
Jenkins directed the unicorn to descend slowly, placing Hathaway next to the hidden Britney. She had just used a charm to ensure that no one would find the blonde girl, so using the Eye of Truth, it was easy to find Brienne's hiding place.

"I'll fix this."

He promised, and then he sat down and leaned against the wall of the cold alley.

The soul flew out of the body, and the silver metal block connected to the fingertips burst out with dazzling golden light. The unicorn waiting on the side chirped again, its body covered in luxurious platinum armor.

The God of Lies, whose body was radiating light, walked out of the alley, looked up at the lump of flesh in the night sky and sighed softly.

"This is the last drop of divinity."

He got on his mount and took off again, and the meatball pretending to be dead immediately launched a counterattack. But this time, Jenkins completely saw the entire process of the weird bullet being fired. Unlike other black bullets, it showed a pure white color, and the weird human face of the bullet was completely alive.

After becoming deified, he thought of many things and immediately realized that his opponent was the living gun. God's eyes were fixed on the meat ball, and the answer appeared naturally:

This is not a strange thing, that gun is the descendant of the beast of disaster [Unnamed Poison]. It has no name because it has never been discovered; it has no entity because, like the horrific disaster, it is just a concept. The current posture of this gun is just a sealed shell revealed after being sealed. Once it breaks free of this shell, Jenkins, who has only a drop of divinity left, may not be able to completely deal with it.

Thinking of this, the god suddenly jumped away from his mount and flew towards the terrifying mass of flesh in the night sky. He stretched out his right hand burning with pure white flames to touch his enemy, but with a loud bang, the meatball exploded in all directions, and the broken meat flew to all parts of the town.

Jenkins' enemy is also intelligent and knows that in his current state he cannot defeat a god.

"[Real Phantom]!"

The moon suddenly dimmed, and the power of divinity resonated with the abilities in the core of the soul. Countless dark shadows rose from the ground, forming countless Jenkins. All the splintered flesh was intercepted and burned to ashes, leaving only the keykeeper's dark, ugly soul and the gun, flying in two different directions at the same time.

Using the power of shadow, countless Jenkins stretched out their hands at the same time, and the barrier formed by the divine power intercepted the two fleeing enemies. After the phantom disappeared, the god walking in the air held a pistol in one hand and pinched the ugly soul with the other. He burned the remaining quarter of his divinity and asked himself:

"What on earth is going on?"

It was like bright fireworks exploding in front of my eyes, and all of my divinity suddenly burned up. Jenkins subconsciously let go of the pistol and let it fall to the ground. He was too careless, and the remaining divinity was not enough to see the truth of that terrible thing. If he hadn't let go in advance due to a warning in his heart, then this would be the first time he was seriously injured in the state of a god.

The question of the gun could be settled later. The ugly soul in his right hand had revealed its history to Jenkins.

It begins with the growth history of an extremely bored country boy. When the boy grows up, he leaves his hometown village for the city. A lot of things happened during this period, and from the moment the boy committed his first murder, there was no way back for him.

In the process, Jenkins completely saw all the innocent people killed by the key keeper half a century ago, and also saw his entire mental journey. At least until he was forty years old, his life had nothing to do with extraordinary power. He didn't even know how dangerous the world was on the other side.

The incident occurred due to a dangerous murder, which was also his hundredth target. After the murder, the middle-aged boy returned to his normal identity and went home to rest. Then he saw a giant creature in the void in his dream.

This may be because of his "luck", or it may be that the continuous killings have attracted the attention of higher dimensions, but Jenkins is not sure whether it is an evil thing from the subspace or an evil god. His remaining divine power is not enough to decipher it. That dream. The only thing that is certain is that middle-aged people, like most people in this world, have no talent at all to become gifters.

During the time before he secluded himself in Blizzard Villa, he tried the methods he learned from the revelations in his dreams, and also sacrificed blood to a living person to pray for "great power." But he never succeeded, no matter what means he took, he never succeeded.

Those great ones can forcibly grant power to mortals, but the being who met the key keeper in his dream only glanced at him accidentally and had no intention of changing this mortal's life.

Keo O'Dry is sad. He has glimpsed the truth of this world and is ready to step into it. He even had an invitation, but he didn't have the qualifications to step into the extraordinary.

