Chapter 1490 Chapter 1467 Burning at the Stake

The priest invited Jenkins in to talk. As they walked and talked, he asked Jenkins to describe the treasures he had seen again, and then came to the conclusion:

"The devil is back again!"


Jenkins believed that the devil he was referring to must not be just the devil group.

"Sorry, this is just what the townspeople say, referring to some strange life form that appeared before. After I took over the church in Black Town, I found many horrifying events in the church's database. These were experienced and recorded by the clergy of previous generations or even earlier generations, but no matter what I did, these records could not be spread to the outside world. I think this is probably some kind of curse.

The incident you mentioned is consistent with the legends of the townspeople and the records in the materials. I think this should be the 'demon' that appeared 78 years ago."

According to the church records, 78 years ago, an ordinary woodcutter in the town brought back a large amount of wealth when he returned from an outing, and became the richest man in the town. He had a better life, but he did not leave the town. Instead, he continued to help and rescue the townspeople, and gradually gained a reputation as a kind man.

In an accident, the town priest discovered the non-human identity of the lucky woodcutter, and then found that at least one-third of the townspeople were no longer the original people. Only then did he make up his mind to unite the remaining normal townspeople, lead those strange creatures that usurped people's identities to the barn of the town, and burn them all with a fire. "

"I'm afraid that kind of strange thing can't be killed with just a fire, right?"

Jenkins asked.

"That's what the data records, I can't answer this question."

The priest said, and then called the other three gifters in the church, and went out with Jenkins to see the treasure again. After the priest's divine treatment, the hidden curse aura was finally seen by Jenkins. After the truth was revealed, he even clearly saw the evil souls hidden in each gold coin that were ready to take away people's bodies.

"Why do I feel that my true eyes have been useless many times in these stories? I couldn't see the vampire last time either. "

He complained in his heart, and then followed the small team from the church to the homes of the three young men, captured them in their homes, and took them to the town square to be burned in front of all the townspeople.

Although there was some resistance in the process, it did not cause much waves. The glow of the stake in the square illuminated Jenkins' confused face, and the raging fire burned, licking the unknown creatures tied to the stake.

The townspeople cheered, and the priest showed a slightly complacent expression on his face. Everything seemed normal, but Jenkins was still standing here, which was abnormal in itself. And he heard for the first time that the weird creature could be burned to death.

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy. "

The treasure in the car was buried deep in the forest by the priest after the burning. Jenkins stayed in the church that night and said goodbye to the people in the church the next morning, saying that he would continue his journey.

He did not go far, but changed his appearance in the forest and re-entered the town. Although the appearance of two strangers in the town attracted attention, because the difference from the previous appearance was too great, no one suspected that he was related to the demon hunter who left in the morning.

This time he stayed in the hotel in the town and spent a day to visit every corner of the town. In this way The purpose was to confirm whether there were any other gift-givers other than the clergy in the town, but in fact Jenkins did not find any gift-givers. Instead, he found other creatures with black auras that usurped the identities of the townspeople. These people did not attend the burning in the square last night, so Jenkins failed to find them yesterday.

This information was soon told to the church by him through secret channels, and the incident of the previous night happened again. When the stake under the night sky was lit again and the townspeople began to cheer under the rolling heat wave, Jenkins, who was hiding in the crowd, thought of an extremely terrible possibility.

On the third day, no one entered the forest again, and the creatures with black auras in the town did not appear again. But at night, people still gathered together because someone reported that their neighbors showed some inhuman characteristics.

The priest of the church would certainly not easily believe such remarks. He sent people to guard the reporter and the reported person, and led the extraordinary people of the church to the residence of the reported person to investigate.

But as soon as the priest left, the townspeople became agitated. They gathered together and shouted to burn those evil creatures to death. Even if there was an extraordinary person staying in the church, He himself was not of high rank, and he was unwilling to hurt these ordinary people. The innocent person who was reported disappeared in the crowd during the shove, and more than ten minutes later, he was taken to the stake in the town by the angry townspeople.

The priest rushed over immediately after hearing the news, and finally appeared next to the square before the fire was lit. He shouted for people to stop, but he couldn't stop someone from throwing the torch in his hand directly into the pile of firewood that had been poured with oil.

