"Let me tell you, aren't you curious about the follow-up at all?" Yingsheng said in a playful tone.

Itahara paused slightly, "Didn't you say that person wanted to pretend to be dead to avoid the Yakuza debt? Not long after I left there, I did see the Nihanhui and rushed over."

"Isn't this suspicious?"

Yingsheng shrugged, "The task I gave you was to notify me immediately after pretending to be shocked. It took me seven minutes to arrive. While Mr. Tojo went to pick up the money I accidentally dropped, I took the man out of the tree crown. I'll trade you with your civet cat for a prince.

You leave there immediately, and I use your identity to enter again, pretending to search for property, but actually helping him set up a good posture so that no one will see the flaw.

So here’s the question, do you think I’m really preparing for a muddy event by being so troublesome? "

Itahara took a step back calmly, "Nihan will be a very powerful Yakuza, so you do need to be careful."

Yingsheng smiled.

"You should also know that pretending to be dead is a stupid way to deal with the Jida. As long as they pass by, won't they conduct verification?"

"I don't know what they think."

"You saw the police?"


“There’s a limit to pretending to be stupid, Mr. Itahara.

Even if you pretend to believe such clumsy words, you obviously have other agendas. A mere three hundred thousand is too little. Let me think about it... You accidentally saw my student ID card and planned to use it to blackmail me later. "

Ban Yuan, who had always been honest and sincere, heard this, and suddenly a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"That's right! Teidan High School, Kenta Nakamichi!

Kid, I’ll give you what I said just now, why don’t you keep pretending to be stupid? Why are you forcing me? "

"Oh... indeed."

Chapter 7 Tokyo Bay, the organization is attacking!

It is said that during the two years when Japan's bubble economy collapsed, fresh cement piles were sunk into Tokyo Bay every night.

The underground situation in Tokyo is no longer so broken now, but traditional craftsmanship cannot be lost.

"Itahara-san, how dare you threaten me in person?"

The red paint on the huge old oil drum has been mottled, but the material is still quite strong and durable. At least after adding quick-drying cement and seawater, it did not leak out.

Through his riding gloves, Yingsheng patted the lonely head in the oil drum, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Other parts of Itara's body were covered with sticky cement. Looking from a distance in the hazy moonlight, they looked like a head displayed on the stand.

As soon as Yingsheng stepped under his feet, a katana with a shimmering cold light flew up from the ground. He didn't even look at it and grabbed the handle of the knife in the air.

Backhand, tip of the knife downwards, stabbing straight.


Even though his mouth was stuffed with rags, Itahara still let out an uncontrollable scream. His face, which was already red due to lack of oxygen, was even more shiny. He didn't look like a living person, but looked a bit like someone in a temple. The green-faced yaksha.

"I really don't know where you get your confidence. You dare to come to an appointment with a broken knife. Do you think you are a samurai? Fortunately, I even wore a bulletproof vest."

Yingsheng didn't know where he had inserted himself, but the outcome was the same anyway.

"Of course, your greatest confidence is not force, but my true identity."

Yingsheng sighed, "I didn't expect that Kenta Nakamichi, who pays so much attention to secrecy, would still be exposed.

Alas, Itahara-san, when you threatened me before, you mentioned that you had taken deadly measures, right? Can you tell me a little bit about it? "

Yingsheng raised his hand to his ear, leaned slightly and listened carefully, but all he heard was heavy breathing.

Yingsheng turned around in confusion, as if he had just discovered something.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you can't speak."

He raised his hand and pulled off the rag that blocked Banyuan's mouth, and said with a gentle smile: "Even I don't believe it if I let you live at this point. Just explain it to me, and in return, I will give you a happy life."


What responded to him was a weak old phlegm.

Yingsheng easily avoided it, shook his head in disappointment, half-drew the long knife from the increasingly tight cement, and stabbed it hard again.


The voice was quite shrill, but it was also weak due to the compression of the lungs.

Yingsheng was helpless, "Can't you cooperate a little, Itahara-san? This is simply torture to me."

Yasha, who was sweating profusely, opened his mouth and showed the craziest laugh in his life.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

"Tsk, diehard."

Yingsheng took out his cell phone and looked at it. At half past eleven, he turned around and went to get the lid of the big pot, intending to cover the oil drum.

"According to the recipe in the manual, it will take about an hour and a half before the cement is completely dry. It's enough time to go back and forth to Tsuburaya Town from here. Wait for me, and I will let you see her for the last time."

"Wait! Wait! What did you say?!"

Urgent shouts came from behind, but Yingsheng remained indifferent.

“You were kicked out of your home because of PC infection, and you kept pestering your ex-wife to the point where you were detained by the police for three months. After you came out, you lost your job, your ex-wife had moved, and you had no money to pay the rent, so you became a homeless person.

The place I have been visiting frequently in the past month is a low-level water vendor in Tsuburaya Town.

Is it right? "

Yingsheng tapped the Bluetooth headset and said, "Don't even think about refuting it. Your scandal is completely transparent in the eyes of the police. Why do you think I installed bugs for them? Obviously I am confident that they will never be able to find any loopholes."

