Chapter 820 Chapter 803 Skeleton Sword Appears

Walking forward with the past in mind, the moment he approached the boy, a very bad premonition suddenly surged into Wilkawon's heart. Without thinking, he subconsciously raised his right hand, and the bullet emitting a golden glow instantly penetrated the bone armor extending from the flesh and blood, but did not penetrate.

"Who is it?"

As he spoke, he retreated quickly, throwing a black round ball out of his pocket. After it touched the soil, it quickly merged with the soil, and after two breaths, it grew into a three-foot (about 1.828m) tall flesh-red earth puppet.

"Undead-meat puppet?"

The boy on the side bent down to pick up the bullet and shell, and then raised his arm to catch the white cat that jumped down from the earth wall next to him. His pair of dark eyes were unusually bright, which was definitely not the eyes of a boy from the slums.

"Who are you?"

Wilkawon asked again, but in fact he already understood when he saw the cat. He said this just to delay time. He was not good at close combat.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm actually curious about who you are."

Jenkins, disguised as a boy, put the pistol into his waist. His left hand was still holding the branch. The palm of his right hand was burning with flames, and two silver light bands were wrapped around his arm, surging like a galaxy.

He squatted slightly, and then with the huge bounce brought by [Cat's Grace], the boy shot out from the ground like a toad's tongue. Jenkins' strength, speed and reaction ability completely surpassed Wilkawan's best level, but his punch hit the bone armor that emerged from his body again.

Jenkins was not sure whether it was an ability or an item, but the solidity of that thing was extremely strong, and it could automatically discard the part ignited by the Eternal Fire.

"You mixed it with mind-blocking metal?"

Even the silver light that flew out was blocked by the bone armor.

"Yes, you are absolutely right."

Wilkawan was still retreating. It took time for him to summon those undead. Even with the bone armor now, it is still the stupidest thing to do to fight this high-level gifter in close combat.

The bone armor appeared from his right forearm at this time and spread to his whole body at a rapid speed. This armor is very unique. Even if it is only white, it can show the beauty of death while ensuring the safety and convenience of the user.

Jenkins, who was fighting against it, was knocked back a step by the recoil of the fist, and his right hand was also slightly painful because of hitting the bone armor. But he moved forward unwillingly, and this time he swung out the branch in his left hand like a whip.

This is not a weapon with extraordinary power, but an ordinary branch. Jenkins used the dead branch he picked up from the wall to revive it. But it is now full of vitality. After contacting the pale bone armor, it did not break, but climbed on the bone armor like a vine and began to grow.

At this time, the terrifying zombies finally rushed out of the shops on both sides, but even if Jenkins' left hand loosened the branches to deal with the undead, the bone armor was still firmly fixed by the plants. Therefore, Wilkawon, who was wearing bone armor, was also fixed in place and unable to move. The armor that originally protected him now became a cage.

The branches climbed up the bone armor and finally touched the ground, then grew roots and tree crowns, and took root firmly. When Jenkins burned the two corpses, Wilkawon was tightly entangled by the trees and bones and could not move.

"You see, life is more effective against death."

The boy disguised as Jenkins laughed, and Wilkawon in the tree also laughed at Jenkins.

The cold wind blew from the alley, and the fog became thicker and thicker. The alley was filled with the stench of rotten corpses, and the sun in the sky was blocked by dark clouds that came from nowhere.


The thunder of late winter was deafening, and with the first thunderbolt, snowflakes like goose feathers fell without warning. But the snowflakes were gray, and they silently scattered all over the world.

A chilly breath seeped out from the ground, spreading along the legs to the whole body. This was a more terrifying temperature than the ice of the former eighth-level gifter, the Ice Messenger. Jenkins actually felt that he could not control his legs.

At the same time, the faint murmurs rose from low to high, accompanied by the music like a funeral march from the sky, and two bone claws stretched out from the void and grabbed Jenkins' shoulders.

The terrifying shadows of evil spirits shuttled through the alleys, and the purple-black undead flowers that only appeared in the land of death bloomed all over the alleys against the gray snow.

