With Mr. Pisco's "omniscience", Jenkins originally thought that after he arrived at the location, there would be homeless people, newspaper boys, passing wild cats and other creatures who would deliver the keys and gold pounds to him.

"Don't you have a number? Oh, yes, we also provide short-term safe deposit boxes. Are you here to get something from the safe deposit box? Please give me the key number."

The woman at the reception desk spread her palms to Jenkins.


Jenkins still didn't have a key.

The woman shook her head, sat down again with her legs crossed and continued knitting, without even looking at Jenkins:

"The lost and found is on the right hand side of the door. Just take whatever you like."

Lost and found does not require any procedures, but Jenkins thinks it is too risky to hide the keys and gold pounds here. He didn't have much hope at first, and planned to let Chocolate sneak in to look for it after leaving, but he didn't expect to find a letter written to him in the lost and found box.

It was written clearly on the envelope: [Mr. Jenkins Williams]

In addition, there was no sender, address, stamp, etc., and the envelope was wrinkled and the paper was not very good, so it was thrown here like garbage.

After opening the envelope, there was nothing inside. Finally, a sentence was found on the inside of the envelope:

"The things are in the Traveler's Bank, the safe number is under the stamp of the previous letter; the verification password is my birthday - if you don't know, please look for it on my tombstone; the key is the key of your house, and I helped you find the locksmith when you moved."


Jenkins didn't speak for a long time.

"The last letter was obviously not delivered through the post office, but it was still affixed with a stamp. It turned out to be because of this... But is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

In fact, he was more suspicious whether Mr. Pisco was really dead. Now even if the gentleman suddenly jumped out of the house opposite, Jenkins would never be surprised.

But this way of keeping secrets is really powerful. After entrusting the "female hunter" to investigate the new neighbor in the black market, Jenkins came to the Traveler's Bank with the key and envelope.

Because he had to use his own key, he entered the bank as a normal person this time. Thinking about it carefully, this was also the first time that Jenkins entered here for legal business, so his mood inexplicably improved.

He had been worried about running into Hathaway on the road all day, but until now he had not noticed the dazzling red hair. When the receptionist walked towards him, she was immediately startled by the red hair, but soon realized that she was worrying too much.

"Sir, are you okay?"

The female receptionist looked very worried. Jenkins just acted like a patient with heart disease.

Because it was a completely legal business, and Jenkins had the number, verification password and key of the safe, there was no accident in the process of taking out the brown leather suitcase.

It was just during this period that the receptionist had been promoting the bank's deposit business. According to her, in order to help ordinary people and help small business owners and businessmen, the Traveler Bank is now preparing to officially launch a deposit-paying high-interest business in the second half of this month.

The so-called "high amount" here is actually just a little higher than the previous interest rate, which was almost non-existent. The woman assured Jenkins that this was an "investment" that would never lose money, but Jenkins didn't want to pay any attention to her.

When he got home, he opened the suitcase. There were no more letters in it, only a key to the apartment and a stack of gold pounds. He carefully counted it and found that it was about 2,000 pounds, with both small and large amounts, which was very convenient to spend.

Jenkins didn't know whether he would receive letters from Mr. Pisco in the future, but he sincerely hoped that the gentleman was not dead. Although the playwright's "omniscience" was a bit annoying, Jenkins always showed great kindness to his friends who sincerely helped him.

It was almost evening when he gathered all the necessary materials on the black market. Mr. Pisco's money was left with less than one pound, and when he got off the carriage and looked up at the apartment, he heard the driver's asking price and realized that the remaining money was just enough for the fare.

"Really, don't you leave me the fare to go home?"

He complained half-jokingly.

After thinking for a long time, he put on a black robe and knocked on the door of the apartment with the cat. The landlady opened the door again. She listened to Jenkins' introduction suspiciously, then looked down at the key he held:

"Since you are Pisco's friend and you collect his belongings for him, why didn't I see you at the funeral?"

"I was not in the country some time ago. I am a businessman."

He said in Mr. Candle's "foreign accent", "I received a letter from him last month. This key is in the envelope."

The landlady looked for a long time before letting the stranger in, but only gave him this chance. This time he had to pack up his things and not come again.

The apartment where Mr. Pisco lived was empty, and now all his things were in the basement. The basement of the apartment was damp and cold, and the landlady didn't seem to have any plans to renovate it and rent it to others.

There was no gas pipeline in the basement, so Jenkins could only use candles for lighting. The landlord didn't follow him, but just told Jenkins to hurry up and keep an eye on his cat so that it didn't run around.

The ground was covered with mud and large and small cardboard boxes were piled up like a hill. There were some spider webs in the corners, and under the spider webs was an old textile machine that was severely rusted.