That's right, it's because of you.

Of course, you also have a bug on you, but it cannot be located, so you still have to rely on the police.

Itahara-san, why would you entrust such an important matter to that kind of person? Do you think that since you are at the bottom of society, you will feel sympathy for each other?

How naive.

Let me tell you bluntly, the small iron box containing your secret note was sold by her twenty minutes ago for 100,000 yen.

You also know the reason, right? The outermost layer of the box is the deposit I gave you, those cheap jewelry worth tens of thousands of yuan at most. A customer with poor eyesight bought it at a high price, and of course she agreed immediately.

As for your instructions, hey, it seems like she didn't take it to heart at all.

You're probably thinking, what big secrets does a guy like you have? It's a shame to steal something. She helped you sell the stolen goods and made more money, so you have to thank her. "

One, two...

Hysterical roars rang out.

"You! You! That bitch! I'm going to kill her! I'm going to kill you!!!"

[Killing Intention +1]

Well, it’s finally shipped.

Yingsheng talked nonsense with him for a long time, of course it was just for this.

Under normal circumstances, it doesn't take that much trouble to collect murderous intent, but Itahara is a man who bullies the weak and fears the strong. He was manipulated like that before, but he didn't even generate murderous intent for Ying that could be recognized by the system.

Yingsheng thought about it for a while, and it was probably Itahara's last thought in his heart, that he could take revenge on his vengeful person.

Then, just break his fantasy.

"It is indeed much easier to obtain killing intent than love. Although it cannot be repeated on one person, in general, it is completely endless." Yingsheng thought, and the data panel appeared in his heart.

【Love: 5】

[Killing Intention: 32 (Unlocked Ability 1)]

[Remaining life span: 1 day]

After giving himself another life, Yingsheng carried the cement bucket back to the oil drum, thinking in his mind, he didn't know when he would be able to collect ten points of love to unlock his special ability. What would his ability be?

After dealing with the follow-up, Yingsheng rode away. He didn't have time to wait for the cement to dry. He would drop by next time.


The Porsche 356A is such an old model. Is anyone still driving it? It’s definitely the kind of old-money model that’s very stylish.

Moreover, why does this car look familiar to him?

Yingsheng was thoughtful, but his speed did not slow down at all. He quickly passed by the intersection where the Porsche stopped, and then circled back at the next intersection. Suddenly, there was a slight vibration on the phone. Yingsheng double-clicked the earphone to answer the call.

"There's someone in your house. They didn't rummage through the boxes, they didn't break in." Qingzi's voice was very soft.

"I understand, keep eavesdropping."

"Did it happen that night?"

"It should be that that organization finally came to the door. I don't know if they happened to encounter today's case. Be careful and be ready to escape at any time."

"Understood, Yingsheng-kun, please work hard. If necessary, do you want to involve the police in the situation?"

"It's best not to involve the Yakuza in your father's death. It would be too troublesome. Even if all the evidence points to an accident, if the police delay closing the case because of this doubt, the 500 million insurance money will not be collected. "

"Well...that would be too bad."

Keeping the call on, Yingsheng stopped his motorcycle far outside the pier, quickly walked to the other side of the street where the Porsche 356A was parked, and looked around.

Sure enough, there was nothing there.

Yingsheng raised his eyebrows, had he been following him from downstairs in the apartment? He didn't notice anything unusual. Was it because his recent comfortable life had numbed his nerves?

To be honest, although his body is lagging behind now, he feels that he is not too sluggish.

The opponent's tracking level is undoubtedly quite superb.

It’s really interesting, the bond that comes with the original owner...

Yingsheng smiled softly, "Regardless of cause and effect, it's better to cut them all off."

[Killing Intent -1, Activate Ability 1]

On the other side, at the Akagi Pier, a man in a black trench coat with long silver hair grinned.

"Is there such a thing?"

Chapter 8 Duel! Gin!

"Brother! This! This..."

The strong man in black suit holding the old old pot lid in his hand took a step back. His eyes behind his sunglasses were fixed on the oil drum in front of him, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

A big smiling face is painted on the semi-dry cement surface inside the oil drum.

The most important thing is that there are a pair of lifelike human ears on both sides of the smiling face.

Well, lifelike.

"Oh, the old-fashioned method, vodka, dig him out and find out his identity."

Gin lit a cigarette with a calm expression, his long silver hair fluttering in the night wind. He gently exhaled a puff of smoke, his eyes colder than the waning moon in the sky.

"Okay, brother."

Vodka turned around and went to get a shovel from the trunk of the car. He often followed his elder brother on missions, and occasionally needed to deal with the aftermath. Of course, he always had some common tools at hand.

He was shocked just now but it happened suddenly, but he is also an out-and-out villain.

Gin looked at his back, his eyelids twitching inexplicably.

"Come back, use your hands."


"Just check his face...get out of the way!"

boom! ! !

Before Gin finished speaking, a black muzzle suddenly poked out from the edge of the abandoned container next to the Porsche 356A, and a bit of fire spattered.

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