The torch flew in the air, and the sparks flew in all directions during the rotation. The tied person screamed in fear, and the cheers of the people reached their peak at this moment.

At this moment, a hand reached out from the side, accurately grasped the swirling torch, and then threw it back neatly along the same path, causing the onlookers to scream and retreat backwards, leaving only the torch on the ground and splashing sparks in all directions.

Of course, it was Jenkins who took action, and this time was different from the last time. Last time, he watched the townspeople kill each other because they were beyond help, but this time it was ordinary people who were burned, and he thought he should not stand idly by.

"Stranger, please don't get involved in our affairs. For your own good, leave here now, Blacktown does not welcome you!"

The man on the stake gasped heavily, and the townspeople loudly cursed the stranger in front of them. Some people advised Jenkins to leave immediately, while others directly cursed him with the most vicious words.

The priest pushed through the crowd with great effort and finally came to the high platform where the stake was placed. Standing with Jenkins, he shouted loudly:

"What are you doing?"

His voice was soon drowned out by the people's dissatisfaction. Then more torches were thrown up, and clusters of flames were as brilliant as fireworks, but in the eyes of the man on the stake, it was a countdown to death.

Chapter 1491 Chapter 1468 Underground Building Complex

As expected, even if Jenkins and the priest were intercepting, there were always one or two of the flying torches that successfully ignited the stake. Because of the oil, the raging fire immediately burned.

"What are you doing!"

The priest asked loudly, but no one paid attention to him. Seeing this, Jenkins turned around and wanted to save the poor man, but was forced to take a step back by the exploding flames.

Seeing that things had developed to this extent, he could no longer care about hiding himself. He used ice to quickly cool down the surroundings, then took a step back, rushed forward, jumped up and kicked, and kicked the stake to the ground.

The flames splashed around, and the priest and Jenkins rescued the tied man together. Although he had been burned by the high temperature, at least his life was not in danger.

When Jenkins helped him stand up, he found that the townspeople around him were looking at them with strange eyes.

Jenkins took a deep breath and whispered the spell in a low voice. With him as the center of the circle, the spell light spread outward like ripples. The burning flames made Jenkins' face bright and dark. He just stood on the high platform and looked at the townspeople below. The extremely oppressive momentum still made the townspeople panic.

Only a little spirit was used to promote the [Fear Aura], and with the support of extremely high mental strength, it easily destroyed the mental defenses of the townspeople. I don't know who took a step back first, and then in the weird atmosphere of the candles, the townspeople automatically retreated, leaving only the church members and the burned man standing beside Jenkins.

The burned innocent townspeople were temporarily placed in the church. The priest saw the [Aura of Fear] and pointed out the fact that Jenkins was the "demon hunter" who left this morning. But who Jenkins was was not important. What was important was that the townspeople gathered together spontaneously the next morning to discuss how to find more "unclean things" hidden in the town.

Jenkins was sure that there were no non-human creatures in the town, but the townspeople who were in a strange mood could not care so much. It was almost a repeat of yesterday. On that night, the stake that was kicked down by Jenkins the night before was set up again, and the new accused was tied up.

If Jenkins remembered correctly, this was the person who threw the torch first yesterday.

The priest who rushed to the scene tried to persuade the townspeople to leave again, but this time the townspeople did not listen to him again. The irrational people actually began to blame the priest, thinking that it was his dereliction of duty that allowed those evil things to invade the town.

The conflict soon broke out, and people rushed to the high platform with the stake, and the clergy of the church and ordinary townspeople fought in a ball. In the chaos, someone threw a torch, which ignited the stake. Jenkins kicked the stake down, and people fled again because of inexplicable fear...

This was almost a replay of last night's incident, except that the burns of today's victim were much more serious than those of yesterday.

If this goes on, sooner or later someone will be burned to death. The priest and Jenkins were very anxious. After confirming again that there were no creatures with black auras in the town, Jenkins proposed a new idea:

"Maybe it's just an ordinary person who is controlling everything behind the scenes."

"Ordinary people?"

"This kind of thing should not be rare. Ordinary people who accidentally obtained evil ancient books did some crazy things under the influence of selfish desires. You know, we are not the only ones who can use extraordinary powers. As long as there are suitable materials, ordinary people can also hold a small number of rituals, especially those evil rituals with particularly low thresholds."

