"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's six-fifty in the store." Xiaolan said.

"You can go first, just leave the key."

"How can I leave you here alone?"

"You should also prepare dinner for your father. He may be hungry already."

"Anyway, he will definitely drink beer secretly and starve to death."

"Ha, interesting."

The sugar took effect quickly, and Yingsheng regained a little strength, forced himself to stand up, and staggered towards the locker room.

"See you tomorrow, senior."

"Did Shuiyue-kun start to hate me?" Xiaolan said in a faint tone.

"You're thinking too much. I'm just thinking about where to eat later."

"I don't believe it. Didn't Suiyue-kun bring a lunch box with him at noon? He can also cook for himself."

"When you are too tired, you will want to be lazy."

Yingsheng yawned, walked into the locker room, took a quick shower, and changed back into the blue Tedan High School uniform.

There was a missed call on his cell phone. He called back, but the number turned out to be empty. He shrugged, turned off the light, and left.

"Ah, is senior still there?"

The Japanese-style sliding door at the entrance of the club was half open, and the sky was already dyed with a hint of twilight. A blurry figure stood under the red countdown, looming.

"I will win the championship," she said.

"Oh, I wish you success." Yingsheng smiled politely and walked to the door carrying the dirty clothes he had changed into. "I will go to the venue to cheer for my seniors that day."

"It's not because of Shinichi."

"Hmm, absolutely not."

"It's not because of you either."

Yingsheng nodded without slowing down at all, "Of course it's not because of me. I'm not self-aware to this extent. You are fighting for your own glory. Come on, you will definitely win."

Yingsheng stepped out of the door and looked back.

"I'm going to take a taxi home. Will Mouri-kun come along? Do you want to come with me?"

The eyes that had just been brightened dimmed again, and Xiaolan shook her head slightly.


"Heh, are you expecting something?"

"No, there isn't."

“Has anyone ever said you care too much about what other people think?”

"I...is this wrong?"

"Gentleness, kindness, and understanding, as well as tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and etiquette. Can you tell me the difference between the so-called good marriage style in Japanese culture and prefrontal lobotomy surgery?"

Xiaolan was silent.

"I may be exaggerating a little bit, but that's what it is in my eyes."

Yingsheng smiled and said: "So, try to become Kudo's detective assistant. That is already a huge improvement compared to your previous role as a mere vase."

After saying this, Yingsheng turned around and left, never looking back.

In the empty venue, silence continued.

Chapter 18 It’s raining continuously, let’s have a fight!

The water rushes.

When Xiaolan put on a beige apron and washed vegetables in the kitchen, she had completely forgotten how she got home and what her father had said before.

In the living room, a familiar middle-aged man laughed. Amidst the deafening sound of the TV program, there were occasionally a few silly giggles.

"Hehehehehe...Miss Yoko..."

What follows is often a wine burp.

Xiaolan has seen this kind of scene so many times in the past ten years that she has long been used to it.

But today, she felt a little harsh for no reason.

She shook her head, took a deep breath, tried to stabilize her mind, and speeded up the preparation of dinner. But by the time she put the food on the table, it was already nine o'clock.

Bah, bah, bah—

"Xiaolan, what did you do? The taste is much worse than usual today."

A sloppy middle-aged man made this comment after devouring it.

Xiaolan kept silent, cleaning up the dishes, and then tidying up the room and the detective office downstairs. There were a lot of mud marks on the floor from nowhere. After she carefully mopped the floor, she opened the window to dry it. The night was already dark.

Back upstairs, a figure reclining on the sofa was snoring loudly. Xiaolan turned off the TV and took out a thin quilt to cover him.

Wash and take a shower, and when Xiaolan returns to her room and takes out her mobile phone, it's already eleven o'clock.

Her best friend Sonoko shared with her an interesting story that happened in the tennis club three hours ago. Several people bought a new type of lottery called Detective Index and lost all their money.

Twenty minutes ago, I sent her a message ^_^ and good night.

Nothing else.

Xiaolan closed her phone and fell on the soft bed, not wanting to think about anything else.

Go to sleep.

The next morning, dense raindrops fell under the slightly gloomy sky.

Xiaolan prepared breakfast and lunch, put them in the refrigerator respectively, left a note, picked up her handbag, and went out holding a red umbrella.

When I came downstairs of Kudo's house, I called out three times, but there was only a vague response.

"I understand, Xiaolan, please go first."

Xiaolan stood for a few seconds, turned around and left. When she arrived at the school gate, Suzuki Sonoko was holding a small yellow umbrella and trotting over from the taxi.

