But it may not be so easy to convince yourself in a hurry.

"I have to take another gamble."

He said to himself helplessly in his heart, trying to keep his facial expression unchanged.

"I believe in knowledge, respect teachers, and recognize that books are the greatest creation of mankind and are also necessary for human inheritance. I think scholars and teachers with noble character are the greatest group of people. I believe in great beings who put knowledge and inheritance first."

Section 12 Chapter 11 Registration Law

He tried to make his words more appealing, but sadly found that with the grammar knowledge he inherited, he could only say this much. If he could answer in Chinese, Jenkins was confident that he could say 200 words.

The teachings of [Inherited Sage] are very similar to those said by Jenkins. Originally, it might be better to say them together, but the original owner Jenkins only remembered "that paragraph is very long", "that paragraph sounds very powerful" and a few keywords.

He waited for Mr. Binsey to pronounce the verdict with trepidation, and he looked at Jenkins seriously:

"Just like Bishop Palod said, you are really cunning. At this time, it is enough to declare your faith in the goddess, and there is no need to express your loyalty in a fancy way. By the way, your grammar needs to be improved."

"He misunderstood! He misunderstood!"

Jenkins said in ecstasy in his heart, and then nodded heavily pretending to be "I repent".

"That's good, Jenkins William. Your whole family is a believer of the goddess, and your father has made indelible contributions to the church. Originally, this step of review was unnecessary. What happened last night, Barnard, the night watchman of the Lightless Moon, has almost made it clear, and we have also received first-hand information. Please forgive me, we must be cautious about the newly appeared [Gifter]."

As he spoke, he took his left hand hidden under the table to the table, and at the same time revealed a square brown-red wooden block in his hand.

Jenkins immediately pretended to be "confused". With his knowledge and vision, he definitely could not immediately show that he realized what it was.

"This is B-10-4-6712, the full name is [Lie Identifier]. B means it belongs to [Supernatural], 10 means that this item was originally recorded by the [Knowledge and Books] Church, 4 means that this item can be used after application, and 6712 is a random number."

Jenkins opened his mouth slightly and pretended to be confused. Some information in the legal gathering was confirmed.

"Okay, okay, since you have passed the review, it means you can be fully trusted. Let's discuss these things slowly."


Jenkins interrupted him for the first time, "What does that review mean?"

Benxi smiled for the first time: "Mr. William, there are really those strange people and things in myths and legends in this world. And you have become one of them. I'm afraid you haven't forgotten your experience last night? But you have to understand that the current common term for people with abilities is [Gifter]. We have more powerful power, but it also means more danger, so the [Gifter Registration Law] that was formulated and implemented 300 years ago was introduced."

"In other words, I need to register?"

"Yes, after registration, you can not only get a certain subsidy from the church every month, but also get more opportunities to improve yourself. Of course, you also have some corresponding obligations to bear, but they are not mandatory."

Jenkins silently savored Benxi's words. The [Registration Law] he heard last night turned out to be this.

"Okay, I agree to register."

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and from memory, the relationship between the [Inheritance Sage] Church and his family is very good, and they have not shown extreme restrictions on character or customs.

"No, Mr. William, you misunderstood. The so-called registration is just to report your identity to the corresponding church. You don't need to fill out any forms or go through strange rituals."

"So, I have registered now?"

Jenkins asked hesitantly, and then suddenly realized that not only his clothes were changed, but also the filth on his body seemed to be gone. Who gave me a bath? Goddess, please don't let it be the man in front of him.

He is gradually adapting to this world.

"Yes, now you will face a choice-are you willing to join the [Inheritance Sage] Church and become a qualified [Scribe]?"


This is the third time Jenkins has heard this word.

"Yes, all the gifted people belonging to the [Inherited Sage] Church are called scribes. We transcribe and pass on knowledge for the goddess in the mortal world. Barnard, who experienced the strange world with you last night, belongs to the [Lightless Moon] Church. The gifted person's title is Night Watcher."

These little pieces of knowledge are very interesting, and Jenkins remembered them firmly. He did not rashly agree or agree, but showed the gains and losses that were in line with his age:

"If, I just said if. What will happen if I don't join?"

"Don't be nervous, nothing will happen, Mr. William." Binsi tapped the table with his fingers and explained kindly: "But without guidance, it will be difficult for you to continue on the extraordinary path. At the same time, all major churches are on guard against unregistered gifted people. I'm afraid that you will have to come to the church every month for the rest of your life to explain all your words and deeds in the past month."

"Very good, limited imprisonment. Therefore, believers of false gods who are unwilling to register with the True God Church must improve themselves through private gatherings. However, I don't seem to have a reason to refuse. I am not a believer of false gods... ..."

Jenkins concluded in his heart, and then nodded heavily: "I want to be a [Scribe] and promote the glory of the goddess."

