Jenkins was shocked, but he didn't see that a few hands continued to climb up, and then he met a cat. Those bold hands were not afraid of people, of course, they were not afraid of cats. They rushed straight to the chocolate, and the cat opened one eye and meowed.

Puff ~

It was like the sound of a balloon leaking was covered by the opera on the stage, and then all the strange visions disappeared.

Jenkins just felt that his legs were also held by a large number of hands, and the touch disappeared immediately. Even the hand holding him disappeared. He waited for a few seconds and then grabbed around bravely, but didn't catch anything strange.

Instead, he accidentally touched Britney's hand, and the latter immediately hooked up, but fortunately Jenkins ran fast.

"What happened?"

Jenkins hadn't had time to open the Eye of Truth just now, so naturally he couldn't know that a bold weird appeared under his chair, and then was severely injured because of offending a more terrible creature, at least it would not appear again in this era.

But no matter how unlucky that thing was just now, Jenkins has lost his target again and really can't find anything to do. He forced himself to listen to the opera for a while, and found that although the content was changed by the troupe, he still knew the specific framework by heart.

His eyelids were getting heavier, and he often woke up in the middle of the night due to excessive stress recently. Unconsciously, he fell into a deep sleep.

For Jenkins, dreams are sometimes the beginning of another adventure. Not to mention the terrible huge black cat that often appears in his dreams, dream demons, star spirits and all kinds of weird things have appeared in his dreams.

This time is no exception. He can still vaguely hear the music on the stage, and even feel the soft body of the cat under his hand, but his consciousness is floating higher and higher, farther and farther.

There is no strange vision in front of him, and there is a subtle murmur in his ears:

"... God... bless... sir..."

It's like a radio with a bad signal. The sound heard is intermittent and the sound quality is extremely poor, and there will be noise from time to time. It is impossible to understand the content of that voice, nor can it identify the owner of those voices.

Just when he wanted to distinguish more carefully, his body was gently shaken:

"Jenkins, Jenkins, wake up."


He opened his eyes blankly and felt some pain in his temple. The music on the stage was still playing, and the actors were trying their best to show themselves. It should be the end of the second act now, and he didn't sleep for long.

"Jenkins, wake up, you can't sleep here, it's very rude."

Hathaway's voice was still echoing in his ears. He raised his hand to cover his forehead, and suddenly forgot what he had dreamed about just now. He nodded blankly, and Hathaway naturally pulled up his hand:

"Didn't you sleep well last night? After seeing you today, your face has not been very good."

The tone was very concerned. Jenkins felt that pulling his hand out now would embarrass everyone, so he didn't break free.

"A murderer broke into the house a few days ago... Oh, I'm fine, don't worry."

He whispered halfway, and saw Hathaway seemed to be about to scream loudly, and immediately supplemented it with a hurried voice. Maybe the noise was too loud, Britney looked over with concern, but she only saw Hathaway smiling at her gently.

Her face immediately turned red, thinking that no matter what was happening over there, she would not care.

"What murderer? I haven't heard you mention it."

The red-haired girl was still asking.

"It's not a big deal. You probably saw the news in the newspaper. A while ago, there was a midnight serial murder case in Nolan City..."

He simply recounted what happened that night, and emphasized that it was just an ordinary person.

"Look, I didn't get hurt, and the chocolate is also very good. Don't worry, I broke the man's wrist and leg bones, and he will be tried in court next month. With the crime he committed, it is possible that he will be executed immediately. I saw his photo in the police station..."

Worried about disturbing others, the two chatted about this and then continued to listen to the opera quietly. Hathaway let go of Jenkins' hand just right, even making him think that the action just now was very natural, and his idea was wrong.

But no matter how wonderful the performance on stage is, or what happened off stage is wonderful, the story always has to come to an end.

As the detective pulled the trigger at the sky, a gunshot sounded in the background. In the story, this means that the detective wanted to catch the criminals, but he let them go for the sake of reason. The gunshot meant that he had done what he could, and it was also the end of this opera.

Jenkins, who was half asleep and half awake, was awakened by the applause, and then immediately followed suit. After realizing where he was, he looked around. Mr. Nellie, who was sitting on the side of this row, smiled with a red face, and the actors on the stage stood in a row and bowed to the curtain call.

The camera that had been prepared long ago made a bang~ sound, which was actually a flash of light. The smell of burning chemicals was hard to dissipate in the theater, but people didn't care about it. Applause and enthusiastic comments filled every corner.

Section 752 Chapter 737 Sharing Knowledge

"We succeeded, Jenkins."

I vaguely heard Hathaway talking in my ear, but Jenkins was not completely awake yet. It seemed that he really needed to take a rest recently.

