"There is a lucky woman out there who met you earlier than I did."

Alexia sat upright and looked in the direction of Hesha's mansion in the distance and said, she was beautiful under the starry sky, even more beautiful than usual.

Jenkins didn't know how to answer this sentence, so he could only smile awkwardly. He waved to the chocolate on the edge of the roof to come over and lighten the atmosphere, but the cat seemed to be unable to see Jenkins' movements and lay there staring at him with a gloomy gaze.

"I'm not complaining about you, I'm just lamenting the impermanence of the world. Even I have my limits. Compared with the fate that teases people, the future I can know is very limited. When I was still Dolores's age , I also imagined what kind of person I would marry in the future. At that time, I never thought that I would be a carefree aristocratic young man. "

She continued, then turned to look at Jenkins:

"Are you going to keep silent? Well, sir, I think you'd better say something now."

Jenkins was stumped by the request, so he threw his arms around her. Alexia's hair smells very good. She seems to have tried a new style of perfume. The smell of this perfume is...

Jenkins twitched his nose:

"Witch's Kiss?"

He suddenly came to this conclusion in his mind.

"It's eleven o'clock at night, and my birthday this year ends in an hour."

Alexia, who was held by Jenkins, spoke quickly, and then continued without giving Jenkins a chance to ask:

"I stopped celebrating birthdays a long time ago because I don't have many friends around me. I should tell you and Dolores about my birthday this year, but after thinking about it I still didn't do it."

"No, you should have told us. Do you want any gifts? There is still an hour left, and I think such an important day should not be missed."

Alexia gently put her head on Jenkins' shoulder and said nothing.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the two people hugged each other tightly under the starry sky.

Jenkins hesitated for a moment, feeling that his heart was about to beat, and at the same time tried to breathe into the short lady's ear. The small ears immediately turned red.

He understood immediately and asked stammeringly:

"Actually...my bed is very comfortable. Do you want to take a look?"


The cry of wild cats in heat came from the distant neighborhood. It is spring now, and it is the season of resurrection of all things.

(Chocolate Run...)

"You and the teacher didn't come back yesterday. I know what you did last night."

At the breakfast table the next day, when Jenkins was helping chocolate cut bread, Dolores, who had been sitting opposite him in silence all morning, suddenly said. Her Royal Highness was dressed beautifully this morning, and Jenkins thought her long hair matched the color of her dress.

Only Alexia did not attend breakfast today. She was still resting in her room, so Dolores dared to say such bold words.

Julia behind her had already patted Her Highness the Princess on the shoulder regardless of etiquette. This was not something a qualified unmarried lady should say.

The maids who were standing at the table serving the family's meal also blushed, lowering their heads and concentrating on their own things.

As for the little princess Agelina Stuart sitting next to Alexia, she blushed and hugged her milk glass and lowered her head, looking forward to what she would hear next.

"We are all adults, isn't this normal?"

He tried to keep his tone normal and stared at the bread in his hand, as if something terrible would come out of it at the next moment.

"I'm curious, when you hold your teacher, don't you feel guilty because of her body shape?"

"Oh, Your Highness Princess, please speak carefully!"

Julia behind Dolores said in a serious tone. This was the first time Jenkins heard Julia speak like this.

"Julia, please let me finish this question."

Instead of admitting her mistake this time, Dolores turned back to her maid angrily, and then looked at Jenkins, pressing closer and closer: "Mr. Williams, please answer my question? Why can you accept the teacher? But you can't accept me? Just because I'm only sixteen years old? But the teacher looks like..."

"What do you want to say?"

Alexia's voice came from the door of the restaurant, and the whole room fell silent for a moment. Dolores sat down obediently, not showing the menacing look she had just now.

Alexia did not continue to ask, but walked to Jenkins and sat down directly. She looked the same as she did yesterday, but Jenkins knew there was.

Chocolate looked gloomy, and only seeing this scene could cheer him up.

"I was wrong."

The sound of eating in the restaurant was very faint, and after a long silence, Dolores said softly.

"No, you are right. There is nothing wrong with an ignorant girl pursuing love."

Alexia said, and Dolores raised her head and looked at her teacher expectantly, and found that her dress today was different from before. She seemed to have become very mature, but because of her cute face and petite figure, this change It's not obvious.

"Your mistake lies in the wrong means. If you really want to achieve your goals, you can use some of your own means instead of saying something embarrassing to everyone here."


