"Excuse me, what do you mean?"

The man licked his lips:

"Did he mention any new goods received recently?"

Jenkins silently opened the second vision, and 15 light spots suddenly appeared in front of the gunman, which meant that he was at least a level 8 gifter, the most powerful one among all the people Jenkins had seen so far. You know, even Captain Binsi only had 9 light spots.

According to Dad, a level 8 gifter can be regarded as a demigod.

"Are the people from the [Light Transformer Club] here to find the evil god statue?"

Jenkins guessed silently, and at the same time suppressed the desire to attack by surprise. This kind of enemy is not something he can deal with.

"Yes, he said that a batch of goods came from the dock a few weeks ago. He showed us two porcelain bottles from the ancient kingdom and a gold accessory."

"Did he mention anything like statues?"

The man asked calmly.

"Huh? No."

The man nodded, lowered his hand holding the gun, looked at Jenkins and Dad with a warning, turned around and was about to leave.


He suddenly turned around, holding a gun in each hand and shooting at the two people in the store. Jenkins subconsciously shook his head and felt a hot stream brushing across his cheek, followed by a burning pain.

He didn't care about much, bent down and hid behind the counter, covering the wound with his right hand to treat it, and hurriedly took out the old man's spare pistol from the counter.

At that moment, a shadow of an open big book appeared in front of the old man, protecting him like a shield, so he was fine.

After the gunshot, the store suddenly became quiet. In the terrifying silence, Jenkins tried his best to overcome the fear in his heart. First, he raised the gun and stretched out the counter to shoot randomly, and then carefully popped his head out.

"I understand, it turns out to be in the [Knowledge and Books] Church!"

The man looked in a good mood. He actually nodded to Jenkins with a smile, then turned around and left here completely.


Dad Oliver slumped in the chair, holding a silver piece in his drooping right hand, and his whole body was shaking.

"Dad, how are you?"

Jenkins rushed over and pressed the old man with his right hand to activate his ability, but it was useless. His hand was immediately covered with a layer of frost, and the old man's body was shaking faster and faster.

The candle immersed in spirituality showed its power again. Just when the frost was about to spread to Jenkins' chest, a faint yellow flame gushed out and wrapped the two of them.

The extremely cold breath and the warm flame met in Jenkins' right arm, and he couldn't help but groan loudly. The frost was no match for the candle's flame, but Jenkins' arm was made of flesh, and he couldn't stand the torture of ice and fire.

After a while, the frost was forced into Jenkins' right palm and stopped moving. The flame had no choice but to retreat.

His right palm was completely unconscious. Jenkins gritted his teeth and pushed the old man who closed his eyes with his other hand.

"That's the Ice Messenger of the [Light Chaser Club], level 8, very dangerous."

The old man's lips were pale and his weak voice was trembling.

"I shouldn't have used the church's magic [Blessing of Books] just now. He knew that it was us who took the statue that day!"

"What should I do?"

Jenkins asked hurriedly, and when he took a breath, he exhaled a white mist like his father.

"He must have gone to the church to rob things. Yes, the Nolan Parish is now empty of power, and even a level 8 can force his way in! Quick, don't worry about me, I can't move at all now, go and notify the other four churches to come to reinforce!"

Chapter 43 Chapter 42 Unknown Road Ahead

After saying that, he stretched out his trembling finger to his chest.

"I have a ring in my pocket, put it on, and go directly to their church."

Jenkins knew that this was not the time to talk nonsense, he gritted his teeth and stood up: "Dad, don't die, I haven't received this week's salary yet!"

But the old father who closed his eyes never answered him again.

Holding back the tears in his eyes, Jenkins pushed open the door of the store and rushed into the rain. He quickly activated the ability of [Flexible Legs] and ran wildly in the rain.

All the raindrops that touched his right hand turned into small ice chips and fell to the ground. Not only did the rain take away Jenkins' body temperature, but the extremely cold breath in his unconscious right hand seemed to be stirring.

He gritted his teeth and rushed through the rain curtain. The deserted street seemed to become particularly empty and long at this moment.

He fell to the ground carelessly and stood up again with the help of the wall. His uncontrolled right hand rubbed against the wall, leaving a frosty handprint.

"Hurry up!"

He shouted loudly in his heart and continued to run forward. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. The scattered pedestrians looked at the madman running in the rain with some strangeness, but they ran away in a blink of an eye.

Jenkins felt his heart beating faster and faster, but fortunately, the [Ocean and Exploration] Church that believed in [Storm Master] was in the dock area.

Regardless of the surprise of the believers who got up early to worship, he rushed into the church door.

"I'm in a hurry!"

He shouted to the first clergyman he met. The young man was startled, and when he saw a ring on the palm of Jenkins' raised left hand, he quickly led him to the back.

The person startled by the shouting turned out to be an acquaintance. Jenkins had seen him when he was treating people at the Nolan Fifth Public Hospital. At that time, Captain Binsi called him the Deep Sea Priest Grande.

"The [Ice Messenger] of the [Light Chaser Club] is going to steal the statue!"

Jenkins said at a fast speed.

Grande frowned in confusion, then suddenly widened his eyes.

"You mean last week..."


He didn't care about being interrupted by Jenkins, but pulled Jenkins' right hand and ran to the courtyard.


He shook off Jenkins' hand and was surprised to see a layer of frost on his right hand. But fortunately, the flame of the candle partially suppressed the power of the frost, and Grande was only affected by the extremely low temperature.

"It seems that it is really the ability of the [Ice Messenger]."

Going to the other three churches for help naturally no longer requires Jenkins to go in person.

