The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

No matter how stupid Cheng Dama was, he understood what was going on. For a moment, the big man burst into tears and repeatedly said that Zhou Yun was his second parent!

The million-dollar monthly salary was important, but more importantly, Zhou Yun arranged for his parents to come to Jiangcheng for treatment. This kindness was enough to make him burst into tears.

"Don't worry, boss. If someone wants to hurt you in the future, they must step over my body. If I don't die, no one can touch you!"

"I will protect you at the cost of my life. Believe me, although I don't have much brains, I value friendship the most. Just watch!"

Cheng Dama shouted loudly, swore constantly, and his eyes were more cautious than ever before.

Then he rolled up his sleeves, showed himself, and said: "Boss, I'll show you my skills. If you really think I'm worth a million a month, it's not too late to decide!"

As he said that, he walked towards an excavator in front.

Zhou Yun looked at him curiously, and everyone's eyes were on him.

I saw Dama come to the side of the excavator, step forward with his right foot, bend his knees and half squat into a horse stance, bend his fists in front of his chest, and make a mountain-carrying posture.

Then, he roared, and his feet sank suddenly, the ground sank half an inch, and dust flew.

His elbow hit the excavator hard, pushing the huge excavator five meters away, and it collapsed with a loud bang!

Immediately, the workers were amazed.

This is simply a monster, a dinosaur in human form. If this collision hits a person, it will be terrible. It will be like being hit by a fast car, and he will spit blood and fly dozens of meters away!

The people present were feasting their eyes. They used to think that Cheng Dama was just strong, but they didn't expect his kung fu to be so terrifying!

Dama strode back to Zhou Yun and asked humbly, "Boss, this is the Iron Mountain Support in Baji Collapse. I was afraid of damaging the excavator, so I didn't use all my strength. In fact, it can be stronger."

Zhou Yun smiled with satisfaction and said, "Very good."

In fact, he was also very surprised in his heart. He knew that Dama was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so awesome.

It is estimated that the generals of the Dragon King in the novel are no more than this. In ancient times, they would be people who expanded the territory and dominated one side!

It's a bargain, a big bargain!

Feeling happy, Zhou Yun continued, "I don't know what the scene will be like if it hits someone."

"Well, go and use the Iron Mountain Support on Chen Donglai. I will be responsible if anything happens."

He ordered Dama to do things in an ordering tone, just to see if he would listen.

If he can't get over the hurdle in his heart, then Zhou Yun's expectations of him will be reduced.

Cheng Dama stepped towards Chen Dong without hesitation, his face full of ferocity. He had been unhappy with him for a long time, so he would not hold back!

He did not lie, he did whatever Zhou Yun told him to do immediately, without even a second of hesitation.

Chen Dong was almost scared to death, but fortunately he reacted quickly and ran away at a very fast speed, using all his strength to escape, without even begging for mercy.

Are you kidding me? Being hit by Dama is terrible, he will die!

Cheng Dama was about to chase him, but Zhou Yun immediately stopped him and said, "Forget it, it's not worth getting angry over such a small person."

"Very good, very good, Dama, you really deserve a million-dollar monthly salary!"

"Go and bring your luggage over and put it in my fleet. Some useless clothes are not needed. I will ask Jing Wan Ning... the beautiful woman next to me to advance you a month's salary."

"Then when you have time, go buy new clothes yourself."

"By the way, don't buy too cheap ones, otherwise it will be too bad to follow me. Forget it, just wear security clothes."

I originally wanted Cheng Dama to buy branded clothes. After all, with such a high salary, I want to buy as many pieces as I want.

But when I think of him being used to being poor and having never seen a luxurious life, he probably thinks that the most expensive clothes are only about a hundred yuan... This is absolutely not possible!

Therefore, just let Jing Wan Ning arrange it for him.

Cheng Dama walked away in a muffled voice, with a cheerful pace, as if he had been reborn.

Zhou Yun smiled secretly, wondering how Ye Chen would feel if he faced the Kung Fu master who should have belonged to him in the future.

But he did not forget the main business.

He said to all the migrant workers: "I have understood your situation."

"Workers who have not settled their accounts in the previous project can go to the finance department to settle the balance, and the group will send the funds."

"And for this commercial street project, according to the contract, the bill must be settled after the project is completed. You can ask your person in charge for details."

As he finished speaking,

There was a warm cheer at the scene, and many people breathed a sigh of relief. Many workers who were struggling to make ends meet at home also cried and thanked Zhou Yun repeatedly.

Some old workers took off their hats and wanted to kneel down to Zhou Yun, but they were finally stopped by Zhou Yun's security guards. He didn't want to shorten his life.

Then Zhou Yun said to Jing Wan Ning: "How much working capital can be mobilized in the short term on the group's books?"

Now 95% of the company's shares belong to him, and he can mobilize these funds independently without notifying anyone.

"There are about... 2 billion, of course, this does not count the Zhou family's property." Jing Wan Ning made a simple calculation.

Although Yuchen Group is a 10 billion group, it is only a market value, not a 10 billion working capital.

Selling the entire company and exchanging all real estate for cash would only amount to more than 28 billion.

And Zhou Yun used Zhou's family's private money to buy shares, not the group's working capital.

"If you calculate it this way..."

Zhou Yun roughly calculated and found that the money he could take out now was only 50 to 60 billion.

This amount of money was enough to bid for the large project of more than 20,000 acres of land.

But the subsequent capital investment was not enough.

He had to find a way to make more money under the foundation of the Immovable Group.

"How much salary do these workers owe?" Zhou Yun continued to ask.

Jing Wan Ning contacted the financial department and soon got the answer: "More than 20 million."

"Not bad." Zhou Yun nodded.

This amount of money was nothing to him.

When the court ruled that the Shu family lost the case and began to claim compensation, they could probably recover hundreds of millions of funds by digging deeper.

Although it was not much, it was also a loss.

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "It's time to expand the territory again."

He wanted to create a business empire belonging to the Zhou family, and it was still a long way to go to be on par with world-class groups.

Now, even the families in Beijing, such as the Ye family, can easily kill him.

So, we have to find a way to make more money quickly.

Just when Zhou Yun was looking at the sky and thinking about something, Cheng Dama simply packed up his gifts and came back.

When he learned that Zhou Yun had solved the wage problem for the migrant workers, Dama praised him again and again: "I am now more convinced that you are a good boss. I don't have much brains, and I am most afraid of following the wrong person, but now it seems that you are a person who is really worth my life to protect, and I will definitely listen to you!"

"Then if I ask you to blow up the Sakura Shrine, will you go?"

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Zhou Yun asked Cheng Dama, who was in the co-pilot seat, jokingly.

"There is such a good thing?" Cheng Dama was ecstatic.

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