"Needless to say, my goods have been exchanged."

She said through gritted teeth, and the way she gasped for air made Jenkins worry that she would suddenly faint. But for this day, Miss Magic has been preparing for half a year since last autumn, and the plan will never stop because of such a small accident.

"Do you have a channel where you can contact the steam bombs in stock?"

she suddenly asked Jenkins.

"Why do you think I have access?"

Jenkins put the bomb in his hand on his waist and planned to take it back as a souvenir. This was an antique that should be placed in a museum. Although they cannot be used, they may be collected by customers with special hobbies if placed in Dad's antique shop, so Miss Magic actually made a profit by buying a batch of antiques at the price of arms.

"You must have a way, right?"

She asked reluctantly, and then didn't give Jenkins a chance to refute:

"After today's events are over, regardless of whether I got the Heart of the Ocean or not, I can give you a clue about the gift. At the end of last summer, a batch of contraband smuggled from overseas actually contained a gift. But later, due to an accidental fire, it was mixed with other antiques and was sold somewhere. I have a clue, and I am the only one who has a clue.” (Note)

She stared into Jenkins' eyes, the determination and fire in them frightening him.

"I do have access, but I can't get a lot of goods."

"It doesn't matter, you can have as much as you want. I'll buy it at double the black market price."

"No need. Just tell me the clue after it's done."

Dolores had met Nolan's subordinate Jenkins, and they had helped Jenkins a lot during the Skeleton Sword incident. Jenkins was deeply impressed by the firepower the group displayed when blocking Duke Antarc, so Jenkins knew he could get enough bombs from them.

Returning to Loen first, I met Dolores who was talking to Count Dirac, the Deputy Minister of Finance, in the study. She explained the situation and once again obtained the sapphire ring that represented her identity. After returning to Nolan, he rushed to the small building of [Shupal Freight Company] (Chapter 891) without stopping, and then showed the ring in front of the familiar middle-aged receptionist.

"What do you need? Who are you going to kill this time?"

After confirming the authenticity of the ring and hearing about the last scuffle under the clock tower from Jenkins' words, he immediately showed great enthusiasm.

"I don't want to kill people, I just want a batch of large-yield steam bombs. I need them now, I'm very anxious."

"how much do you need?"

"It can create a big enough mess, but not really a large amount of damage."

Jenkins also knew that he had given a very difficult request, but he did not expect that the other party would actually nod to express understanding, and then began to convey the information skillfully.

Ten minutes later, the goods were ready, and the man who worked as a receptionist at the freight company asked Jenkins where they should be shipped.

"Is the dock area okay? There is a blockade there today. If it is difficult, I can also find a way myself."

His solution is to use a unicorn airdrop, but this is very dangerous.

"Can you tell me the specific address? Can it be delivered to the location you want to see... Oh, okay, I know that place, it can be delivered. This is really a very good location. It happens to be the most visited around the celebration. The weak point is that the distance is neither far nor close. We originally wanted to rent the nearby warehouse, but it was rented by someone else late. It turned out to be you. "

The man praised.

"It's not me, it's my friend...please wait, you want to rent it too?"

Jenkins realized the information revealed in this sentence and looked at the other party suspiciously:

"If it's convenient, could you reveal what you want to do?"

"Since you hold this ring, you are naturally qualified to know everything."

At this point, the receptionist approached Jenkins mysteriously and said in his ear:

"Actually, we are not the only ones who want to get involved and do something in this celebration to welcome the navy back. We don't want to ruin Nolan's event. We just heard that some of the first batch of returning main fleets have We are trying to rescue some of the captured domestic spies."

"This reason makes sense. So, other forces also have their own purposes?"

Jenkins asked.

"Yes, in fact, if it is not necessary, I would advise you to stay away from the celebration here. No one knows what will happen this time. After all, there are too many people involved. It is difficult to say whether there will be any additional changes."

The batch of steam bombs was quickly transported to the warehouse rented by Miss Magic, who once again regained the excitement he had when he saw her early in the morning, and couldn't help praising Jenkins for his quick actions.

Jenkins also asked if she knew anyone who might want to get involved in the celebration. Miss Magic told Jenkins that she didn't care, because according to the information she got from Miss Windsor, there were so many people involved in this matter that it was pointless to care about anyone.

"We just have to do our own thing, and we won't be deeply involved in the celebrations. We will mainly be on the periphery."

Even though Femixiu was a madman most of the time, he was not a reckless man, otherwise he would not have been hunted for so many years. He will participate in the whole process of the pirates' actions, but he will not directly enter the celebration area to take action. The time when his men carry out activities is the time chosen by Miss Magic to take action.

In order to find a good view, when the crowd gradually poured into the pier around eight o'clock, Jenkins and Miss Magic climbed to the top of the tower bridge that was being repaired. The view here is extremely broad, not only the pier where the celebration is being prepared can be seen at a glance, but also most of the city and the wide sea level.

PS: This refers to the fire early in the book, when Dad took Jenkins to see the goods for the first time.

