He didn't want to worry his friends, so he concealed the fact that he was seriously injured and glossed over it.

Some major events have happened in Loen recently, the most important of which is that the rumors about the appearance of A-01-1-8322 [Snowman Legion] have been confirmed. Small villages far away from the central city have been affected, and even one small village has been transformed into snowmen as a whole.

According to the current situation, the number of snowmen that have appeared this time has exceeded four digits, which can be regarded as a national disaster.

The Orthodox Church has begun to deal with it and informed King Salsi II of the matter. When the servants in the palace told Miss Stuart what they overheard, she was also very surprised. After all, the girl had never thought that the disaster was so close to her.

"It doesn't matter. Now the Snowman Legion has driven the three demigods stationed in Loen to the farther north, near the ice cap where the sea monster [Kentaya] appeared. I don't think the city will be affected by this disaster."

Alexia added.

"Excuse me, how did you know? The church doesn't seem to have reported the situation yet."

Julia asked Miss Stuart's question on her behalf.

"I saw it with my own eyes last night."

As she spoke, the girl tilted her head and picked up her teacup to wink at Jenkins, who had the illusion that chocolate's little paws were kicking around on his chest.

The royal hunt will be held in the royal hunting ground in the east of Loen City. Although it is a hunting ground, according to the map obtained from Miss Stuart, it can also be called a whole plain.

Because the area of ​​the hunting ground is so large, the hunting will be circled at a fixed location. The location is different every year, and even Miss Stuart has no way of knowing this year's location in advance.

There are few prey in winter, so before the hunting begins, the royal servants will release some wild animals into the hunting ground. The royal family members and nobles who participate in the hunting will move freely within this hunting range, gather at the designated location on the last day, and boast about their prey to each other.

There is no stupid evaluation or scoring in this, everyone evaluates their skills and participates in the activity. But no matter what the ladies finally caught, they would be praised by everyone, while the men who caught the least would be ridiculed for a whole year - or even many years.

The requirements of the Stuart royal family were particularly strict. There were no restrictions for underage princesses, but male members of all ages had to hand in at least 1,200 pounds (about 544.3 kilograms) of prey as long as they participated in the hunt.

If it was summer, a bear or a larger wild boar might be enough, but in winter, only small animals such as snow rabbits and crows could be found.

His Majesty the King would not punish his sons who did not meet the requirements, because the mere failure was enough to make them feel ashamed. This was the characteristic of the Stuart royal family and a process of cultivating heirs.

Therefore, Miss Stuart's next few days were very simple, just to find a safer place, treat it as a winter camping, and spend three days happily and happily. As long as she could return safely, this hunting activity would be very successful.

"But... will it really be so smooth?"

Jenkins muttered in a corner of his heart.

Chapter 731 Chapter 717 Separated Cookies

Because there was something else to say to Alexia, this time Jenkins returned to Nolan and returned on time, appearing in the carriage of the short lady returning to her residence. At this time, the carriage had already left the palace, and Jenkins could also open the curtains to look outside.

The street lights on the main road were bright. It was rare that there was no snow tonight, but there were piles of snow under each street lamp pole. The wheels made a creaking sound when rolling over the snow, which was very rhythmic, but Jenkins was not sure whether this was caused by the aging of the vehicle.

"Of course it won't be so smooth. I have found out that Dolores's brothers are ready to make a move, and at least one of them will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to do something. That's really a fool, he didn't even know that he was being used."

Alexia answered Jenkins' suspicion.

"I still don't understand. Our friend has no intention of touching the Brilliant Crown. Why do they still regard her as a threat?"

"That's because you don't know what kind of power our friend holds... Don't show that surprised expression. I'm not referring to individual power, but power that includes power, relationships, power, etc."

"I understand now."

Jenkins shook his head gently, then turned to look out the window. The biting night wind blew on his face, making his cheeks sting a little, but this helped him stay awake. The warm room is indeed comfortable, but it is inevitable to feel hot if you stay there for a long time:

"On the one hand, Miss Stuart's brothers are afraid of this power; on the other hand, they covet these powers; and the most important point is that Miss Stuart is not interested in the crown now, but it does not mean that it will be the same in the future. People's hearts are very fickle things. Maybe she will suddenly change her mind for a ridiculous reason."

This is Jenkins' summary. Human rights struggles are just because of this reason.

"So, I like to talk to you. You can always guess what I'm thinking. Guess what I'm thinking now?"

As she spoke, she leaned forward and almost touched Jenkins' face, and there seemed to be a dazzling light shining in her beautiful eyes. Chocolate was very dissatisfied with this, because it was lying on Jenkins' lap, and Alexia's movements compressed its space for movement.


