Dad shrugged, "Didn't you also say that you would give it a try if you were invited?"


He stuttered and didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, he came up with the most critical question:

"Who is my female companion? Hathaway or Britney?"

"How should I know? You should probably ask yourself."

Dad showed him a regretful expression, and without waiting for Jenkins to object, he arranged for him to go to the back to clean up the warehouse. January is coming to an end, and the antique shop will be busy.

(Chocolate observes mice...)

The five bodies found in Room 4 on the second floor of Apartment 34 Charles de Gaulle Lane are now stored in the church awaiting further dissection and identification. The soul of the little girl brought out of the strange world by Jenkins was purified by the Sage Church.

Jenkins made a special trip to the church on Thursday evening to witness that moment. He originally thought that the church would try to explore the secrets of the strange world in her, but the church did not do so.

Purifying this soul is not a simple matter. After all, in addition to the characteristics of evil spirits, she is also contaminated with the characteristics of the strange world. Even if Miss Befanna presided over the ceremony in person, it was not safe, so she invited the gravekeeper of the Church of Death and the End to help.

In short, in the white light that fell from the sky, the black particles on the girl's body faded away little by little. She seemed to have regained her sanity and realized what had happened recently. She bowed slightly to Jenkins standing aside, then turned into a white light spot and disappeared completely.

This is what ordinary people see with their eyes, but in Jenkins's view, it was a gust of wind that rose from the ground and took away the girl's soul. In that gust of wind, there was also a person wearing a shabby black robe.

"Well... I seem to have seen this dress somewhere."

But this is also a lucky ending. No matter what the girl has experienced, she can continue to move forward like a mortal in the end.

There is also good news tonight, that is, A-06-1-4408, the curse of the remains of the shipwrecked, who escaped a few days ago, has been found. Someone saw a skeleton with mobility in the village of Little Morton in the countryside of Nolan. The Church of Death and the End originally thought that this was another case of unexplained resurrection of the dead, but the gravekeeper who went to investigate found some unusual traces.

When Jenkins met Captain Binsey on Thursday night, he vowed to Jenkins that A-06-1-4408 would definitely be caught before the end of this week.

Jenkins did not comment on this, as long as he did not disturb him.

Today is the last day of this month, which is also the sign of the end of deep winter in the traditional sense. Although the weather is still cold and the port has not thawed, the arrival of the [Sun and Resurrection Month] at least means that spring is really around the corner.

After finishing the church affairs and chatting with Professor Burns who met by chance about the news of the discovery of pre-epoch ruins in the rural town of the kingdom, Jenkins went home to prepare for midnight.

Sitting on the carpet in front of the fireplace, leaning on the sofa to read a book for a while, and then teasing the chocolate that usually excites him at night. Seeing that it was already eleven thirty, Jenkins washed up, changed into pajamas, lay down, closed his eyes and prepared to welcome the whispers in his ears.

The whispers and murmurs came as expected, and at the same time, consciousness seemed to be pulled to a very high latitude. In the distance of the thick white clouds, a figure emitting endless golden light stood with an image that seemed to be absent but seemed to be everywhere.

The former was obviously the true god [Eternal Blazing Sun], and the latter, who he had seen a month ago, was one of the oldest gods, the true god [Spirit of Nature].

Two completely different styles of hymns came into his ears, and the grand and sacred voice was gradually merging. In a trance, he saw a vast and primitive world, and suddenly he looked up and saw a sun emitting infinite light and infinite heat. A vague feeling filled his heart, but he didn't understand what he felt. He could only record the things that his senses could touch, waiting for the end of this strange process.

Consciousness gradually fell and returned to the material world. At the same time, the senses of the body were also returning. The familiar smell of the house, the light of the fireplace, the touch of the body to the pajamas, and the rustling sound of chocolate stealing something in the distance were all felt normally by Jenkins.

He opened his eyes and looked at the familiar ceiling. It took him a while to get up by holding the floor.


He sighed tiredly, then picked up a towel from the side and wiped the blood from his nose, and threw it into the basin beside him.

Chocolate immediately ran back obediently when he heard the voice here, and rubbed his body against the hem of Jenkins' pajamas.