The murderer, who gradually accepted his fate, was wanted by the entire continent at about this time. When he was frustrated, he could only hide in the mountains. But fate always likes to play tricks on mortals. In his third year as a key keeper, he once again met a strange creature in his dream.

Chapter 815 Chapter 798 Chocolate’s Revenge

This time Jenkins knew what the thing in the dream was, the abominable puppet beneath the manor. But the sealed puppet also did not grant this mortal extraordinary power. Its precious power cannot be used for such boring things. It still looks forward to a direct encounter with a greedy benefactor.

After praying, crying and swearing, the puppet reluctantly told him an [extraordinary] item buried near the villa. After that, he was once again disconnected from the material world due to the power of the seal.

B-04-3-7292, [Soul Box]. A powerful and extraordinary thing that was mutated from the soul box of an ancient lich, allowing any creature with a soul to hide 1/3 of its soul in it. The user can obtain many special abilities such as soul transfer, immortality, body seizing, etc. Even mortals without the gift of the gifter can also play part of its role.

In the fifth year when Keo Oudley almost understood the actual function of the item, a tour group composed of a group of young people came to the villa as in previous years. Jenkins knew what happened after that, and the old man who was plotted by Quick was eventually killed by Jenkins' unaimed bullet.

He found a physical body for himself in advance, so he took this opportunity to come to Nolan City and start his life over again. The reason why that body is immune to the influence of strange situations is that Oudley warned him of the dangers in this world in his correspondence with the young killer.

The young killer decided to stay away from the apartment after realizing that the neighbors were strange, otherwise Jenkins would have found one more body there.

And the first thing Oudley did after regaining his body after adapting to his new identity was to look for opportunities for revenge. Jenkins happened to have returned to Nolan at this time, so the plan for that night's attack was hatched.

As for the encounter with the black pistol being entirely accidental, it was more like the pistol found him than he found the pistol.

The living gun had controlled Oudley's consciousness from the beginning, and everything that happened tonight was planned by that gun. Its purpose is actually to fuse Oudley's soul and take the opportunity to possess B-04-3-7292's ability, thereby completely escaping the seal.

But it is a pity that the opponent chosen by fate is a foreign visitor who is furious because he almost lost his pet.

The gods in the sky read the past of a miserable soul, while the cat on earth finds a new toy.

The pistol fell to the ground. Although it was seriously injured due to the confrontation with God just now, it still had the ability to escape. After falling to the ground, the gun slumped on the ground like mud. Black metal wires extended out of the gun body, which was still barely in shape, and gradually transformed into a spider. The scary black creature clicked on the ground and crawled towards the shadows, and was then held down by the cat that came out of the shadows.


It was obviously a simple cat meow, but it revealed unspeakable malice.

In the evening, Chocolate actually just wanted to pretend to be dead and let Jenkins know how to cherish it. But I didn't expect to see such a sad scene from the man. It would not admit that it had made a mistake, so it could only blame the other participant for the incident.


Even though he lost part of his power due to forcibly entering the material world, the power of chocolate is still not comparable to that of a half-baked pseudo-god or a sealed descendant of disaster. Now is the dark night of the material world, and it is also the period when its power is strongest.

The cat's front paws pressed down on the crawling metal spider. The curse spread from the black metal spider to the cat's paws, but dissipated before it could touch the cat's legs.


The two claws continuously slapped the surface of the metal object, just like it slapped the metal block. But this time the cat didn't have to worry about being spotted by Jenkins or damaging the integrity of the swatter.

Bright yellow light flashed under the cat's paws, and the power of shadows also gathered on the cat's body. Chocolate squatted in front of the enemy, hitting continuously with its two small claws, and even afterimages appeared. Its expression is serious, and the whiskers around its mouth are trembling regularly due to its body movements.

With the third tap, the metal spider showed cracks; with the tenth tap, the thing under the cat's claws had disintegrated; with the twenty-seventh tap, various parts of the pistol were scattered on the floor; with the fourth tap, the various parts of the pistol were scattered on the floor. After fifteen slaps, the cat opened its big mouth and swallowed the concept into its stomach.

