"about there."

After just one section, he stopped and let out a long breath. Miss Hesha looked at Jenkins and said, "Since you are here, it is very convenient. Now use your spirit body to see if all the people inside are asleep."

Jenkins nodded slightly, put down his cane, sat down against the wall, and then activated the blue ability.

The familiar process of the appearance of a spirit body, Miss Hesha did not have the ability to witness the spirit body, so she only looked at Jenkins' physical body curiously and could not see the black robe.

Before his spirit was consumed a lot, he quickly passed through the wall, his eyes swept across this place similar to a dressing room, and then he hurriedly returned to his body.

Chapter 108 Chapter 105 Rumors of the Saint

"No problem, there are three people inside, one man and two women, all asleep."

"very good."

Miss Hesha didn't doubt it, "You stand guard outside the door and notify me immediately if there is any movement. Within five minutes, I will come out regardless of whether I find the target or not. Be careful."

"no problem."

Jenkins said, then picked up his cane and watched the beautiful lady in disguise rush into the room.

With a slight glance across the wall, he saw the pile of light spots representing Miss Hesha, and slightly closer to the wall, something with the outline of a violin, emitting yellow light.

Shrugging, he turned to look at the entrance of the corridor, holding his cane in one hand and clasping his pocket watch in the other.

"How are we going to report tomorrow?"

He was troubled.

According to a certain theory, the best way to find a tennis ball that has fallen into the grass is not to start from the approximate landing point, but to search inch by inch from the edge.

Miss Hesha obviously didn't know this theory. Jenkins turned around accidentally and could see her walking quickly indoors, occasionally passing the target's location several times, but she didn't notice it every time.

Maybe that thing is covered...

When the red-haired girl's search lasted three minutes and forty-one seconds, two piles of light spots appeared in the corridor next door, one level 3 and one level 4.

Next to the third-level benefactor, there is a golden object in the shape of a book.

"Magical items?"

Jenkins was shocked. This shape had to be associated with his church, and then he realized that he was now in disguise.

"Oh, it seems it's late."

The two walked quickly, and in a few seconds they arrived under the oil painting of a knight at the other end of the corridor.

"Is there any chance of winning?"

asked the tall, extremely thin man. He was wearing a black top hat, black coat and trousers, as if he had just stepped out of a funeral.

"Let me see."

A short but equally thin man said in a low voice. He was also wearing all black clothes and looked down at the book in his hand.

"The odds of winning are 0.62, no, it's 0.42, no, it's 0.99 again, oh, my dear, how come it's 0."

He is a believer of the wise, but he should not be a gifter of the church.

"There's something wrong with the person opposite. Why do you keep meeting such strange people lately?"

The short man said cautiously, closed the book, looked up at the elegant gas lamp on the wall, then turned and ran away.

The tall man looked at his companion's actions in surprise, smiled sheepishly at Jenkins, and immediately ran away.


Although Jenkins didn't know where the two mentally ill men in front of him came from, he also knew that they had been fooled.

The two men immediately stopped, knelt on the ground with their hands raised, and even slid forward a few meters. Then they hit the ground with their knees and moved their bodies into a position facing Jenkins.

"Sorry to bother you!"

The two shouted together, and with their funny costumes, this scene was really...

"What are you doing here?"

Jenkins leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, asking in a deep voice.

"We are looking for a violin. When the Silver Jasmine Opera Troupe performed in New Truman City last month, we happened to encounter the incident of the arrival of the son of the evil god. We saw that a false god came to earth through a woman in the opera troupe. In this world, it is rumored that the items touched by the saint have a small chance of becoming special items due to the touch, so we traced them all the way here. "

"Did you accidentally hear something extraordinary?"

Jenkins' heart was fluctuating violently, but his face remained calm and calm.

It has been almost two months since the incident regarding the Evil God Son in New Truman City. Hasn’t the church solved it yet? It seems that the murderer who took away the [Fragment of Death's Cloak] also fled in that direction.

"Answer me one question and you can leave - which great being is it?"

"We dare not spy on the Saint!"

The two responded in a panic. Seeing that Jenkins stopped talking, he rubbed his knees against the ground and backed away carefully, disappeared behind the corner, and immediately got out of the window at an extremely fast speed.

Although this is on the second floor.

"There is a high probability that it is the [Wonderful Movement], otherwise there is no reason why both items are related to musical instruments. It seems that there is something wrong with Miss Hesha's reason for this item just now. But the [Suicidal Man's Last Chant] on the flesh puppet 】Where did it come from? Did he also go to New Truman City? If this is the case, is the arrival of the Evil God Son also related to the Light Chaser Club? There are too many cults involved in this matter? "

Jenkins squinted as he thought about this, then turned and opened the door behind him.

"Did you hear what those two people just said?"

Miss Hesha smiled stiffly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Not found, let's go."

He lifted up his long, flaxen hair that was stuck to his cheeks due to sweat (disguise), and pulled Jenkins to leave.

Jenkins gently shook the girl's hand and strode into the room. Turn left, open the second red wooden box, punch open the wooden box's mezzanine, and take out the red violin and bow contained in the blue cloth bag.

"Let's go."

He walked out quickly, handed the bag to Hesha, and then hurried out, his leather shoes clicking on the reflective white stone floor.