Chapter 1434 Chapter 1411 The celebration begins

"Have you ever thought that if a second group of people also choose this as the commanding heights, something very embarrassing will happen."

At the high point of the Tower Bridge, Jenkins, who had struggled to climb up, held on to the wooden pillars to steady himself. He could not move around as quickly as Chocolate. The wind here is very strong, and he is worried that he will fall.

"Don't worry, I have made preparations in advance. Three days ago, the [Old Joseph Construction Company] responsible for the construction of the Tower Bridge announced a temporary suspension of work, and in order to prevent anyone from approaching this dangerous building, they applied to the city hall for police The people who are sent to watch Tower Bridge are Miss Windsor's people. Anyone who comes near here except us will be expelled, if not expelled, because there are too many police here."

Miss Magic said that although her plan had already met with two accidents, at least this time there was no second group of people climbing up the Tower Bridge.

"Why do these people sound like they're spying on you?"

This was Jenkins' suspicion, and Miss Magic did not comment on it.

At nine o'clock, the entire beach was already crowded with citizens waiting for the fleet to return. From the Tower Bridge, it looked like a swarm of ants covered with sweet cakes. Even from a very high position, he could feel the commotion below. Jenkins even had to control his cat to prevent it from jumping up and swatting at the first batch of white pigeons to be released.

"If you can participate as an ordinary citizen, it will definitely be a very memorable day."

Jenkins looked down and couldn't help but sigh.

"You? Ordinary citizen?"

Miss Magic scoffed.

"Of course I can be an ordinary citizen, otherwise what do you think I do on weekdays?"

"Planning a conspiracy with your companions? Going to Miss Fabry's financial fraud training class? Or sending letters to others and asking others to send you money? Or drawing crosses on the faces of the enemy's photos in the darkroom? "

The woman guessed.

"No, I never do anything like that. On weekdays, I am also an ordinary Nolan who likes to walk with my cat. When I walk on the street, I am no different from these people below."

Miss Magic had no comment on this statement, but Jenkins could sense that she didn't believe it at all. Probably in the eyes of others, there is no peaceful daily life in the lives of believers of lies. They are always moving forward in lies and the next lie.

Because there were too many citizens coming to participate in the celebration, entry into the dock area was restricted at half past nine. But even so, surrounded by various vendors and police, the citizens were still so crowded that they could almost know what other people were having for breakfast.

Nolan hasn't been so lively for a long time since the arrival of a stranger last fall. Even the weather was very good. Due to the ocean wind, the thick fog hovering in the city did not invade the pier. Standing on the Tower Bridge, Jenkins even had the illusion that he could reach out and touch the sky and clouds.

But the arrival of the Williamsot family was definitely not an illusion. When Jenkins looked down from above, he could clearly see Robert and Mary taking Newman and John into the celebration scene at the pier. Even John, who was still in school, wore Formal attire for celebrations.

"What are they doing here? Does this matter have something to do with our family?"

Jenkins thought in surprise, wanting to go down immediately and let the family leave this place of right and wrong. But later he saw the Williamsot family standing together with the spectators, clergy and other believers from the Sage Church, and he felt relieved, especially when he saw his father in the crowd.

Dad wore a piece of clothing today that Jenkins had only seen at the ceremony when he was canonized as a saint. He stood beside Professor Burns and whispered to the professor without knowing what they were talking about. The two soon discovered the arrival of the Williamsot family and warmly invited them to stand together.

"You have been squinting your eyes and looking over there since just now. Did you see someone you know?"

Miss Magic suddenly tapped Jenkins on the shoulder, scaring him so much that he almost jumped off the Tower Bridge.

"I saw familiar people, but they have nothing to do with this. I can't figure out why they are here."

"You probably treat this as a spring outing. I heard from the newspaper that all schools in the city are on holiday today. In order to allow more people to come to the pier to participate in the celebration, I think your acquaintances also want to join in the fun. Don't worry, It will be safe. The Kingdom’s military is fully prepared this time. If an accident does occur and civilians are killed or injured, even the morale on the front line will be affected. The military knows the impact of this incident. "

"Hopefully, I hope everything is okay."

Jenkins looked at the crowd below and said softly.

The celebration started on time at ten o'clock. As the fleet appeared in the distance on the sea level, neatly arranged salutes fired paintballs into the sky.

As beautiful colored paper fell in the sky, the crowded crowd burst into amazing cheers.

The band waiting on the side began to play music. In order to let most people participating in the celebration hear the music, the band mostly used trumpets and other instruments with sharper sounds. Although this would destroy the beauty of the music, people didn't care about it.

Jenkins and Miss Magic looked at the fleet in the distance almost at the same time as the music started. Although this world is not the planet of the past, it does not seem to be a completely horizontal world. The mast appeared first, and then the hull also appeared from "below" the sea level. The flag that was fully stretched by the sea breeze was the symbol of the kingdom's navy and the royal family. This was undoubtedly the fleet returning from afar.

"Get ready to start the action."

Miss Magic said, turning her head to look in the opposite direction of the coastline.

"I saw Fermixiu, still in that house."