The middle-aged man laughed: "Okay sir, you don't have to use these fancy language - although I appreciate it myself."

In any world, people who talk sweetly will not suffer losses, and Jenkins knows this well.

"Very good, then congratulations." Binsi nodded slightly to him, "[Scribe] is very sacred and has a unique status in the church. You will understand this later. The specific assignment will be assigned to you. The work needs to be decided after the test. I will explain some questions to you now. I’m afraid you are still confused about what happened last night?”


Jenkins nodded hurriedly, "How is Mr. Barnard? I arrived at the church as soon as I woke up."

"He is fine. He has been taken back to the church by his fellow night watchmen. Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, the curse on the night watchman is not very troublesome. He should be fine."

He seemed to appreciate Jenkins' first question.

"That's great. Mr. Barnard saved my life. I must go and thank him."

This is not a lie. If Barnard hadn't appeared to slow down the giant octopus, Jenkins would have never had the chance to take over a complete body.

"That octopus..."

Section 13 Chapter 12 Three Categories of Items

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Binsi.

"About this matter, you don't have enough authority, so I can't reveal it to you. But you can now know that it is related to [Mystery]. Supernatural objects are divided into three categories. Category A [Mystery] refers to the absence of people for a long time." The strange objects that fall out of the [Mystery Realm] that collapses after passing through them usually cause huge damage and are inaccessible. They may not only be objects, but also creatures, events or even a piece of information; Category B [Supernatural], composed of the Strange Sphere Some of the permanent and effective supernatural items brought out of the realm can be made by oneself, but they are extremely rare; Category C [Gift], which is the most precious thing, can only be achieved by meeting certain conditions in the realm or purifying the artifacts. can be obtained.

Okay, okay, actually the main purpose of today is to help you understand the Giver, but before that, you need to take a test. "

"Wait a moment sir, but I don't know those lights and abilities yet..."

Jenkins said hesitantly.

"Those things need to be explained by professionals. I'm just a fighter."

He waved his hand, quickly turned to the next topic, and then looked at Jenkins seriously.

"There are many jobs that require the extraordinary ones of the church to undertake, including but not limited to front-line combat, logistical support, and information collection. According to our different abilities, everyone will be assigned to different positions. For example, we just met at the door The gatekeeper, the ability condensed from his soul characteristics, allows him to distinguish whether the humans he sees are disguised. "

"That's a really good skill for a janitor."

Jenkins said dryly.

Binxi laughed, shook his head, and continued: "You should have noticed that the light spots in front of you disappeared after coming out of [The Strange Realm]. This is normal. It also requires our [Spirit] to maintain the appearance of the light spots. Don’t ask me about spirits, just wait for your guide. Each ability in [Deception] can only be used once, but you don’t need to pay any spirits, and you don’t need spirits to keep the light spots appearing, so you can always see them. . It’s different in the real world. Just follow me, close your eyes, imagine air flowing through your body, and then open your eyes.”

This is the reason why Jenkins fainted last night. As a newly awakened rookie, he didn't have much spirit. After coming out of the strange world, he didn't know how to turn off the light spots, and he also used the ability of his eyes many times.

Jenkins immediately followed the instructions, but it was really difficult because "air flow" itself is a very vague description. It was difficult for him to find the feeling Binxi said. After opening his eyes many times, there was nothing.

"Maybe I should try my own method."

While thinking about it, he closed his eyes again and took a deep breath, "Qi settled in Dantian, and true Qi spread throughout the whole body..."

The familiar description made Jenkins vaguely feel something very quickly. He opened his eyes. In addition to the middle-aged man in front of him, there were three white, green and purple light spots and four bubbles in his field of vision.

"You are now at level 0, so you can only have three abilities. After the natural awakening, the white ability of [World Gift] and the exclusive ability of [Soul Trait] will inevitably appear, so you should still see a blank bubble. ”


Jenkins blinked. Sure enough, it was the same as what he heard at last night's party, but Binsi's explanation was very vague. It seemed that it was still necessary to attend a legal party.

Compared with the doubled number of abilities, what happened last night is nothing to mention.

"Perhaps I should tell the extra story in order to win the trust of the church, and Barnard also knows about it. I don't know if he will keep it a secret..."

"Sir, I have two empty bubbles. I drank a liquid during the strange situation last night, and then I got one more."

Binxi did not feel any surprise and said calmly: "The message from [Sunless Moon] points out this. You are really lucky. This kind of thing has not happened for many years. But this matter will happen in the future." Don’t tell others, the gifter’s abilities are personal secrets.”

Barnard also said this last night.

"According to the color of the light spot, the abilities are divided into [White Basic] [Red Attack] [Yellow Conjuration] [Green Life] [Golden Magic]. There are other colors besides these, but they are very, very rare. I am here. No more examples. For us gifters, the identity of each person is the ability to condense the soul’s characteristics when awakening.”

