She immediately thought of a possibility.

"When was it? Didn't those blood-sucking species fail? Where did he know about it..."

The best way to confirm this guess is to look for the Doomsday Slate. As long as it appears, it means that the fifth qualification has indeed been obtained.

"Well, it seems that the next week will be busy."

She sighed and looked up at the gloomy sky.

Chapter 672 Chapter 660 Card Game (Part 1)

Jenkins's judgment of the weather was correct. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, snowflakes began to fall in the sky of Nolan City.

When he got off the carriage with his suitcase and cat, the light snow was about to turn into moderate snow. But even so, there were still many people in front of the Nolan Railway Station. He took a lot of effort to cross the flow of people leaving the station and find his friends with his suitcase.

Thanks to the developed steam industry, small towns of a certain size have been connected to the railway. The group's plan was to take a train to the town at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, stay overnight in the town, and then take a carriage into the mountains the next morning. If everything goes well, we will reach the resort tomorrow evening.

There are seven young people participating in this winter trip. In addition to Miss Lawrence, Hathaway, and Miss Michael, who Jenkins is familiar with, there are one woman and two men.

The young girl is named Eula Rick, and her father is an official in charge of trade in the Nolan City Hall. Jenkins is not very clear about what that position is, but it should be very important.

Miss Rick has a sweet appearance and is not tall. She obviously has a better relationship with Miss Lawrence, and can only be regarded as an ordinary friend with Miss Michael and Hathaway.

Two young gentlemen, one is named Alan Garcia and the other is named Franklin Quick. Garcia's father is a big businessman in the kingdom and owns three large factories in the east of Nolan; Quick's father is a count like Hathaway's father, but unlike Earl Hesha who has a military background, Earl Quick does not seem to have any special background in Nolan. Jenkins has heard the girls say that Earl Quick is related to a big man in Beldiran.

Jenkins heard Hathaway and Miss Michael talk about Eula Rick and Alan Garcia, who seemed to be a very secretive couple. But their families had some conflicts in the past, which led to their not making their relationship public.

Although the train trip only lasted for an afternoon, everyone still booked the entire carriage. When boarding the train, even though he knew no one would see him off, Jenkins still looked back. Every time he left Nolan, he felt melancholy, after all, this city was the place he was most familiar with.

"What are you thinking about?"

The servants had helped find a cart and moved everyone's luggage into the carriage. Miss Michael patted Jenkins on the shoulder and found that the expression on the man's face was very strange.

"I was just thinking about what will happen here in the week after I leave this city; and what I did before I left, what new stories will this city have."

Miss Michael didn't expect Jenkins to think about such complicated things. She chuckled at the man:

"The purpose of vacation is to forget troubles. The train is about to start. Come sit down."

This train rarely arrives and departs on time. When it moves slowly with the roar of steam and the loud noise of wheels, Jenkins's one-week vacation officially begins.


The cat and the man lay at the window together and looked at the platform behind the train that disappeared little by little. Soon the scenery turned into a large area of ​​wilderness covered with snow. They breathed a sigh of relief and were glad that the journey had begun.

There was only one afternoon left on the train, and people had to find something to do to kill time. Jenkins had prepared a book to entertain himself, but was soon dragged into a card game by the enthusiastic Miss Michael.

They were not gambling, but they always had to take out money to bet for fun. So, in the next hour, Jenkins almost won a double-digit gold pound.

"You are really good at gambling."

Young Quick sighed while carefully counting his remaining change. The stakes were small and he didn't lose much, but anyone would say such an admiration after losing to the same person thirteen times in a row.

"No, I never gamble... It's just luck."

Jenkins piled up coins with his right hand in boredom, looking sideways. Today's luck is very good, which represents a good start. Maybe the good luck blessing of the candy giver is still working.

The whole carriage was booked, and the ladies would definitely not participate in such a "rude game". At first, they watched the men playing cards with interest, but soon found it boring-because Jenkins kept winning, so they sat together and took out their colorful jewelry to appreciate each other.

"I hope the weather in the mountains will be better. I don't want to delay my trip because of the wind and snow."

A new round of card dealing began again. Garcia, who was sitting on Jenkins' right hand, saw the first card in his hand and his eyes lit up. Jenkins and Quick looked at each other and knew that he had a good card.

"I've never encountered bad weather when I traveled here during this season in previous years."

Quick also revealed his first card. He pursed his lips and touched his chin, then picked up the teacup beside him and took a sip of tea.

"Speaking of which, are there fewer people traveling this year? I heard from Miss Mihail that in the past, double digits of friends participated in the trip."

