Chapter 881 Chapter 864: Exchange of Knowledge

Although the old man in the wheelchair is also in human form, his ears are angular. They are not the shape of elves or humans, but a species called [Fangs Fairy], whose tribe has generations of hatred with the Frost Giants.

Fangs Fairy is a truly peaceful race. Their entire tribe believes in the righteous god [Inherited Sage], and spends their lives reading books at home as their lifelong pursuit.

Jenkins can tell the race of the old man in front of him, and Miss Silver Flute and Miss Magic can naturally see it too. The three of them hesitated and did not speak, not knowing what the old man in front of them, who seemed to be at the door of the city hall, smiling and receiving relief food, wanted to do.

"Welcome... Oh, the three of you are all peace-loving races, and I welcome you very much. But Pinocchio over there, please keep an eye on your cat."


Chocolate roared without giving in, and to others it sounded like a kitten acting coquettish.

"Although I really want to let you go, this is a strange place after all..."

The old man clasped his hands together and placed them on his legs. If it weren't for the terrible forbidden books on the bookshelf and the dense eyes hanging from the ceiling, he would probably be a kind librarian.

"Young men, the drinks are on the shelf behind you, but it's not so easy for me to drink them."

His eyes swept over the three people standing there, and his face with a kind smile suddenly turned up, almost to the back of his ears.

"Let's exchange knowledge. As long as I am satisfied, you can leave...if you really want to leave."

This threatening word has two meanings. First, the three people must provide satisfactory knowledge, and then they must be able to bear the knowledge exchanged.

Jenkins felt that he seemed to have seen this scene somewhere before. After a trance, he finally remembered the golden man who shouted "Knowledge is power".

He wanted to say something, but his arm was pulled by the energy arm. The magic lady behind him shook her head at Jenkins, and then let all the runes in her body fly out, forming a strange and grand ritual formation in the air. The three pointers spun rapidly in the ritual, and this feeling reminded Jenkins of the destroyed clock.

"Time flows backwards... interesting knowledge."

The old man nodded, and the tongue in his mouth seemed to be stretched out, licking his entire face. This is not the appearance of the Fangs fairy. Although the Fangs fairy is also a different species, according to Jenkins, their tongues are the same as humans, and they cannot make such disgusting movements.

"So, what kind of strange race is this?"

Although the current progress is still smooth, the haze that is there and not there is still weighing on Jenkins' heart.

"I accept your knowledge, it is very interesting."

As he said, a stack of blank paper appeared in the air, and the rune formation that was just revealed was printed on it. The old man coughed violently, and then suddenly said loudly:

" @¥#¥%%……%¥#"

It was a meaningless language explained in the common language. But if we abandon the concept of language itself, this passage can be interpreted as:

[Here are the fragments of the "Humanity Bath"! ]

The mental shock of a moment even made Jenkins a little dazed. He heard the sound of the rune chain on Miss Silver Flute's arm breaking and the sound of blood spurting. And the energy body of Miss Magic, who was standing in front of Jenkins, showed signs of disintegration.

For a few seconds, the woman's body completely disappeared in this space, but finally stabilized. The color of the energy body almost became transparent, and the runes covering the body were less than one-tenth left.

Miss Magic was lucky. Miss Silver Flute fainted again under the impact of this illegal knowledge. This reminded Jenkins of the situation when Miss Audrey said [The Master of the Strange Realm] in Quirrell. The words just now were definitely an ancient language that was no less than Quirrell.

"Are you okay?"

He asked, first pulling Miss Silver Flute to lie down against the wall and using [Life Source] to treat her, and then reaching out to support Miss Magic. But his wooden hand went straight through the body, and his eyes saw that the rune necklace on his chest had cracks.

"Damn it!"

The magic lady cursed very inelegantly, and then stood up by herself. She shook her head, as if she had lost her sense of balance, and her whole body was staggering. The woman's body was now out of the material form, and the healing ability of [Origin of Life] was probably useless to her, so Jenkins used the precious healing opportunity on Miss Silver Flute.

She looked like she couldn't form a fighting force, but she was lucky to be alive.

"You go take care of Miss Silver Flute."

Jenkins said softly, then walked to the bookshelf with his cat and looked at the old man in the wheelchair.

"[Humanity Bath]? I wonder who dominates this world?"

He asked calmly, trying to resist the nausea and discomfort.

"Now you are giving me knowledge, not me."

The malicious voice answered.