After that embarrassing night on the train, his progress in some areas is truly amazing, like now:

"I know what you are thinking, but I won't tell you."

The woman showed an intoxicating smile and did nothing. She retracted her body and sat back opposite Jenkins. She kept staring into Jenkins' eyes until Jenkins took the initiative to look out again out of embarrassment.

Alexia knew that she liked the man in front of her, and he did too, but he didn't know or didn't want to admit it.

"You need to pay more attention to the appearance of undead in Nolan City. Since you think those skeletons are related to monsters, then this matter may be a bit serious. There are indeed many monsters that can create undead creatures, but once There are so many sexual creations, and there are even high-level undead tribes, so unless the items are not recorded by the Righteous God Church, I can limit the scope to some things that can be called 'disasters'. There was an item targeting the black market in Loen City. The weapon of the undead, I think I can buy it with Dolores."

"No, don't go to such trouble."

The last vampire incident was thanks to Miss Stuart's [Vampire Nemesis]. If they still need help this time, Jenkins would be really embarrassed.

"It's not a bother. Didn't you also share B-03-01-8383 [The Secret Chalice of Fear] with us? That's fair."

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, then looked at her in surprise: "Fair? Until now, do you still use the value of the transaction to calculate the friendship between us?"

He was going to make a joke, but it might have gone too far. Alexia's brows immediately frowned, and the atmosphere in the car became tense in vain.

She leaned forward again, but this time their faces actually touched. After the kiss, she looked at Jenkins blushing and wiping his lips with his hands, and asked sarcastically:

"Now can you feel how I 'quantified' our 'friendship'?"


Jenkins was still recalling the feeling just now, so he answered the question a little absent-mindedly. He suddenly realized that every time he kissed the ladies, he seemed to be the passive one, and there was something wrong with this.


If you don't realize that you have a crush on the female friends around you, then kissing wantonly can be dismissed as ignorance. But after realizing this, is it really right to still treat them like this?

Hathaway and Britney, who are far away in Nolan, and Alexia, who is near Loen, clearly know what they think about the three ladies, but they still do not change the way they get along with each other.

"Am I also the so-called playboy?"

He thought in surprise, worried that he would become the person he hated most who deceived his feelings.


The cat made a threatening sound, but neither of the two humans had the intention to pay attention to this cute little animal. Chocolate stretched out its front paws and patted the back of Jenkins' hand, hoping to get Jenkins' idea, but it obviously failed.

"You don't need to worry about this."

Alexia's voice suddenly sounded again, picking up on Jenkins's mental activities as if reading his mind.


"No need to worry, no need to worry at all. You need to look further away. I know you always have your own goals. As for the near..."

She took out a biscuit from the small plate beside her, broke it in half, and handed one half to the cat who was about to act up. Chocolate looked at it suspiciously and didn't take it, so Jenkins took the cookie from Alexia's hand, and then it accepted it.

"Did you see what I did?"


Such a conversation was so tiring that Jenkins had to admit that he didn't understand it at all.

Alexia tilted her head and looked at Jenkins, then put the remaining half of the cookie into her mouth.

Her eyes narrowed and a faint smile hung on her lips, she just didn't want Jenkins to understand. Her view of love is very unique, but no matter how "generous" she is and is willing to "share", Alexia is just a mortal woman now. This is a rare moment when emotion slightly overwhelms rationality.

"What a fool!"

As for whether this is Jenkins, Alexia, or chocolate's psychological activity, no one can know the answer.

PS: Calculation error. Chapter 6/49: 5 bubbles after upgrade (1 in the desert, 4 after upgrade). Phantom -1, Player -1, Contact Death -1.

Now there are two left.

Chapter 732 Chapter 718 Alexia’s Flower

After returning to Alexia's residence, she also told Jenkins the real reason why she had left the city for the past two weeks.

It's certainly not a lie to visit the indigenous people on the ice sheet, but that's only part of the purpose. In fact, she only stayed in the aboriginal village for one day, and then set off further north.

"So, what exactly did you do?"

Jenkins and Alexia sat on a chair in front of the fireplace together. The chair was very soft, but unfortunately, the senses were a little dulled in the projection state.

"For this."

Before the conversation in the building had begun, she had gone to her bedroom to retrieve a red lacquered wood box, which was now placed in Jenkins' hands.

This was originally a jewelry box, and Jenkins had seen Alexia's ruby ​​necklace stored in it. But now there is a bud made of ice. The moment it is opened, white cold air overflows from the box, as if someone has put dry ice inside.

"Be careful."

Alexia reminded.

"I know."