Jenkins scolded softly, thinking that Alexia was encouraging Dolores to use some inappropriate means.

"Jenkins, in your opinion, a sixteen-year-old still doesn't understand anything, but in my opinion, my students are already very mature. Please don't interrupt. You have your values, and I also have mine."

Alexia said this. Jenkins originally wanted to say some truth to refute her, but looking at her beautiful eyes, he felt inexplicably guilty. He hurriedly finished the meal and left with the chocolates.

After Jenkins left, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became better, and the depressive atmosphere eased a lot. Dolores plucked up the courage and asked her teacher:

"Teacher, the Witch's Kiss...where did you get it?"

"how do you know?"

"The maid found the small bottle in your pocket when she was putting away the clothes."

She said sheepishly, then took the small bottle out of Julia's pocket and put it on the table.

"I got this from Miss Hesha. She bought a batch last year and has the last few bottles left. I asked for a bottle when I went to visit her yesterday. She asked me what I wanted to do."

Upon hearing this answer, Dolores showed an expression of admiration for her teacher.

Chapter 1429 Chapter 1406 The Elf’s Happy Event

If Jenkins gained anything in the doomsday fantasy, then in addition to the shield given to Feini, there was also the fourth white gem in the "Disaster Document".

Jenkins has now completely confirmed that the appearance of this gem is definitely not because he caused the disaster, but because he ended the disaster. The last time I met with [Hirling Mist], the other party had made it very obvious that although [Son of Disaster] would not appear again in this era, abilities similar to it might appear.

He wanted to figure out what this ability was, but he couldn't find the right breakthrough direction.

After the incident in the Doomsday Vision on Sunday night, Jenkins picked up his mood and returned to plotting with Miss Magic. But before that, he also learned the whole story of what happened last night from his father through the basin of delusion on this Monday morning.

The church has confirmed that the hanging upside down doomsday city has completely collapsed. Although the method "proposed" by Miss Audrey was unsuccessful, she herself was commended for it. [The Church of Destiny and Law] sent a commissioner to Nolan Diocese to communicate with the local church. I heard that they wanted to collect materials and record Miss Audrey's "successful prophecy" in the history of the church.

Dad was very worried about this incident. He thought that even though so many things had happened in the past six months, this incident was the worst. During the conversation, he vaguely revealed that the Diocese of Nolan believed that the local area needed the Holy Son to be in charge, so it hoped that Jenkins would come back as soon as possible, but he did not specify a specific time.

Jenkins also took time to visit Hathaway this morning. Hathaway was inexplicably angry and seemed to be holding back her anger when talking to Jenkins. Jenkins didn't know why. He believed that he had not committed any fault in the recent brief encounters, so he could only blame it on her special day.

Of course, the most important thing of the day was meeting again with Miss Magic.

The two people's actions are not a simple assassination. In addition to them and the pirate king Feimixiu, there will be many forces appearing. Therefore, this is not the simple action of "find the target - infiltrate - kill" before. They not only have to agree on the time to start, but also find ways to deal with all the troubles before meeting Femi Xiu.

As Wednesday approaches, a happy and joyful atmosphere permeates the city of Nolan. The victory in the Battle of the Broken Islands not only gave a shot in the arm to the ongoing all-out war, but also let the citizens of Nolan know that their relatives who had joined the navy could return with honor.

The dock area has been decorated and decorated a few days ago, and the city hall has also publicized it in newspapers for many days, calling on citizens to come to the dock on Wednesday to welcome the returning heroes.

Nolan, who had experienced various strange events in just six months, seemed to be brought back to those peaceful years by this piece of good news. People happily talked about Wednesday's celebrations and ceremonies, and wondered whether they would be able to buy cheaper exotic goods after winning the war with Chesland.

But all this has nothing to do with Jenkins for the time being. On Monday night, when he said goodbye to Miss Magic and wanted to go home and see before returning to Loen, he saw a letter in the mailbox.

The letter came from the old elf. It was not delivered through the post office, but he walked over and put it in the mailbox. The proof was that there was no stamp on the letter at all.

The content of the letter was only a few lines. The old elf asked Jenkins to go to his house immediately after seeing the letter. Jenkins thought something big had happened, and without even entering the house, he hurried to the apartment rented by the old elf in the city center with the chocolate.

Jenkins doesn't often visit the old elf. Firstly, because there is really nothing important to see him for. Secondly, because the apartment he rents is too close to the Sage Church, and Jenkins usually does not go near the neighborhood there.