Jenkins was shocked. Although he had speculated that the strange world was a fragment of another world in the past, this was the first time it had been positively recognized. Since the old man did not object to his statement, it means that at least the place he is currently in is indeed peeled off from the world of a certain master.

"Sure enough, these questions that cannot be answered in the material world can only be found out in the mysterious world... Many opportunities were wasted in the past..."

While thinking about it, I already knew what I should do now. He took a deep breath, first activated the [Wooden Body], and then hummed the tune gently according to the "Song of Nature" that he remembered whispering at the end of the month.

Jenkins himself has no musical talent, and his current humming recovery rate is less than 60%. But it was enough, as the tune appeared, the wooden structure of the body began to change.

He has not become taller or fatter, but the wood grain on his body is gradually deepening, and the color of the wood has begun to become old, and even patina has appeared. When the whole song ended, Jenkins felt that the hardness of his body was comparable to steel.

"The complete "Song of Nature"? It's interesting. The material world is really full of people... Let me think about what kind of knowledge I should use to repay you..."

Chapter 882 Chapter 865 Dangerous Knowledge

The impact of "Song of Nature" is not only to make Jenkins' wooden body stronger. After the song ends, the huge spirit of nature stimulates the activity of the wood and gives it new vitality. Very slowly, densely packed small whiskers appeared on the torso, dancing in the air like tentacles. This is not something evil, but the regrowth of wood due to the activation of vitality.

Jenkins' feet grew roots, which were exposed on his skin and face, and the roots were swaying slowly. He knew very well that if he were not in an alien form, "Song of Nature" would never be able to be fully sung. The song itself contains the energy of oppressing the body. With Jenkins's human body, his throat cannot bear such a responsibility.

He took a deep breath and felt the flow of the spirit of life in his body. She stood in front of Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute, and turned slightly to look at the women. Miss Magic also happened to look up to check on Jenkins.

The face covered with tentacles was clearly reflected in the senses of the [Rune Tribe] alien species. Her vocal organ emitted a painful wail, and the originally dim body became more transparent again.

"Don't turn around!"

Miss Magic reminded loudly.

"Feel sorry!"

Jenkins also knows that his current appearance may not be very good-looking.

"Then, let me give you this knowledge!"

The old man in the wheelchair finally made a decision, and the strange language echoed in the library. Whether they are awake or unconscious creatures, they can clearly hear the content.

Suddenly, an hallucination appeared in front of his eyes. A naked woman came from a distance with a sweet smile. If you look closely, it seems to be Hathaway's face, but it also seems to be Britney's face. Behind the woman, more and more young girls are laughing and playing and rushing towards Jenkins.


Chocolate slapped Jenkins' face firmly and hard with her claws. The cat's claws and the solid wooden face fought against each other, making a harsh and sharp sound.

This sound awakened Jenkins who was immersed in fantasy. If he hadn't been shameless now, his face would have been very red.

"Damn, what was I thinking?"

It was clear to him that he was thinking back to the weekend nights of the previous two weeks, both of which had been filled with intense and exciting events.

"It turns out that the [Wire Operator] with a wooden body really didn't respond to the knowledge of the curse of sex and sexual reproduction. I thought you would **** those two women. Damn it, if I had known better, I should have tried your ability to God understands that the way those gods appear is not just a path to promotion..."

The old man looked regretful and his voice gradually dropped, but the malice in his words made the magical lady behind Jenkins tremble.

Her current state is not in physical form, so she has a certain resistance to the second knowledge. And Miss Yindi, who was the only one in the flesh-god state, was unconscious at the moment, so luckily she didn't show any abnormality.

"Then let's start the third round... Oh, the old man over there has passed out, I think you can do it for me. So, who will exchange knowledge with me?"

Although he asked this question, the old man stared at Jenkins closely. He knew that the rune clan over there had lost the ability to move, and the protagonist now could only be this weird puppet in front of him.

"I'll do it."

Jenkins had no intention of discussing it with Miss Magic. He now had an idea. The old man in front of him had to pay the price for what he had done.

"[Gift of knowledge]."

He muttered silently in his heart, and with the rapid flow of spirit, two silver light bands appeared on the outside of the body. They are like two rushing rivers, in which countless fragments of memory and knowledge flow and collide.

Except for Jenkins, no one knew how terrifying these two light strips were.

The last time he gave the old key manager knowledge, it caused a change in the soul, which made Jenkins alert. He began to understand that the collision between abnormal knowledge and the soul does not necessarily cause the soul to be severely damaged, so when choosing knowledge as an attack weapon, he must be very cautious.