Jenkins asked, placing a pile of coins in his hand on the table with a snap, and first touched his cat with his hand, and then opened his first card.

"Oh, it seems I'm pretty lucky."

A smile appeared on the young face.

"No, I won't necessarily lose this time."

Garcia reminded him by wagging his finger, signaling the old butler who temporarily acted as the referee to deal the second card.

"There were indeed a lot of people who came last year, but something unpleasant happened, so this year we only invited friends we trust."

Quick answered Jenkins' question, and the second round of cards was dealt out. Judging from his expression, his luck was obviously still so bad.

"Unpleasant events?"

Jenkins repeated, rubbing the chocolate cat's head, who was a little unhappy that Jenkins interrupted its interest in playing with the ball.

"Yes, it's very unpleasant."

Quick added another adjective, "It's not convenient for me to tell you the specific situation. After all, it is what happened between ladies. Mr. Williamt, I think you might be able to ask Mihail or Hesha. They I should be quite clear about the whole story. But it was just a trivial matter. I invited a playboy on my last trip, and there was some trouble because of jealousy. But it didn’t matter. In the autumn, it was because of the kidnapping and illegal sacrifice of little Wellington. That group of people were all arrested together regarding the sacrifice, and they are probably still in the church prison or the religious trial in the royal capital."

He shrugged and looked at the third card dealt to him. He sighed and hinted to the other two that he had no chance in this round.

Chapter 673 Chapter 661 Gambling (Part 2)

Little Wellington was the young nobleman possessed by one of the twin demons. After the incident, a large number of people were arrested by the church because of him. This incident was not as forgivable as Miss Lindsay's illegal channeling. As far as Jenkins knew, none of the people captured could ever be freed again.

He didn't expect Quick to talk about this incident in the autumn, and he thought he had some knowledge of that group of people.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know who owns that villa in the mountains. Since we are going to borrow someone else's villa for vacation, we must thank him in person."

The fourth card was dealt, and Jenkins thought he had a high probability of winning, Quick looked like he was losing, and Garcia looked very confident.

"The villa belongs to the Mandela family, but little Mandala and his sister didn't come this year. I heard they were infected with the influenza prevalent in the city. May God bless them. This year's influenza is really terrible."

Garcia muttered, waiting for the last card with bright eyes.

"The strange things that happened this winter are not just the flu. A meteorite actually fell in the city a few days ago. I have never heard of such a thing."

Quick also added that he shrugged without looking at the last card, probably because he thought he would definitely not win:

"It's almost like the city is cursed."

"How could our city be cursed? With the five churches of the Righteous God Church, no evil force can affect it."

Jenkins said, and Quick smiled apologetically, knowing he had made a mistake.

"The Fabry scam, meteorites, influenza, earthquakes, factory explosions, silver vertigo, the serial disappearances in the summer (referring to the octopus), the kidnapping cases in the autumn (referring to the demon incident), the consecutive blood moons, and last year's abnormal The clocks are out of action (the clock was broken by Jenkins), and the air in the city is getting worse and worse... God, if you put it this way, Nolan City has indeed suffered a lot of misfortunes in the past six months. "

The ladies listened to the men's sighs and raised their eyebrows at each other.

"But no matter how bad things are, they will be solved in the end, I have no doubt about that."

At this time, the three people at the card table have each received their own five cards. Garcia smiled and showed his trump card to Jenkins:

"Look, after losing all afternoon, the hermit finally showed me his smile."

"is that so?"

Quick will also reveal his trump card, and his five cards happen to be of the same suit:

"Look, mine looks bigger."

He had been pretending to have a bad hand just now. It seemed that he was pretending to make Jenkins and Garcia relax their vigilance.

"No, wait a minute."

Jenkins didn't look at the last card either. He was trying the inspired divination taught by Miss Audrey.

"I think I won, oh, your card is indeed big enough, but according to the way we play, it is not the biggest."

He pressed the index finger of his right hand on the back of the card, hesitated for a moment with his eyes closed, and then suddenly opened the card and threw it on the table, making a loud "snap~" sound.


This time he still won, but unfortunately he still didn't guess the content of the card correctly.

Playing too many card games can make you feel bored, especially on a train where your range of movement is restricted.

In the second hour after the train set off, the snowflakes outside the window disappeared, which showed that everyone had moved away from the snowfall range of Nolan City and moved farther away.

The excursion carriages had no dedicated kitchens or lounges, and Jenkins felt that his friends quickly fell into the moody mood often associated with travel.

He also felt bored, so he stood at the window and looked out.