The man picked up the cat and wiped the food residue off its face:

"Did you eat the black mulberries left over from dinner?"


The priesthood showed that this was the truth, that is, the cat readily admitted what he had done.

Chocolate likes all kinds of fruits as always, or more accurately, the fruits taken out of [Mr. Hunter's fruit plate]. It always tries any fruit taken out of the fruit plate every time, as if expecting to eat something different.

There is no time to blame Chocolate for the time being. Jenkins put it on the sofa beside him, then pulled the wooden coffee table over and sat on the sofa, ready to record the harvest just now.

Remember that at the turn of the New Year last month, he missed a lot of knowledge because he was too concerned about the mysterious stone slab hanging in the sky. This time, he was particularly careful not to pay attention to other things. The details he saw and heard were transformed into things that mortals could understand at the moment when the ceremony returned.

This time, he completely obtained two different abilities. Judging from the nature of the abilities, they obviously came from two different gods.

PS: Record: February 1 is Friday.

Record the date to prevent missing the monthly task: whisper at the beginning of the month, two gatherings. This is very troublesome.

February has 28 days, remember this.

Chapter 775 Chapter 759 Jenkins's Humming

The first is [Sun Fist (Red Fighting)], which is very simple. It is to shoot a flame containing a trace of the true meaning of the sun into the opponent's body while swinging the fist. This is a very dangerous ability, because if you are not careful when holding the learning ceremony, you may be burned to ashes by the energy reflected by a material called [Six-sided Sun Crystal].

But this is also powerful. According to Jenkins' understanding, as long as he can hit the opponent, unless he has the ability similar to [Undead] or can change his body, he will definitely die.

But he doesn't plan to learn, because he doesn't know what the complex string of materials is, and he himself is not very compatible with [Sun]. Although he will not die if the ritual fails, he will definitely be seriously injured.

The second ability is called [Listening to the Wind (Golden Divine Art)]. This ability is limited to the gift of level 7 or above, and requires a strong soul. The function of the ability is to listen to the sound of the wind and feel what the wind has experienced.

This is difficult to describe, but it is roughly a form of perception of nature. This ritual was recorded in the database of the Nolan Suburb of the Sage Church, and it was said that this was a very great ability, and it is very likely one of the abilities given by God when humans first came into contact with the extraordinary.

The gift of [Listening to the Wind] can be called [Listeners of the Wind]. They rely on listening to the sound of the wind to obtain information, view the world, and even find a further way forward. This divine power is one of the ultimate powers of the [Church of All Things and Nature]. Although the materials and conditions for holding the ceremony are very simple, it is said that only true devout believers of the spirit of nature can learn it.

As for who are the "devout believers of the spirit of nature", according to the bad joke that my father once made, they are some ascetics who live in the forest like wild people.

Jenkins must not let another person know that he has acquired this ability, otherwise it is hard to say what the gifters of the [Church of All Things and Nature] will do.

In addition to these two abilities, Jenkins also acquired some special rituals. The most special one is [Sunlight Energy Absorption], which allows any material enchanted by this ritual to absorb sunlight energy.

This is by no means comparable to a high-level ritual like [Solar Energy Enchantment]. [Sunlight Energy Absorption] does not limit the material to be enchanted, because its greatest use is to be imprinted on the skin, allowing mortals to have the ability to store solar energy. As we all know, any mortal who covets the power of the sun will be burned to ashes by the scorching sun, but this enchantment ritual provides a way for mortals to touch the power.

But the materials it needs are very expensive. Jenkins can recognize a small half of them, and just this small half of them is worth all his current wealth - not including the unknown amount of treasure.


Chocolate called softly, standing on the sofa and stretching his head to look at what Jenkins wrote down. It was very interested in the ceremony just now. Jenkins didn't know the truth, but it understood. This should be a ceremony that can only be comprehended when it is about to touch the origin of the sun.

Even in the past era, no mortal with more than two cat paws could master it.

Although the essence of its power is not the sun but the moon and shadow, because of some things in the past, it is particularly sensitive to the sun in the sky of the material world. Now seeing this ceremony, I have a new idea, maybe I can further restore the power lost due to forcibly entering the material world.

