"We have a magical mirror. Please stand in front of it now. It can reflect something unusual."


Jenkins was shocked. Mr. Nellie didn't tell him that carrying an evil spirit was a necessary condition for participating in the mutual aid group. But it was too late now. Before he could find a better excuse, the man who led the way had moved the floor-length mirror next to him.

The mirror was not covered by a cloth, and Jenkins' figure was directly reflected.



In the mirror, a white cat stood on the shoulder of the thin man, and the eyes exuded a chilling green light.

Jenkins glanced to the side. Although he could feel that Chocolate was still standing on his shoulder and the swaying tail was still rubbing his side face, in fact, he could not see any living creatures at all.

"Chocolate can actually become invisible!"

He didn't know whether he should be surprised or shocked, and the man who had let out a long breath had already begun to nod:

"It seems that you are lucky. No, I don't mean to offend, but compared with our other companions, animal spirits should be the safest thing."

He enthusiastically pulled a chair for Jenkins and invited him to sit down. It was only then that Jenkins knew that the mirror could reflect the spirit. It was a man. He called himself Mr. Scot, and was found by Mr. Scot in the utility room of the theater.

He is also the organizer of the paranormal event mutual aid group, hoping to gather people who have encountered "such" things together, think about coping methods together and give courage to each other.

"So, the mirror has nothing to do with the thrift store."

Jenkins was a little disappointed, but it was obviously not a good idea to leave now. So he planned to spend a few hours here, and after returning to the church, he would use the small trouble of "Mr. Nellie" as an excuse to report the matter here to the church.

This is a win-win situation. While recycling special items, the church will definitely not be stingy in helping these people solve the troubles of being haunted by evil spirits.

Including Mr. Scot, all the people who arrived earlier than Jenkins were ordinary people. When they sat together, they were close enough that he could observe the problems encountered by each person through his own eyes.

Starting from the left hand side, the evil spirits on the five people were:

A middle-aged fat man with a hideous face, but the cause of death could not be determined by the image;

A young woman with a mark on her neck and the corners of her mouth stretched to the back of her ears, with blood and tears flowing from her eyes;

Two little boys who looked exactly the same, at most ten years old in terms of height, but each of them was throwing his head;

The white-haired old man who was lying behind him and whispering in the ears of the living people looked the closest to the image of a normal person, and was the only spirit who almost discovered that Jenkins was observing;

And the person on Jenkins' right had a head floating on his head. It was just a head, and since he could not make obvious movements such as raising his head, Jenkins could not know the appearance or age of the head.

Mr. Scot, who was standing aside, waiting to open the door for the next participant, had a long-haired man with a head that could twist 180 degrees behind him. The limbs of the spirit were tightly wrapped around Mr. Scot's body.

Perhaps it was extremely rare for these ordinary people to encounter evil spirits, but Jenkins believed that these evil spirits did not transcend the scope of "ordinary". Including the old man who almost discovered him, these were just ordinary souls, far worse than those that entangled Mr. Nellie.

A slightly powerful gifter could rely on rituals to disperse them.

When Jenkins arrived at the theater, it was very close to eight o'clock, but someone arrived behind him. It was a young man, and a gifter, and Jenkins happened to know him.

He was not an acquaintance in Nolan City, but a young magician in the circus that he had seen when traveling in Beldiran. When they met last time, he was still a level 2 gifter, but now he has been promoted to level 3, but his ability has not been fully learned, so the promotion should be a recent thing.

He obviously has the ability to manipulate spirits, because when Mr. Scot tried to verify his identity, Jenkins saw a spirit obediently drill out of his coat pocket, and then exaggeratedly pretended to be fierce.

"Will he come for the mirror?"

Jenkins was only surprised to meet this person. In fact, last week, he heard from Mr. Nellie that the circus came to Nolan City, but he didn't expect that the two sides would meet so soon.

The circus itself is also strange. It is also known that except for the young magician, everyone else is level six and looks extremely inexperienced in combat.

But even if he encountered the gifter, Jenkins still believed that there would be no surprising accidents for the rest of the night.

Chapter 558 Chapter 549 Horror Story (8/10)

The original origin of the mutual aid group like the one Jenkins is participating in cannot be verified. But in modern times, it is mostly used by psychologists for rehabilitation treatment. The group organized by Mr. Scot has a similar effect to the former. After all, what can be obtained through chatting is only a little psychological comfort.

Everyone tells their story in order, starting with the organizer himself.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let me start. Of course, in order to prevent people from identifying the characters in the story, I will use a fake name, please understand."

The moon was hidden behind the clouds, and only a few lonely candles spread light in the curtained theater. Everyone placed their candles next to their chairs, and Mr. Scott's oil lamp was placed in the center of the circle.

This made the scene a little weird, but it did not contain any extraordinary factors. Jenkins listened to the supernatural incident that Mr. Scott encountered half a year ago, while absent-mindedly touching the cat lying on his knees.

This made the person he played show a chilling image. He forgot that the chocolate was invisible now, so in the eyes of others, Jenkins's action was basically stroking the air on his knees.