"Is this the [Knowledge Grant] of the Sage Church? Interesting, are you a believer of the Sage? I am looking forward to the knowledge you share with me."

The old man said happily, constantly washing his face with his tongue. He did not realize what the man with roots under his feet and tentacles on his face was planning. But at least maintaining such an optimistic mood can reduce some pain before death.

"This is the knowledge I gave you."

As he said, Jenkins' wooden finger popped out and bounced an irregularly shaped silver piece towards the old man in the wheelchair. The old man did not dodge and let the silver piece go straight into his head.

He nodded:

"Awesome, this is..."


First the head exploded from the center, then the body and limbs. The body scattered, splashing various red, white and black liquids onto the surrounding bookshelves, bones and organs scattered all over the ground, and various body parts flew in all directions due to the sudden explosion.

After landing, the various parts of the body continued to explode on their own, crackling like ignited firecrackers, bouncing on the ground and bookshelves. The whole person exploded into hundreds of pieces, then thousands of pieces, and then tens of thousands of pieces.

When the last crackling explosion ended, the library suddenly returned to a strange silence. The wheelchair was still in the aisle in the middle of the bookshelf, and there was no trace of the old man around.

The blood, flesh and bones were all blown to ashes. At least in this space, there were no other creatures except Jenkins, three people and a cat.

"What did you give him?"

Miss Magic's surprised voice sounded behind him.

"Some travel experiences. You know, I'm not from Nolan. My hometown is in a very far place. I can't remember my travel experience to Nolan clearly. Only vague impressions remain..."

That was the vague and weird impression Jenkins had before he came to this world. The stranger didn't know why he came here, and his memory of the process was not very clear, but at least he knew that those impressions were enough to kill the old man just now.

"The effect seems a bit too good..."

He originally planned to knock the old man unconscious and then force the wine down his throat. But now he is dead without a dregs left, and the three people's mission is not yet completed.

"What should we do now?"

Looking back at Miss Magic with a little embarrassment, the woman shivered and avoided his face, and then realized the situation they were facing.

PS: Three updates today, and one more at noon.

Chapter 883 Chapter 866 Greed and Departure

"Try to see if the door you came from can be pushed open."

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Miss Magic whispered a suggestion.

Jenkins nodded, lifted his legs with difficulty and walked to the door with heavy steps, and pushed the door open with a slight force. Although the inside was pitch black from the outside, the scenery outside could be seen from the inside.

It was still raining heavily, and the dark clouds were almost pressing down from the sky. The whistling wind broke into the library through the door opened by Jenkins, making the man at the door shiver involuntarily.

"Let's go."

He turned around and went to support Miss Silver Flute, who was still unconscious, and Miss Magic stood up on her own. But she did not go to the door, but went straight to the bookshelf over there, stretched out her hand and took down the book "Abyss Rune".

"What are you going to do?"

"Take souvenirs. Mr. Candle, do you want to take some souvenirs too? This is an uncommon opportunity."

As she said, the woman waved the book with cold-toned patterns in her hand towards Jenkins. Those patterns were not evenly displayed on the cover of the book, but intertwined with each other according to an inexplicable pattern. As the woman waved the book, Jenkins seemed to hear a call from the abyss.

"Isn't it too dangerous? This is a strange place."

Jenkins still maintained a conservative attitude.

"Of course I know this is a strange place. But in my opinion, compared with my humble life, these rare knowledge are the most precious. If I die because of my greedy peeping at this knowledge, then this will be my most glorious way of death."

"Are you a believer of the sage?"

"No, I am a believer of the god of ritual."

The woman nodded very affirmatively, and Jenkins' mouth trembled, but he refused to take the book. If he was cursed because of this, it would not be worth it. He was not interested in any of the books here.

Suddenly, he felt his shoulders clear, and the puppet Chocolate jumped off Jenkins' shoulders disobediently. Although it was a wooden body, it was still very agile. It first jumped onto the old man's wheelchair, and then jumped from the handle of the wheelchair to the top of the bookshelf.

Its little claws reached down and kept rubbing on the spine of one of the books.

"No, the books here are not ours, and if you touch other people's things, you will be cursed!"

Jenkins warned, but he didn't expect Chocolate to make a wronged "meow~" sound. He could only put Miss Silver Flute down temporarily, then jumped up and grabbed the tough cat away.

It was then that I saw the book that the cat liked, which was called "Lost Faith - The First World". The spine was all black except for the title, and the thickness of the whole book was about the same as the red bricks used in construction.

"That's not our book. If you like to tear up books, I'll buy you other books when we get back, okay?"

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