"You are so polite."

"Then if there is a chance next time, I hope to discuss literary topics with you again. You do have a different style of understanding tragedy and comedy."

"It would be an honor. Miss Michael, Miss Hesha, tonight's party is very interesting. Thank you for your invitation. Goodbye."

Jenkins took off his hat, bowed to the two girls, and then watched the carriage set off. With the creaking sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground, it disappeared into the distant night.

The night in Nolan City in August was indeed a bit chilly.


@{"reader_id":"1540020","reader_name":"Head of the Royal Mage Corps"}, this is the first time I have met a rich man who gave me a reward of 5,000. I am very grateful.

In addition: I recommend the book "Odin", written by Mu Guan. This is the author of "Hunter Under the Tree of Origin", a real boss:

In the first year of opening up, the power of chaos disrupted the order of the universe. An invisible tide of aging surged from the depths of the stars, weakening the "walls" between different worlds. The power of order was infinitely weak, and the will of chaos was infinitely strong.

The barriers between the living and the dead collapsed, technology and magic collided violently, zombies, plagues and terrible curses in the other world were rampant, and the great disaster formed a terrifying world. The bloodthirsty and violent monsters from other worlds, the evil and chaotic purgatory demons, and the cruel and treacherous ghosts all turned from nightmares into reality and invaded the civilized homeland.

Under the starry sky, there were thousands of thunders.

A lightning carrying the power of the underworld crossed the chaotic universe. When it was about to reach the dark sea of ​​the target, it was pulled by an inexplicable mysterious force and deviated from the original trajectory.

“How many times can a person be struck by lightning in his lifetime?”

“To be honest, I think I have a lightning-absorbing physique. I get struck every time there is thunder. My brain was struck dumb when I was very young. For 16 years of my life, I was a mentally retarded person in an asylum. But after being hit by a thunderbolt recently, I think I am smarter than before.”

Xia Tian answered seriously.

Chapter 73 Chapter 70 Hat Trick and Cat

The evening breeze blew the ground, blowing the newspapers that someone had thrown on the ground to the corner of the street. There was a faint noise in the distance, as if there were drunkards making trouble.

“Come out, I see you.”

Jenkins shouted to the distance.

Ever since he came back from the castle, he has always had a strange feeling of being followed. The essence of the spirit is to bring the gifted closer to the world and the world closer to the gifted. With the increase of level and the accumulation of spirits, the sixth sense of the gifted will become more and more sensitive.

Just now in the carriage, that strange feeling of being followed reached its extreme. He didn't want to implicate the two girls, even if one of them could be a helper, so he asked to get off the car.

Standing silently on the street, holding the red cane in his hand.

A moment later, a tall figure walked out of the alley on the side.

He was wearing a black high-collared coat, with the collar standing up almost covering his ears. He wore a heavily painted mask on his face, and it was impossible to tell what style the mask originally looked like.

"10 light spots, 2 bubbles, and a level 6 gifter? I'm so proud of myself?"

Jenkins thought to himself, knowing that he was definitely not an opponent, and he had already retreated.

The man didn't say a word, and the mask showed a strange luster under the red and blue moonlight.

Jenkins didn't dare to move first. He didn't bring much with him this time. There were only a few talismans he made these days in his pocket, but most of them were for dealing with spirits.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have asked my dad for the pistol."

He felt a little regretful, and the man opposite him suddenly took action.

He took off the black tall hat on his head, grabbed the brim of the hat with both hands and flipped it lightly, and a mirror as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of Jenkins.

The mirror blocked most of Jenkins' vision, reflecting Jenkins' nervous expression as he held the cane.

He was stunned, and saw the smooth mirror surface darken as if covered by dust. His image disappeared, and a defeated hand stretched out from the mirror.

Jenkins swung the cane with his left hand, and with a sound of breaking through the air, the cane hit the hand.

"It's useless, it's not a spirit!"

He retreated quickly, and the strange faceless human figure that walked out of the mirror also accelerated to catch up.