Thinking of this, I felt a little melancholy again, turning my head to look at the metal block like a work of art, thinking that I must disassemble it smoothly before Jenkins uses it.

The man didn't know that the cat beside him was weaving a conspiracy, and he was still sorting out his knowledge. The information obtained this time was messy and disordered. In order to prevent the omission of important information, Jenkins hoped to organize them into written materials, record them in order, remember them, and finally destroy them.

Among them, he was more concerned about a tune called [Song of Nature]. It was very interesting and beautiful, and it was somewhat similar to a section of the hymn he heard in a trance just now. But he didn't understand music and couldn't record the score, so he could only let this melody echo in his mind.

Thinking about it, he unconsciously began to hum that tune, which reminded Chocolate of Jenkins who tried to hum the whole [Saint's Funeral Song] on the night when [Traveler and Frost Moon] and [End and Snow Moon] met.

Although Jenkins didn't know the name of the tune, it was indeed very unpleasant.


Chocolate began to protest, and Jenkins also knew that his voice was probably not liked by cats, so he stopped talking.

"However, Hathaway might be interested in this song, maybe I can share it with her."

When you think of Hathaway and music, you will think of the embarrassing things that happened between the two recently. Jenkins couldn't help but raise his hands and rub his cheeks, hoping to rub away the fatigue and worries.

He worked in front of the coffee table until two o'clock before he made sure that he had written down all the knowledge. After arranging the order by category, I memorized it again, and then threw all the papers into the fireplace in front of me. I watched the fire suddenly become stronger, and the papers gradually turned black, turned to ashes, and then disappeared.

"Okay, okay, go to sleep, chocolate."

He said softly, but received no response. When I turned my head, I saw the cat lying next to me, already asleep holding the silver metal piece.

The cat breathed evenly, and as it breathed, the whiskers on both sides of its cheeks trembled slightly. Jenkins was absolutely certain that chocolate was cuter when asleep than when awake.

"Good night~"

He covered his cat with a small blanket, then spread the mattress and got into bed.

Jenkins understands that this is the feeling of home, where one person and one cat live, work, and study peacefully. Maybe this family needs a mistress to be complete, but he doesn't have it yet...he doesn't dare to have such plans yet.

The cat that pretends to be asleep vows not to let any other humans set foot on its territory.

Although his father agreed to the dance for him without permission, which made Jenkins a little unhappy, he understood that this was his father's concern for him.

I still complained a little on Friday morning, but found out that Dad would meet with Mary recently - about Jenkins. He immediately didn't dare to complain. If Mary formally talked to him about Britney and Hathaway, there would be no way for Jenkins to escape.

After a peaceful Friday, there was a somewhat noisy Saturday. When he woke up that morning, Jenkins knew that the day would not be comfortable, because he heard a crackling sound coming from the street, like someone throwing various metal parts on the ground.

Chapter 776 Chapter 760 Visitors to the Antique Shop

"Who is this~"

Jenkins couldn't help but complain when his sleep was disturbed by the noise in the street early in the morning. He reached out and touched his pocket watch. It was just six o'clock now.

"God, today is Saturday!"

He raised his hand and touched the cat that purred with its throat again, then got up and lit the gas lamp, put on his slippers and put on the coat hanging in the hall, opened the door and walked out.

The sky was a little gloomy, and coupled with the bad air, it was still dark in Nolan at six in the morning.

The streetlight at the door was still on, so Jenkins could see a ragged man squatting on the ground, picking up some metal junk. Next to him was a rusty wheelbarrow.

This was obviously a homeless man or a scavenger. He probably made such a noise because the cart accidentally tipped over and spilled the things while passing by.

Hearing the sound of the door opening from the house behind him, the man turned around in embarrassment. His face was still clean, but his hair was "shiny" from not being washed for a long time. The eye circles were severely sunken, as if from long-term starvation, but judging from the body shape, he did not look skinny.

He looked at Jenkins in panic, and then explained stumblingly:

"Sorry, sir. I think I may have disturbed you. Sorry, I'll leave right away."

"It doesn't matter, just pick it up slowly."