After the curtain opened, the gas lamps overhead were already lit, and the actors of the opera troupe took five curtain calls before ending.

The critics stood together and discussed loudly, while the reporters dispersed backstage to interview the actors. When Jenkins sat on his seat and rubbed his temples, some people still wanted to approach him, but they were all stopped by Mr. Nellie's bodyguards.

"Mr. Willamette, I don't know how to praise your talent."

The excitement of the fat businessman may be one-tenth true. He must have seen the script and the earlier preview. After the initial excitement subsided, all he could show was the performance.

But the fact that he was able to show this emotion also showed that he was really praising Jenkins, and that Jenkins was willing to have a few words of hypocrisy with him.

"No, no, no, if my talent wasn't supported by your opera troupe, I definitely wouldn't be able to achieve such perfect results."

The hypocritical men talked about hypocrisy, and Hathaway went backstage with Britney to meet the actors.

And when Jenkins finally ended the conversation with Mr. Nellie and agreed to come to support the first performance, he had no idea where his female companions had gone.

Most of the people in the opera house were concentrated backstage, and he didn't want to squeeze in to join in the fun, so he sat in the front row of the auditorium. They planned to go there when there were fewer people, or the two ladies came out to look for him on their own.

The plan worked so well that he didn't even wait three minutes before he saw Hathaway walking from behind the stage with her skirt in hand. Instead of taking the steps to the side of the stage, she walked straight to the center edge.

There was a distance from the ground, and Hathaway was wearing high heels, so she obviously couldn't jump down.

The red-haired girl looked at Jenkins with a smile. Jenkins nodded, stood up, put the cat in his arms, and then climbed onto the stage neatly.

That way she wouldn't have to come down.

"Where's Britney? Are you still behind?"

he asked curiously.

"I'm talking to the lead actress, Ms. Jin, in the back. She'll probably be here soon. Congratulations, the script is a success."

"Congratulations to you too, the music is also very successful."

The next second he regretted mentioning the word music, because Hathaway asked immediately:

"Have you thought carefully about your last proposal?"

Now pretending to be stupid and asking "what proposal" is the most embarrassing answer. But Jenkins didn't know what kind of answer he should give at this moment, or more accurately, a more perfect answer.

"Why, do you still want me to plead with you like last time?"

Hathaway continued to ask, still smiling, making it difficult for Jenkins to guess her true intentions.

At this moment, the two of them were standing on the magnificent stage, with a red curtain behind them and a spacious and empty auditorium in front of them. The lights above were not turned off yet, and somehow they all shone on them.

Jenkins felt a little hot.

If Hathaway got down on one knee again and took one of Jenkins' hands to plead, the scene would be truly unimaginable.

"I promise that I will not abandon the player. My guide said that it comes unexpectedly, so it is best to keep it for a while."

Chocolate's head finally opened the button on the front of Jenkins' formal suit, and the cat's head was fully exposed. It observed its surroundings vigilantly, and then looked at Hathaway with the expression of a cat with a mouse's claws - even though it had never caught mice.

"But this ability is completely useless if you keep it. If you can't use it, it will only become a hindrance to you. According to my understanding, Jenkins, your understanding of music is as shallow as my understanding of the great gods."

As he said this, he wanted to hold Jenkins' hand. Jenkins subconsciously shrank back, knowing that if he didn't do something, the lady in front of him would not give up.

"As for music, I actually have a superficial understanding of it. Yes, I once received inexplicable revelations in... dreams. You should know that I have received revelations many times, and people in the church think this It’s the reason for the favor of the wise.”

This is an excuse to the outside world. It can not only cover up the talent that does not belong to the original owner Jenkins, but also well explain the reason why he is favored by the Sage Church.

"Yes, music knowledge is also knowledge. Sorry, I don't mean that the sage intends to get involved in the great and wonderful music, but I did hear a few beautiful songs."

He continued to explain, but he felt that his words were a little sensitive, and for a moment he felt that he was getting involved.

Hathaway just looked at him and explained that if Jenkins didn't come up with some evidence, she would regard everything she just said as an excuse.

"Please don't resist, I will prove it."

Seeing no one around, Mr. Writer was in the center of the stage. On the right sleeve of his black formal suit, two winding silver strips of light gradually took shape.

The light strip is like a gurgling stream, starting from the right arm and gradually turning into a rushing river. Countless overlapping images, words and things that are more difficult to describe flow in these two rivers.

Hathaway is not the owner of these two light strips, so he cannot discern the specific information in them. But she can at least understand the horror of those two things, especially one of them. Just focusing on it and trying to analyze it, she will have the illusion that the world wants to destroy itself.

She subconsciously leaned back, but when she remembered who was standing opposite her, she immediately pretended to be calm. Chocolate, with only the furry cat head exposed, stared at the things in the light strip, especially one of them. The knowledge and information in it were really interesting.

