The explosion did not cause the corridor to collapse, nor did it produce any other effects. After the echoing sound ended, a wooden gear rolled from the blind spot on one side to the center of the corridor entrance.

"What does this mean? The puppet outside was blown to death by me?"

He lowered his breath and turned his head again. He could still see the situation in the seal room behind him. It seemed that the seal had not been broken.

"Did Mrs. Xudela lie? In fact, this is a trap. The puppet had already escaped? No, the priest of lies did not find the lie!"

He burned his coat and threw it outside. The flames could still make the puppet appear.

"Use divinity now? No, no, no, it's not the time yet. I have to figure out what happened first. After all, this is the last drop of divinity."

Ignoring Quick under his feet, Jenkins moved towards the entrance again along the wall of the corridor, but he never crossed the entrance. He closed his eyes and felt it. There was indeed a target nearby that could be designated by [Profane Production].


He silently activated his ability and immediately heard the rustling sound coming from the blind spot. Suddenly, a childish and sharp cry came from the fan-shaped open space, and after the cry, it seemed that a pile of wooden parts fell to the ground.

The sense of crisis was immediately relieved, and Jenkins jumped out, aiming the mining lamp made of metal parts in his hand at the previous position.

There were no puppets, only a pile of rough doll parts and a somewhat illusory seed of blasphemy remained on the ground.


He relaxed, bent down to pick up the seed of blasphemy, but felt something was wrong:

"How could such a dangerous sealed creature only leave less than one coin... Oops!"

He ran into the corridor again and saw a new puppet dragging the unconscious Quick to the sealing room. The puppet showed a humanized mocking expression to Jenkins, then stretched out a fist without fingers like a hammer head, and smashed Quick's head into pieces.

"Mass-produced puppet, are you kidding me!"

With Quick's death, white brain matter and dark red blood splashed all over the sealing room. The blue gem, the size of a human head, swayed in the air, and then fell straight to the ground like a steam-powered airship that had lost its energy source.

As the seal was broken, a smelly wind with no source blew up from the underground space. This was not the smell of rotting protein, but it was a bit like the smell of rotting wood.

The runes on the ground burst into a final round of golden flashes, and then completely lost their light. Just above the circular space, a dark mass was trying to squeeze out, but it could not break through a certain limit.

Some messy whispers appeared in the ears, and there were strange children's laughter in the indistinguishable words. The head felt an invisible blow, and blood flowed from the nostrils.

Jenkins almost fell down because he did not stand firmly, but he held on to the wall beside him in time. Everything in his vision was doubled, and it seemed that something was peeping at him in the dark.

Section 703 Chapter 690 Temptation and Trading (3/10)

But no matter how uncomfortable it felt at that moment, it only lasted for a few dozen seconds. The dark mass above his head did not completely squeeze out of the wall, and the fantasy soon disappeared.

"Oh, I said, such a powerful seal, it is impossible to completely fail by sacrificing a living person."

Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief, but the current situation is still not optimistic. From the facts, the seal has indeed had problems. Although the puppet still cannot escape now, if left alone, it will sooner or later completely break through the seal and cause damage to the material world.

Unfortunately, Jenkins knows nothing about this seal array.

If this is Nolan City, he can still go to Miss Magic for help. The woman's attainments in rituals are absolutely trustworthy. But this place is deep underground in the snow-capped mountains far away from civilized society. He doesn't even dare to go to Loon. After all, the puppet that killed Queke just now is still staring at the wall, and the flesh is now without any protection.

If the guess is correct, then the two puppets just now should be made by the creatures sealed here, and they are allowed to move freely between the seals in an unknown way. And the purpose is naturally to find a way to help it escape.

Now the goal has been achieved, and the seal has been greatly damaged due to the blood sacrifice. Jenkins doesn't know whether Mrs. Xudela above can repair it, but the possibility is very small.

He doesn't plan to leave before solving the problem here. If there is really no way in the end, he can only use the last drop of divinity to seal the sealed puppet again.

"Profane Production!"

The target is aimed at the puppet that killed Quik, and the vines that appeared from the void easily dismantle it into pieces.

"Profane Production!"

This time, it is aimed at the black thing that tried to break the seal, but unfortunately the ability failed. The seal not only restricts its freedom, but also restricts the influence of the outside world on it.

"Mechanical Light!"

The extremely thin beam of light is transmitted upwards, but it only collapses the piece of stone, and still has no effect on the sealed puppet.

"Well, I can't do it."

The impact of the blood sacrifice is greater than Jenkins thought. The speed at which the mass of things above his head "squeezes" out is getting faster and faster, and the stench in the air is getting heavier.

