The voices of the clergy and scribes resonated with each other, and even the pagans raised their weapons in the flames, ready to face the impending end of no survivors.

The clergy flew forward, and the scepter in his hand burst into an extremely bright light; the knight rode forward, and the blade in his hand radiated a chilling power.

The black light ball and the golden light ball collided completely in the next second, with a large number of trees falling down as the center, and spider-web-like cracks appeared on the ground. The burst of energy dispersed the black clouds in the sky, but at this moment, behind the black clouds was a dim night sky.

The flames that destroyed the forest were still burning, enveloping people and the dead outside the barren land; there was no sunlight to shine on the living, because the night was already late.

The five major church givers stood together with firm expressions, and Jenkins half-knelt on the barren land, and all the abnormalities on his body disappeared.

Pompeii stood at the other end of the land, and the pieces of armor on his body peeled off, revealing half of his face, and one-third of the bones on the horse were missing.

But he still sat on the horse. Although the army of undead behind him was mostly purified by divine magic, the remaining undead were still roaring and preparing to attack.

"Look, I am the protagonist of the stage, there is no mistake about this."

Pompey's voice was weak but stable. He stuck his sword into the ground to stabilize the balance of the horse. After breaking half of the visor, he could see the black and sticky blood flowing on his dirty face.

"No, the protagonist of the stage is not you."

Jenkins stood up with the help of the ground, feeling that all the muscles in his body were sore. The people behind him wanted to help him, but he waved his hand and refused.

"Ahem... You have already lost. The blessed state of the Son of God is not the state of the saint descended by God. You just used the sourceless power given by the gods, and now this power is gone. And I..."

He pulled out the sword stuck in the soil and pointed the blade at the living:

"And death and my army~"


The undead made a shrill sound, and the crackling flames reflected those terrible things red. Outside the sea of ​​fire, the giant in the background completely knocked down the dragon, and the dragon's blood spilled into the forest.

"What else do you have, Jenkins William? Even if your life is smooth sailing, even if you become the son of God at the age of 20, you are not the protagonist, I am, you are just my stepping stone. Tell me, what else do you have, Jenkins William!"

His voice suddenly took on a crazy tone, and his body and the sword trembled at the same time. In Jenkins' eyes, the aura emitted by Pompey and the sword was exactly the same.

"I still have..."

Jenkins stood up and raised his right hand high. He looked up at the sky, and red blood also flowed from his forehead, but the man's eyes were still firm. This was the first time that he really felt that he was the protagonist of this world.


The short and sharp eagle cry broke through the sky, and the eagle carrying the black cat flew over the elderberry forest and circled into the sea of ​​fire. On the left side of the clearly divided battlefield were Jenkins and the gifters, and on the right side were Pompey and his undead army.

The eagle soared under the boundless dark clouds, and the green bead with a red string under the cat's claws fell from the sky and was caught by Jenkins by chance.

"I still have my cat!"

The right hand was put down but still raised in front of the chest, the palm facing down, the red string was wrapped around the index finger, and the bead fell.

The green bead was filled with green breath, emitting light and heat like a burning green fireball.

The extreme greenness gushed out from the bead at this moment, and the green light column turned into a long handle. Jenkins grabbed the hilt of the sword at the position of the bead, and turned his right hand to raise the light column.

The light dissipated, and the long sword engraved with runes appeared in Jenkins' hand. The vines wrapped around the hilt, the pointer was embedded in the inside of the sword body, and the wooden sword body had the ancient wood grain, and the vicissitudes of life seemed to have experienced the growth of all things.

PS: Pay attention to the description in this chapter. The description of the cat on the eagle is "black cat", not the original black and white color of chocolate.

Chapter 921 Chapter 904 The Death of Pompeii (10/10)

"I have more than you!"

Jenkins imitated Pompeii and raised the runewood sword in his hand to his opponent. Hundreds of animals rushed out of the burning jungle behind him.

Jenkins did not do anything, and the wind suddenly blew. This was a wind different from the continuous gloomy wind. The wind swept from the east of the valley, and there were green spots in the wind. Along with the sound of the wind, the whole forest made a rustling sound.

This sound almost resonated with the whole land, and the giant tree in the center of the forest shook the moment the long sword appeared in Jenkins' hand. When Chocolate led the animals out of the sea of ​​fire, green ripples spread out from the tree trunk.

The ripples seemed to resonate with the sword in Jenkins' hand. The deer leaping out of the sea of ​​fire had silver armor on their bodies. The feathers of the eagles carrying chocolates from the sky turned into noble gold. The rabbits' bodies grew rapidly, calling for a gentle wind. The long snakes leaped up and grew two wings as soft as white gauze...

These mutated animals passed the church's gifters and Jenkins in an instant, and confronted the surging undead army head-on.

Jenkins and Pompey looked at each other on the battlefield, feeling the powerful force brought by the sword in his hand.

"Now do you know who the protagonist is?"

In fact, Jenkins was not very clear about what happened. The words he just said ["I have more than you!\

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