As he spoke, he took out a red-covered book from his breast pocket.

This book is about the size of a standard letter paper, and there is no written text.

"Trait abilities are the most special. When activated, in addition to the corresponding effects, there will be an additional fluctuation. Some people call it the spiritual wavelength, and some say it is the color of [spirit]. But these are not important, the important thing is It is absolutely impossible to have the same characteristic ability fluctuations in this world. Put your hand up and activate your own characteristic ability."

Binsi pushed the red book in front of Jenkins, who immediately stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the surface of the book.

"Sir, how should I activate my abilities?"

In the strange situation last night, Jenkins only heard Barnard mention this matter, but did not try it himself.

"Concentrate on the point of light in front of you and imagine that it is an extension of your body."

This seems a little different from Barnard's description, but it doesn't matter.

Jenkins started trying again, but it was still difficult. It wasn't until the room was quiet for five or six minutes that he finally felt air flowing in his hands.

Correspondingly, the red book cover immediately turned green.

"Life-like ability?"

Binsi looked surprised, "That's good, that's good."

He put the book back and looked at Jenkins with a different meaning.

"Since it is a life-system ability, it is much more convenient to test. Mr. Williamt, I will assign you your future location and work, so please show a little bit of your ability."

"Interview, right?"

Jenkins thought to himself, and then scratched his arm in embarrassment: "My ability is to heal through skin contact, how should I show it now?"

"Wait a minute, we need to prepare some living creatures."

He did not leave the chair immediately, but continued to explain: "I just said that ability is the biggest secret of the gifter. But sometimes in order to find out what exactly you can do, you have to share your ability with others. What follows The test will be conducted by the two of us, and the subsequent information will be sealed in the church and will never be leaked. I swear to the goddess, I will not tell anyone about what I saw."

Section 14 Chapter 13 Test

Great, that's very humane.

"Okay sir, I don't mind."

Jenkins smiled falsely.

Binsy returned not long after his departure, and the living creatures he spoke of were a swarm of gray rats.

He also brought back a form with the title "Ability Test - Healing System Classification Exclusive Process" written on the header.

"This is the most standard testing method now. We just need to test according to the above content and then check the box."

Binsi explained that this also made Jenkins realize that people in the other world are not inefficient natives with low IQs. Capitalism is booming, and the old aristocrats are gradually aware of the rise of the emerging bourgeoisie. Everything is changing and this is a time of change.

The poor rats suffered next. They suffered cuts, tails, poisoning, suffocation, burns and other punishments.

The final result of the test was that Jenkins' ability could only be activated by touching the opponent's wound. Moreover, his ability is only useful against physical damage, such as cuts, burns, and breaks, but is useless against poisoning, bacterial infections, and curses.

The test of the curse was assisted by Binsi. He pointed his finger at a single mouse. The mouse's fur immediately fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although Binxi did not explain it, this is not a joke ability such as hair loss, but most likely accelerated aging.

Although for middle-aged men, hair loss is also extremely scary.

Under the light of a kerosene lamp, the two people carefully conducted the test according to the standardized procedures. Although the form only has three pages and uses medium ink font size, it took a full three hours to complete the test.

Pocket watches were expensive luxuries in this era, but Binsi had one. He told Jenkins that the monthly subsidy and salary provided by the church were very high. Although it varied slightly depending on the position, even a newcomer like Jenkins would have a weekly salary of about 4 pounds.

This is at the top level among the five churches in Nolan City. [Sage of Inheritance] [Storm Lord] [End of Death] [Starry Sky] [Lightless Moon] Among the five righteous gods, Sage of Inheritance is also known as the goddess of knowledge. The church has a huge publishing house and education Institution, and the priesthood of [Storm Lord] includes the ocean. Nolan City is close to the ocean and is an extremely superior port, so the church also has many fixed assets. The salaries provided by these two to the benefactors are similar, while the latter three are a bit shabby.

The above information was said by Bin Xi in a boastful tone. At the same time, he also explained that if you meet other church gifters outside, it is best not to ridicule them with this matter, otherwise it will "destroy everyone's great friendship."

"I think you told me this matter to a newcomer like me, which is an act of destroying friendship."

Jenkins complained.

A weekly salary of 4 pounds is a very remarkable salary. According to the current average level of the Kingdom of Fidictli, a weekly salary of 2 pounds and 6 shillings can be considered middle class. And that is the amount calculated before tax, and as a gifter under the church, wages do not need to be taxed.

"I have heard of your father, old William, although this income is less than one-tenth of his, but I believe he will be very happy that his son finally has a formal job."

The two sat back at the table again, and Bin Xi said this to Jenkins jokingly. Jenkins William's wild boy image is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"I can't change too much at once."

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