He took the metal block out of his pocket again, but at this moment he heard a second voice:

"Compared to the person just now, maybe you are the most suitable trading partner."


He raised his head and looked upward, where the voice came from. It was a child's voice, but something evil could be heard even in its tenderness. At the same time as the sound appeared, the unbearable headache just now appeared again, and the stench in the air became stronger.

There was a trace of uncontrollable fear deep in my heart, but this fear was quickly burned to ashes by nameless rage.

It is natural that Quick has a deal with the puppets. He does not look like a boring person who is willing to harm others without benefiting himself. For example, the blood line when coming down the stairs. Although I don’t know what it is for, it must be related to the puppet.

"Deal? What do I get?"

The puppet was doing this to delay time. While the two were talking, it was further breaking away from the shackles of the seal. But Jenkins is not worried about what it will do next. He has already made up his mind to use divinity, and the current conversation is just to satisfy curiosity and facilitate the processing of subsequent matters.

"Within my abilities, you can get everything you want. I have many long-lost abilities as a gifter, and I also know a lot about ancient golem technology and forbidden rituals. Of course, if you can help me thoroughly Break free from the seal and you will get more. Look, you are bleeding from the nose, fragile mortal~"

"No, I don't need that much. I just want to know what Quick, the man just now, did in the villa between the seals, and his past story."

"It's easy."

As he spoke, a gray shadow rose from Quick's body. This is very different from the ordinary spirits that Jenkins has seen. According to his understanding, spirits usually do not have the ability to answer questions from the living unless they use items such as Ouija boards.

"Are you Franklin Quick?"

he asked.


"You know little Wellington, and know something about the devil?"

"Yes, I hope to gain knowledge from the aliens."

"Are you involved with the vampires?"

"Yes, vampires have a unique view on the blood sacrifice seal."

"What was the opportunity for you to become a gifter?"

"Five years ago, I found a rotten wooden board embedded in a crack in the wall in the family library, with some information recorded on it."

"Did you kill the doctor at the Villa and lure us into discovering the identity of the key keeper?"

"Yes, I didn't find out that there was a Benefactor among my companions before traveling. After I found out, I originally wanted to kill you with the seeds of cold snake grass in the town outside the mountain, but I didn't expect that I failed. After I came to the villa, He planned to fake his own death to gain freedom of movement, and those problematic people in the villa were just smoke bombs used to cover up his actions. "

"What is your purpose of coming here?"

"I learned from the devil that there is a powerful creature sealed here, and the knowledge of vampires allowed me to master the way to use the power of blood to break and master the seal. My plan is to use that knowledge to help the sealed monster, and in The moment it broke through the seal, I used the blood line to control it - I spent a lot of money to get this thing from that hateful demigod. This is absolutely reliable. I only have the last step to achieve it... ..."

With a soft bang, Quick's soul seemed to be shattered by an invisible force, and the action of the puppet above him suddenly stopped breaking through the seal.

It seemed to be frozen there, stunned by what had just been said. It's unclear whether Quick's arrangements still worked after his death.

But Jenkins knew it would have no effect because he had destroyed the continuity of the line.

"Look, this has nothing to do with me."

He held the metal piece in his hand, pretending to be emboldened by the blood line. The puppet did not recognize the true identity of the metal block, otherwise it would not be so silent.

"Help me destroy the blood line in the stairs, and I will give you a way to learn the mysterious ability [Puppet Kingdom]."

"Oh? I think,

But I thought maybe I could get more. You see, I am a fragile mortal, so I need strength to protect myself. "

He was smiling on the outside, but his heart was extremely cold. He has no way out. The metal block in his hand is the last trump card. Now he will...

Chapter 704 Chapter 691 Challenging Destiny (4/10)

"Isn't it enough... Which era is it now? Since fate has given me a chance to escape, the time should be the end of the chaotic era. 17? 18? Or 19?

If it is the 17th era, I know the information about the emblem of the savior [The Faceless King];

If it is the 18th era, I know the information about the savior’s emblem [Stage of Destiny];

If it's the 19th era, I know the information about the savior's emblem [The Origin of Fear].

I have peeked at the Epic of Time, so I know these contents in advance. I can guarantee that you will never get this knowledge from others. "

The voice was sharper than before, and the child's voice gradually transitioned into the witch's voice.

Jenkins' movement to use his divinity stopped, which was really an unexpected surprise. Maybe this week's bad luck was all foreshadowing this moment.

"This is the 18th Era. I can agree to your conditions, but you must first tell me the knowledge."

"Human, greed is not a good habit. The 18th era has passed for so long...Okay, I can tell you a little bit, but you have to help me to get the rest of the knowledge. [World Stage] is a very special form of ability, not a single one...Wait a minute, do you know the Savior Emblem?"