Because he was born in the shadow world, he gained the ability to control shadows; because he swallowed the original moon, he gained the power of the bright yellow moon. But in fact, the real gift that fate bestows on chocolate is devouring.

Jenkins, who had exhausted his divinity, destroyed the soul in his hand at the last moment, and followed the weak link to destroy the soul fragments in the distant soul box. When he landed on the ground and returned to his body, the obedient cat was loyally guarding the three bodies.

"Well done, chocolate!"

Jenkins stretched out his hand and rubbed the cat's head, then quickly ran to the place where the gun fell, but to his surprise, he only saw a pile of fragments. The Eye of Truth scanned the surroundings and did not see any abnormalities. When experiencing his own memory, the gun's ability to interfere with memory seemed to have disappeared.

"It turns out that it was destroyed by me just now. Could it be caused by the divine impact just now... That's fine."

He breathed a sigh of relief, bent down and picked up the two bearings that were emitting white aura, and then dodged more and more police who came after hearing the news, and fled away with the sleeping girls under the moonlight.

Although Hathaway and Britney were both relatively slender girls, the combined weight of the two was still a bit too much for Jenkins to bear. He didn't know where the original place to stay was, so he could only find a random hotel in the town to stay. The middle-aged boss at the front desk of the hotel must have seen a lot of things, and he was not surprised at all that Jenkins walked in with two young girls.

On the contrary, after Jenkins generously asked for the best room, he also stuffed Jenkins with two blue candies. But Jenkins didn't want to eat such things now, so he threw them to the cat following behind him. Chocolate was also rarely interested in candies, and threw them to the mouse in the corner of the room with disdain.

The poor mouse was so scared that he almost fainted.

Putting the girls on the bed, Jenkins carefully approached the window, used his fingers to open the gap in the curtains and looked outside. The police were searching the street just now, but they would definitely not find anything.

"So, how should I sleep tonight?"

Chapter 816 Chapter 799 Early Morning

The winter sun rises from the east, and the morning glow dyes half of the sky red. In the late winter season, the morning sun is particularly beautiful, and in a small country town far away from the city, the first ray of sunlight shines into the small room through the gap in the curtains and shines on the eyelids of the sleeping red-haired girl.

The eyeballs in the eyelids moved a few times, and the delicate skin seemed to reflect the soft light. The eyes opened, and there was a blank look in the beautiful eyes. Reaching out from the quilt to cover the light, and then sitting up from the bed.

Hathaway remembered what happened last night and subconsciously looked at her pillow. Britney still didn't wake up. It seems that she played the [Lullaby] too hard last night.

The sequelae of using the [Funeral Song] have not subsided. In addition to dizziness and nausea, the body also has an uncomfortable soreness. This may be related to sleeping without changing clothes, and the one who sent them here is obviously a young writer who will never do bad things.

Opposite the beautiful double bed was a wooden desk, and on the wall above the desk hung a decorative oil painting of a sleeping cat. Under the painting, Chocolate was sleeping soundly on a blanket-like pillowcase.

Looking to the left, Jenkins was lying on his back on the sofa, with his right hand hanging from the edge of the sofa, almost touching the cheap carpet. He slept peacefully, and even though the sun was shining on his face, it did not affect the man's sleep.

Although she didn't know what happened in the second half of the battle last night, Hathaway couldn't help but smile with relief when she saw that the three people and the cat were here.

She put her hand on the back of her neck and gently turned her neck, trying to relax her muscles, but at this time she heard the whisper of her lover beside her:

"... Jenkins..."

A dark cloud immediately rose on her smiling face.

Until the three of them got on the carriage for the return trip, Jenkins still didn't know why Hathaway looked angry. He slept on the sofa all night last night, so he was sore all over when he woke up just now.

The only one who had a good rest in the carriage should be Chocolate. After all, Jenkins was worried that it would not be able to sleep in a strange place, so he specially built a small nest for it. But Chocolate's appetite was not as good as before this morning, which might be because the food provided by the hotel did not suit its appetite.

As for what happened last night, Jenkins had explained it very clearly during breakfast. The salesman seemed to be an accomplice of the bad guy who fired the first shot, and after Jenkins discovered his identity, he quickly fled.

"You may have fainted because of shock and sleepiness. We were really scared at the time."

