"The higher the level of magic weapon, the slower it is to produce, because its precision and complexity have all climbed more than one level compared to the previous spiritual weapons and magic weapons, plus the technical workers who master this ability Too few, and eventually... the monthly output of the Zixiao 15 improved flying sword dropped to less than one hundred."

Yaoguang, who lived on the top of the Zixiaoyuan mountain peak, withdrew his spiritual thoughts and ended the day coordinating the spiritual thoughts and consciousness of the masters and masters of weapon refining.

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πŸ…£πŸ…¦πŸ…šπŸ…πŸ….πŸ…’πŸ…žπŸ…œ

Although he is determined to guide the masters of weapon refining and masters of weapon refining to learn more profound information so as to keep up with the progress of his weapon refining skills, he can continue with this trend and wait until his weapon refining skills are improved to another three or five levels. , he was afraid that he would face a situation where no one would be available and he would have to do everything by himself.

"Level three or five is a bit exaggerated, but after completing this order and getting the spiritual treasure of the Hunyuan Bell..."

He used his mind to sense the ancient tree in the spiritual world.

"The core skills are [Martial Arts], [Shinto], [Weapon Refining] and [Array]."

The current progress of these four items...

"Speaking of which, today's world's cultivation system is in a period of succession from the old to the new. The old cultivation system can no longer perfectly explain the existing cultivation system. It's time to introduce the old and bring out the new. I remember I heard about it before, Cangwu Alliance The association wants to reform the practice system, and it has also proposed some theories about the ninth level of Qi Dao and the ninth level of alchemy. Why is there no further explanation? "

Yaoguang looked at his four major branches except [Businessman] and [Demon Hunter].

According to the newly launched and widely recognized ratings in Cangwu World...

[Item Refining] is the highest, roughly equivalent to level 9 and 4 stars, and can be used to refine top-grade fourth-generation magic weapons.

[Shinto] Secondly, it should be compared to level 7 and 1 star, that is, the Dharma has been achieved.

Further down...

[Array] is a level 6, 4-star stage.

[Martial Arts] is also at level 6, but it should only be at the 3-star stage.

After all, whether it is martial arts or Shinto, it seems that there is no such thing as a 3-star level or above. Only sub-professions such as weapon refining, formations, and alchemy that are not too harsh are estimated to reach a 4-star or 5-star level above 3 stars.

Of course, the exception is the Golden Core realm of Qi Refining.

Taking into account the evolution of the initial golden elixir, fission realm, fusion realm, and finally to the red golden elixir, the golden elixir realm starts with 4 stars at level 7, or 1 star at level 9.

The conventional ten-level classification method cannot specifically measure this realm.

"After all, the weight of the secondary profession is not as important as that of the mainstream profession. The weapon refiner master often cannot enjoy the treatment of a great monk, and the weapon refiner master cannot compete with the golden elixir monk... It is an exaggeration to say that the meeting is three levels lower, but it is only one or two lower. It’s not an exaggeration to say so.”

Yaoguang thought in his heart.

Of course, these sub-professions do not include array mage.

Array Master...

At best, it's one level lower.

"After completing the order of six hundred Zixiao 15 improved flying swords this time, let's all activate [Martial Arts]. I don't know how far this spiritual treasure can activate [Martial Arts]. The Star God is certain, but it won't I know how far I can go on the path of Star God..."

Yaoguang's gaze lingered on the branches of [Martial Arts].

He was looking forward to what it would be like to reach the realm of Star God.

The Star God's progress has reached 100%. Can it contain information about the fourth and fifth generations of Star Gods?

as well as……

How mysterious it must be to be above the Star God.

While thinking about it, Yaoguang seemed to sense something and stood up.


Lei Yun and others immediately stood up.

Yaoguang nodded to them and came to the door without saying anything.

I saw several sword lights coming through the sky.

Leading the group were Lou Yuyu, the master of the Conquest Hall, and Xu Qixing, the master of the Weapon Refining Hall.

"Master of Yaoguang Palace."

Xu Qixing said with emotion, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It should."

Yaoguang responded, and then said to Lou Yuyu: "Are you satisfied with the two batches of Zixiao 15 improved flying swords delivered to Chief Shen?"

β€œEasy to use, very easy to use!”

Lou Yuyu said with a smile on his face: "The maximum sword speed of the Zixiao 15 improved flying sword reached 117.1. Of course, this speed was achieved by Shen Shouzuo, so it is not for reference. However, other swordsmen who are good at handling swords have the maximum sword speed. It can reach a sword speed of 60 to 80. Even a swordsman who is not good at wielding a sword can achieve a sword speed of over 40 when wielding a sword with all his strength. In other words, they can travel a hundred thousand miles in an hour. "

One hundred thousand miles an hour.

Of course, it is impossible for a sword cultivator to maintain the maximum flying speed for an entire hour, which would consume a lot of the true energy and spiritual consciousness in the sword cultivator's body.

Unless every precious elixir is supplied throughout the entire process for recovery, it will not be sustainable at all.

The price of treasure pills can easily reach tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and no force can afford it. Most swordsmen still use more cost-effective real essence when restoring their true essence.

But even so, this kind of sword speed is still enough to play with any enemy in the palm of his hand.

After all, the most important attribute of a swordsman is speed.

We can truly advance to attack and retreat to defend.

Yaoguang nodded: "As long as the Lord of the Hall is satisfied."

"Of course I'm satisfied."

Lou Yuyu said and looked at Xu Qixing.

Xu Qixing immediately took out an ancient bronze clock that was only the size of a palm.

"Is this the Hunyuan Bell?"

Yaoguang glanced at Xu Qixing in surprise: "Isn't the order not completed yet?"

"It takes a certain amount of time to refine the spiritual treasure, so the sect leader asked me to send it to you first."