But the situation tonight was special. He didn't know what kind of important thing the old elf had to ask him for, so he went directly to the downstairs of the apartment without stopping. After knocking on the door and thanking the landlady, he went upstairs to the door of the elf's house. .

It was the elf himself who opened the door. He recognized Jenkins' cat and knew it was him, so he warmly invited him in.

"Are you OK?"

Jenkins asked suspiciously as he entered.

"What can I do? Want some tea? I recently grew some tea leaves of my own in the greenhouse."

The old elf said cheerfully. After pouring tea for Jenkins, he also made some snacks for chocolate.

"You wrote to me because..."

he asked hesitantly.

"There's a good thing, I'm going home."


Jenkins was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that this was his home, but then he realized that the home he was talking about was a forest of flowers.

"Is someone coming to pick you up? Or did you find your way back? Congratulations, that's really great. Speaking of which, I recently got a key that can open a door... "

"I was very lucky. I met an elf from the same clan who came to the material world to gain knowledge (Chapter 698). He is expected to return to our hometown from the material world this winter or next spring. By then I Will go back with him.”

The old elf said with a glowing face. He picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a big sip. There was indescribable joy on his face. He called Jenkins over just to share this with him, and he was really happy about it.

"I didn't expect that I would have such luck. Before I met you, I thought that I was going to die in a foreign country and no one would remember me in the future. Now that I have not only met you, but I can also go back in my lifetime. I miss my The bad luck has finally run out in the past few hundred years, and good luck is coming... I won't introduce you to that young elf. He is now traveling around the world, seeing the customs and customs of the human world. , preparing to go back and write a travel novel introducing the features of human society at the end of the eighteenth century.”

"If it's inconvenient, there's no need to introduce it to me. Congratulations, this deserves a good celebration. Also, you must tell me before you leave, and I will see you off."

Jenkins was happy for him, too.

"Oh, that will happen in half a year. I will live in Nolan for at least half a year, and the farewell matter is not urgent. I have nothing to do in the past six months, so I plan to teach you some knowledge about the elves that I know. You You can come to me to learn at any time, and I will try my best to teach you what I have learned. Of course, it is best not to spread this knowledge to others.”

PS: Please vote for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1430 Chapter 1407 Superstition of the Extraordinary

"I understand, thank you for your generosity."

Hearing what the old elf said, Jenkins picked up the teacup and saluted him, and then remembered another thing:

"Speaking of which, I also met a visitor from another world a few days ago. No, it's not an elf. He claimed that I had the blood of an elf priest..."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..."

The old elf coughed suddenly. He was drinking from a tea cup just now, so he really choked.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I also encountered..."

"No need to say anything, I think I heard you clearly."

The old elf casually wiped his chin with his sleeve. Seeing that his front was completely soaked, he said sorry to Jenkins and went to the bedroom to change clothes. It took him a long time to come back.

"Yes, the sacrificial bloodline...a very noble bloodline...the person you meet must also be an ancient one. Only those who have truly experienced thousands of years can tell the difference between each other." The blood of the clan.”

As he spoke, he sat down again, looking less glum than before.

"What does the bloodline of the elf priest... mean?"

Jenkins asked cautiously, worried that the other person would be choked again.

"It represents your ancestor elves as the elven royal family and serves as priests. This is a great honor, just like the priests among humans."

"So is there anything unique about this bloodline? I don't think that person would point it out if it wasn't very special."

"Descendants of elven priests, even if they are hybrids, the awakened soul source ability must be green life, and they usually have an abnormal affinity for the spirit of life. You should know this better than me."

Because he didn’t lie, he just concealed something, so Jenkins’ [lie] did not detect any problems with this passage at all.

"That's true. I know that even a mixed-blood half-elf with such powerful life-system abilities seems a little unreasonable. Isn't this what you didn't want to tell me before? In my opinion, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this. Said.”

Jenkins felt that knowing the current information was not the whole story.

"Because you are a mixed-blood elf born in the material world, you must discover the past of your bloodline by yourself. This is your destiny."

"I knew you would say this. I will figure these things out myself sooner or later, and you will be surprised."

Jenkins commented, and the old elf chuckled and didn't care.

It is naturally a good thing to be able to obtain the knowledge of the elves from the old elves, but the learning must be postponed a little later, because Wednesday is the big thing.

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