Jenkins felt an unusual shaking under his feet while thinking, so he hurriedly jumped into the yard. Just as he landed, a part of the wall behind him collapsed from the center. Although the area was not large and no falling rocks hit him, the sound was enough to attract the attention of the monster in the yard.

The monster dragging the nail hammer stopped, and the head with only one big eye in the middle of the face turned stiffly to look at him. The moment their eyes met, Jenkins seemed to see the old man standing behind the mechanical shaft of the clock dial with his hands behind his back from behind the black vertical pupil.

"Oops, it found me!"

While thinking badly in his heart, he had already drawn his sword, and the monster also rotated half a circle in a roar and threw the nail hammer at Jenkins.

The sword collided with the solid hammer, making a sound that made people's teeth ache. Jenkins' wrist holding the sword was numb, and then with a slight bone cracking sound, it was directly bent 180 degrees to the arm by the huge force, and the back of the hand and the arm were tightly pressed together.

At the first moment, he didn't feel any pain. He just watched his sword fly out in a spiral, and then the hammer flew towards him close to his face.

Standing on the ground with both feet, [Titan Power] gave the muscles special explosive power through the points of support of the legs. The intact left hand pushed forward, and the explosive power hit the side of the hammer with the thrust. Jenkins was not proficient in the skill of using a small force to move a large force, so his left hand was also injured, but fortunately he changed the flight trajectory of the hammer.

Because Jenkins pushed it hard, it flew to the side at a faster speed, and then sank deeply into the back wall of the cafe, making a terrible sound.

"Isn't this power too terrible?"

The green light spread to the wrist, first healing the left hand, and then enduring the severe pain, he used his left hand to straighten the bones of the right hand, and then healed the right wrist.

At this time, the owner of the hammer had grasped the hammer handle again, and the weird man carrying a giant cross at the door of the warehouse had also hugged the cross to his chest.

"This is going to be a big trouble."

He waved his right hand in the air, and the sword that had just been knocked away and inserted diagonally into the black blood flew straight towards Jenkins. He drew a circle around himself with the sword in one hand, and then wrote two runes at a very fast speed under his feet. Finally, he suddenly inserted the sword into the soil in the rune, and with the infusion of spirit, the ritual of [Spirit Bone Body Protection] was activated.

This is not a ritual that Jenkins learned from his father or the church, but the knowledge he got from the sword in his hand. As the circle under his feet bloomed with a decaying gray light, seven or eight bones flew out of the pile of bones in front of him. These bones were crushed into pieces by the circle of light before they came into contact with Jenkins, and then evenly wrapped around his upper body, even around his wrists and palms, forming a layer of bone white armor.

This trick was also used by the previous owner of the Skeleton Sword, and the effect was better than Jenkins. Jenkins didn't know why the sword he was holding now lacked a lot of core knowledge and part of the power. He could only blame it on the fact that the sword itself was damaged while merging with the Spirit of Life.

He immediately became confident after wearing the armor. At this time, the tall and thin figure in black robe rushed up with the nail hammer for the second time. He turned around and used this force to throw the hammer like a steam cannon shell. Jenkins swung his sword to block it like last time.

But this time, he successfully pushed the hammer away while ensuring his own safety, making it fly to the other side of the yard, and then swung his sword forward, smashing the head of the nail hammer monster with one sword before the cross monster made a move.

It fell to the ground with a wail, and then turned into coal ash and scattered on the ground with its hammer head.

"There is another one."

The spirit flowed from the soul to the arm, and then entered the sword. Turning around and swinging, the white sword light flew out, but before hitting the huge cross, the black semicircular eggshell-shaped barrier flashed in the dirty air and actually blocked the sword.

Under the bright yellow moonlight, Jenkins finally saw the whole picture of the giant cross. It was all black, with fist-sized wailing faces interlaced on its surface, some even overlapping.