Taking advantage of the night, the extraordinary people in the church moved out in full force, and went deep into the forest with Jenkins to the location of the buried treasure. As expected, there is only a deep pit left there, and the things inside have been dug out.

Someone in the church is good at tracking. Under his leadership, the group returned to Black Town, which was shrouded in the night, and finally found the home of the clerk who lived next to the town church.

The town clerk is mainly responsible for assisting the sheriff to record what happened in the town, and sometimes gets paid by writing letters for the townspeople. He also has a very high status in the town. In the case of low literacy rate, any educated person will be respected.

The man with a small crossbow broke into the clerk's house and caused some trouble for the group, but he was successfully arrested in the end. In the subsequent search and interrogation, Jenkins and the priest learned that the clerk was the mastermind behind all this, and the origin of everything was the earthquake last month. After cracks appeared in the clerk's basement, a cracked passage connected the basement to the huge building complex deeper.

"Is there an ancient building complex under Blacktown?"

Jenkins and the priest stood in the corridor of the church, and he asked puzzledly. He knew this news in the story before, but it was not until this time that it was truly confirmed.

"Yes, according to the current exploration, Blacktown as a whole seems to be suspended above a huge ruined underground city. I have asked people to blow up the entrance tunnel. You can't imagine what we saw underground. Behind the gray twisted stone building wreckage, there may be something more terrifying hidden. It's really terrible..."

The priest said haggardly. In just one night, he seemed to have aged more than ten years.

The clerk also went deep into the ancient underground buildings hidden in the darkness. When he returned to the ground again, he had automatically learned the vast and evil mystical knowledge and successfully predicted that there would be an entrance to the strange world in the forest east of the town.

For no reason, he thought he should help the evil things in the strange world to invade Black Town, which led to the later instigation of three young people to explore. The three victims were not the first batch. Many people were replaced by the things in the strange world before them.

These people were caught and burned to death on the first and second nights, and the riots against innocent people in the following nights were planned and instigated by the clerk. The death of the strange thing was expected. He tried to use this method to confuse the public and create panic to divide the people, and take the opportunity to release all the evil souls in the treasures.

Because he only used ordinary people's methods during this period, Jenkins, who was not familiar with this place, did not find any clues.

"Is there really an ancient building complex under Black Town?"

Jenkins, who woke up from the bed again, thought incredulously, opened the Eye of Truth and looked down, but saw nothing.

Chapter 1492 Chapter 1469 The Talking Lion

Thinking about the underground, Jenkins left the room again and woke up the old bishop who was already asleep in the middle of the night. After hearing Jenkins' question about the ancient underground building complex, the sleepy old man was stunned for a long time before he reacted and shook his head decisively:

"No, there is nothing underground in Blacktown. A few years ago, a professor from the city university said that there might be a coal mine in the local area. At that time, the people in the town almost dug up the entire town. If there was really something underground, it would have been discovered long ago."

In addition, there has never been any record of underground buildings in the town's records. The old bishop thought that Jenkins was confused in his sleep and took the things in his dream as reality, and advised him to go back to his room to rest now. It was still four hours before dawn.

"Could it be that after tens of thousands of years, someone has completely solved the strange underground complex? Or does that complex not exist in the real world at all, but is a subspace that is occasionally connected to Blacktown?"

The previous story did not bring any fun to Jenkins. Two consecutive heavy stories made him feel very bad. Coupled with the strange behavior of chocolate tonight, Jenkins felt that he had wasted a whole night of sleep, which seemed to have no meaning.

But there are only three stories left in this book, so he decided to finish reading them before making any plans.

The eleventh story "Talking Lion" happened in the more distant past, so far away that there were a lot of descriptions of alien species in the story. This is an era when alien species have not yet declined, humans are not the dominant force in the world, and all species are developing, hostile, cooperating and reproducing.

The only things that remain unchanged are the gloomy sky of the remote country town and the ancient forest outside the town that seems to have existed since ancient times. Even the terrain near the town has quietly changed in the vicissitudes of life, but the town is still called Blacktown, and it is still so inconspicuous.

It was another winter. Jenkins walked into the town on the snow. The human children playing in the snow kindly told him the location of the inn.