After confirming that the landlord had gone far away, Jenkins touched the chocolate on his shoulder, then used the [Eye of Truth] to look around, and saw a faint spiritual light in the innermost part of the basement.

This wall was covered by debris. Jenkins took some effort to remove the debris, but only saw a dirty wall.

Touching the wall with his hand was like piercing a layer of transparent water film. Some of the spirit in the body automatically flowed out, and then a door appeared on the wall.

"It's easy."

Jenkins sighed, then put the chocolate on the cardboard box beside him, and summoned another phantom to stand there.

"Wait for me here for two hours, I'll go down and take a look, and come back immediately if there is any danger. If you feel that I'm gone for too long, just go to the church directly, okay?"


Chocolate nodded obediently and looked up at Jenkins. Jenkins was very happy that his cat was so well-behaved, so he carried the suitcase with materials, held up the candle and pushed open the door.

Chapter 843 Chapter 826 Ancient Murals

After the door of the basement was opened, he saw the stone steps winding down, which were quite similar to the one below the Snow Mountain Villa.

Jenkins looked back at Chocolate and then stepped behind the door. The next second, he stepped on the air, and then realized that the stone steps and passages he saw behind the door were simply illusions. In fact, there was nothing behind the door.

He didn't expect to encounter such a thing at all, and he fell down before he even screamed. Fortunately, there was a layer of cushion under him when he landed, otherwise Jenkins would probably have fainted on the spot.

"Damn it! How am I going to get up later? Can I only move with real phantoms?"

The ordinary candle in his hand had gone out, so he held up the mining lamp to check left and right.

It was pitch black above, and even the silver-blue light couldn't illuminate it clearly, and there was an extremely spacious space on the left and right, which was like a large underground football field.

And there was no cushion under Jenkins, but a big bed with a mattress, a mattress and a quilt.

In other words, when he fell from above, he landed on the only bed in the huge underground space.

"Why is there a bed here?"

Perhaps only Mr. Pisco could explain this, but he couldn't be here now.

After jumping off the bed, Jenkins put on a monocle, used the Eye of Truth to look for the aura again, and then set off to the left.

According to the time of falling, the current position is not too deep underground. But when moving in the selected direction, it can be clearly felt that it is going downhill.

Such exploration is very boring. There is nothing around, and only the regular sound of the soles of boots hitting the ground can be heard. Jenkins was so bored that he even controlled his steps and played the tune of "Hymn" all the way. This was learned from Finny. But after the novelty wore off, even Jenkins felt that it was stupid to do so.

About half an hour later, the huge space began to shrink, and the walls on the left and right could be seen. After another ten minutes of rapid progress, there were scattered traces of mining on the wall, and Jenkins even found broken mining drafts.

"The miners found something extraordinary, and then Mr. Pisco sealed the underground and dug a passage from under his apartment?"

He guessed, and then continued forward along the artificial traces. The further forward, the more obvious the traces of mining, and even the remains of the mine car track appeared not far away.

This road gradually shrank into a real mine tunnel, but it was completely blocked by a boulder after a few steps.

"It's really sealed. It seems that I really dug up something extraordinary by accident."

He didn't care about the boulder, but took a few steps back and pressed his palm on the inconspicuous hexagram symbol on the wall. A faint light flashed, and the stone steps leading to the underground appeared.

This reminded Jenkins of the seal he encountered in the Snow Mountain Villa, but unlike the Snow Mountain Villa, there were not very clear murals on both sides of the spiraling downward passage.

These murals were almost indistinguishable from their original appearance due to the dual persecution of time and oxygen. Jenkins walked down, holding the mining lamp and looking up, and barely understood the painting here, the whole process of the underground thing being sealed.

These pictures are repeated in a cycle, all telling the same story. In order to remember this incident, the ancients used a very precious paint, otherwise these murals would not have survived for so long.

According to Jenkins' understanding, the story roughly means that a group of people dug out a magical machine underground. After using their own means to transform the machine, the machine can produce a variety of items. The ancients who abused the machine later discovered that the things produced by the machine were extremely harmful, but they could not destroy the products and machines, so they could only seal these things up.

This sounds like the ancients dug out a "weird thing manufacturing machine", but fortunately, Jenkins needs to deal with the items made by the machine, not the weird machine that produces items.

It took nearly an hour to reach the bottom of the passage, and the further down he went, the more subtle sounds Jenkins could hear. The voice kept calling Jenkins' name, calling in the format of first name·middle name·last name.

But it never called the middle name correctly. The word "Redanput" was not difficult to pronounce, but the whisper was never called correctly.