Fortunately, the people here have more or less experienced more terrifying things, so no one has screamed out of fear. But at least half of the participants have regretted participating in such a weird mutual aid meeting on such a night, and have made up their minds not to have any connection with this place after tonight.

Just as Jenkins believes, spirits are ordinary spirits, and supernatural stories are also ordinary supernatural stories. During the narration, Jenkins has been paying attention to the young magician from the circus. Unlike the writers who were just wasting time, he seemed to be really listening to everyone's story, and his eyes never stayed on the mirror nearby.

This made Jenkins begin to doubt what his purpose was.

Jenkins was the third narrator. After everyone comforted the poor woman who was sobbing and shivering intermittently, the masked faces looked at Jenkins.

"It's time to tell ghost stories again."

He thought to himself and organized his words:

"Yes, it's my turn. Gentlemen and ladies, I dare not guarantee that everything I said is true, because even I can't tell how much crazy hysteria was mixed in what happened that night."

Such a statement is extremely necessary. The words of the first two people just now revealed an extremely hysterical fear, and some descriptions really cannot convince people of their authenticity.

"When I was thirteen, gentlemen, you know what age that is, my father gave me a cat as a birthday present. I was very happy at the time, and the cat stayed with me until it died last autumn."

He paused, not to show that his words were true, but because he felt a little cold. He regretted not wearing more clothes, the temperature drop tonight was a bit unexpected.

"Yes, last autumn..."

He opened another vision again, observing whether there were any strange places nearby, but the only ones emitting spiritual light were the mirror and the young magician sitting next to him.

The magician did not carry any special items, but there should be some small props in his pocket, so in Jenkins' eyes, it was like fluorescent powder on his clothes.

"After that, I was sad for a long time, and occasionally I thought it was still alive in that home. I was really depressed during this period, but later I realized that it shouldn't be like this, so I went to the city pet management center and claimed a new pet cat."

Accompanying Jenkins's action of stroking the air cat, the scalp of the listener was numb. At this time, Jenkins finally found that the person nearby seemed to be looking at his knees, and then suddenly realized that Chocolate was now unobservable.


He naturally raised his hand that was touching the cat and scratched his yellow hair, then lowered his hand.

"So, I brought a cat back home again. Everything was normal in the first few months. Yes, I gradually came out of the sadness and adapted to the pet that had been with me for a long time leaving forever. The new cat was a little disobedient, but I also believed that I had the ability to tame it.

But gradually, something was wrong..."

Jenkins finally saw it, he finally saw the aura besides the giver and the mirror! The stage was very dim, making any light extremely obvious. When his eyes subconsciously looked at the narrator above, that is, the woman who was still twitching intermittently, an extremely dim aura slowly floated out of her body.

This color is very difficult to detect and almost blends into the surrounding environment. There is nothing wrong with the woman herself, and after the aura floated out, the target seems to be the decorative lamp directly above the heads of several people. The trajectory of the light spot is fixed, so there must be something wrong.

He did not raise his head rashly, because such an action would be too obvious, but chose to continue his story:

"I have raised cats for ten years, so I know their habits very well. The newly adopted one gradually became docile and obedient under my training. But this speed was a bit too fast. Almost in the second week after it first entered the house, its docility was enough to be compared with my dead Larrel. Not only was it obedient, but in addition to its appearance, the whole cat behaved very much like Larrel before."

He swallowed his saliva:

"One night I woke up from a nightmare and unexpectedly found that the new cat was lying on the second to last piece of floor in the corner that was slightly raised. Oh, God, I was so scared!"

His voice was a bit loud, and many people were startled. At the same time, Jenkins also found that in fact, except for him and the young magician, everyone had yellow aura overflowing from their bodies, floating in the direction of the decorative lights, especially as time went on, the frequency of the aura floating out became more and more frequent.

"Is this... collecting horror stories? No, it may also be collecting the emotion of fear!"

He pretended to turn his neck casually, but still did not look upward.

"He should never sleep on that floor. Only my Larrel has that habit. In fact, that floor is the warmest when it's heated in the winter, so that's why Larrel does that. But I The season for adopting a new cat is late summer, there’s no way it happens to be sleeping there!”

Chapter 559 Chapter 550 The Abyssal Ones and the Tobe Family (9/10)

The walls of the theater are uneven to prevent echoes in such an empty interior. Jenkins' trembling voice when telling stories spread extremely far in this somewhat strange environment. He believed that even if someone was outside the door, he could hear his voice.

"From that night on, I kept discovering little habits from new cats that only Larel had. I was really scared. Although it didn't do me any harm, gentlemen, I really can't accept the resurrection of the dead. Things like that happen in your own home.”

Turn your neck again, but this time raise your head slightly, then lower it naturally.

"And on the night when the moon was the fullest this summer, something truly terrifying happened. Oh, God bless me! That night, I was awakened by a foul smell. I was really unlucky that day, even the people at home The gas lights were broken. I found a candle and looked for the source of the stench in the bedroom, and the result..."

He raised his head and looked directly above. On top of the decorative lamp, an object in the shape of a goblet appeared.

"Yes, that's it!"

He thought calmly and continued the boring story:

"It turned out that the stench came from under my bed!"