After all these visions appeared, a sword blade with a cold glow appeared in the air directly in front of Jenkins.

The center of the sword body was white like bone, surrounded by white silver metal. The shape of the sword blade was uneven, but the cold light on the blade proved its power. The hilt of the sword was decorated with two hideous skulls, and the blue flames dotted the eyes of the skulls, making the sword emit a seductive light in the darkness.

It split the air and slashed towards Jenkins's forehead, and in the air in front of the boy, the arc-shaped round shield quickly created by [Reading] seemed to appear out of thin air, slightly deviating from the direction of the sword.

It was really a lightning-fast moment, and Jenkins almost just relied on instinct to make the right defense. The round shield was split by the sword, but it worked after all, but the sword still stabbed Jenkins' left arm and deeply inserted into the soil beside him.

Gray goose feather snow covered the entire alley in a few minutes. Jenkins, who was so stiff, could almost hear the wild laughter of the sword beside him.

The world in front of him was distorted, and the cemetery lined with sword-shaped tombstones that he had seen before appeared again. This time Jenkins could confirm that the sword inserted in the center of the cemetery was the one beside him, and in the black soil, various undead creatures were gradually resurrecting, peeking at the flesh and blood of the living. .....


The clear cat's meow was like the first ray of sunlight breaking through the dark night, and Jenkins, who was hazy in consciousness, woke up instantly.

The illusion of the cemetery in front of him collapsed in an instant, and the snowy alley appeared in front of Jenkins again. Compared to the arm that was cut by the sword, the burning pain on the side of his cheek made Jenkins feel more real. It was Chocolate that had grabbed him out to wake him up.

"Damn cat!"

Seeing Jenkins being awakened before being lost in the illusion, Wilkawan shouted angrily. At the same time that the sword appeared, the saplings fixed to the ground completely withered. At this time, the young man was moving away from the little boy dressed as Jenkins step by step, and in the shops and hotels beside him, the undead had already entered the snow.

Chapter 821 Chapter 804 Gold and Black

The legendary warrior is probably what Jenkins looks like now.

He had no companions and was alone in a narrow alley. Against the background of the strange gray snow, all kinds of undead were surrounding him. In front of you is a strange enemy, and behind you is a strange weapon. Unlike chivalric novels, there is usually no cat on the hero's shoulder in this case.

"It's amazing, oh~"

Jenkins screamed in surprise. After waking up from the terrifying illusion, he immediately wanted to touch the terrifying sword next to him. Since this thing is very powerful, it should be possible to try to control it by himself. He is very confident in his own conditions.

But before his palm touched the hilt of the sword, he couldn't help but retract his arm due to the painful stinging sensation.

The soil that the sword penetrated had turned into a dark color at this moment, and the shocking pressure made Jenkins even subconsciously avoid looking directly at the sword body.

But I have to admit, it's really beautiful. Jenkins had never seen a weapon that suited his taste so well. Whether it was in terms of appearance or power, this sword perfectly matched his aesthetics and requirements.

Thinking of this, Jenkins once again stretched out his palm...


"I know, I know, I'm not tempted by it, I just want to try to see if I can control it. If I succeed, we will save a lot of trouble."

Jenkins explained to his cat, still unable to reach the sword with his palm.

Gray and black air currents swirled up and down the sword, and occasionally terrifying human faces could be seen wailing in those air currents. Observing with the True Eye at close range, Jenkins could see countless miserable souls being squeezed and stationed around the sword. These were all imprisoned trophies, and the number was terrifying.

If Jenkins wants to touch that sword, he must first break through the obstruction of these souls.

"That's my weapon, it was chosen for me!"

Wilkawang said loudly in the distance. He retreated very quickly, obviously afraid of confronting Jenkins head-on.

"I am the chosen one, at least until I die, no one can take it away from me!"

Probably because he thought he had reached a safe distance in his heart, he became confident in speaking. At this moment, he wanted to laugh at Jenkins' greed, but he still had some sense and knew what he should do now.