As he spoke, he let the flames drive away the ice that spread to his palms with a crackling sound, and those ice crystals melted in an instant. This box has been modified to inhibit the cold air from flowing out, but it still inevitably leaks the huge energy after it is opened.

"It's truly a work of art."

Jenkins sighed at the bud. He originally thought that his fantasy flower, which had reached the penultimate stage of growth, was the most beautiful flower, but now it seems that it is not.

The things inside the box simply have the ability to attract people's attention. The beauty formed by nature cannot be imitated no matter what.

"What is this? A numbered item? Or a special plant?"

he asked.

"A special plant, the Nine-leaf Ice Crystal Flower."

"Never heard of it."

He shook his head and pushed aside Chocolate's little paw. Judging from the temperature of the flower buds, it is entirely possible that the moment a cat touches them, they will freeze into popsicles.

"It would only surprise me if you'd heard of it. It's a rather dangerous plant, with no record of even an appearance in this era. It only works once, and that's when it's mature and blown by the wind. The extreme cold of this flower will be completely integrated into the first gust of wind, and that gust of wind will freeze anything encountered along the way. If the location and time are right, hold this flower and stand on the west coast of the road and blow eastward. , able to freeze half of the continent."

"Oh, this is really amazing. Alexia, you are so lucky to be able to find such a thing."

he exclaimed, still admiring the delicate bud structure. With the naked eye, you can see some subtle lines emerging on the inside of the flower buds, but they are not clear. It is thought that these lines will not be fully visible until they bloom.

"No, it's not luck. In fact... I planted this flower ten years ago."

After saying that, he looked at Jenkins' expression, and the latter raised his eyebrows, "That's lucky enough. It took ten years for this flower to grow to this point. I don't think most people can do it."

He originally wanted to warn his friends in front of him not to use such dangerous things in dangerous ways. But then I thought about it, doing this would make it appear that she didn't trust her, and Alexia was kind in nature and a good person as good as herself, so there was no need to warn her about this.

"Oh, is that right?"

Jenkins' thoughts at this time were very easy to understand, so the woman asked in her heart.

The hunting group will set off tomorrow morning and officially arrive at the hunting ground in the afternoon. Jenkins will come back tomorrow night after evening classes and fighting lessons. Although it will be a little late, the girls have promised to wait for him.

"That's not ours, don't touch it."

He warned Chocolate again, who was very interested in the bud, and then returned to Nolan with it.

Jenkins only recently discovered that since he used flower girl fertilizer to grow fantasy flowers to their current growth stage, Chocolate seems to know the value and is no longer interested in the seeds in the church garden.

Although he would occasionally wander around like he was patrolling his territory, it was obviously not as good as before just lying next to him when he had nothing to do.

Jenkins interpreted this to mean that chocolate loves the new and forgets the old, and is tired of those interesting seeds. As a kitten, it is unusual for it to be interested in something or an object for a long time.

Just like Wednesday morning, Chocolate was still scratching the remaining silver metal piece with his claws as usual, but in the blink of an eye, he actually took out the hands of the grace clock from Jenkins' coat pocket. , and use the latter to beat the former desperately.

He brought the pointer with him because he wanted Alexia to help see what it could do, but he accidentally forgot about it because he talked about so many things yesterday. He didn't expect the cat to be interested in such a thing, but in order to prevent the pointer or metal block from being damaged, he still snatched it back from the cat's claws.

The investigation into what happened last night has made no progress at all, and the church cannot find the specific origin of those undead creatures no matter what method they use. But because of this, during the investigation process, the church finally noticed the undead sightings that occurred around the city in the past two months.

There is currently no evidence to prove that the two incidents are related, but since they both involve undead that should not appear in the city, sooner or later the whole story will be figured out.

Dad blamed Jenkins' reckless actions for what happened last night. If he hadn't tracked the skeleton, what happened next wouldn't have happened.

He reiterated the importance of safety and hoped that he would not be as curious as a cat in the future.


Chocolate, who was originally drowsy, seemed to hear someone talking about him, so he raised his head and looked around. Seeing that the two men were still talking, he lay down again.

The city ushered in a brief period of peace and tranquility, which also meant that the probability of Jenkins encountering accidents in his daily life was greatly reduced.

Due to the accident on Tuesday evening, Jenkins stayed at the church overnight. This meant that he had to return to St. George Street at noon on Wednesday to take out the letters from the mailbox.

He left the usual letters from readers at home, and put the other letters in the big pocket outside his coat, reading them while walking.

Walking in the smoky and noisy streets of winter, pedestrians and carriages flowed by, the steam pipes on the wall shone in the weak sunlight, and the young man held his letter, his brows gradually frowned.

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