As the cross was heavily inserted into the soil, the black aura spread from the warehouse guard's feet to the outer layer. In the black soil under the feet of the two, terrible power accumulated instantly.

As the land in front of Jenkins bulged several lumps, oily water stains spread in the yard, and then five black tentacles broke out of the ground, absorbing the oil and rising from the ground like fast-growing trees. In a few breaths, they were taller than Jenkins.

"Just now it was the main force, now it's the master of spells?"

Jenkins was not panicked. He took back his sword and took out his cane. Just shaking it slightly in the air, it continued to thicken and transform like a living vine, rapidly changing into the shape of a scepter.

At the same time, he did not forget to take out a small cloth bag containing ivy cuts from his pocket and threw the plant fragments that still had a glimmer of life in it around.

Chapter 1421 Chapter 1398 The Man on the Wall and the Man in the Bell Tower

After scattering the cut pieces of ivy on the ground, Jenkins held the scepter tightly with both hands, and imitated the gatekeeper's posture of piercing the cross into the earth, stabbing the end of the scepter fiercely into the black soil under his feet.

A green ring appeared under his feet, and as the emblem of the small tree pattern appeared, the majestic vitality burst out under the corrupt black soil and "ignited" the climbing tiger that fell into the soil.

Almost instantly, the dark green tentacles rushed from the soil to the sky, and the climbing tiger's clawed suckers made these plants that broke through their own growth limits even more terrifying than the black tentacles on the opposite side.

Pulling the scepter out of the soil, it was found that there were gray roots floating at the bottom, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Looking up, the climbing tiger and the black tentacles were entangled with each other. Both sides were huge, and for a moment, the backyard of the dilapidated cafe seemed to be filled with wriggling tentacles.

The gatekeeper also pulled out his cross, holding the side with both hands and holding it up to the sky. With the black robe, this scene is a bit like a pious clergyman praying to God, but what Jenkins saw in his eyes was the black aura that was gathering wildly behind it.

A terrible fear of looking into the abyss made Jenkins raise his scepter without thinking and aim it at the aura. The photochemical orb on the top of the scepter burst into dazzling light. This light instantly dispelled the ambiguous and chaotic aura on the surface of the black iron cross. Jenkins jumped over the entangled tentacles and jumped in front of the gatekeeper without thinking. The photochemical orb on the top of the scepter directly hit its chest.

The white light that burst out at that moment even made Jenkins close his eyes. After a miserable howl, the gatekeeper in the black robe began to melt from his chest in the white light, and finally only a ball of flying ash fell in the dead and silent city without wind.

The white light went out, and it seemed that the eternal moonlight illuminated Jenkins again.

"The end of the ash curse, just these monsters are enough to destroy the world."

He leaned against the wall a little tiredly and took a few breaths, calmed the restlessness of the spirit, and then took away the vitality of the creeper without an opponent, and then he breathed.

The surroundings were very quiet. Even though the battle just now made a lot of noise, the monsters nearby did not gather. Jenkins didn't know whether it was because the old man in the clock tower was trying to prevent the warehouse from being destroyed, or because of some other reason. He could only speed up his actions and do something before it was too late.

He raised his hand to push open the door of the warehouse. After raising the mining lamp in his hand, he immediately saw the man with his limbs spread out and fixed on the wall facing the door.

He was not fixed by ropes or nails. His hands and feet had merged with the wall, as if they were folded back and built into the wall.

The clothes he wore were also strange. He was barefoot and seemed to have only a robe on his body. It didn't look like a normal dress from the material world. The black robe on his body was very similar to the two monsters that were defeated just now.

With this man as the center, on the wall facing the door, a blood-red ritual base array was painted with an inverted pentagram. At the same time, the room was full of burning red candles, leaving only a straight path from the door to the wall.

This reminded Jenkins of the strange scene not long ago, but it was obviously a completely different matter.

"Are you okay?"

Jenkins hesitated and asked directly, but the man on the wall hung his head and didn't say anything.

