A hole appeared amidst the rubbing sound, and inside was an upward passage with an iron staircase.

Yes, it was really so naive.

Yingsheng was speechless, and felt that this family probably didn't respect the old man very much. In the past fifteen years, they had never thought of maintaining and repairing the painting.

He looked back and saw that the old lady was already shocked and stood up excitedly.


A medical miracle?

This is the power of love!

"Old lady, please sit down quickly, don't hurt yourself."

Yingsheng jumped down from the platform, ran to the door quickly, and helped the old lady back to the wheelchair.

He took back what he said before. The old lady must still care about her husband. It has been so long since she solved the mystery, probably because her brain is not working well.

Or are the children unfilial and don't listen to her?

"Young man, you, you..."

The old lady's voice trembled, and she didn't say a complete meaning for a long time. Yingsheng waited quietly beside her.

But before the old lady calmed down, another voice came from upstairs.

"Who was shouting just now? Are there guests at home?"

A slightly plump man in a gray-purple suit came out from upstairs and saw the rotating oil painting at first sight.

"What, what's going on?!"

He was also full of surprise in his tone and walked quickly over there.

"Don't go over there! I found it first!"

The old lady suddenly shouted loudly, her voice was extremely sharp, just like the old witch in the fairy tale.

Yingsheng almost covered his ears and shook his head. He felt that although the old lady looked frail, she was actually quite energetic.


On the stairs, the man in a suit stopped and looked back, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then slightly tilted his head to look at Yingsheng.

"Who is this?"

Yingsheng nodded to him as a greeting, and was about to say that he was just passing by, but the old lady next to him spoke first.

"I hired a detective to investigate the mystery left by the master. Aman, get out of the way."

"What! Mother-in-law, you hired a detective?!"

Mamiya Mitsuru was shocked, looked at Yingsheng who was nodding, looked at the passage under the portrait, and then looked at the old lady with an excited face.

He gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the passage.

"I am the first person to solve the mystery!"

"Asshole! Stop right there!"

The old lady stood up again and rushed directly to the stairs, agile.

She and Mamiya Mitsuru were up and down, and the distance from the passage was quite close, and they arrived almost at the same time.

"Damn old woman!"

Mamiya Mitsuru had a ferocious face and punched hard.

"I should be the first person!"

The old lady threw the thick blanket that was originally used to cover her knees on Mamiya Mitsuru's face and kicked it out, almost kicking the flustered Mamiya Mitsuru down the stairs.

Mamiya Mitsuru fell to the ground, and the old lady quickly got into the passage and climbed up.

"It's mine! It must be mine!"

She kept muttering in her mouth, as if crazy.

"Damn it, don't try to take it all for yourself!"

Miya Man finally pulled off the blanket on his face, entered the passage, and climbed up.

In the huge hall, in a blink of an eye, only Yingsheng was left. He glanced at the wheelchair beside him, alone in the wind.

No, isn't this old lady in such good health?

I used to hear that Japan has a silver economy, which is an unhealthy social phenomenon brought about by aging.

But if every old person is as brisk as old lady Mamiya, then they can just go to the construction site to move bricks, and driving a taxi is nothing.

And the retirement age must be delayed to at least 85 years old.

"What happened here? Why do I hear someone arguing?"

On the other side of the second floor, a young man in red silk pajamas ran out and looked at Yingsheng at the door.

Yingsheng pointed to the passage without hiding anything.

"The treasures left by the old master are probably hidden in there. Mr. Mamiya Man and the old lady have gone in."


The young man was shocked and immediately ran downstairs in three steps and went in without hesitation.

Yingsheng sighed. He didn't even ask who he was. Is this person so anxious?

He could see that these people were purely after the treasures in this castle. Sorry, there was no emotion at all.

Forget it, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

Yingsheng yawned and went out to breathe fresh air to refresh himself.

Not two steps away, another man in gardening clothes hurried over. After seeing Yingsheng, he immediately asked what happened here. He heard the quarrel from a distance.

Yingsheng continued to tell the truth and asked him to hurry over, otherwise he would not have a share of the treasure later.

But this time the man did not leave, but just sighed with a complicated expression.

"I see."

Hina looked at him curiously: "You are not from this family? But gardeners can also have dreams, and those who see it can share it."

The man smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I have received too many favors from the Mamiya family. I am Tabata, a servant of this family. May I ask who you are?"