Clenching his right hand, withdrawing his right arm, mobilizing the spirit to inject it, and striking forward, Frost Fist!

The air around him seemed to drop a few degrees. With a bang, the fist hit the strange pale human figure with a cold airflow.

It felt very soft, like a pudding at afternoon tea.

The human figure flew out backwards, and the frost spread from the place where the two had just touched. It fell to the ground, trembled a few times, and broke into pieces, turning into a mass of black viscous substance that seeped into the shadows.

"I'm so powerful?"

Jenkins himself couldn't believe the effect of this punch. He took a few steps back and looked around vigilantly, but found that everything was like a dream.

The mirror disappeared, the man disappeared, and only he was left. It was still a quiet street, and there were still two moons on the same day.

This accidental attack ended so anticlimactic. He stood on the street for a while until another carriage with a kerosene lamp passed by hurriedly. The driver sitting upright looked at Jenkins curiously when passing by, and Jenkins came back to his senses.

He frowned and looked around, shook his head, and walked towards home along the street.

Nothing happened along the way, and at the neat intersection of Privet Drive, a very conspicuous cardboard box with a steam valve attached was placed under the bright moonlight.


A babyish cat's cry came from the box. Jenkins hesitated on the side of the road, took out a piece of metal from the inner pocket of his black suit, and threw it at the box.

It didn't hit.

Throw it again.

The requiem charm was thrown into the box smoothly, and nothing unusual happened after waiting for a while.

Jenkins then walked towards the shabby cardboard box, and saw a few old clothes covered with mud in it casually. A black and white kitten lay there pitifully, shivering at Jenkins.


It called weakly to Jenkins and tried to stand up, but it shook a few times and fell on the clothes again, and its body shrank into a small ball of fur.

"We can't keep pets at home."

Jenkins said to the kitten helplessly, but he felt that his behavior was stupid.

The kitten made a sound similar to whimpering, and its body trembled slightly.

"I'm convinced by you."

Jenkins reached out and took it out of the box. Perhaps because it was too hungry, the cat just scratched him a few times and did not resist too violently.

"I'll hide you in my arms for a while, don't cry, I'll get you some milk, okay?"

He asked softly, looking up in the direction of home, so he didn't see the kitten trying to nod, and then stopped in a panic.

Jenkins had never kept a pet in his two lives, because he was a poor ghost in both lives. He greeted Mary and Robert according to the cat diet knowledge he learned from the story of Tom and Jerry, and returned to his room with two cups of hot milk.

The kitten can really drink milk. It was very well-behaved and didn't jump onto Jenkins' bed. Instead, it stood on the desk and looked around, gently licking the milky white liquid on the table.

Seeing that the kitten was so well-behaved, Jenkins was relieved. He thought about it and decided that he definitely couldn't keep a cat at home, but his father didn't seem to have any pets. He sent it there and it would be good to catch mice in the warehouse in the backyard.

Pulling out a cardboard box from under the bed, he tore off a few pieces of kraft paper used to wrap book covers and folded them into a plate shape, poured milk into it and let the kitten drink it by itself, and Jenkins took out the earring from his pocket.

Although the chain ability requires a lot, it is very powerful, so the price will not be very cheap. If you want to trade with Miss Bailing, you must at least know what this item is used for.

Jenkins opened the [Eye of Truth] and slowly injected his spirit into the item in his hand, but there was no reaction at all.

He turned his head and looked at the kitten eating seriously on the table, and there was no color.

"Your nerves are too sensitive."

He smiled and shook his head. It seemed that this was another item that he couldn't confirm. Thinking that he was a little tired today, Jenkins fortunately hid it under the bed with other things, went out to get a clean towel, wiped the whole body and four feet for the kitten in the dissatisfied voice, and then made a small nest for her with the cardboard box under the bed, and went to bed and fell asleep.

It was another quiet night. The moonlight shone into the bedroom through the curtains, illuminating Jenkins's frowning brows.