Xu Qixing said: "The master of the Yaoguang Palace needs to use his talents at all times to coordinate the refining of the Purple Sky Flying Sword by the masters of the craftsmanship. The requirements for the stability of the mind are also extremely high. Send this spiritual treasure as soon as possible." Maybe it can also speed up your weapon refining efficiency, Master Yaoguang."

Yaoguang looked at this spiritual treasure.

Li Qingshan has already sent him the information on this spiritual treasure.

The main function is to protect the mind and nourish the mind.

Mind is a general term for when it is difficult to distinguish between divine will, divine consciousness, and spiritual thoughts. This spiritual treasure nourishes the spiritual consciousness for monks who practice Qi training, and naturally nourishes the soul for monks who practice Shen refining.

The realm of refining the gods is very idealistic, but that doesn't mean that daily practice cannot grow at all.

Many god-refining monks nourish their spiritual thoughts. When their spiritual thoughts are strong enough to reach a certain level, they can then go through the tribulation, and in the process of overcoming the tribulation, they will lead to a state of transformation.

It is abnormal to reach a state like Fluctlight first, then go through the tribulation, and use the sky thunder to temper and strengthen your spiritual thoughts.

Therefore, Li Qingshan sent this treasure in advance in the hope that he could improve his spiritual consciousness as soon as possible and survive more Zixiao thunder tribulations, until one day he could truly be like a Dharma cultivator and derive the virtual god world with a single thought.

"It's really..."

Yaoguang looked at this spiritual treasure and wanted to say something, but didn't know how.

Just keep it in mind.

"Then I will accept it. I will deliver the remaining flying swords as soon as possible."

Yaoguang said.

Lou Yuyu nodded. Just as he was about to say something else, the consciousness of Sect Master Li Qingshan came to his ears.

"Emergency meeting."

He glanced at Fluctlight.

Yaoguang, Xu Qiexing and others seemed to have received the notification as well.

"How about taking a rest at my place?"

Yaoguang said.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

The two agreed.

Entering the courtyard, several people had separated their minds and entered the "Void God Realm".

At the same time that several of them entered the Virtual God Realm, figures appeared one after another.

The meeting was not large in scale. Apart from the presence of the palace masters, there were not many deputy palace masters, branch masters, and domain masters. A total of more than thirty people attended.

"What happened? An emergency meeting was held?"

"Master Lou, has there been a change in the East China Sea?"

"The Great Sun Sword Sect is finally taking action?"

The palace masters and branch sect masters who came first were communicating with each other, guessing what happened.

However, their exchange did not last long. Soon, Li Qingshan, Huang Tianhao, and Murong Hui, the master of the Heavenly Palace, appeared at the same time.


Everyone said hello.

Li Qingshan nodded and went straight to the topic without any nonsense.

He waved his hand, and bursts of light and shadow were projected in the center of the conference room.

It was clear that one group of people were beating, smashing, looting, and burning against another group of people.


Not only did they smash, smash, loot and burn, but after snatching supplies, this group of people even directly carried out a unilateral massacre of another group of people.

No matter how much the other group begged for mercy, they still could not escape the fate of being killed on the spot.

Everyone looked a little surprised when they saw this scene.

"Isn't this what happened to our Jiuding Sect?"

Liangqiu said.

"If something like this happens within the sect, I, the Lord of the Guarding Hall, will step down immediately."

Jiang Zuoyue said immediately.

At the same time, she took a look at some buildings and words in the shadow and judged: "Is this the Xuanming Sect?"

"It's Xuanming Sect."

Li Qingshan nodded.

"The Xuanming Sect is in chaos? That's right. After suffering such huge losses in the East China Sea and losing so many great monks, the interests within the sect will inevitably be redistributed, leading to chaos. This is a good thing. With their chaos, we will follow For a long time, we don’t have to worry about the threats they bring, and we can concentrate on dealing with the Great Sun Sword Sect.”

Xu Qixing said with a smile.

"Chaos is chaos, but this kind of chaos seems to be intentionally guided by the top management of Xuanming Sect. In order to aggravate the situation due to the excitement of the crowd, they chose a cathartic target, one... that can not only give an explanation internally, but also ensure smooth operation Survive the turbulent period caused by the loss of a large number of great monks."

Li Qingshan said solemnly: "This target is the descendants of the Qi Zong who fled to the Tianxing Continent and even all over the world after the collapse of the Qi Zong."

"Descendants of Qi Zong..."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Qixing seemed to realize something, and his smile faded.

The expressions of other hall masters were also solemn.

After a while, Zhang Ruosheng said: "When our Jiuding Sect was established, we called on all the people of the Weapon Sect to return and build our home together, but they... obviously had no intention of coming back."

"It's easy to understand, because in their view, the founders of our Jiuding Sect were basically a group of mud-legged people who were not taken seriously in the Qi Zong before, and those who can escape are not from the big family and have been in the Qi Zong. A high-ranking being? It would be more uncomfortable for them to surrender to us than to kill them."

He Xifeng said lightly.

"Then what else is there to say? If Xuanming Sect wants revenge, let them take revenge. The Qi Sect is the Qi Sect, and the Jiuding Sect is the Jiuding Sect. They themselves don't recognize our Jiuding Sect. Why are we in trouble now? Should we rescue him?”

Liangqiu said.

He already understood what Li Qingshan meant by convening this emergency meeting.

And his words were recognized by many people.

Just like what He Xifeng said, these people are all marginalized figures in the Qi Sect. They are usually bullied by the big clans and have no future at all. For these people...

They may not have much favorable impressions.

Now that they were asked to save people at the risk of a full-scale war with the Xuanming Sect while the situation in the East China Sea was still unsettled, they were naturally unwilling to do so.

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