"Oh, believers of the God of Lies, there is actually no need for us to be hostile! You see, I am just a lover of necromancy. Tell me what you want, and I can give you anything except that sword!"

He is actively showing weakness, and he is really showing weakness. During his time in this city, Wilkawang was fully aware of the troublesome nature of this group of people. If we can make peace, that would be the best thing.

"If I said I was protecting this city, would you believe it?"

Jenkins squinted his eyes and looked at the terrifying undead surrounding him, not caring at all about the gray snow covering his shoulders. But Chocolate cares about it very much. It never likes these cold things. With a gentle sweep of his tail, the falling snow flakes strangely avoided its position, leaving a small dry area on Jenkins' right shoulder.

"In other words, you must be hostile to me?"

Wilkawan concluded in a low voice, and then clapped his hands, and the undead creatures surrounding Jenkins immediately pounced on the little boy.

Flames rose from around Jenkins, melting the snowflakes and blocking the innermost attackers. The heat causes water vapor in the air to rise rapidly, causing the air to become distorted by a wonderful optical effect.

Jenkins did not activate Cat Elegance this time, but let the eternal flame spread all over his body. He recalled his emotions that day when he mistakenly thought that Chocolate was dead. In his rage, he once again merged the eternal fire with his body and transformed into a spirit of fire. Knocked out from the undead group.

He rushed forward towards Wilkawan in the distance, and Wilkawan backed away, drawing the terrible sword from the air again. The gray-blue soul fire spread all over the sword body. He swung the sword forward suddenly. The flames wrapped around the wailing soul and rushed towards Jenkins like a tornado.

"Qiao, Vanilla, be careful!"

He reminded hastily, almost calling the wrong name. The running body suddenly fell forward and pressed his hands on the ground. Like an agile cat, he narrowly avoided the gray-blue flame tornado.

Such a posture is certainly inelegant, but it is better than being melted into a body by a fire tornado like the undead creatures chasing behind him.

Only scattered sparks fell on Jenkins' clothes and hair, and even penetrated the flame's body. The curse and flames tried to devour the man, but were quickly assimilated and absorbed by another flame.

Jenkins stood up with a frown and retracted his flames. He extinguished the largest flame on his cuffs with the palm of his right hand, and then looked at Wilkawang who was holding the sword:

"A very powerful sword. Is that A-12-1-0044 [Skeleton Sword of the Dead]?"

Wilkawang was noncommittal and pointed a sword at Jenkins:


Following his order, the air behind him became distorted. Terrible evil spirits from all eras flowed out from behind Wilkawang like a tide. The alley was like a river, allowing a flood of evil spirits to rush forward and pounce on Jenkins, trying to tear the man into pieces.

Such a dense soul tide can be observed even with the naked eye. Gray soul mist surged and covered the alley, but only the souls at the front could hear the prayer recited by Jenkins:

"Praise the sage, praise the goddess, may your light illuminate the path forward for mankind."

Until you find a way to pray to yourself and gain magical power, praying to a sage is the safest way.

There were still three feet left for the soul tide to hit Jenkins, and the dazzling golden light burst out from him instantly, like an island in the river, dividing the tide into two halves.

The area three feet around the man was filled with golden light, while three feet away, the tide of evil spirits surged and completely submerged the alley.

He was as dazzling as the sun in the center of the gray mist at this time, and a dozen steps away, the body of Wilkawang holding the sword exuded the black color that was representative of the monster. This made him like a black hole that absorbed all light. The terrifying sword was laughing wildly in his hand, waiting to kill the powerful enemy on the opposite side.

This should be the time that Jenkins behaves most like the "Holy Son". The divine golden light makes his whole person solemn. That golden light bit by bit gnawed away at the seemingly endless tide of souls, and bit by bit suppressed the power of the sword opposite.

Seeing that he still couldn't suppress the opponent, Wilkawang swung the skull sword for the third time, and black lightning exploded above the two of them. He rose up into the sky little by little, looking down at the golden brilliance in the soul tide from a higher position.

PS: Do you like such long fighting plots?

