“Playing with knives in front of me, you’re more than a hundred years early, boy.”

Just as Luo Xiu’s last word fell, Luo Xiu’s movements between his palm and fingers suddenly changed, and his right hand directly grabbed the demon knife, and even the person with the knife flew out fiercely.


In the infinite hell, it is as if a high-speed cannonball has flown over, bringing up a series of sonic booms and air wave tail flames.

Hiliu’s body arched like a shrimp, flying uncontrollably upside down for more than 100 meters, and finally the whole person fell on the thick wall in a large figure, deeply trapped in it.

Again and again, not again.

This time, even Shiryu’s monster-like little strong physique could not make him stand up soberly from such a violent impact.

“Gee, it’s really miserable, but this is also for your own good, presumably after experiencing such an unforgettable social beating, you should know who you can’t afford to mess with in the future, hahaha.” Golden Lion Shiji laughed.

“Mr. Luo Xiu, then I’ll take a step first.” Shiji said hello one last time, turned his head and flew towards the exit.

“There will be a period later.” Red Earl Ledfield said concisely, nodded at Luo Xiu, and flashed into disillusionment, and his speed was no slower than that of the golden lion.

Luo Xiu smiled and watched the golden lion two take a step ahead, clapped his hands, and said, “Then I should also go, well, decided, let’s go slowly.” ”

Not long after, Luo Xiu came to the entrance of the stairs on the fifth or sixth floor and stopped in front of one of the cells.

Magellan ordered an infinite hell to be infused with hypnotic gas, and most of the prisoners here are still in a coma, and naturally they cannot see the amazing battle before.

But there are always exceptions, no matter how strong the hypnotic gas is, there are always some people who will not fall into a coma, such as Luo Xiu and the Golden Lion and others, such as the murderous people like the String Moon Hunter Katerina Depen, and some natural Devil Fruit ability.

In the narrow cell, a man with a big back and a horizontal scar on his nose looked at Luo Xiu outside the cell with a shocked expression, wondering how such a figure could suddenly stay in front of him.

He was very sure that he did not know this handsome excess, which made him jealous.

It’s just that since the other party is here, he won’t and can’t refuse him out of the door.

“You know me?” The prisoner in the cell asked rhetorically.

“Klockdar, right.” Luo Xiu said calmly.

In the cage, Klockdar’s expression froze, and he never expected that Luo Xiu would directly call out his name.

Klockdar’s eyes narrowed, “What the hell are you?” ”

Who is Luo Xiu? This was the biggest doubt that had been haunting Klockdar’s mind since the previous days.

From the outside, it is clear that he is only a young man in his twenties, how can he meet those two people, those two legendary figures of the last era, or even be on an equal footing.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, I see that you have a bit of an eye, I wonder if you are interested in challenging this Advance City and trying to escape?” Luo Xiu asked with a smile.

“Forget it, this sea is too boring now, I don’t want to go out yet.” Klockdar refused.

At a certain moment before, Klockdar really almost wanted to try it out according to Luo Xiu’s meaning.

It’s just that at the last moment, he changed his mind, and the reason was that he didn’t think that he could escape by relying on his own strength alone, and he didn’t mean to guard against Luo Xiu.

After all, a mysterious existence like Luo Xiu, full of mysteries, how could he find him for no reason, and what kind of eye rim is just an excuse.

For Klockdar’s rejection, Luo Xiu did not show much emotion.

“In this way, then forget it.” Luo Xiu shrugged his shoulders, turned around and left without looking back.


“You’re such an idiot, Klockdar, and the opportunity for freedom is not seized in front of you.”

“Wait for me, he doesn’t want it, please give me the opportunity, I’m willing to challenge it.”

“And me.”

“Me too”

Only at this time, the prisoners of the Infinite Hell who did not fall under the hypnotic gas came out of the shock of the previous two legends and Luo Xiu, and reacted after realizing it, shouting and praying.

For the shouts of these people, not only Luo Xiu, but even Klockdar did not pay much attention.

The more he thought about it, the more deeply Luo Xiu’s appearance became imprinted in Klockdar’s head, which could not be erased.

As the memory deepened, the memories that had been sealed for more than twenty years in Klockdar’s mind were driven, and he suddenly realized where he seemed to have seen that face.

“Where the hell is it?” Klockdar’s gaffe gripped his head.

At a certain moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and Klockdar finally recalled.

More than twenty years ago, as a super newcomer, he challenged to assassinate the strongest man in the sea, Edward Newgate, and successfully infiltrated Whitebeard’s room.

On the walls of that room, there were pictures of that man hanging all over and Luo Xiu.

“I see, it turned out to be him, it turned out to be the man.” Klockdar’s face was full of shock and disbelief.


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