Somewhat worried about whether the cat above would be anxious, he finally saw that the stone steps stopped spreading downward in front. At the end of the stone steps was a narrow square space and an altar. The altar was filled with purple light visible to the naked eye. Runes and symbolic symbols that Jenkins could not understand flashed on the surface of the altar. Together, they looked like the star map mentioned by Miss Audrey, but the scene was much simpler than Jenkins imagined.

"Miss Audrey seemed to have mentioned this ancient form of sealing... with the power of the starry sky..."

When he first met the star spirits, he had gained a vast amount of knowledge about the starry sky through the blessing of the star spirits. It contains part of the history of humans borrowing the power of the starry sky, so after thinking for a while, he determined that this sealed altar was made by humans in the 14th era.

The 14th era is a very critical time point, because mainstream archaeologists and historians believe that before the 14th era, humans had developed a steam industry that is no less than today's.

The few remaining historical materials and the relics discovered year by year show that humans at that time had begun to use the power of steam to transform the world. Even the current steam floating airships are improved from ancient creations found in the ruins.

The relics here refer to the ruins of large city-states, not the sealed ruins that Jenkins often visited, otherwise the world would have ended long ago.

The great catastrophe at the end of the 14th era changed many things, the most important of which was the regression of industrial level. After that, humans still controlled the power of steam, but because of years of war and various reasons, they never really developed again. It was not until this era, when the continent was basically peaceful, that the steam revolution started again after the great god [Master Craftsman] descended the oracle.

Jenkins recalled history while nervously starting to get busy. The method of reinforcing the seal mentioned by Mr. Pisco in the letter is not difficult, but it is very cumbersome.

Today is Monday, and he has to go to the church to learn fighting in the evening, so the progress must be accelerated.

Chapter 844 Chapter 827 Computing Core

The whispering in his ear continued. In addition to calling Jenkins' name, there would be strange wailing and groaning from time to time. Jenkins pretended not to hear it, but suddenly, a strange sound of sizzling appeared in the small space.

It was like something was short-circuited, but this world has not yet opened the electrical technology tree. The altar in front of him began to flicker and glow with this strange sound, and at the same time, a beeping sound began to sound.

Jenkins immediately took a step back and prepared to leave, and the light gradually gathered in the center of the altar, and then a white light column spurted out from the altar, the glow flickered in the small space, and a small image appeared in the light column.

"Holographic projection?"

"Sorry, what did you say just now? I may not be used to the current language system and I don't understand the phrases you said."

The face of a dull human male appeared in the light column, at least that's what Jenkins thought. Judging from his appearance, he was probably just over 30 years old, with a thin face and a high hairline. His lifeless eyes looked at Jenkins, and his mouth didn't open at all when he spoke.

"I didn't say anything."

Jenkins shook his head, and seeing that it only appeared in an image, but didn't seem to have the means to interfere with the outside world, he picked up the silver ritual dagger and continued to work.

"Help me escape the seal, and I will give you everything you want."

The human face said, and then saw that Jenkins was unmoved and continued to recite the incantation, like an emotionless steam robot.

"Power, don't you want it? Mechanical power, I can transform your body and give you more powerful power."

The human face in the light column continued, but the skill of bewitching was very poor. He was the worst one among those who tried to bewitch Jenkins.

"What about life span? Don't you need a long life span? I can help you get rid of the shackles of the human body..."

"You control the power of the machine?"

Jenkins suddenly asked.

"Yes, what do you want?"

"Have you been calling my name?"

"Of course."

"Then why do you keep calling it wrong on purpose?"

"Intentionally? No, no, the name you have is given by a more powerful being, I can't call it out, otherwise it will be discovered by Him. That being hates my life form very much. If He sees me, I will die."

Jenkins' hand, which was carving the ritual pattern, suddenly stopped. His middle name was determined by Robert's father and the grandfather of the three brothers. Jenkins had doubts about this. After all, the word "Redanput" is really sensitive.

He has commissioned the church to investigate many times, and even talked about this with Bishop Palod, but the church has not responded, and both the old man and the bishop said that there is probably no problem.

"My middle name... is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, sir, do you think the word Redanput is normal?"

Jenkins stopped talking. He knew that if he pursued the truth, the thing that spoke would threaten to let it out. But he was quite clear about which of the two was more important. No matter what happened today, he could not break the seal.

"Aren't you curious?"

Seeing Jenkins continue to work in silence, the human face began to speak again. This was really annoying. Jenkins hated that when he was working seriously, there was a voice constantly muttering in his ears.

"Do you know?"

Jenkins asked suddenly.


"Less than a month ago, I also met a sealed guy in almost the same environment. That thing may have a problem with his head..."

He couldn't help but snorted, put his hand on the rune he had just drawn, and resonated with his own spirit, "In the end, he said a lot of words about fate, tool man, etc., and then blew himself up. I still don't know what that means."

"Oh, can you tell me in detail?"

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