He was a little confused and wanted to go under the wall to confirm what was going on with him, but he instinctively felt something was wrong as soon as he took a step. He immediately took two steps back, and at this moment, the man fixed on the wall twitched violently.

Jenkins could only imagine that a person who was electrocuted would have such twitches, and was very worried that he would die from it. But he didn't die, but raised his head, and looked at Jenkins with pure black eyes without whites:

"I knew you would definitely break the contract."

The voice was not the voice of a middle-aged man, but the voice of the old man in the clock tower.

"Should I say it was you? I don't abide by the contract? Does that mean that your promise to me is completely sincere? I don't remember you saying that the ten rituals would result in the reality of Nolan peeling off from the material world."

Jenkins wanted to retreat to the door, but immediately thought of the purpose of this trip. He simply stood there with a dilapidated yard illuminated by bright yellow moonlight behind him and a dirty warehouse illuminated by red candlelight in front of him. He looked up and faced the man fixed on the wall.

"I didn't say it because you didn't ask; and what you did was indeed a violation of the contract. I'm curious, do you really not care about the punishment of the contract?"

Its voice was still so hoarse, but Jenkins was relieved of a lot of pressure without having to face the mouth in his palm.

"I'm not Jenkins R. Williamette at all, why should I worry about the contract?"

Jenkins asked sarcastically.


The other party laughed:

"Are all the extraordinary people of this era so interesting? This reminds me of the time when I was still a mortal. Adventurers formed their own teams to explore the ruins of the continent. The extraordinary power was open to all curious people. People in our era have a spirit of contract."

"The word contract spirit coming out of your mouth is simply ironic. Do you really understand the meaning of this word in modern common language?"

"I have no intention of wasting my precious time arguing with you. Since you can find this place, it's worth making some compromises for me. And you are indeed a capable person. People like you are useful. If I give you strength, I can even I’ll tell you the deepest secrets related to the gods, and how about you do one more thing for me?”

The man on the wall asked, his tone very sincere.

"Since I came here, I naturally wanted to stop you."

Jenkins scoffed.

"But don't you even dare come face to face with me or we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"But that's enough. I think I have roughly guessed the reason why you are going to imprison this person. If my guess is correct, you have no way to break free from the imprisonment of the clock tower, so you can only find a suitable one. What will happen if I destroy this body now?"

"Then I will have to find another suitable body. But it shouldn't be difficult, because there will soon be a large number of mortals living with this doomsday city, and I will have more choices then. , but the ceremony that I have prepared so hard has to be rearranged. I originally thought that I would be able to witness the moment of the end with my free body. It is such a pity..."

Chapter 1422 Chapter 1399 Herbs beside poisonous snakes

These words completely disappointed Jenkins, who had just regained some confidence. What was even more frightening was that what the other party said was actually the truth. In other words, even if the body in front of him was destroyed, he would not be able to prevent the doomsday Nolan from coming.

Seeing the expression on Jenkins' face, the person on the wall tried hard to raise his head and look at Jenkins:

"If you are not willing to accept this result, you can come to the clock tower to find me at any time after destroying this body. I look forward to witnessing the end of the world with you."

Then the body twitched violently again as if it had been electrocuted, and the small warehouse returned to calm.

Jenkins stepped forward and touched the body fixed on the wall to confirm that he was still alive, but it was just an empty shell, and the original soul was long gone.

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

But it's not over yet. When Jenkins looked here just now, what he saw was a white aura, not the colorful ability light spot of the Giver. In other words, the dazzling aura that attracted him was not this soulless body, but a gift hidden nearby.

It was a very inconspicuous-looking stone brick, placed majestically in the corner of the room. Because of the dilapidation of the warehouse, it is very appropriate for this brick to appear here. Except for the chosen ones who can feel the gift, no one can imagine what it is.