He saw the person opposite him trembling as if he was ill, and at the same time, the light spots coming from his body became more dense.

"Is it really about collecting fear?"

"I really don't want to remember that scene, but I always have to face this fear."

"Yes, sir, we all need to be brave enough to face the scary things."

Mr. Scott encouraged in a low voice.

"Thank you, you are absolutely right. Well, I squatted by the bed, covered my nose with my left hand, held a candle in my right hand for lighting, and then held my breath and lifted the drooping sheets with my left hand. I was extremely scared. The hand holding the candle was shaking. What I saw was, God, what I saw was a highly decomposed cat corpse. Yes, it was the new cat that had been with me for nearly a year! "

Someone groaned softly when Jenkins told the truth, and the light spots on everyone's body became more, which shows that the guess about "collecting fear" is very likely to be correct.

"Really, gentlemen, I really don't want to recall that scene. But I can guarantee that the bones of the rotting cat corpse can even be seen, and those maggots... I'm sorry."

He shook his head:

"I buried the body. But since that day, I often see Larel running in the peripheral vision, and I also dream of some terrible things at night. And the most terrifying thing is that all the women who are close to me will complain Somehow, there are scratch marks on their bodies of unknown origin. I know it is caused by Larelle. It is affecting my life. Why doesn't it want to leave? Dust will return to dust, and what should be left should not be left behind. ! Why is it doing this to me!"

That was all Jenkins said, and he himself was not very satisfied with the hastily concocted story. But it doesn't matter, after all, no one will pay for this story. What he cares about is the goblet above his head.

Mr. Scott and others in the support group took turns giving Jenkins advice and comfort. Compared with the terrible encounters of the two people just now, his experience will not endanger his own life. From this point of view, his experience is also very enviable.

The narration continues, and after experiencing stories such as the balloon with a human head, the boy in red, the child who died in infancy, the lonely old man, etc., it is finally the turn of the last one, the young magician.

At this time, the night was already very deep, and the candles around everyone were quickly burning out. Mr. Scott handed out new candles to everyone, and everyone quietly bent down to light them.

"In ancient myths, besides humans, there are also other terrifying and strange creatures walking on the earth."

The Magician begins a little differently, in that everyone else is told in the first person, and he doesn't seem to intend that.

"But in modern times, although those creatures have withdrawn from our world, there are still some sects or evil people trying to bring them back to the world."

Jenkins suddenly had an ominous premonition. Maybe his arrival was an accident at all, and the magician was the one who really came to solve the situation here.

"Devils, ghosts, and evil spirits. Those creatures in ancient myths are peeping at our world all the time, and people with sins in their hearts want to break the current peace and pull them into this ancient and peaceful city. "

It wasn't just Jenkins who heard something was wrong, everyone here was the lucky one who had survived the supernatural event, and their sensitivity was frighteningly high.

"There is a creature that was extremely rare even in ancient times - the Abyssal. This is a monster that relies on biological fear to survive. Supernatural events occur more frequently around it. It can also absorb fear while At the same time, they absorb the life, spirit and even soul of creatures. Any rational creature looking at them will feel the fear of staring into the abyss. This is the origin of their name."

Jenkins looked at Mr. Scott, confirming again that he was just an ordinary person.

"By the fifteenth era, there were very few organizations left that crazily worshiped and used human beings to sacrifice the Abyssal Ones. The most famous and powerful one was the Tobe family. After thousands of storms and the siege of the Zhengshen Church, Due to the blockage and the continuous decline of alien power, the Tobe family has been weakened. This family, which is like a secret cult, has gradually declined. In modern times, only the last true descendant is left to survive and inherit the family tradition. ”

The magician stood up and faced Mr. Scott:

"Yes, sir, please hand over B-03-01-8383, the secret wine cup of fear. I can promise not to harm your life, I promise to God!"

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

Mr. Scott lowered his voice and said, while others subconsciously moved away from him. The six adults, including Jenkins, moved quickly around the chairs in the circle, and finally squeezed into three chairs together.

"Although I just came to Nolan City recently, I have heard about the Tobe family for a long time. Let's not waste any more time and hand over what I want, otherwise I will let you die here! I know you There is no gift from the Giver, so don’t try to resist!”

The magician's temper was obviously a bit irritable, but he was right. Ordinary people had no resistance to a gifter who had been prepared for it.

Chapter 560 Chapter 551 Success (10/10)


Mr. Scott wanted to retort, but his tone was weak.

"I found out that your mutual aid group started last winter. The purpose of the paranormal incident mutual aid group that lasted for a year was probably to collect fears, right? This is very interesting. After all, the effective range of that cup is not very large. Let me Let’s guess where it is now.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and five or six red fireballs flew out of his sleeves and stopped at the wall of the theater. Although the light of the fireball was still not enough to completely illuminate the theater, it was much better than before.

The suddenly bright environment made everyone's eyes uncomfortable, and Jenkins finally saw the whole theater. Ordinary people who came here to share stories and seek help screamed. Even if they encountered supernatural events, it was still difficult for them to accept that the "wizards" in the stories really existed in this world.

"I mean, please look behind you."

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