Jenkins stood beside her, facing the comfortable sea breeze and pointed to an old two-story building on the edge of the dock area. This building is an office building of an unknown seafood processing factory, which is not noticeable in the dock area.

"It's worse than expected. There are two gifted people beside him, both of them are level 4. They moved... Fermixiu went to the basement, and the two gifted people were on the first floor."

The wind was very strong at high altitude, and Jenkins had to squint his eyes.

"It's also expected. The next step is to wait for the pirates to act."

Miss Magic said seriously.

Suddenly, there was a commotion below, but it soon subsided. The joyful atmosphere overwhelmed everything, and joy and excitement filled everyone's heart. The returning fleet was getting closer and closer, and the people who came to greet them finally broke through the boundary line drawn by the police, and all rushed to the pier of the dock. The ladies and gentlemen waved their handkerchiefs and hats together, shouting loudly to the fleet.

Chapter 1435 Chapter 1412 The Beginning of Chaos

The enthusiasm of the people on the shore was immediately responded to by the slowly approaching warships, and the sound of the whistle could almost be heard outside the dock.

"Wait, why are there only three ships? This is different from your intelligence!"

Jenkins suddenly said that Miss Magic had repeatedly emphasized a few days ago that the first five ships to dock were all filled with naval dignitaries, important prisoners, and expensive spoils of this battle. She even told Jenkins the deployment of troops on each ship, and all these things were heard from Miss Windsor.

"Miss Windsor said five...that woman!"

She suddenly understood, gnashing her teeth and saying, then tiptoed to try to look further away.

"She has never trusted me, and told me some intelligence, just to let me involve Fermixiu to facilitate her people to do things! I shouldn't believe these noble women from wealthy families, they are all liars...Mr. Candle!"

"I'm here, what are you going to do?"

Jenkins was a little worried that Miss Magic would suddenly go insane and pull him to jump off from here.

"Even if so many accidents have happened, the plan will not stop. Everything is going on as usual. There is no difference between five ships and three ships..."


The two people who were talking to each other were standing in front of a dense crowd. On the left was a bustling city covered by thick fog. On the right was a vast sea. It was a good day today. Against this background, a black object flew forward at a very high speed from the side of the two people, and then fell into the sea in a parabolic trajectory, causing a huge explosion.

"Steam! Steam! Cannon!"

Jenkins was familiar with this thing. At the beginning of last month, he heard the explosion of this weapon at close range in Loon. In modern wars, this is the most powerful firearm and the most strictly controlled firearm.

Without giving Jenkins time to say the second word, another shell passed by the two people and flew to the distant sea. This time the accuracy was quite good, hitting the frigate on the left directly. Maybe it was because of good luck that one shot penetrated the gunpowder warehouse or the steam room. After the amazing explosion of the shell, explosions continued to sound on the ship.

Soon, the thick fog of the explosion enveloped the hull, and the people on the dock stared at the warship that was broken into two parts from the tail and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Panic spread from the front of the pier to the crowd like ink poured into clear water, and then everyone's panic accumulated together and broke out into collective fear.

No one cared what happened. Those who reacted quickly turned around and ran, while those who reacted slowly were surrounded and ran towards the city behind them.

At this time, the third steam cannon also exploded. This time the shell did not fall in the sea but on the shore. The shell hit the fishery warehouse thousands of feet away from the celebration site (1,000 feet is approximately equal to 304 meters), and the exploded shrapnel, building walls and cooked fish debris splashed in all directions.

Although it was far away from the crowd and affected only a few pedestrians who ran to the nearby area in panic, this shell completely destroyed people's psychological defenses and the scene was completely out of control.

"This doesn't seem to be in the plan..."

Jenkins asked his companion, and Miss Magic bit her lip and looked at the tragic scene below.

"Forget it about Fermi Xiu, our current location is relatively close to the steam cannon that exploded just now. Now the church and the police are trapped by the rioting crowd. The two of us will go to see the situation. Maybe we can stop the fourth shell."

It's hard to imagine how much determination she had to make before she decided to give up the plan she had made for half a year. Jenkins was very happy that her friend was a good person.

"I guess it's too late."

Before he finished speaking, the fourth shell was fired again, and Jenkins only felt a spark of inspiration. He had already foreseen its appearance before the shell was fired.

"Have I finally mastered divination?"

Everything in front of him became extremely slow at this moment, and the passage of time was almost stationary. Following his thoughts, he raised his right hand and swung a sword. The sword met an object with extremely fast speed and great momentum in the air.

The Holy Bone Sword came out of his hand, but was taken back by Jenkins the next second. The deflected cannonball deviated from its trajectory and hit an idle dock in the distance where no ships were docked, causing a fourth explosion.

"What did you just do?"

Miss Magic asked in surprise, looking at Jenkins who was rubbing his wrist and then at the cannonball in the distance:

"Although I know that some high-level benefactors who deliberately choose the red fighting ability can easily resist the most powerful human firearms, but is it a bit too exaggerated to use a sword to deflect cannonballs?"

"It's not that I used a sword to push it away. I feel like my prophecy ability played a role."

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