Before entering the mountains, the train will travel for a long time in this endless wilderness, without any stops along the way, so even if he wants to take the opportunity to stop and go out for a breath, there is no chance.

"The boredom of the journey is a little beyond my expectations."

A woman's voice came from behind, it was Hathaway.

"We will reach our destination in two hours, I think I can still endure it. Compared with the boring journey to Beldiran, I can at least talk to you now, which should be considered good luck."

"Why don't you find a companion to go with you when you go to Beldiran? It is a great honor to accept the Queen's award, and no one will refuse your suggestion to invite a companion."

"But I don't have any friends."

He replied.

"No, you do."

Jenkins felt that the woman behind him was approaching him, which made his heart beat faster. But the woman did not stick to him as he expected, but only moved one step closer.

"From the first day I met you, you acted very lonely."

There was plenty of light outside and inside, and the glass could only reflect part of Jenkins' face and Hathaway's eyes. Those eyes were so beautiful that Jenkins didn't even dare to look directly at them.

"Really? No, I'm not lonely."

Yes, he also had chocolate.

"I've always wanted to know what you're worried about. Compared to your age, Jenkins, you show too much worry."

The woman took another step forward, and Jenkins could even feel the heat of the body. This was of course an illusion, his senses were not sensitive to this extent.

"Sorry, I think I need to go to the bathroom."

He hurriedly found an excuse, leaving only the cat standing on the table and Hathaway looking at each other. I don't know since when, probably recently, he has discovered that his attitude towards Hathaway and Hathaway's attitude towards him are both strange. This may be love or just friendship, but Miss Michael is also his friend, what can he do?

"He's always like this, right?"

The woman asked the cat.


Probably means agreement.

The town of Tobe is an ordinary town in the Kingdom of Fidictli, with an ordinary name, ordinary residents, ordinary places, and ordinary scenery. It is said that there has been no serious case here for 13 consecutive years, and even the members of the town police station have been dismissed. Jenkins does not know whether this statement is true.

When the train stopped safely at the town station, it was not dark outside. The young people who came to travel could not wait to get out of the dull carriage and breathe the fresh air of the countryside.

The town of Tobe, which has no large factories, has a pleasant scenery, but it is a pity that this is difficult to find in winter. The town station only stops three trains a day, so the station is very small, and the bald stationmaster only waits with a flag until the train leaves, and then returns to the warm stationmaster's office without even looking at the guests who came from afar.

PS: Regarding the relationship between Jenkins and Hathaway and Miss Michael, there will be a little change in this volume of travel. I know that some readers are not willing to see this kind of plot, so I will inform you in advance.

Chapter 674 Chapter 662 Accident on the first night

Because it is not the first year to travel here, there are carriages waiting for travelers outside the station in advance. Three carriages quickly drove into the town with the young people, their servants and luggage, but before Jenkins could seriously observe the rural life of this era, the carriages turned and took them away from the town.

In front of the bumpy road, an old house was waiting for them at the end of the road.

The house outside the town belonged to a local "rich man". Of course, compared with the young people who were traveling, the word rich man should be quoted. He had a deep business relationship with Miss Lawrence's father, so he was willing to lend it to a group of travelers temporarily.

The businessman was now handling his business in a neighboring country, so there was only an old butler who was as slow as a zombie in the house to receive everyone. But it must be admitted that the dinner provided here was very delicious, and even people who had an upset appetite due to the train travel could enjoy this extraordinary taste.

The house covers a small area and is divided into two floors. The guest rooms are uniformly located on the second floor, and because they are only staying for one night, there is no need to allocate rooms specifically. The seven people each chose a small bedroom, and the men's and women's rooms were separated by a staircase. .

There was only one cat accompanying Jenkins, and the cat slept next to Jenkins' pillow. The guest room had probably not been used for a long time, so there was an unpleasant damp smell. This made Chocolate, who had a keen sense of smell, a little dissatisfied. Jenkins could only find a clean blanket, support it with a spoon, and build a small tent for it to crawl into on the other side of the double bed.

Although the train trip did not consume too much energy, everyone went to bed early in order to get up early tomorrow. Jenkins and Chocolate were also the same, but Chocolate was probably not used to the unfamiliar environment, and kept scratching Jenkins' face with his claws before going to bed to prevent him from sleeping.

"Go to sleep quickly, no matter what happens, sleep is the most important thing."

He said so, and the cat immediately became obedient.

I slept very well tonight, but I was unexpectedly woken up by the cold in the middle of the night. This is almost impossible because every room in this house has heating, and the housekeeper is not stingy with the fuel.

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