The question stopped here, and Jenkins did not answer, and tightly grasped his metal block again.

"Why do you know?"

Its tone suddenly became fast and impatient.

"Why do you know, what's going on, coincidence? You know about the emblem, and I happen to be able to provide detailed information..."

Speaking of this, there is really a strong taste of fate, just like many things that happened before.

"No, are you the child of destiny in this era? Could it be that I have become a tool man serving destiny in the epic of time, and the meaning of my existence is to help you get the Savior Emblem?"

It muttered to itself some terrible sentences, and its tone gradually lost reason.

"What is this? Destiny? Is this the price of peeking into the Epic of Time? I should have known that it was not something I could read. But, oh, Master, the great prankster, I was right in front of the book, how could I resist flipping through it?"

This should be considered as driving himself crazy, anyway, Jenkins didn't say a word.

"I understand, from the moment I flipped through the Epic of Time, I became its captive. Killing, slaughtering cities, fighting with human demigods, being sealed by gods, waiting for a long time, hoping to break free from the seal, your arrival, the conversation just now... I understand, all of this is to let me tell you about the [Stage of Destiny]. My life has only this one meaning since I flipped through that knowledge!"

The last sound probably exceeded the range that human ears can accept, and Jenkins didn't hear the last few words. He frowned and felt his ears bleeding. He was also in fate, and suddenly looked forward to the next move of this puppet.

"Oh, this damn fate! Oh, that damn [Epic of Time]! Oh, this damn world! Why? Why? Why?"

Jenkins once again realized the danger of this world. Even talking to himself could drive him crazy. The one in front of him was a typical example. He almost hurt himself because of Huang Yue's thinking, which shows that knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

"Fate, if this is your arrangement, then I will never let you get what you want. Don't think about turning me into a tool puppet. I am free and my destiny is in my hands!"

As the last word was spoken, the feeling of extreme danger appeared again. Jenkins didn't think about it and rushed into the corridor and ran up the stairs. There was a muffled sound behind him. The huge shock wave almost destroyed the underground building complex. The rumbling sound did not disappear for ten minutes. The trembling energy tide and the essence of the rules that fell back into the world were absorbed by the space bit by bit.

Colorful colors filled the broken space wall, and a huge eye appeared behind the crack, but soon disappeared. Crazy and chaotic information filled Jenkins' mind, and he even vaguely saw a man doing carpentry work.

He held an iron saw and gave Jenkins a mischievous smile, then punched him back from the hallucination.

After waking up, he lay on the steps to recover for a long time before returning to the sealed room. The explosion caused half of the area here to disappear. The ground was scattered with dirt and gravel, and the already thin air was filled with dust. Jenkins bent down and held the sapphire as big as a human head in his arms, and picked up a puppet leg-like wreckage from the dust on the ground. The wreckage was filled with rich white aura, but it was not a gift, but a precious general-purpose material:

"It... exploded?"

This guess was soon confirmed later, and the trembling pocket watch chain returned to stillness again, and the vague sense of crisis completely disappeared. This place no longer has any mystery and chilling atmosphere, it is just an ordinary underground open space.

"What is this? Challenging fate?"

He didn't know what to say for a long time, but the puppet's courage was indeed admirable. Even if it was an enemy, at least it showed Jenkins what price it would cost to resist fate.

He looked around again and made sure nothing was missed before returning to the ground.

Mrs. Xudela in the villa had woken up. After learning what happened below, she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. The two returned below again, and the woman personally confirmed that the sealed things here had been completely destroyed. She first showed a lonely expression, then looked at the air with empty eyes, and suddenly laughed again, hysterical laughter.

Her family has shouldered the responsibility of taking care of this place for a long time. Jenkins is not sure how long this period of time is, but at least hundreds of generations. The ups and downs of this long time have all ended completely because of what happened today, and losing the responsibility of taking care of this place, perhaps the woman and her descendants can find a better life.

But at least Mrs. Xudela should be treated better after her death. According to Jenkins' understanding, the gods will give special treatment to those mortals who shoulder important responsibilities.

When they returned to the ground, Mrs. Xudela barely managed to control her emotions. The two of them closed the door in the corridor together, and then watched it disappear bit by bit.

"Is this the end?"

Jenkins asked for the last time.

"It's over."

Chapter 705 Chapter 692 The Gains of the Journey (5/10)

With a sigh from the middle-aged woman, the door in front of her completely disappeared. According to Jenkins' understanding, after today, unless Mrs. Xudela and her descendants are willing, this place will never be opened. Without the responsibility of supervising this place, Mrs. Xudela is unlikely to tell her descendants about what happened here, which means that today may be the last time this door appears.

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