If left unchecked, this bone could generate an army of dead souls that could overwhelm an entire city within half a year.

The red thread is a special item blessed through ritual magic, which limits the aura of this strange thing from being detected. Otherwise, there is no need for evil spirits to kill people. Just the mental pollution caused by strange things can directly turn a general public hospital into a single-specialty mental hospital.

"Smell of sulfur? Demon?"

Jenkins thought as he continued digging in the soil, and soon saw the rotting body of a woman in the soil.

Slightly tired, he sighed and dug the poor slum woman out completely. He hesitated and drew the sage's holy symbol on his chest:

"May the sage bless you and your light illuminate her path forward!"

There has never been a shortage of such poor people in the slums of Nolan City. The number of corpses abandoned in sewers, street alleys and slaughterhouses is astronomical.

Jenkins pity her, but will not forget the innocent people who died because of it.

In the evil spirit's memory read, there are a total of 6 innocent people possessed by other spirits, and they are now located in various corners of Nolan City.

Jenkins couldn't kill them, leave that to the church. But there are some people he can save.

Wearing a black robe, we walked all the way to the end of the hospital courtyard. Behind the low yellow earthen wall were three small piles of light spots. Jenkins opened the door silently and saw three bodies lying on their backs.

These three were all illegal benefactors in Nolan City. They were caught by evil spirits and tried to replace their souls, but they were eliminated before they could take action because they coveted Jenkins' body.

The one closest to the door was Miss Hesha, whom he had not seen for some days. Jenkins used candles to burn the rotten green wounds of the three of them, and slid silently into the distance under the eyes of six confused and frightened eyes.

In the sky where Jenkins was not looking, a brand new star was emitting purple brilliance.

Many people will lose sleep that night. The vision in the sky shows that a brand new false god has been born, but no one can judge the scope of this great existence's priesthood by its position.

On the outskirts of Nolan City, [Starry Sky and Equilibrium] Church, astrology tower, top of the tower.

Miss Evegarden, a believer in [The Starry Sky], and Miss Audrey, a believer in [The Hermit of Destiny], nervously looked at the star map in their hands.

"It's really in Nolan. The prophesied [unknown road ahead] is here."

Audrey murmured.

"But there are nine saviors predicted in C-07-0-0001 [Epic of Time]. Why..." Evegarden looked at her close friend with some worry. The paranoid expression on her face was very abnormal. .

"Now the [Unknown Road Ahead] [World Tree Seedlings] [Twin Demons] are all here. Nolan City will be like the frozen towers and desolate temples recorded in the great history, and the selected saviors will gather together. Gather here, this will become the stage for a duel of fate!”

Miss Audrey repeated her words affirmatively, shook her hair, and rolled up the star map again.

"The purple star of destiny predicted in the epic has appeared, and the dawn star of the end of the era will also appear in the starry sky within fifty years. We are running out of time, before the cataclysm begins, in the final mystery - the Calamity Before the beast appears, a savior must be found. The epic of this era has reached its final chapter, and the theme of the last chapter is [Steam]. The final disaster should be related to this era. "

Jenkins couldn't handle the strange bone. After digging out all the woman's rotten body and neatly placing it in a conspicuous place, he hurried toward home wearing a black robe.

PS: This book is not an invincible stream. To briefly summarize, in his short deified state, Jenkins only did four things: read the memory of the evil spirit, investigate the role of the purple light spot, visually watch the evil spirit collapse, and confirm that it was the time traveler who swallowed the indigenous people and not the indigenous people. Integrated time traveler.

Chapter 87 Chapter 84 365

The kitten Chocolat jumped down from the tree, glanced at the female corpse with disdain, then meowed in a milky voice, and scurried into the shadows with its tail swung.

He didn't take the black robe back until he entered the house. Using this gift for a long time was extremely draining on the spirit. Tiptoeing up the stairs, Chocolate was not asleep yet, but was lying on the bed obediently waiting for Jenkins to return.

"I'm back."

He whispered to Chocolate, then felt like a fool.

After washing, he sat on the edge of the bed under the red and blue moonlight. Jenkins patted the soft chocolate fur and explored the fragmented knowledge in his mind.

In the quiet night, blood flowed silently from his nostrils. Jenkins squeezed his temples hard and then wiped away the blood stains with a wet wipe. When I opened my eyes, the giant tree that reached the sky in the last scene seemed to be still in front of me.

"The original owner of the divinity was a false god in the form of a plant."

Jenkins judged that because of the tempering of the whispers at the end of the month, the gaze of the sage, and the shadow of the evil god, he had been able to quickly return to normal after a brief dizziness.

Pick up the pen from the desk, flick it a few times, and record the three pieces of knowledge you just gained on the paper.