In the small mirror hanging in front of the desk, a young woman with blood on her head suddenly appeared. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the edge of the mirror to get out, but was slapped into smoke by the kitten that appeared on the table at some point.

Section 74 Chapter 71 The legendary race


It called softly, and did not jump back into the small cardboard box with the stall, but went straight into Jenkins' quilt.

Hiding the kitten in his arms and smuggling it out of the house, Jenkins came to Dad's antique shop early. In order to take the kitten into the car, Jenkins not only ensured that it would not excrete pollutants, but also paid an extra 3 pence.

"How was the reading salon last night?"

Dad asked as soon as they met.

"It was a bit boring, but the snacks and drinks were good. I like a kind of soft white pastry. It..."

Jenkins, holding the cat, shrugged, but was interrupted by Dad.

"That's it?"

"Oh, there's more."

Jenkins said seriously, "Last night when we were telling stories, there was a ghost-like thing peeping at us outside the window, but I don't know who repelled it later."

There's no need to betray Miss Hesha. Jenkins doesn't know whether she is also a gifted person of the church or became one by chance. But the latter is more likely.

"It should be a guard. It's not uncommon for noble families to hire gifted people to protect themselves. That's it?"

"Oh, and I was attacked when I went home last night."

The old man gave up asking Jenkins about his social problems. "Attack?"


He told his father carefully what happened last night, but unfortunately the attacker's appearance was completely covered up.

"I know, you write this down in words later, and I will submit it to the church for you. The ability he used is very similar to the white basic ability [Hat Trick], and we need to confirm it."

"Could it be the murderer who attacked the gifted person of the [Death and Doom] Church?"

Jenkins asked.

"Probably not. The methods are different, and there's no reason for him to let you go so easily."

Dad looked thoughtful, "But you should pay more attention to the evil spirits you mentioned. They are not powerful, but they are also very deadly to ordinary people."

Jenkins nodded to show that he understood, "Look at this little guy."

He introduced the kitten to Dad, "I picked it up on the street when I went home last night. I thought it was cute, so I brought it home. Now I haven't moved to the new house yet, and I can't keep cats at home. Can Dad adopt it temporarily?"

Dad reached out to touch the kitten's fur, but was easily avoided: "As long as it doesn't move things around and doesn't defecate indoors, it's okay to keep a cat. But are you sure it will be willing to follow me?"

The kitten obviously didn't like Dad very much. It meowed at him a few times with its teeth and claws bared, and then pounced on Jenkins again.

"It looks very intelligent, at least it recognizes people. I've heard ladies who have raised cats say that cats are different from dogs. They don't love home."

"I don't know about this."

Dad continued to look through the account book in his hand, which showed the recent expenses of the store. Dad's antique shop is a typical shop that can make a profit in three years. As long as a deal is made, even if there is no business for a week, it will still make money.

Not to mention, Dad's means of selling goods are not just in the store. He knows a lot of black market and private buyers.

"By the way, Dad, I have always wanted to ask you, are there any non-human intelligent races in this world?"

Jenkins only thought of this when talking about the intelligence of animals.


Dad answered in a muffled voice.

"Didn't A-10-2-9116, who was taken away by the black-robed man a few days ago, show a demon?"

"Is it really a demon?"

"That's not clear. In this era, it is rare to see non-human intelligent creatures in this world. The book records that the characteristics of demons are black hair and black pupils, burnt skin, a strong smell of sulfur, curved horns on the head, and good at killing. I don't know anything else. There is an introduction in the book I asked you to take home to read, turn back to page 321. I don't know more than it."

"Do the legendary elves, fairies, vampires and other creatures also exist?"

"Yes, they are real. But just like demons, these creatures have completely disappeared in this era, and they are rarely seen in written records."


"Not sure."

Dad looked up at him, "Do you think Dad is an antique who has lived for thousands of years?"

Jenkins laughed dryly a few times, patted the kitten's head and let it play by itself, while he continued to copy the tadpole text 100 times.

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