman actually started to pray.

While everyone was chatting, Mr. White Cat and Hathaway also came. Mr. White Cat was a few minutes late. He said that when he slipped out of the house, his wife almost discovered him, so he was delayed for some time.

"You see, this is the trouble that married men have. Sometimes I also have this trouble when I go out to drink with friends at night."

Mr. Hood winked at Jenkins, but because everyone knew his true appearance, he did not cover his face.

"How do you know Mr. Candle is male and unmarried?"

Hathaway asked.

"Look, only ladies would ask that. Although Mr. Candle has always remained mysterious, after getting along for a long time, it is easy to tell that he is an unmarried young man, at least younger than me."

Considering Mr. Hood is in his mid-40s, that's still a wide range.

"Married and unmarried men have completely different temperaments, which can be easily seen."

Mr. White Cat also echoed, and Hathaway looked at Mr. Candle in confusion. Combined with the last clue about the vanilla being hidden in his chest, Hathaway became more and more suspicious of Mr. Candle's identity.

As usual, the first step is still to exchange information. Since it has been two months since the last gathering, everyone has a lot of new things to share.

Probably because of what happened last time, no one called on everyone to accomplish something this time. They commented on everything that happened in Nolan in the past two months, speculating on the next move of the Righteous God Church, and guessing how many evil people would set foot on the land beneath everyone's feet.

"But the good news is, with the help of Mr. Candle, I finally got the gem."

It was Miss Magic herself who revealed the news, and she received congratulations from everyone.

"[Heart of the Ocean] is definitely the most perfect gem I have ever seen. I don't think I will need to find a new research topic for at least ten years. But this also brings trouble. I know someone is looking for this gem recently. I don’t know how the news that the church didn’t get this gem reached people’s ears.”

"Who's looking?"

Jenkins asked.

"[Gear Craftsmen Guild], it's them, that's obvious. But they can't find me. I'm fully prepared for this gem."

Speaking of the Gear Craftsmen Guild, Mr. White Cat also has new news. He told everyone that the city hall accidentally discovered some unreported mine pits while exploring for new mines in the mountains north of the city last week. After further investigation, traces of the cultists were discovered. Now the church has stepped in to investigate, but those small mines are complicated and the mine tunnels connect deep underground. No one knows how deep the members of the Craftsmen Guild are hiding.

"But I heard from the black market that the Craftsmen's Guild has found its target underground and plans to transport something very large to the surface."

Hathaway said.

"Are you serious? According to my understanding, what the Gear Craftsmen are looking for underground is a dangerous sealed item, which is more dangerous than most danger level 1 monsters. Did they really find it?"

Jenkins was surprised.

PS: The wrong time was set, twenty minutes late, sorry.

Chapter 1505 Chapter 1482 Situation and Current Situation

"People in the black market are talking about this kind of news. If you are in Nolan, you can find out for yourself."

Hathaway answered with a shrug, then leaned sideways against the wall. Under the moonlight, the curved eyes of the white mask she was wearing seemed to be shining, looking quite strange.

"I'm in Nolan, but I haven't heard anything related to the Gear Craftsmen Guild."

Jenkins discovered the language trap in Hathaway's words. He also knew that Mr. Candle's identity might not last long. He thought that maybe after returning from Beldiran, he could tell Hathaway bit by bit.

However, the most important thing after returning from Beldiran was to find out what the Gear Craftsmen Guild did during his absence from Nolan. The actions of this group of people have attracted the attention of the Orthodox Church. Mother Earth believers are calculating and speculating on the causes of earthquakes based on the source locations and depths of earthquakes that have occurred frequently in the past six months. They believe they will have results soon.

After the party, Miss Magic asked Jenkins to wait. She gave him the knowledge she had promised him when she traded the Heart of the Ocean with Jenkins last time, and repeated the clues about the gift again.

Although this clue was reliable, it was very vague. Jenkins believed that it could not be investigated clearly in one night, so after the party, he returned to Belduran and spent a peaceful night in the church room.

After breakfast the next day, Pope Pontef IV met Jenkins in his office and talked to Jenkins about the trip to the North Country and the situation on the continent. Jenkins came to Beldiran for the nominal purpose of reporting on his work, which not only required him to write a boring report, but also to give a report in Beldiran on the theme of "Suggestions and Opinions on the Construction of the Church in the North Country".

He will probably stay in Beldiran for a week, which is the longest estimated time. After solving these things, he can take the steam train back to Nolan.

"The report meeting and lunch meeting will probably be next week. As for the written report, you can give it to me before leaving Beldiran. In addition, if you want, you can join me on Friday to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new site of the East Church Cemetery. You can allocate the rest of the time as you like. Beldiran in summer is completely different from Beldiran in autumn. You can spend some time walking around the city or doing your own things."

Jenkins did not hear the hidden meaning of the old man in front of him, and then spent another hour talking to him about the situation in Beldiran.

It was no longer a secret that Her Majesty was dying. With the start of the war, spies from both countries were actively looking for news worth noting and using it.

Therefore, the discussion about the successor to the throne had spread from the upper nobility to the streets. People were happy to talk about this topic, and of course, the most active was to firmly oppose the foreigner from Cheslan to inherit the throne.

"So does the Queen have her own ideas now?"

Jenkins asked. In this situation where there was a lack of direct heirs, and the people who traced their bloodlines and ranked higher in the succession sequence were not satisfactory, it was understandable that the Queen would directly designate the owner of the crown.

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