[Knowledge Granting] is the ability to share knowledge, but he has always regarded it as a killer skill. This time, it was only when purifying the evil spirit that entangled Mr. Nellie that it was truly used. At this moment, it will help Jenkins get rid of the awkward conversation. This is also the first time that Jenkins has shared the knowledge of the other world with the living people in this world in this way.

He took the initiative to take a step forward and get closer. Seeing that Hathaway did not dodge, he flicked his fingers slightly and flicked some of the silver light into Hathaway's forehead. In order to avoid hurting the girl, Jenkins only selected a very small amount of memory, and also thought and processed it with the identity of "Jenkins Williamette" in this world to prevent knowledge from different rules from causing harm.

This was obviously very useful. Hathaway's expression changed from doubt to relief. After slowly closing her eyes, she showed no pain.

Chapter 753 Chapter 738 Hathaway's Road (Part 2)

Silver light entered her mind, and an inexplicable melody appeared in her ears. This is a completely different tone from this era. Although she was a little uncomfortable at first, she was soon brought into the mood by the tune.

It was as if she was flying over the grassland under the blue sky and white clouds, and the feeling of freedom and relief filled her heart. After carefully savoring it, there was a lingering sadness and bitterness, but she didn't know where this feeling came from.

An indescribable feeling flowed in her heart, as if the problem that had troubled her for a long time in the past had been answered. Her mood suddenly became much more relaxed, and the depression and bitterness accumulated during this period of time completely disappeared.

Jenkins watched Hathaway's expression become relieved. He was satisfied with this result, but suddenly he felt that the spirit in the nearby space was a little strange. He opened his true eyes and scanned around, and unexpectedly found that the white qi flow was like the backflow of sea water, pouring into Hathaway's forehead.

In a few breaths, a new ability appeared. At the same time, the person standing in front of him was no longer the fourth-level gifter Hathaway Hesha, but the fifth-level gifter Hathaway Hesha.


Chocolate was also a little confused about this change. He stretched out his claws to try to pick up the silver light band that had not disappeared in the air, but Jenkins was worried that it would fall to the ground, so he pressed the cat head back.

"Should I say... congratulations now?"

He hesitated and didn't know what to say. It was just a song, and the girl opposite was a little too emotional.

"The city... in the sky?"

"Hmm? Oh, are you talking about the name? Yes, it's this name."

He was a little at a loss, and he hadn't fully figured out what had happened just now.

Her absent-minded eyes gradually returned to normal. She reached out to grab Jenkins' shoulder, but stopped. There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, but more of curiosity, curious about what else the man in front of her could do.

"I'm now level 5."

"Oh, congratulations. Look, I finally have the same strength as you, and now you've taken another step ahead."

The same strength here refers to the level. If they really fight, Hathaway might be "a little" weaker.

"You know, it hasn't been long since I was promoted to level 4."

Jenkins knows this, and even knows the specific month.

"I thought the next promotion would be in five years, or ten years. On average, my talent is not outstanding, and it's a gift from God that I can reach my current level."

Her speech speed was particularly slow, allowing Jenkins to hear every syllable.

"What did you feel just now? I mean, it was a very beautiful tune for me, why did you..."

Jenkins was still very curious.

"Because I am a believer in the God of Music. Jenkins, I saw a completely different kind of music, not solemn court music, not frivolous songs, it's a bit like a combination of serenade and [Song of Nature]. I really saw it, a completely different field."

She tilted her head and stared at Jenkins with wide eyes, like a young child peeking at the mysterious night sky. But the man in front of him was even more mysterious than the night sky. When he stared at her, it was like facing the abyss that made people want to jump down.

"Well... it's good to see it."

The action just now also brought spiritual energy to Jenkins. On the one hand, it was considered to be creating "new knowledge", and on the other hand, it was also engaged in something related to music. Although the spiritual energy was very small, it was almost equivalent to being free, and Jenkins liked this kind of free things.

For example, the free cat picked up from the street in his arms.


Chocolate wanted to jump out of the collar again.

"Do you need more tunes? Maybe I can find some."

He was a little eager to try. This was a rare opportunity to explore the relationship between the gifter and the spirit of the world.

"No, it's fine for now. I haven't grasped what I found at that moment just now. But... I saw a brand new road."

Hathaway shook her head gently, then stepped forward and hugged Jenkins with open arms. Jenkins felt a soft thing squeezing him on his chest. It was a cat that was forced to be under pressure.


The blonde girl walked behind the curtain and wanted to greet Hathaway who had walked in ahead of her. But in the gap between the curtains, she saw the two of them hugging in the center of the stage.

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