Jenkins carefully walked through the candles, bent down and picked up the stone brick. Its weight is not unusual, but it feels like jade.

After a slight exertion, the stone bricks cracked, and the stones turned into powder and scattered on the ground as if they had been weathered for thousands of years. Jenkins shook his hand to shake off the dust on his hand, and then saw the wooden whistle he was holding.

He hesitated for a moment to allow the whistle to establish contact with himself, then held it in his mouth and blew lightly. Amidst the pleasant chirping, a sudden gust of wind appeared in the originally windless city.

The gust of wind soon broke into the small warehouse, causing the flames of red candles everywhere in the warehouse to flicker and sway, but none of the candles were extinguished.

Along with the wind came a light blue soul shadow. He was wearing a floor-length robe and an expressionless mask commonly used by priests to cover his face.

"Who are you?"

asked Jenkins, who had thought the whistle had been left behind by the poor man on the wall before his soul was shattered.


"sorry, I dont understand."

"There are often detoxifying herbs next to highly venomous snakes, and there are naturally ways to understand all of this in the illusion of doomsday. The Lord is benevolent, and everything can be avoided. Regardless of whether it is a fantasy or illusion, this doomsday city actually exists. means of cracking.”

It was a voice that seemed to be floating from the sky. The last time I met someone who spoke like this was the old priest on the ice and snow castle.

Jenkins thought for a while before understanding this statement.

"Logically speaking, what you said makes sense, but...I don't understand why I happened to pick up this whistle here?"

He looked at the people hanging on the wall, and the meaning was quite obvious. At the same time, he was secretly complaining that the masters of other worlds like to do this kind of thing:

"It all seemed so staged."

"There are no coincidences in this world, only necessity. My presence makes this area the most spiritually-rich area in the city, so this is also the most suitable location for holding ceremonies in this doomsday city. It's not that I choose to appear here, but Someone chose to hold the ceremony here.”

"Did the Lord arrange for you to wait here?"

Jenkins asked, and the other party obviously hesitated:

"You actually know the great ones who control the world."

"In fact, I am not just aware of it... So can you tell me how I should save this doomsday city? Or, I just need you to take action."

"I'm not from the material world, so I can't interfere with everything here. I can tell you the method, but you have to do it yourself."

said the soul.

"no problem."

That's what Jenkins was waiting for.

"Blow the trumpet of Doomsday from a high altitude overlooking the city, and its destruction will bring the sound of blessing. At the darkest moment, let the new light illuminate the world. When the sound of blessing spreads throughout the Doomsday City, everything will collapse, and a new light will lead the future of the material world."

"That... could you please be more straightforward?"

The pale blue shadow nodded and said something else:

"Fly to the sky, muster up your strength to blow the whistle to pieces, and the sound of its destruction will indicate the destruction of the Doomsday City. This sound will cause the moon to fall, and the most terrifying darkness will shroud this place. You need to use the light generated by any extraordinary power at this time to illuminate the city. Then this place will usher in the end, and the light you raise will become a gift, which is your reward for destroying Doomsday."

Jenkins understood this rather colloquial statement, but he still had questions:

"But this seems to be a no-fly zone..."

"What kind of flying method have you used?"

" Riding a unicorn. "


The blue shadow repeated hesitantly, looked at Jenkins and asked at a slightly faster speed:

" have the blood of the high elf royal family? Which clan are you from?"

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. My blood comes from my ancestors, who are half-blood elves."

He briefly introduced, and then was aroused by this topic:

"Does it mean that even male elves cannot normally touch unicorns?"

"Only pure women, tender children or the royal family of high elves are qualified to be carried by unicorns. This is obvious. Obviously, your elf blood must be noble. This is really interesting. Since I followed my lord to the other side, I haven't seen high elves for a long time. What does this blood taste like... um? Descendant of a sacrifice?"

"Yes, you must be a descendant of a sacrifice in the elves."

The illusory figure nodded affirmatively, and then continued:

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