"A detective passing by."

Hina felt around and didn't find a business card. Then he remembered that he hadn't done it yet, so he said directly: "Aida Detective Agency, accepting various commissions, first-class efficiency, Mr. Tabata, would you like to leave a phone number?"

"Yes, yes."

Tabata Katsuo quickly took out his mobile phone to record the phone number. This puzzle that had troubled everyone in the Mamiya family for many years was easily solved by this man. The difference in IQ was obvious.

Or to put it bluntly, the gap between people is greater than that between people and dogs.

"This is impossible!!!"

As soon as they left the phone call, a heartbreaking roar came from the sky.

The voice sounded to be Mamiya Mitsuru.

Ying Sheng and Tabata Katsuo looked at each other, wondering, when they heard another male voice shouting.

"You hid the treasure, didn't you, old woman?"

Yingsheng looked at Tabata Katsuo.

Tabata Katsuo looked blank: "It's the voice of Mr. Takato. He is the only son of my wife and Mr. Sadaki. He has always been a very gentle person."

Yingsheng shrugged: "It seems that gentleness is just an appearance, and now I can see it."

"How could it be like this...how could it be like this!"

The old lady's voice finally came out, accompanied by a shrill cry, like a night owl flying out of a dark cave with a ball in its arms.

Bang Dong——!

There was another sound of a body hitting the wall.

Tabata Katsura showed worry on his face and walked inside. Yingsheng held his shoulder and reminded him kindly.

"How about calling the police? It sounds pretty intense. What if I get accidentally injured?"


Tabata Katsuo looked hesitant, Master Aman...

"Ah!! Damn it! You are definitely not an old woman!"

Mamiya Mitsuru screamed.

Tabata Katsuo shivered all over, nodded quickly, took out his cell phone and called the police.

It's not that I don't repay your kindness, sir, it's just that I'm a helpless servant, and you are all the master's family, so it's really useless for me to go up there.

Tabata Katsuo told the police that it was very serious, but the police in Ebina City dispatched police at a snail's pace.

Yingsheng was yawning all the time, so he called Xiaolan to tell her about the incident, and told her that she could call her classmates who wanted to visit here yesterday to watch the fun.

This left Tabata Katsuo speechless. You, Mr. Detective, are really leisurely.

"Mr. Tabata, is breakfast ready in the villa? I'm almost hungry."

After hanging up the phone, Yingsheng looked at Tabata Katsura with hope.


What can Tabata Katsuo say, this is a guest after all.

Moreover, in the attic, the sounds of fighting and screams gradually became weaker, and some bad suspicions arose in his mind. Tabata Katsuo's legs were now a little weak.

Yingsheng was so calm and composed, and seemed to have understood everything, he had long subconsciously regarded him as his backbone.

French soup with bread, plus three foie gras sandwiches, Yingsheng was full for the time being.

Not long after, Xiaolan arrived with a large group of classmates and looked at Yingsheng with some embarrassment.

“As soon as everyone heard about the case, they all came over.”


Yingsheng is speechless, Tokyo people are so bloodthirsty.

At 8:30 in the morning, the police finally arrived belatedly and went up to the attic under the guidance of Tabata Katsuo.


The policeman at the front let out a scream and fell from the stairs. "Bang, bang, bang, bang -" The people below were affected and rolled into a ball.

On the platform, everyone gathered in a circle and saw the policeman covering his right eye, with blood still coming out from between his fingers.

"It was an old woman with white hair! She attacked me with a stick with nails on it!"

The policeman screamed and gritted his teeth to tell what happened to him.

Tabata Katsuo, who had just gotten up from the ground, trembled all over and looked at Yingsheng, his eyes full of gratitude.

Yingsheng shook his head, but sighed slightly in his heart. This was definitely directed at him.

The reason is very simple. I blame myself for shattering the hope she had held on to for more than ten years.

Her life has ended, and the person who caused all this is Yingsheng.

After all, after killing so many people, she definitely didn't care if she had another life on her hands.

Ten minutes later, the police finally went up to the attic.

All he saw was a pile of dead bodies.

Chapter 296 The evolved Xiaolan needs a stage

The old lady killed Mamiya Mitsuru and Mamiya Takato, and after attacking the police, she also committed suicide with a nail.

The rusty iron nail was inserted into her old throat, leaving only a deep black.

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