"I overslept this morning and thought I couldn't catch up..."

She paused for a moment, then quickly turned to her best friend, turned around and stared closely, with a suspicious look on her face: "What happened? Xiaolan, you don't look good today."

Xiaolan shook her head gently and squeezed out a soft smile: "It's nothing."

"How could it be nothing! Did that reasoning madman offend you? That bastard!"

"It has nothing to do with Shinichi, I just... just..."

"Just what?"

Xiaolan sighed softly, and said uncertainly: "I seem to be a little tired."


Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly realized: "It's because of the karate competition, Xiaolan, you didn't practice until late yesterday, right? With your strength, you can definitely win the championship. Don't be so nervous, relax a little."

"Thank you for your concern, Sonoko, I feel much better now."

Xiaolan lowered the edge of the umbrella and stepped into the school.

"Let's go, class is about to start."

"Oh... Xiaolan, you really don't work too hard."

"Yeah, I know."

There was still some time before the bell rang, and Xiaolan came to the door of the classroom. The first thing she saw was, of course, Kudo Shinichi's seat, which was naturally empty.

The second thing she saw was the second to last row, by the window.

Hina seemed to have noticed something, looked back, nodded slightly to her politely, and turned around to continue talking to Nakamichi Kenta.

"Suiyue, do you know? It's selling like hot cakes! It's selling like hot cakes!" Kenta Nakamichi looked excited, "The vouchers I printed yesterday were almost not enough!"

"How's the profit?" Yingsheng asked.

"Hehe, I originally thought that I would make a profit by losing money on the first day. The odds were set so that I couldn't make a penny. But it turned out to be a big surprise. No one died yesterday. Kudo left school at noon and just went to continue investigating the accident the day before yesterday."

"So, you made a fortune, right?"

"Twenty thousand!"

"I admire you. Do you want financing?" Yingsheng handed over a bank card directly, "The password is six eights."

"Hiss - do you really want to invest one million in me? I can't guarantee that I will make money every day."

"If you lose everything, just treat me to a barbecue. Come on, I'm rooting for you."

It's just something blown by the strong wind. You can use it to water some interesting seedlings. Why not?

Feeling the vague sight behind him again, Yingsheng felt helpless. His words didn't have much power. Is this delicate orchid going to wither?

That doesn't make sense.

Mr. Kudo Shinichi, where are you?

It's definitely not just Yingsheng who is looking forward to the arrival of the famous detective. As a result, the teacher just stood on the podium in the first class and told them that Kudo Shinichi had asked for leave today.

Oh, what a busy man.

Yingsheng opened the textbook and stood it on the table, and then lay down to sleep. He was almost paralyzed by exhaustion last night, but the only thing he got was a few murderous intentions.

What a trouble.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to go home in the afternoon. The rain was still there. Those who should go home went home, those who should participate in club activities participated in club activities, and those who should sell lottery tickets sold lottery tickets.

Yingsheng carried the karate uniform that he had washed and dried last night and walked to Xiaolan's seat.

"Senior, please give me more advice today."

Xiaolan was slightly stunned and stared at him for two seconds, without moving or speaking.

Yingsheng curled his lips slightly, looking a little disappointed.

"I don't think what I said was wrong, and I will never apologize. Of course, if you hate me because of this, that's your freedom, and I'll just find someone else to teach you."

"Hey, hey! What are you talking about? I know, Xiaolan has been unhappy today because of you, right? Apologize to Xiaolan!"

There was meaningless noise around him, and Yingsheng didn't even bother to look away.

"What school did you learn in the girls' etiquette class?"

Xiaolan was silent for a few breaths, "Ogasawara-ryu."

"What's the source?"

"Kamakura shogunate, the coming-of-age ceremony for the children of the royal family."

"It's been eight hundred years, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"It has undergone many developments in the Edo and Taisho periods, and it has never remained unchanged."

"Well, is there a part about benevolence and forgiveness?"


Seeing Xiaolan's slightly dim eyes rising with a bit of speechlessness, Yingsheng smiled slightly, lifted his clothes, and shook them.

"I don't think there is one. Can you recommend a teacher to me?"


"He should be better than you, and have the potential to be a champion."


"Hmph! Xiaolan's karate is the best in the school, but it doesn't take a high level to teach a novice like you. Anyone can do it. Also, other people are not as easy to talk to as Xiaolan, so you'd better be more respectful."

There was some noise around, and the owner reached out to pull Xiaolan away.

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