"Then the shot you fired..."

"Oh, it's okay, I have a gun license. And before we set off just now, didn't the priest of the town promise to settle everything?"

Of course, the priest only got an incomplete version, and he would never find the salesman.

Jenkins told Britney this explanation, and the blonde girl certainly didn't believe it. Judging from the state when he woke up, when he came to the room last night, Jenkins must have been the only one who was awake, but he didn't mention how Hathaway lost consciousness at all.

This made the blonde girl suspect that what happened last night was a man's conspiracy, but she laughed at herself for being suspicious a few seconds later. No matter from which aspect, Jenkins Williamette is an upright gentleman.

The carriage carried the three yawning people back to Nolan City, but it was already around ten o'clock in the morning. Because Jenkins said hello before leaving the town, the old man should know the reason for his lateness.

Sure enough, when he pushed open the door of the antique shop, the old man who was reading the newspaper did not blame him for being late today.

"You have a long golden hair on your collar."


Jenkins hurriedly lowered his head and pulled out the hair belonging to Britney. This was probably encountered when he moved the girls last night.

"Last night..."

"Don't explain to me."

The old man put down the newspaper and stopped what Jenkins was about to say. In fact, Mr. Writer prepared a long and logical lie.

"That's good, isn't it?"

The old man seemed to have seen through everything.


Jenkins was a little confused about what his father was talking about. He was stunned for a moment, then explained:

"I didn't do anything."

"I know you didn't do anything."

The old man laughed, and he looked very kind at this time.

Standing up and putting the newspaper on the counter, he picked up the envelope under the counter and handed it to Jenkins:

"I'll give you a day off today, and I happen to have something to do. But I still don't approve of you running around after the sun goes down. After all, the undead are still spying on our city."

Jenkins, who was a little confused, was soon driven out of the store by his father, but since he had a holiday, he certainly wouldn't turn back and insist on continuing to work. He took another look at the sign of his father's antique shop, and then turned and walked towards home.

He looked at the envelope in his hand while walking, and unexpectedly it was a letter from the old painter Grant.

"Invite me to the exhibition?"

The exhibition here refers to the one that the two talked about in January. The exhibition is expected to be held at the end of the [Month of Sun and Revival]. The old painter wanted to thank Jenkins for authorizing him to use the illustrations of "The Stranger's Story Collection", so he sent him a ticket to visit.

It can be seen that the exhibition is definitely very formal. The ticket uses a unique hollow design. If it is stood up and folded, it can also form the shape of a spire. The assembly line of this era cannot produce such complicated things. Each ticket should be made by hand.

"If we have time, let's go and take a look... I wonder if we can bring our pet cats in."


Chocolate suddenly burped loudly, and then shyly stretched out his front paws to cover his face. Fortunately, Jenkins was still reading the letter, so he didn't pay attention to the small sound in his ears.

It seemed that he was heading towards home, but in fact, after leaving Fifth Queen's Avenue, Jenkins walked into the alley on the side. After walking out of the foggy alley, he had become a tall and thin man with a bandage on his face and a patched black tall hat on his head.

The taste of that hat was really bad. Jenkins had never seen a hat with such bad taste.

Dodging the carriage running on the street, Jenkins put his hands in his pockets, took the white cat Vanilla around for a long time, and returned to Fifth Queen's Avenue again, and entered the dock area from there.

He was going to take away the remains of the serial killer, and the key point was the soul box.

Chapter 817 Chapter 800 Relics

Because the gangster manager Morzak in the dock area was killed a while ago, the dock area has been very uneasy recently. Although the sea ice has shown signs of melting, the chaos here is still not over.

The warehouse munitions stolen by Jenkins and Miss Silver Flute should be the cause of the chaos here. But Jenkins does not feel regretful because regret is useless.

Although there seems to be no one in the dock area, if you look closely, there are people monitoring the area at the door of the warehouse or on the moored ships. For strangers who suddenly walk in, there will naturally be people to check, but Jenkins' lies are enough to solve all problems.

He is not going home to rest but coming here for the key keeper's extraordinary item, that is, B-04-3-7292, [Soul Box]. From the memory seen last night, it can be known that the thing is hidden here, and here is also the information he collected in order to become a gifter.

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