First, there is a white basic ability called [Animal Affinity], which has the same effect as its name. Although the materials needed to hold the learning ceremony are cheap and common, the ceremony must be performed on October 21 of each year.

Second, special ritual·breath of life. The vitality of plants or animals is extracted through a specific method, and part of it is absorbed into oneself to extend life. Theoretically, if one has the financial resources to continuously hold such rituals, one can live to be 999 years old. This lifespan seems to be a threshold, and if you exceed this number, you will be restricted.

"It hurts Tianhe."

Jenkins thought for a while and decided not to tell anyone about this ritual for the rest of his life. As for whether he can use it, it's too early to think about it now, he is still very young.

The third piece of knowledge is a simple piece of information. Neither the true gods nor the false gods exist in this world, nor are they near the real world, that is, the star realm or the shadow realm. They can temporarily project themselves in the form of an incarnation of a saint, but this requires not only divinity but also a suitable vessel.

Jenkins scratched his hair. He was not the original owner of this body, and he was not from this world. So, he now belongs to the form of a saint without divinity? Aren't you also a monster?

The knowledge about God is always obscure. Tonight's time traveler briefly got rid of the shackles of the body due to the stupid behavior of the evil spirit, and elevated his own status by burning the divinity that did not belong to him.

But there are still many mysteries in this matter. If you want to repeat this process, not only will your soul need to leave the body again, but you also don’t know where to find the divinity that builds the body.

"I am God."

He turned off the gas light and lay on the bed holding the chocolate and giggling. The cat pawed at his face in dissatisfaction.

"Then, from this moment on, set a small goal, find a drop of divinity, gain new knowledge, and then look forward to the day when you can truly become a god."

He couldn't forget the feeling of his soul rising to another level. Yes, he was addicted.

[Spirit Nest] is a strange object and cannot be destroyed by normal means. This thing is now a hot potato. I don’t know what the consequences will be if I throw it around. If I hand it over, I can’t explain its origin.

After thinking about it, Jenkins buried it in his yard. The next time he went to church, he hoped to find some clues from the underground library.

After daybreak, Jenkins I Was a God William came to his father's place to work as usual.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?"

Today, it was rare for my father to sit in the fake antique rocking chair and read the newspaper. Instead, he looked at the ceiling with a melancholy look on his face.

"It's okay, it's just that Chocolate kept me awake at night and made a fuss."

The cat jumped off Jenkins' shoulder in dissatisfaction, wagged its tail at him, and then found a comfortable position to lie on the counter.

"Something big happened last night, a new star appeared."

Dad lowered his head and touched his nose, then slapped his stiff neck hard, "The book I asked you to read contains part of the knowledge about the starry sky, so you should know what it means to have an extra bright star in the sky."


Jenkins replied, then was stunned, "A new great being has appeared?"

After saying this, he realized that he should be talking about himself.

The father nodded, his sparse eyebrows drooped, and his expression was a little melancholy, "There are 12 true gods and 365 false gods. When my grandfather's grandfather was a child, this number was like this. I never thought that I would meet new gods in my lifetime. A big event has occurred, sage~"

"365? How is this number determined? The number of days in a year seems to be..."

Jenkins couldn't care less about acting, this time he was really surprised.


The father raised his head slightly, and glanced at his young apprentice with cloudy eyes over his somewhat wide round glasses, "What do you think is recorded on the stone tablet that you copy every day? Young man, there are many unknown things in this world."

He sighed again: "Let me tell you one more thing. Purple represents the color of fate. It is never a good thing for purple stars to appear in the sky. Now that you have moved out and live by yourself, you have more time at your disposal. , you should go to Mr. Ink Club often, and you should also follow the rituals I teach you diligently, the changes in the starry sky are really not good..."



Dad nodded in agreement, "[Knowledge and Books] The church has the most comprehensive inheritance of information, and this is the teachings of the sages. The appearance of fate is often a precursor to chaos in the world, or else it is an extremely powerful existence. Birth."

Shaking his head, he casually threw a silver piece on the counter, "Do you still remember what you asked about the devil?"

"of course I remember."

Jenkins nodded immediately.

"Well, let's put it this way, when I was young, I saw the record of Purple Destiny from a certain reference room in the Holy See.

It was a story about a demon so widely circulated that it happened so long ago that even the church wasn't sure when it happened. During the famine, in order to bring happiness to his younger brothers and sisters, the brave boy went to a hidden space alone and made a deal with the devil. "

"I've heard this story!"

He said it immediately, and had heard both versions.

"Don't interrupt when Dad is talking! The stories recorded by the church are definitely different from what you heard."

"Please tell me."

Jenkins sat down obediently, and the cat lay beside him with great interest.