Chapter 822 Chapter 805 The Substitute

The terrifying undead sword was held above the head with both hands, and whispers, murmurs, and wails as if from hell began to sound loud at the same time.

Black brilliance was gathered on the blade, and gray snow swirled around him. The dark clouds in the sky formed a huge skull-like pattern above his head, while the land below was quietly changing into the color of a cemetery.

The scene at that moment was indescribable. The snowy sky seemed like the end of the world was coming. But fortunately, Wilkawang did not fly high enough, and the wind and sand in the air prevented people nearby from opening their eyes, otherwise people outside the alley would have seen this scene.

Jenkins was unable to move due to the huge wind pressure above his head. He tried to raise his hands, but the terrifying weapon seemed to have locked onto him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Even though he didn't know how to tell fortunes yet, he knew that if he was hit from the front, he would probably be seriously injured and retire.

But at least this time, he was lucky. While the Skeleton Sword gathered its power, blue brilliance cut through the snowy sky, shooting from the [Ocean and Exploration] Temple in the distance, and struck with a sudden blow. Hit the sword.

Wilkawang subconsciously swung his sword in the direction of the light beam. The black crescent-shaped shock wave and the trident composed of blue shadows offset each other and annihilated each other in mid-air. Black powder and light blue light spots sprinkled on the ground. . .

"Oh, it looks like I'm leaving."

Jenkins had already foreseen what would happen next. He quickly threw the cat on his shoulder out of the alley, and his figure gradually faded, disappearing completely before others flew in the sky.

But Will Kawan can't leave now. The old man holding the golden trident, Miss Bevanna holding a book, Mr. Davis carrying a small coffin and Miss Audrey's friend Broni Miss Angce appeared in the air at the same time.

The movement just now was too great, and the gray snow covering the entire city also attracted the attention of the demigods stationed in the city.

"Well, Miss Bronyance is actually a demigod?"

Jenkins had long noticed that the city's guardians were approaching here, so he relied on [Real Phantom] to escape early before they appeared above. He has now changed his appearance again, with his orange kitten Maple Leaf watching the fun from a distance.

The Orthodox Church is actually also very interested in the followers of the God of Lies, but now the eye-catching sword is the real focus.

"We don't promise to let you live, but if you drop the weapons in your hands, you can suffer less."

The demigod of the Church of Death and Doomsday was the first to speak. When he saw the sword, he already recognized what it was.


Wilkawang asked back, and suddenly threw the skull sword into the sky. A black light broke through the clouds and enveloped him, and the dark wind rising from the ground connected with the light column from bottom to top.

The shrill whistle was heard by everyone at the same time, and three tornadoes that intersected with the sky and the earth appeared in the city in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, using A-05-1-4906, the hurricane maker, in a densely populated urban area!"

The old man of the Church of Ocean and Exploration cursed loudly, and then stretched out his hand to eliminate the disaster that was about to take shape with other demigods.

Wilkawang took this opportunity and disappeared long ago. The black light almost sent him and the sword to an alley several streets away in the form of space movement.

The young man stood next to the garbage dump and could see Fifth Queen Avenue outside the alley. People on the street screamed and fled far away.

He snorted and laughed, and staggered out of the alley. At the same time, a woman with a red hat also passed the alley and ran away from the tornado with the crowd.

The strong wind blew snowflakes and all kinds of garbage into the sky, and the street signs rustled in the hurricane, as if they might fall down at any time. People held their hats and skirts and ran away, or hid in the houses nearby, and the woman who passed by Wilkawan suddenly stretched out her hand burning with fire and pierced his heart.

"Well, you're not dead yet?"

Jenkins said in surprise. His hand did not grab the heart, but grabbed a cold stone instead. He wanted to attack the head again, but the human figure in his hand suddenly turned into dry bones strung together by his arms.


One of the strongest means of escape in necromancy is to replace the position of the real body with the substitute at the moment of death, but the ritual core required by the substitute is often a powerful gathering of dead spirits.

"Damn, he still escaped in the end!"

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