After Grande asked Jenkins to rest somewhere in the church temporarily, he ran into the rain with a team of hurried black clergy. They were going to notify the combat troops scattered throughout the city, and the power of the [Ocean and Exploration] Church was also very empty now.

"Sir, rest here for a while!"

The little nun in a black robe suggested in a low voice. Jenkins knew that he was in a very bad physical condition now, so he sat on the sofa and looked at the heavy rain outside the window.

"I hope Daddy is OK, I hope that cultist won't succeed."

He looked at his overly pale right palm, the skin color on it formed a sharp contrast with the color of his arm.

"I want a basin of hot water!"

He shouted to the bewildered nun, the young girl nodded and ran out of the house quickly. Soon, she came back with an old man wearing a white linen robe with a blue lightning and trident embroidered on his chest.

Jenkins immediately put his right hand into the boiling water basin in the old man's hand, and the hot water began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it!"

Jenkins cursed, and the nun stood aside, not knowing how to comfort him.

"Young man, the more violent the wind and waves, the more you have to grasp the rudder of your heart."

The old man holding the basin handed the towel and basin to the nun, and asked Jenkins to sit down first.

"It will be fine. Although we can't go to the battlefield, we can't lose our sense of proportion."

"You are right."

Jenkins gritted his teeth and nodded. The icy breath in his palm began to stir again when stimulated by the hot water. He huddled in the chair, feeling his eyelids getting heavier.

He wanted to say something, but in the end he only saw two people screaming and rushing towards him.

When he woke up again, he was naked in a warm pool, with a huge whale pattern swimming on the wall covered by mist. This whale pattern is a common decorative pattern in the [Ocean and Exploration] Church, so he was still in the church, but he didn't know who had moved him here.

"What time is it now!"

He shouted in a daze, but felt a headache again. Although the hot water was no longer frozen, his right hand was still unconscious.

No one answered him.

Jenkins climbed out of the bathtub and found his clothes in the cabinet by the wall.

It was already dark outside, and when he ran to the courtyard, the church was empty.

"How long have I slept?"

The rain was still falling, but it no longer affected his vision. The red and blue moons were shrouded by the dark clouds in the night sky, and the gloomy wind made the air even more biting.

"Damn it!"

Jenkins pushed open the door of the church and ran to the street. He looked at the dead city in the rain in a daze, slapped his head, turned around and ran in the direction of his father's antique shop.

"Oh, goddess, can I be more unlucky!"

He had to pray loudly after just a few steps - a black octopus at least ten meters high blended into the night, less than ten meters away from Jenkins.

At this moment, he was standing at a five-way intersection. This was a main pipeline, so the ground under his feet was made of uneven stones. In the daytime, there were always carriages passing by on the wide streets, and busy pedestrians of all kinds came from everywhere and hurried past. Outside the two-story building next to the street, the balcony was decorated with white marble columns. On a good day, you can even see a gentleman leaning there smoking and chatting. But at this moment, all this is not as attractive as the octopus.

The dense tentacles slowly crawled on the ground. Jenkins smiled bitterly twice, turned around and ran in the direction he came from.

The octopus did not chase him. Jenkins ran two blocks before looking back. The giant octopus was still there.

He stopped by the stone wall of the store, and the rain soaked his clothes, which were originally quite neat.

"Where should I go now?"

He asked himself in his heart.

The church where the battle might take place? The empty Sea Church? Dad's antique shop? William's house? Or just flee the city?

Jenkins smiled bitterly and looked at the sky without stars or moon. The extremely cold breath in his right hand began to stir again. Maybe he would die in the next moment.

"What an unknown road ahead."

He pinched his arm and said that the pain made his head sober up.

PS: Judging from the current results, this book is better than the previous one. I really like the world I described. No matter what happens in the future, I have to write at least 1 million words.

In addition: There are complaints in the comment area that this book is similar to the style of "Lord of Mysteries" and that I am following the trend. In fact, the last world of the previous book is a world of this style. I only had the idea of ​​writing this book at that time. I don't deny that the styles are similar, but please don't say I'm following the trend.

Section 44 Chapter 43 Guidance of Destiny

I seemed to be aware of something in my heart, calling out my own light spot, and focusing my eyes on the luxurious purple.

"【Unknown Road Ahead】."

He whispered, and then, as he had tried every day in the past, he concentrated his scattered mind into the light spot.

The next moment, something different happened. The purple light spot in front of him was like the sun, emitting a strong brilliance. A straight purple line appeared under Jenkins' feet, extending into the dark distance.

I don't know if it was an illusion, at that moment, the breath of the palm almost disappeared, and the falling raindrops and the whistling cold wind seemed to stop for a moment.

Without any hesitation, Jenkins ran forward along the street along the purple line in front of him.

He braved the rain and passed through the dirty alleys, climbed over the broken low walls, and was even forced to wade through the rotten and smelly garbage street under the pursuit of wild cats.

Jenkins had no idea where he was. He unconsciously followed the guidance under his feet. After a while, the purple line entered a shop on the street.

Jenkins stopped panting, shook his head blankly, summoned the candle soaked in spirit under the eaves, and held it high to illuminate the store sign in the dark:

Dad's Antique Shop.

"I've been running around in Nolan City for so long, and my final destination is here?"

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, but he had no better choice but to push open the door of the store.


A familiar bell sounded in the darkness, but at this time, it was a bit weird and scary in the empty store. The antique vase and the wall clock cast long shadows under the candlelight, which was extremely eerie and strange.

The purple line did not disappear, but extended directly to the stairs leading to the second floor.

Jenkins ignored it for the time being, and with the light of the candle in his hand, he trembled and came to the rocking chair where his father sat during the day.

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