Chapter 88 Chapter 85 Demon Story (3)

"As we all know, creatures like the devil cannot be trusted. The boy's wish is to realize the lifelong happiness of his younger brother and sister, but the devil is not willing to execute such a long-term contract. So, it tampered with the boy's contract. The power of fate will guide the boy to eventually kill his closest relatives and then commit suicide. In this way, the time limit of the contract will be reduced, and the boy's soul will be obtained by the devil in advance. "

"Only in this way?"

"of course not!"

Dad was emotional.

"The boy knew that the devil was always cunning, but he was kind and simple, thinking that as long as he paid the reward, the devil would keep his promise. So, he committed suicide."

Jenkins scratched his hair, not knowing how to describe it.

"Contracts can be manipulated, but the content must be fair to both parties, although most of the time the beneficial parts will be avoided. The most secret information records that the boy's premature death prevented the realization of the power of destiny in the contract. , the demon was counterattacked by the power of fate, and part of its power flowed back into the boy's soul.

As a result, the boy became a new devil, a devil with the power of destiny, a devil who was new but absolutely mysterious. "


"So it was sealed forever by the Orthodox Church. Remember, Jenkins, once you become a demon, it is absolutely impossible to return to normal."

Dad said irritably, his mood was a bit wrong today, especially after telling this story. Probably, this reminded him of some experiences in his youth. The last time he was in the Strange Land, Jenkins heard some stories about his father's youth.

Jenkins finished his daily copying task in the morning and took leave without eating at noon to go to church. He still had a lot of information to check.

[Knowledge and Books] The church has been repaired for half a month. During this visit, the chapel and the large library have been basically repaired. However, Jenkins did not meet Captain Binsi. After asking for a while, he went to the dock to welcome him to the Broken Islands. The missionary priesthood went.

"By the way, the church's combat troops are back today."

Only then did Jenkins think of it. He walked into the low building along the courtyard, greeted the young janitor, and then followed the secret passage in Room 0123 to the ground floor.

Old-fashioned oil lamps are embedded in the walls on both sides of the spiral staircase. After turning a few times, you will see a huge hall at the end of the staircase. At the end is an ancient bronze door. On the door are inscribed verses praising the sages as well as sealing runes and rituals. Array. It is said that the Ice Messenger Brut was trapped here for the entire day, but now there is no trace of a fight here.

The person responsible for guarding the door was an old man over fifty years old. Like Mr. Smith, whom Jenkins knew, he was the church's keeper. And behind this bronze door lies the secret of the church.

"My name is Jenkins Redemption Willamette."

As he spoke, he opened his hands and released a soul emblem that looked like a sapling. The old man's wrinkled mouth did not open, but the old voice reached Jenkins' ears.


"The Secret Library."

Jenkins said calmly that the library on the ground floor of the church that is open to believers is the Great Library, while the underground part is only open to the church's subordinate giftees.

"Your permission is level 4, opening the first level, with a time limit of 6 hours. I hope you have brought a timing tool."

said the old man.

Level 0 is the highest authority, and level 5 is the lowest. It is somewhat similar to the security level of ABC items. Originally, Jenkins' deeds of sacrifice to the gods were enough to open most of the library and underground collections to him. But for some unknown reason, the reward from the Archdiocese has not arrived, and the diocese has not been able to go ahead and award the reward in advance.

A thin crack opened in the bronze door, splitting the huge sage's holy symbol in the center of the door into two parts.

"I understand, sir."

Jenkins nodded to the old man and quickly got in.

He heard his father say that if this bronze door is opened at different angles, the door will lead to different locations. This door exudes a dazzling yellow aura in Jenkins' [Eye of Reality] vision. This is B-10-5-0400, the Gate of All Things, one of the most important items of the [Knowledge and Books] church in the Diocese of Nolan.

Behind the door is a long corridor, and the curved wall above the head is made of red stone bricks. Every ten meters, simple chandeliers hung from overhead, fixed to them were candles emitting strange scents.

This is a candle made of extremely precious spices that refreshes the mind and strengthens memory. One candle is worth Jenkins's year's income.

There are rows of bookshelves in the corridor, and there is a table next to the door. On the table is a large book, which is the catalog of books in the Secret Library.

"Be cautious."

Jenkins said to himself.

This is the most important location of the church, and Jenkins estimates there will be surveillance. After scanning for a week, there is a faint aura everywhere. Although it is not as shining as ABC items, there is reason to believe that every inch of the ground under your feet is protected by ritual spells.

Jenkins did not dare to directly look for the information he wanted. Instead, he was determined to follow the questions his father encountered during his studies to find and solve them. Occasionally, I would flip through a few books, flipping through the information like a curious newcomer. After some effort, I found out about the cube metal seal.

It is a very unique sealing method that uses a large amount of high-purity gold, silver, and other special metals with spiritual powers.

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