Nolan has a large number of vagrants and homeless people, and not even the church or city hall can change the situation. Jenkins sympathizes with such people, but he has no power to change this era. Although normally homeless people are not allowed to enter a neighborhood like St. George Street, Jenkins will not take the initiative to evict him.

Tightening his collar, the man walked to the fence and picked up the newspaper from the ground. The newspaper deliveryman had stuffed it through the gap in the fence. But it was too early, the milkman and the postman hadn't come yet.

He yawned and turned to go back to the house, but felt in his pocket and pulled out a one-shilling coin.

"Oh, good morning and good luck."

As he spoke, he tossed the coin to the man under the streetlight. The man subconsciously turned around to catch it, looked at the money in his hand in surprise, then immediately stood up, took off the old hat, and bowed to Jenkins:

"Good morning, sir, and have a blessed day."

This was just a small thing at the beginning of the day. Although I woke up very early, the feeling of fatigue was not brought into this day's life. Jenkins hoped the day would be as good as the scavengers had blessed him with, but his life was never short of surprises.

Breakfast started an hour later. While reading the newspaper, he saw news that another homeless man had frozen to death in the city, which made Jenkins very melancholy.

In recent weeks, headlines have been dominated by news about the general election of the Kingdom’s parliament. Although the actual change of leadership took place in June, this did not prevent reporters from continuing to pay attention to this matter.

In particular, tidbits about some congressmen have been revealed one after another in recent days, which has made the public excited. Although Jenkins didn't like to pay attention to this kind of thing, it was not bad as a joke for breakfast.

In fact, according to his opinion, people who are caught having an affair and are caught by other people's husbands are not qualified to be members of parliament. After all, this reflects their lack of intellectual safety.

"If I go for an affair...that's not right. Why would I go for an affair?"

He felt that what he was thinking about now was very bad, but he didn't see Chocolate snickering beside him.

In addition to the tidbits from the congressmen, the announcement of the visit of the royal family of the Kingdom of Chesland, and the solving of the serial murder case half a century ago, Jenkins finally discovered the news about the Air Protection Act from the third page of the newspaper this time. But the news area is very small, occupying only a small paragraph, which roughly means that the protection bill is proceeding smoothly.

"Going smoothly?"

Jenkins turned and looked out the window at the dim street, "They call this 'smooth'?"

At least that's what the newspapers said, but Jenkins didn't believe anyone would believe it.

The Air Protection Act covers not just the city of Nolan but the entire country. Due to various reasons, the pollution situation in Nolan City is the most serious.

City authorities enacted regulations two years ago to limit polluted air emissions from factories, but that humble regulation ultimately had no effect. Jenkins believes that the Kingdom’s bill will probably have the same ending this time, after all, it involves the interests of too many people.

When he went out, he looked up at the gray sky, and at the same time remembered the professor's views on the fog outside the city:

[This is the combined effect of mortals' own sins, natural punishment, the conspiracy of the gifter, and the influence of supernatural beings...]

"There will be a price to pay one day."

he said softly.

Jenkins doesn't have to go collect the bill today, because today is the weekend, and he might not be able to find anyone if he goes to collect the bill. Dad found a thick book and asked Jenkins to spend two weeks reading it and submitting a report. He immediately felt that his life was about to become fulfilling again.

During lunch, a child on the street brought a letter to his father. But Dad declined Jenkins' invitation to go with him and entrusted the store to his care.

This wasn't Jenkins' first time visiting the store, and he didn't think he'd encounter anything he couldn't fix. He planned to spend the entire afternoon reading, while Chocolat planned to spend the entire afternoon sleeping.

But accidents always affect the plans of one person and one cat, especially when they long for a peaceful life. At about two o'clock, someone pushed open the door of the antique store.

"Welcome...Oh, Miss Audrey. Oh, this is..."

The people who came to the antique store were Jenkins' astronomy teacher and a middle-aged woman dressed maturely. Although she looks extremely noble at this time, like one of those so-called ancient ladies who have stepped out of the old family, but according to the color, size, spin speed and position of the ability light spot, this is undoubtedly the person she encountered before the incident at No. 34, Lane de Gaulle. That madman-like benefactor.

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