"You didn't tell the truth. You have abilities like [treasure detection]."

the woman accused.

Jenkins ignored her and quickly disappeared down the corridor with his heart full of thoughts.


She stamped her foot hard to show her bad mood, took out a few banknotes from her pocket and pressed them under the box in front of the makeup mirror. Then he took off his high heels and jumped out of the window.

Holding her shoes, she carefully walked barefoot on the grass outside the opera house for a while, then blew a whistle, and a girl dressed as a maid immediately walked out not far away.

"Take this back and leave it there."

She handed over the blue piano bag, and the maid nodded in panic, then turned around and ran towards the carriage parked in the shadow under the tree.


After removing her disguise and tidying up her somewhat messy clothes, the red-haired girl walked back to the opera house.

"Huh, William, don't think that you can show off your power in front of me with some special abilities, I won't be grateful to you."

Angrily, she climbed to the second floor in high heels. She was in a hurry to search, and she obviously didn't hear the strange words the two strange men said about the chance of winning.

He took a deep breath, then exhaled, and the expression on his face returned to elegance and peace.

"Why have you been gone so long?"

Brienne Mihail, who was wearing a gorgeous lace embroidered dress, complained softly, but did not look back, still holding up the golden telescope on the top of the metal rod to look at the singers.

PS: Spoiler warning!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

The incident of the Evil God and His Son in New Truman City has been mentioned in the previous article, but the outcome of this incident may not appear until some days. We are still collecting the fragments of the incident (Fragment 1: The Evil God and His Son; Fragment 2: The God of Death’s Cloak Fragment; Fragment 3: Light Chaser Club) in the process. Once the rough truth is pieced together, Nolan City will have a more interesting story.

Chapter 109 Chapter 106 Misunderstanding and Windfall

"Here you go...really, you asked me to accompany you here even though you knew you were in poor health."

The red-haired girl whispered, then sat next to her friend.

After the opera ended, the two ladies waited until the gentlemen and ladies downstairs had finished exiting before walking out of the opera house side by side. Hathaway Hertha, who was a little worried, excused herself from feeling unwell and said goodbye to Bryony Michael in advance and went home in her own carriage.

"Who did she go to see just now?"

After waving goodbye to the departing carriage, the smile on her face immediately disappeared. The blond noble girl asked the inconspicuous maid standing behind her.

"After Miss Hersha left the box for the first time, she met Mr. Willemt who was waiting there in the foyer of the Opera House. The two walked out of the Opera House and disappeared without a trace."

The maid replied expressionlessly.

"How long have they been gone?"

Miss Michael's eyes narrowed.

"Ten minutes, but Miss Hesha walked back from outside the library alone. At that time... her skirt was a little messy."

The maid carefully told the truth about what she saw.

"I see."

The noble lady's face was hidden in the shadows, and her expression could not be seen.

Jenkins didn't know he was involved in trouble. He returned home with chocolates in his arms, changed into his pajamas, and turned on the kerosene lamp on the table.

"The Son of the Evil God."

He whispered softly, and Chocolate, who was lying on the bed, flapped his ears a few times, and then stopped without interest.

"I always feel that this matter will involve me. Is this the strange sixth sense brought about by the accumulation of spirits?"

He summoned the purple light point again. When he was in the deified state last time, he used the power of divinity to explore the function of this ability. Probably, when you encounter the node of destiny, if you explore enough information, destiny will guide you to the unknown path forward.

He concentrated there and nothing happened.

"very good."

I sighed softly, then picked up the book on one side and flipped through it a few times. I glanced at this chapter of modern literary history and found that I still had no intention of reading any more.

Shake his head and go to bed.

When I woke up, the sky outside turned slightly red, and I could already hear the crisp cries of the newsboys.

Jenkins yawned, wore pajamas, walked to the yard with a shovel, and dug out the buried bone.

The color of the red line that restricts the aura of strange things has become very light. I am afraid that it will not take long before it will spread pollution outwards wantonly.

But Jenkins did not find information about the ritual magic that blessed the red thread in the Secret Library. He planned to keep the thing for another week. If he could not find a way to destroy it within a week, he would find a night, wear a black robe and throw it into [Death and the End] ] At the entrance to the cemetery where the church is located, they should be experts in dealing with this kind of thing.

After burying the bones again, Jenkins cooked some rice porridge, fried a few eggs, took the newspapers and milk delivered at the door into the house, greeted Mr. Goodman next door warmly who was going to work, and then began to calm down. day.

After copying the daily tadpole essay in his father's shop, Jenkins took out another piece of paper and planned to write a report on last night's events and hand it in.

"Have you encountered anything special?"

Dad inquired.

"I was in the box all the time, and fell asleep when the second bar began to be sung. During the scene where Mr. Bout was reprimanded by the saint, I was awakened by the exciting piano ensemble."

"So, you really went alone?"

he asked in disbelief.

"And chocolate."


When the cat heard his name, he barked immediately.

"By the way, when I was in the box, I saw two men in black clothes sneaking around in the lobby on the first floor. One of them was holding a book in his hand. It felt like that This book is very strange.”

Jenkins added.

"You weren't the only one who saw them."

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