The Blacktown Inn of this era belonged to an elderly dwarf aunt. She saw Jenkins's elf ancestry at a glance, and claimed that her inn did not welcome guys with pointed ears, but because he was a mixed-blood, he could stay as long as he paid 30% more.

Jenkins said it didn't matter. Anyway, he had no money at all. He used stones picked up at random to stay in the inn.

Compared with the crazy towns in the previous times, this town is larger and more prosperous. Different races live together relatively harmoniously, maintaining the balance of the town. The current level of civilization development is close to the level of development of the traditional magic world in Jenkins' cognition, that is, the era when magic power was brilliant and adventurers were rampant.

Jenkins spent a day wandering around the town and unexpectedly found that there were no elves in the town. After asking around, I learned that the elves near Blacktown were a unified clan. They lived in the dense forest outside the town and only entered the town during festivals.

On the evening of the day when Jenkins arrived in the town, the circus caravan arrived here from a distant city. The townspeople talked about it happily and hoped that the circus could stay for a few more days so that people could have some fun in the boring winter.

The circus was not only about animal performances, but also a very large group. After setting up the equipment and tents from the carriages, they almost occupied the entire town square. People talked about it happily, adding some joy and warmth to the cold winter.

The square where the circus was located was the main place where the story took place, and Jenkins naturally had to join in the fun. Like the townspeople, he shuttled through the large and small tents with a smile on his face, looking at the rare goods and interesting performances.

In the end, he chose to enter the fortune teller's tent to confirm whether what happened in reality was the same as the record in the story.

The fortune teller was a halfling, or a similar short person. When Jenkins sat down, he suddenly thought about whether Alexia was a pure human. Maybe her short stature was related to her bloodline. Then he realized that if he told Alexia this guess, he might lose a lover.

"Oh, what a rare guest, a half-elf."

The halfling sitting behind the table said in a shrill voice, put down the [All Things Impermanent Card - Revelation] in his hand, and placed the crystal ball in the middle of the table.

"What do you want to know? Love? Career? Family? Wealth?"

"Is your divination accurate?"

"Of course not. If my divination is really accurate every time, why do you still stay in the circus?"

The halfling asked sarcastically.

Jenkins nodded, thinking that what he said made sense, and then said:

"I have no money."

"You can also do divination without money, just as a chat. If no one has entered my tent all day, the leader will be angry."

Then he asked Jenkins again what he needed to divination.

Jenkins is now basically sure that what happened this time is consistent with the description of the story, that is, as long as he destroys the cause of the disaster in the circus, the tragedy at the end of the story will not happen. But first he has to gain the trust of the halfling in front of him, who is the most powerful extraordinary person in the entire circus.


Jenkins said.

The halfling nodded and glanced at his crystal ball:

"You can become the king in the future."

"Isn't this too hasty? You should at least pretend to read something I don't understand, and then tell me the result. Isn't it immoral to perfunctorily treat me like this?"

"You didn't pay me, why should I spend all that effort?"

The halfling answered while trimming his nails, raised his head and glanced at the crystal ball again, and then said:

"Not necessarily the king, I only saw you sitting on the throne... Damn, am I wrong, how could it be the king?"

He seemed to have just realized what he said, tapping the table with his slender fingers, and looking at Jenkins with great interest:

"It's really interesting, I haven't predicted such a thing for a long time. Let's continue, what else do you want to know? I promise to do divination for you seriously."

The halfling's enthusiasm was almost overflowing, and he was rubbing his hands waiting for Jenkins to speak. Although Jenkins thought that the villain sitting behind the table was keen on making up all sensational things, he now needed to talk to the other party to gain his trust.

Chapter 1493 Chapter 1470 Halfling Diviner

Jenkins was skeptical about whether the halfling fortune teller's predictions were true. He did not believe that he would become a king. Compared to a king, he had the greatest possibility of becoming a prince because he married Dolores, so the halfling fortune teller did have some skills, but it was obviously not good enough.

"Then help me predict my family."

Jenkins said again.

"Okay, it's very simple, I'm quite good at it, you can't guess how many husbands' mistresses I have caught for those noble ladies because I helped others predict family matters. Then start with your ancestors, it's very simple, let me see..."

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